CCR2007105. AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #105-2007 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL TO REQUEST WAUKESHA COUNTY TO ADDRESS CONCERNS ON RACINE AVENUE/KELSEY DRIVE WHEREAS, The Racine Avenue/Kelsey Drive intersection is a major crossroad servicing the lake Meadows Subdivision and the lake Denoon Middle School; and WHEREAS, Since January 1, 2004, 13 intersection related crashes have occurred at that intersection, including one fatality; and WHEREAS, Speed and traffic volume were factors in the seriousness and cause of those crashes; and WHEREAS, Development is increasing traffic on Racine Avenue, specifically from Racine County where Racine Avenue is the major north/south route; and WHEREAS, THE 2006 Traffic Analysis & Design, Inc. Study, commissioned by the City of Muskego for the Woodland Creek Subdivision addressing the Racine Avenue Corridor concludes a traffic signal or roundabout is needed at Kelsey Drive; and WHEREAS, The 2006 revised Waukesha County Prioritized Traffic Signal Candidates list rates that intersection number 7 of the 10 intersections on the list; and . WHEREAS, The City of Muskego's Resolution #023-2006, Resolution Of The Common Council To Request Waukesha County To Reduce The Speed Limit On Racine Avenue, dated February 14,2006, requested that the speed limit on Racine Avenue be reduced to 40 miles per hour from North Shore lane to 1500 feet north of Kelsey Drive; and WHEREAS, The need for signals at that intersection is urgent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego requests Waukesha County to review the latest traffic crash data and move the Kelsey Drive Intersection up on the Prioritized Traffic Signal Candidates List. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego further requests that Waukesha County increases the number of traffic signals that are installed (from the Prioritized Traffic Signal List) from two to three or more per year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That Waukesha County reconsider Resolution #023-2006 (attached) requesting a reduction of the speed limit on Racine Avenue in the immediate area of Kelsey Drive to 40 miles per hour. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF MAY ,2007. SPONSORED BY: Mayor John R. Johnson . This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #105-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskeg . . . PRIORITIZED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CANDIDATES Revised on 5/23/06 by PES Intersection Warrants Warrant Accident Accident Entering Notes Total Score Score Rate ADT Score Y IHilIendale 5 8.7 59 0.83 19,600 141.5 M/Brookfield 4 7.4 45 0.91 16,300 currently 4-way stop 109.8 SR/North 4 7.1 45 0.92 15,300 currently 4-way stop 99.9 Y/Gebhardt 4 4.1 51 1.01 17,800 T intersection 73.7 BarkerlNorth 2 2.1 99 1.87 18,700 currently 4-way stop 73.4 Y/Sunset 4 5.2 37 0.85 15,800 T intersection 69.8 Y/Kelsey 4 6.1 55 0.9 11,900 65.3 I/XX 2 2.6 22 0.85 9,113 20.1 Y/I 1 1 57 1.57 12,800 part of capital project 20.1 O/Pinehurst 1 1 47 0.38 43300 16.5 . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO } RESOLUTION #1 05-2007 ~ t RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL )J: TO REQUEST WAUKESHA COUNTY TO ADDRESS CONCERNS ON".~) . / RACINE AVENUE/KELSEY DRIVE ,/ r~r .r\'~ l \ (y' WHEREAS, The Racine Avenue/Kelsey Drive intersection is a major cro~road servicing the Lake Meadows Subdivision and the Lake Denoon Middle .School; and / / WHEREAS, Since January 1, 2004, 13 intersection related crashe~ave occurred at that intersection, including one fatality; and / ,I WHEREAS, Speed and traffic volume were factors in the se~sness and cause of those crashes; and /' / / WHEREAS, Development is increasing traffic on Racioé Avenue, specifically from Racine County where Racine Avenue is the major nO'fth/south route; and / WHEREAS, THE 2006 Traffic Analysis & Desigr;(lnc. Study, commissioned by the City of Muskego for the Woodland Creek Subdivisi~ addressing the Racine Avenue Corridor concludes a traffic signal or round~ut is needed at Kelsey Drive; and WHEREAS, The 2006 revised Waukest)i County Prioritized Traffic Signal Candidates list rates that intersection number 7 of .the 10 intersections on the list; and / / WHEREAS, The City of Muskego';s.'Resolution #023-2006, Resolution Of The Common Council To Request Waukesha çzounty To Reduce The Speed Limit On Racine Avenue, dated February 14, 2006, req~sted that the speed limit on Racine Avenue be reduced to 40 miles per hour from Nqrth Shore Lane to 1500 feet north of Kelsey Drive; and / WHEREAS. The need for signals at that intersection is urgent. , NOW, THEREFOR~/BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego requestsWaukesha County to review the latest traffic crash data and move the Kelsey Drive Intersection up on the Prioritized Traffic Signal Candidates List. BE IT FURT.HER RESOLVED That Waukesha County reconsider Resolution #023- 2006 (attached) requesting a reduction of the speed limit on Racine Avenue in the immediate area of Kelsey Drive to 40 miles per hour. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2007. SPONSORED BY: Mayor John R. Johnson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #105-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk- Treasurer