CCR2007249. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #249-2007 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT (HRA) PLAN DOCUMENT AND ADOPTION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The Common Council approved a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Plan Document and Adoption Agreement in January of 2007 with the adoption of Resolution #018-2007; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed and recommended a higher deductible for 2008 with the City funding the change in deductible amount; and WHEREAS, The HRA Plan Document for the City's Section 105 program must be amended to reflect the change in the deductible amount; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached amendment entitled "Exhibit A" and has recommended approval to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached amendment to Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Plan Document and Adoption Agreement (Exhibit A). DATED THIS 11th DAY OF December ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #249-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 12/07jmb . . . EXHIBIT A AMENDMENT TO THE City of Muskego HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT Plan Document 8r. Summary Plan Description The Plan Sponsor Section of the Adoption Agreement is revised to read as follows: Maximum Plan Year Reimbursement Amount Single Deductible: Employee Plus One Deductible: Family Deductible: $ 1,750 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 . . . V I' . <' ~';J-' \/' \(>(.,) ii I-t .., I I CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance/Common Council To: Common Council Re. Strategic Goal #: (for future use) From: City Administrator Presenter(s): Jennifer Sheiffe~~ Subject: Topic for Presentation/Report to Common Council: ].Cpî\,val of Amendment to Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Plan Document and Adoption Agreement Date: December 6, 2007 Background Information: The City is required under IRS Section 105 rules to have a Plan Document for our health reimbursement accounts. The City set up the Section 105 program as a tool to reimburse employees for City funded health insurance deductibles. As you will recall, Council approved moving to a health plan deductible of $2,000 per indiv./$4,000 per family. The employees share of that is $250/$500 if it is needed and the City would pay the balance if it is needed ($1,750/$3,500). Key Points and/or Information for Discussion (Maximum of 5): 1. Since we are changing the deductibles from what we initially set up, we are required to amend the Plan document accordingly and distribute that to employees. Recommendation for Action by Finance/Common Council: Approval ofthe resolution amending the HRA Plan Document to reflect the new deductible amounts and City funded share. Fiscal Note(s): N/A Total $ Requested: $0 Amount of Total Requested Budgeted: Amount of Total Requested Unbudgeted: Expenditure Account(s) number recommended be used: