CCR2007225. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #225-2007 APPROVAL OF REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT Oakridge Glen Subdivision WHEREAS, City Engineer Bonestroo, Inc. has submitted a request for a letter of credit reduction for the Oakridge Glen Subdivision in the amount of $120,000; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has recommended that the letter of credit for the Oakridge Glen Subdivision be reduced by $120,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve a reduction in the letter of credit for the Oakridge Glen Subdivision in the amount of $120,000. DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #225-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 10/07jmb . . . \JJ ( /<e )0# ,,(.z~~ 2DO7 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee/Common Council To: Finance Committee/Common Council From: Engineering.Department, David J. White, P.E., City Engineer ~ Subject: 4th Reduction of Letter of Credit for Oakridge Glen Development Date: November 15, 2007 Background Oakridge Glen subdivision is located off of Martin Drive north of Janesville Road. The City and Borchardt Loving Trust entered into a Developer's agreement in August 2006 which required a letter of credit for the full amount ($2,178,691.00) of the development's improvements. Construction on the project began in August 2006 with the work being inspected by Bonestroo & Asso. Borchardt Loving Trust has satisfactorily completed the base course of asphalt and is requesting that their letter of credit be reduced by $133,570.34. Bonestroo recommends reducing the letter credit by $120,000.00 as that is amount in the letter of credit for the asphalt base course work. Attached please rmd a work sheet detailing the letter of credit information and the previous reductions. Recommendation for Action by Committee/Council: I recommend that the Oakridge Glen letter of credit be reduced by $120,000.00. Fiscal Note(s): None Total $ Requested: Amount of Total Requested Budgeted: Amount of Total Requested Unbudgeted: Expenditure Account(s) number recommended be used: S:\CITYHALL\Engineering\Subdivisions\Oakridge Glen\LOC reduction #4 111507.doc . .. Bonestroo Owner: CitY of Muskeao Date: November 14, 2007 For Period: Aori113, 2007 thru November 14, 2007 Reauest No: 4 Contractor: Wayne Borchardt Builders REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OAK RIDGE GLEN SUBDIVISION BONESTROO FILE NO. 1728P-06-006 CITY OF MUSKEGO LETTER OF CREDIT CONTRACT #522 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount 2 Change Order - Addition 3 Change Order - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount $ 2,178.691.00 $ $ 5 6 7 Current Letter of Credit Amount Amount Approved this Request Revised Letter of Credit Amount $ $ $ $ 2.178.691.00 429,844.00 120,000.00 309.844.00 . Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO, INC. ~ßP~ Date: l \-\$ -07 . . ~ 't ~ N:\ 172B\172B06006\WordlPsLRequests\lOCIU_summary_11-14-07^jdk,xts OAKRIDGE GLEN COST REDUCTION SUMMARY Contract Requested Appro,'ed Pnviously Amount % .. Item Quantity Quantity Quantity Approved to Date Complete Tills Period This Period 1 Road Construction a Excavation tø Subgmde SI25.000.00 $0.00 SO 00 $125,000.00 $ 125.00000 100.0% b Støne Base Materail S50,00000 SO.oo $000 S50,OOOoo S50,000.OO 100.0% c Bltuminøus Base Course Pavement 5120,00000 $132,05280 $120,000.00 $000 SI20,OOO 00 1000% d Bituminøus Surface Cøurse Pavement S75.ooo 00 SI.51754 SO 00 SO.OO $000 0.0% e Concrete Pavement $000 SO 00 SO 00 SO 00 $000 f Other (Adjust Castings) S3.500.00 SO 00 $000 $000 SO.OO 0.0% g Engineering Inspections S4,oooOO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO 0.0% Totals $377,500.00 S133,57034 S120,ooo.00 $175.00000 S295,00000 2 Site Grading - Landscaping a Lot GradIng SI25,000.00 $000 $000 SI25.ooo.00 5125,00000 100.0% b Drainage Ditch Construction $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 c Retention Pond Construction $50,000.00 SO.OO 50.00 550,000.00 S50,ooo 00 100.0% d Parking Area Cønst. - ine!. pavement $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 e Tree and Shrub Planting $0.00 5000 50.00 50.00 $000 f Landscaping as specified by City $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $000 g Erosion Control $6.50000 $0.00 SO.OO S6,50000 $6,50000 100.0% h Engineering Inspections S2,5oo.00 $000 SO 00 SO.OO $000 0.0% i Other SO.OO SO.OO 50.00 SO.OO $0.00 Totab $184,000.00 so 00 SO 00 $181,500.00 $181.50000 3 Topsoil, Seeding I Sodding a Road Ditch Area $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 b Trermce Areas. in ROW $0.00 SO 00 SO.OO SOCiO $0.00 c Drainage Ditches $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 5000 $0.00 d Retention Ponds $51,736,00 SO.OO $0.00 $51,736.00 $51,736.00 100.0% . e Areas as Specified by the City 50.00 $000 SO 00 5000 SO.OO f Engineenng Inspections SI,500.00 $0.00 so 00 SO 00 $0.00 00% g Other $0.00 5000 SO 00 $0.00 $0.00 Totals $53.236.00 $0.00 $000 $51,736.00 $51,736.00 4 CODcrete ImprovemeDts a Curb and Guter $99,755.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99,75500 $99,755.00 1000% b Sidewalk SO.OO SO.OO SO.oo $0.00 $0.00 c Blvd .Ilraffic islands $000 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 d Ditch Invens $0.00 so 00 $000 SO.OO SO 00 e Engineering mspections S3,5oo.oo $0.00 SO 00 $000 SO.OO 0.0% f Other SO.OO $000 SO.OO SO 00 $0.00 Tota Is 5103.255.00 SO 00 SO.OO $99,75500 $99,75500 5 Sanitary Sewer System a Mams, Risers. Manholes $375,000.00 $0.00 SO 00 $375.000.00 $375,00000 10000/, b Laterals $35,000.00 $0.00 SO 00 S35,000 00 S35,000.00 100.00/, c Dumping Stalion & Genernlor $000 SO.OO SO 00 SO.OO SO.OO d Force Main $000 $000 SO 00 $000 SO.OO e Grinder Pumps & Chamber - Indiv. Dwelling $0.00 SO 00 SO 00 SO.OO 50.00 f Engineenng Inspections SI2,5oo00 $000 SO.OO 50.00 SO.OO 0.0% g Other $0.00 SO,OO SO.OO SO.oo 50.00 Totals 5422.500.00 SO 00 SO.OO S410.000.oo 5410,O()OOO 6 Water Main System a Mains, Valves, Manholes 5255,000.00 50.00 SO 00 $255,000.00 5255,00000 100.0% b Hydrants and Leads $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.000.00 $100,000.00 1000% c Waler Services 5100,000.00 SO.OO $000 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 100.0% d Well & Pump House SO.OO $000 $000 $000 $000 e Engineering Inspections $9,500,00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 0.0% f Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 . Totals 5464,500.00 SO 00 5000 $455,000.00 5455,000.00 N. \ 1 728\1728O6OO8\WonI\P"y_RoqueIlsIl0Cl4_summa"c 11-14-07'jdhls Contract Requt5ted Approved Previously Amount % No. Item Quantity Quantily Quantity Appro\'ed to Date Complete 7 Storm Se,,'er Sy'stem . Manholes and Mains S350,000.00 50,00 SO 00 $350.00000 5350,000()() 100,0% Catchbasins and Leads S98,oooOO $0,00 $0,00 $25,85600 S25,85600 26.4% Culverts $0,00 $0,00 50,00 SO 00 $000 d Drain Tile $000 $0,00 50,00 so 00 so 00 e HeadwallsfDlscharge Structures SO,OO 50,00 $000 so 00 SO,OO f Engineering Inspections $9,200,00 $0,00 $0,00 so 00 SO 00 0,0% g Other SO,oo $0,00 50,00 so 00 SO 00 Totals S457,200.00 SO,oo SO,OO S375,856,00 $375,85600 8 Special I Mise Improvements a Street Lights S5.ooo.00 50,00 5000 SO,OO $000 0,00/. b Street Signs SI,500,00 $0,00 5000 $000 $0,00 000/. C SIgns as Specified by the City 50,00 $0,00 $0,00 $000 50,00 d ErosIon ControlNeg, Retainage 565,000,00 50,00 5000 $0,00 SO,OO 00"1. e Other - Ai Use Penalty 50,00 $000 $000 5000 50,00 Totals 571,500.00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 50,00 9 Fees a City Administration 52,50000 SO,OO 5000 $0,00 $000 00% b Engincenng Inspections $0,00 SO,oo 5000 SO 00 $000 c Engineermg AsbUlIt Drawmgs for W/S $41,000.00 SO 00 SO.oo SO 00 $0,00 0,0% d Legal 51.500.00 $000 $0,00 $000 $0,00 00% e Land Acquisition SO.OO $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $000 f Uther 50.00 $000 $000 50,00 5000 Totals S45,OOO.00 $0,00 SO,OO 50,00 $0,00 Total Project Estimate 52,178,691.00 Letter of Credit Amount 52,178,691,00 Total Work Completed to Date 5133,57034 5120.000,00 51,748.847,00 $1,868.84700 858% Quantities Previously Paid $1,748,847.00 . Amount Requested this Request $133,570,34 Amount Approved this Request $120,00000 Revised Letter of Credit $309,84400 . N:\ 1728\ 172808008\Word'Pay - RequestIIl.OOI4_lumma'Y- 11.14-O7'jdk, ,I. . Payne & Dolan, Inc. "Paving tM Way to the Future" INVOICE TO: WAYNE BORCHARDT BUILDERS W234 55460 BIG BEND ROAD WAUKESHA, WI 53186 DATE: June 26, 2007 PROJECT MANAGER: KRIS KIESGEN CUSTOMER I: 111045 INVOICE II: 104093-03 JOB NAME: OAKRIDGE GLEN For furnishing the necessary labor, materials and equipment to complete the above named project as follows: COMPLETION OF ASPHALT BINDER $ 132,052.80 ""'- INSTALLATION OF ASPHALT SURFACE AT ENTRANCE S 1,112.54 SUBTOTAL $ 133,165.34 . COMPLETION OF 15 TON UNDERCUT AT ENTRANCE $ 405.00 . