CCR2007136.' . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #136-2007 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP James Kindler WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on June 4, 2007 to finalize a three-lot land division of the James Kindler property located on Kelsey Drive in the NW 1/4 of Section 31 (Tax Key Nos. 2282,996 and 2282.995); and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 075-2007 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a three-lot land division of the James Kindler property located on Kelsey Drive in the NW 1/4 of Section 31 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 075-2007. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS 26TH DAY OF JUNE ,2007. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #136-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/2007jmb nl n ~ æ ~ ~ \:!J ~ ~i In)r -.--,IJìlj In \ I' !j , ,',: JUN 2 I 20& ,~.~! ,--....------...__.-1 I . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A PART OF THE NW X AND THE SW X OF THE NW X OF SECTION 31, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. UNLLA1!gQ ~ND NECORNER NW Y. 31.5.20 6"x6" CONe. MON. W/BRASS CAP N 317,836.47 E 2.488,260.61 . o tn ~n ~;J;> Z tn 0,......( a on L N 0< 0 '" a ." 0' In ~,......( c:5 v, CZ N l;gl~ ~ :. 12\1~ ~ <; 1\'-11~:;jn I~I~ ~O'- KELSEY DRNE &1 C 6 g3'-'.-'-1'.-"-"-'~~ 'n t I.. \13 j g] 1<:' i 0 - --t~'--Î ~ . \~ ! t j '0 i 0 ! bv I d Q \ _____J_.._____J ~ ~ - 0 ~ VICINITY MAP ." ~ ;;ï ~ NW Yo SEe. 31 T5N RZOE ~ f;ì ~ 8 J,' ,3 4 ;^~' I >--' '\ ~:s... .. 1"'~ '" ,,;/,)>.- '-.1 ",n ~ 9< ~",,, 91 I ð'J07\ci>...>: 1 ,~----q, 1:"" s, ii, ~. I - ~ ~ ~"'-..~.. -;::. ",,~3~ )8 ~(:i' rll'" '~J~ "~ I " s 8 20'2T'WJ\ I) ?;9' 367.09'/ " . ~ I 'i/" rMf.Ldl @.ÌJlJ'.HP~" . y;:z"~~~ 12 SETBACKS: (fl \;:g STREET -75' a SIDE/REAR = 30' N I:> 0 I~ WETLANDS = 50' >Þ- SCALE: 0' N \~ I" = 200' ~ I~ tTi NWCORNER NW Y. 31.5.20 6"x6" CONe. MON. W/8RASSCAP N 317,763.09 E 2,485,761.07 ------- 0' 0' U1 a Q VISION CORNER EASEMENT The height of all plantings, berms, fences, signs or other structures within the vision corner easement is limited to 24 inches above tne elevation of the center of intersection. No access to any roadway shall'be permitted within the vision comer easement. N 880 '06" E 551.51' OUTLOT 1 15,800 S.F. 0.36 ACRES (TO BE TRANSFERED TO PARCEL B, C.S.M. NO. 691) UNfbAIJ1~I2 ~ND ----- . LOT 2 202,473 S.F. 4.65 ACRES h I~ ~ I;;; i2: 1\'-1 e tTi I'" is WETLANDS (FLAGGED BY WETLAND & WATERWAY CONSULTING ON 4-21-06 SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR COURSES) LOT 3 429,554 S.F. 9.86 ACRES v:> N >--' V1 >--' I;'; I'" n \~ In tTi 03.33.1 03.2 0 10 I"'I~ 1~IZ 'no \'-11~ IN~ 1'-' S 88019'06" W 393,00' 02046'24" E 22,96' S 88020'27" W Ie:: NOTEs,51,32' I~ 1) O' ~~~~~d~~~~:.:sI~c;,~~~~v"tBb,"~:R~~S~AL FOOT SET AT \~ ~~~'~~~i';;,J~THE WISCONSIN Sf ATE PLANECO-ORD'NATES b \~ \éi ----- PREPARED FOR: )AMES K. KINDLER W216 S10621 CROWBAR DRIVE MUSKEGO, WI. 53150 PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPHER). KUNKEL 5-1755 EDGEWOOD ENGINEERING GROUP, lNe S71 W23325 NATIONAL AVE. SUITE 5 BIG BEND, WISCONSIN 53103 EDGEWOO D ENGINEERING GROUP INC. civil engineering land surveying sile planning S71W23325NATIONALAVE.srE.5 BIGBEND WlSCONSIN53103 ~~~;lI66e2/~;oo~~~~)::T,~~~m TI-IlS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER]. KUNKEL S-1755 w \\"-"\l.!~l~"',~ O.'I\)~t\".',,;"'-U'''''1> ~'~,rq.-. (.-:<~,1 !(l"I)ly~\,i"'Il"'W.'\i,~'~.; C:'>!>1." 2.1 ('.1'1"1,'..,..,.1 '.^ C,,! SHEET 1 OF 3