CCR2007175. . . COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #175.2007 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DONATION OF LAND TO WAUKESHA COUNTY FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF RACINE AVENUE AND HILLENDALE DRIVE WHEREAS, Waukesha County is planning to install traffic signals at the Racine Avenue and Hillendale Drive intersection in the fall of 2007; and WHEREAS, The County will require approximately 158 square feet of new right of way and 1,547 square feet of Temporary Limited Easement (TLE) from a parcel of land owned by the City of Muskego in order to grade and construct the roadway; and WHEREAS, Waukesha County has requested that the City donate the right of way and TLE rather than go through the lengthy and expensive land acquisition process allowed under Wisconsin State law; and WHEREAS, The City Engineer agrees that it is in the best interest of the City to donate the land to the County; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the County's request and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the donation of land to Waukesha County for the installation of traffic signals at the Racine Avenue and Hillendale Drive intersection. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City to finalize the donation of land to Waukesha County. DATED THIS 11 TH ,2007. DAY OF SEPTEMBER SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #175-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 9/07jmb ~ e 02 3 9 SEP 20 b QUIT CLAIM DEED RE3004S 790 Document No. Exempt from fee: s. 77.25(2) . The City of Muskego quit-claims to Waukesha County the following described real estate in Waukesha County, Wisconsin: 11111111111111 WC3514183-00 1 Leaal Description: Fee title in and to all that part of the Southeast one-quarter of the northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 5734, recorded in Volume 46 of Certified Survey Maps on Page 291 as Document 1518029, Waukesha County Records; thence South 88045' 44" West along the north line of said Parcel 1 9.14 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Hillendale Drive; thence North 37058' 35" East along said southerly right of way line 56.44 feet to the point of beginning of the lands described herein: thence continuing North 370 58' 35" East 49.35 feet to a point; thence South 52029' 33" East, 6.22 feet to a point; thence South 450 00' 44" West, 49.78 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 158.36 square feet, more or less. 3514183 REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY. WI RECORDED ON. 09-20-2007 B : 49 AM MICHAEL J. HASSL INGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 4. 00 REC. FEE-CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE-STATE: PAGES: 1 t~(PY This space is reserved for recording data Return to: Waukesha County Department of public Works 1320 Pewaukee Rd Room 220 Waukesha WI 53188 Also, a temporary limited easement for the public purpose and right to construct a highway project, including the placement or removal of soil, grading of roadway slopes, and the creation of fill or cut slopes in the temporary limited easement area to match the new roadway grade, as well as the right of ingress and egress as long as required for the construction of the highway project, including the right to operate the necessary equipment thereon, and the right to preserve, protect, remove or plant thereon any vegetation that the highway authorities may deem necessary or desirable. Said easement is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 5734, recorded in Volume 46 of Certified Survey Maps on Page 291 as Document 1518029, Waukesha County Records; thence South 88045' 44" West along the north line of said Parcel 1 9.14 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Hillendale Drive and the point of beginning of those lands described herein; thence North 37058' 35" East 56.44 feet to a point; thence North 450 00' 44" East 49.78 feet to a point; thence South 52029' 33" East, 11.17 feet to a point; thence South 37058' 35" West 91.50 feet to a point on the north line of said Parcel 1; thence South 88045' 44" West 22.36 feet to the point of beginning. Said easement contains 1,547.78 square feet and shall terminate upon completion of the highway project or on the day the roadway is open to the traveling public, whichever is first. Parcel Identification NumberfTax Key Number MSKC 2190 998 001 . u)CÞ"PtJ ìÛ4 II - , THE CITY OF MUSKEGO () - / 2 - (j 7 fEE (Date) ~# J7-~~ WAUKESHACo""~ )". . nature) EXEMPT. On the above date, this instrument was acknowledged before me by the named person(s). John R. Johnson, Mayor (print Name, Title) ry Public, State of Wisconsin) .",,\\\,,"I&HII'IIII~ Jill Blenski ~-r:. 'LEN~';.~ (Print or Type Name, Notary Public, State is In) ~ I ..\.O1A" '\ 9/7/2008 j I ~ J.. == - == (Date Commission Expires) S A Ü, n ~ ~ ~ ~ . Project 06-2779(14) This instrument was drafted by Waukesha County CTH Y at Hillendale Dr Page 1 of 1 LP A 3040 B/97 . DONATION - WAIVER OF APPRAISAL RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVAL Owner The Ciyt of Muskego Attn: David White, PE Acres/Sq. Ft. Required 158.36 sf Fee and 1,547.78 square feet Temp Easement I The undersigned owner(s) of the above lands hereby declare an intent to dedicate said lands. Having been fully informed of the right to have the property appraised and to receive just compensation based upon an appraisal, the undersigned further state that the decision to dedicate said lands was made without any undue influence or coercive action of any nature, and that the right to an appraisal and to just compensation is hereby waived. It is intended that the instrument of conveyance will be executed upon presentation by Waukesha County agents or representatives. . törP1f THE CITY OF MUSKEGO ~tL~ ~') q Ii 1.,/ û ) (Date) -07 (Date) APPROVED FOR WAUKESHA COUNTY (2.w (Ä . ,0$ 9 !/~O7 (Date) . Project 10 06-2779(14) CTH Y at Hilendale Dr Parcel 2 City of Muskego . . . Parcel No.: Project 1.0.: Grantor: Interest Req'd.: 2 06-2779(14) City of Muskego FEE, T.L.E. Fee title in and to all that part of the Southeast one-quarter of the northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 5734, recorded in Volume 46 of Certified Survey Maps on Page 291 as Document 1518029, Waukesha County Records; thence South 880 45' 44" West along the north line of said Parcel 1 9.14 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Hillendale Drive; thence North 370 58' 35" East along said southerly right of way line 56.44 feet to the point of beginning of the lands described herein: thence continuing North 370 58' 35" East 49.35 feet to a point; thence South 520 29' 33" East, 6.22 feet to a point; thence South 45000' 44" West, 49.78 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 158.36 square feet, more or less. Also, a temporary limited easement for the public purpose and right to construct a highway project, including the placement or removal of soil, grading of roadway slopes, and the creation of fill or cut slopes in the temporary limited easement area to match the new roadway grade, as well as the right of ingress and egress as long as required for the construction of the highway project, including the right to operate the necessary equipment thereon, and the right to preserve, protect, remove or plant thereon any vegetation that the highway authorities may deem necessary or desirable. Said easement is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 5734, recorded in Volume 46 of Certified Survey Maps on Page 291 as Document 1518029, Waukesha County Records; thence South 880 45' 44" West along the north line of said Parcel 1 9.14 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Hillendale Drive and the point of beginning of those lands described herein; thence North 370 58' 35" East 56.44 feet to a point; thence North 450 00' 44" East 49.78 feet to a point; thence South 52029' 33" East, 11.17 feet to a point; thence South 37058' 35" West 91.50 feet to a point on the north line of said Parcel 1; thence South 88045' 44" West 22.36 feet to the point of beginning. Said easement contains 1,547.78 square feet and shall terminate upon completion of the highway project or on the day the roadway is open to the traveling public, whichever is first. . . . Waukesha Co. CADD Sh. 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