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE: $ 133,570.34 If you have any questions on this invoice, please contact me @ 262-524-1805 rhonk you. . ~/-- Remit To: P.O. Box 781 - Waukesha, WI 53187-0781 262-524-1700 - fAX 262-52-4-1845 INVOICE DUE NET UPON RECEIPT . . . PARTIAL WAIVER OF CONSTRUCTION LIEN ~779.05, Wis. Stats Dale: October 12,2007 1. Claimant's Name: Claimant's Address: PA YNE & DOLAN, INC. PO Box 781, Waukesba. WI 53187.{)781 .., Property Improved by Contractor's Work (check one): [8J St~t address: Martin &. Janesville, Muskego 0 Legal description attached. 3. Contractors work furnished at the request of: WAYNE BORCHARDT BUILDERS In;unc of party which reqoeslcd or comr&Cled for w'lrk) 4. V.'aiver of lien rights, contingent upon rL"CCipt of payment, is made for (select one): [gj The following work: Asphalt Paving @ Oakridge GJen (insert description or twc of labor and/or materials supplied b) Contractor. including percentage peñormed dollarvalue,and dates as necessary to accuratel) describe the Work being waived, stating exceptions, if any) 0 All Work to date of this Waiver in thc amount of: 5. Title Companies, Lendcrs or others may require disclosure ofthc Contractor's subcontractors and material suppliers before disbursement of funds related to the Contractor's above. described Work. If 50 required, specify name(s) of Contractor's subcontractors and material suppliers furnishing any portion of the Work being waived: t al1a,;h aùditiorl<ll sheets if necessary) CONTRACTOR NAME: PA YNE & DOLAN INC. ,/ By: Authorized Agent's Name: Steven O. liggins (print name ofpcrson signing abovc) Title: Vice President Address: Telephone Number: POBox 781, Waukesha, Wl 53187-0781 ------- 262-524- J 700 NOTE: This is a I.ondilional wltiver of lien rights In that the validity ofthlS waiver is dependent upon thc actual receipt of payment. lfthe ched< issued is returned "NSF" or payment stopped, this waiver of1icn is void, ~ '779,05 Waivers of Lica. Prondes. io part "( I) .o\n} document signed by a ticn claimant or potcotial cÎalmant and purporllng t,1 be a waiver of construction lien righl5 under this subchapter. is valid and binding lIS a waivcr whethe:r or oot considerntion was p3id therefor and ,,1Ic1h~r Ille document wa.~ sigr.ed berore nr after !be taror or malerial was furnished or contrdCled for. An) ambiguity In such document shall Þe constnled against the person signing il. Any waiver documenl shall be d~mcd to "'aiv'c all lien nghts of the signer for all labor and materials furnished or to be furnish1:d by the: claimant al any time for the: improvcmenl 10 whICh IIx: waivcr rc:latcs. except to the C'xtl:nl that the document specif1C8lfy IInd expressly limits the waivcr 10 apply to a particular poni!.)n of such labor and matenals. A lien claimant or potential lien claimant of whom a waiver is requested IS enlilic:d to refuse to furnish a waJ\'C'r uol1:$$ paid in full for ,he: \WOrk or matc:ríaJ to which the WlIivCT ~Iates. A waiver furnished is a \v3.J\'t.'f of lien rights onl). and nOI or any contr2Ct righl' of the claimant otherwise existing.. Contractors tàílure to pay il5 subcontractors or material suppliers from monies received for í!S Work may result in civil or cnminalliabihty under \Viscon~in's theft by contractor slatutc. f779.02{S" Wis. Slal5, 104093 - Û'<lkridge Glen C Stale Bar of \VISCOMin . 0(-:to'-'PI' "F" ~("\('\~ City of ~:uskËgo ENG IXEER:::NG VEPT. Di rector Enclosed Flease find invcice anc1. "Cliver frem r>ayne a!1ç~ J'o1;=m ~rr. in the amount of $'11,;;n.1~. Please adjust our T.etter of Creèit for 0a\rr;.4ae r.'0r Sl11--,.<i\",S;ÜT'\ accord ing1 y. """anl.- "'0\1 . .