CCR2007230. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #230-2007 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Ace Industrial Properties WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on October 25, 2007 to finalize a four-lot land division of the Ace Industrial Properties property located on Moorland Road in the NE ~ of Section 3 (Tax Key Nos. 2169.993 and 2172.851); and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission amended and adopted Resolution #P.C. 106-2007 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a four-lot land division of the Ace Industrial Properties property located on Moorland Road in the NE ~ of Section 3 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 106-2007, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER ,2007. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #230-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11/2007jmb . *1- CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING ALL OF OUTLOT 1 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 10174 AND A PART OF THE NORTHEAST V4, SOUTHWESr 1A AND SOUTHEAST 1A OF THE NORTHEAST V4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE aTY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUN1Y, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR: ANNETTE C. NELSON, RlS 5-2721 YAGeY COlBY ASSOCIATES PO BOX 180500 DElAFIElD. 'M 53018 (262) 646-6855 SURVEY FOR: OTT DE\IElOPMENT 1900 E. COLLEGE AVENUE CUDAHY, 'M 53110 S 1/4 CORNER SEe. 34-6-20 344,616.46 ~503'740'79 NI/4 ----- SE~~2 N89'OO'~7"E 3#,618.06 23.12 2,503.717.671 ~ 1m VI p -t 1m I:: . VI z 8 ,... ...1 VlO co,...""1 ~()~ ~crl'1 ~'{'~ ID N;U !1'o~ co 1'1 -Þ:. > VI -t . z g ~:l ~ I,,",~ 00 1&1= ~ . LEGEND 1iþ- - CONe. MON. W/ BRASS CAP FND. O@ - 2" IRON PIPE FOUND (UNLESS OTHERWISE STAlED) . - 1" DlA. IRON PIPE SET, 18" LONG. WT. - 1.13 LBS./LIN. FT. NOlE: SEE SHEET 2 .. 3 FOR MORE DETAIl.. SEE SHEET 4 FOR lINE .. CURVE TABLES !l'!?!&-1I!5! .h&!:!.d&- N88O45'40"E 742.44' .... ~ . '" IN å> "1 0 ISO z Ie ~ t[ ~ I'" . I~ ~ Ir ~ '" 1;/ '" lit 0 ~ z 1",,8 0 0 I !"~ ~~ .I ~ 800 -- lilt PUaJC ROHI WAY 10 BE DEDICA'IBI '" 8 I ..., --, .1: + '-~- -', g ~' \~ SEE SHEET 5 \ "I FOR DETAR. \ :g \ WE11.ANDS \ - g '-. DElINEA'IED BY NRC. !He. [" LOT3 320,114 s.r. 7.3$ ACRES \. \.. S88O17'31"W 746.40' , !ln2!!!!8d-ha~ BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. SOUTH ZONE (NAD 1927) GRID NORTH ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECl1ON 3-5-20 AS 5OO19'58"E. PROJECT NO. 15126 THIS INSlRUMENT DRAFlED BY ANNETTE C. NELSON "\ \ \. \ , , \ '\ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I ,t I'" I (, .... J --.. f - oJ-"I""", ;"----"" -- 5.7' E -;";" - -;" 3.1' N OF /,1- --'... J CORNER ~- / \,./ .:'-- _/ r/i88O1{'32"W,745.4 ' 'l'JÁ I I .Q.~~ SCALE: 1- = 300' ~ 300 SHEET 1 OF 9 . . . Planning Department w I Res 0* ~ 3 t) - e2DO7 Meß1o To: Council From: Jeff Muenkel, AlC~ Date: November 19, 20 Re: ACE Industrial Properties CSMs At Council tonight you will find two CSMs dividing lots on the west side of Moorland Road just south of College Avenue. These CSMs are related to the GE Structure and site plan that was approved by Planning Commission on Tuesday November 6th, 2007 (also directly related to TIF #10 and associated developer's agreements). The land divisions divide the lot for the GE Structure, setup the intemal roadways for the "Muskego Commeræ Center", and setup three additional lots for future businesses in the Commeræ Center. The second CSM also divides the lots further to allow a future water storage facility lot that is dedicated to the City. This water storage facility site will be used for a future water tower that is needed to serve development of the Moorland Corridor and surrounding neighborhoods. Please note that we have the CSMs on for discussion so that we may publicly note and discuss the water storage location. The current reserved location is along College Avenue about 300 feet west of the College Avenue/Moorland Road intersection into Muskego. It is staff's intent to have the water tower in between the forest that exists here at the highest point of grade. The water tower must be at about 965 feet for adequate pressure of this area, thus a water tower will most likely be bout 90 feet tall when installed (Note: for comparison, the tower in the industrial park is about double this height). A design of a water tower would have to go in front of the City's Planning Commission to address design and any supporting aesthetics (graphics, color, etc.). The construction of the infrastructure (road, sewer, water, etc.) for of the Muskego Commerce Center shown on the CSMs will be setup in a developer's agreement that is part of the TIF #10 resolutions. Thank You.