CCR2007102. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #102-2007 RESOLUTION APPROVING BY-LAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego approved the re-creation of the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development on February 13, 2007; and WHEREAS, It is necessary for the Committee to establish By-Laws and Rules of Procedure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached By-Laws and Rules of Procedure for the City of Muskego Economic Development Committee. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF May ,2007. SPONSORED BY: Mayor John R. Johnson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #102-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/2007jmb ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN BY-LAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE As adopted by the Common Council on May 8, 2007 . 1. GENERAL RULES BY STATUTE, ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION The Economic Development Committee (the "Committee") of the City of Muskego shall be governed and controlled by all resolutions of the City of Muskego as they relate to the Committee, and as such ordinances may hereafter be amended and adopted; and by the rules of procedure contained herein. All ordinances or resolutions of the City of Muskego as may be enacted from time to time, shall take precedence over the rules of procedure. 2. MISSION STATEMENT The Committee will work to accomplish the following missions: . A. Diversify the tax base to relieve property tax burdens, and to provide more local shopping and employment opportunities. B. Establish a memorable community image that builds on the City's small town atmosphere and natural amenities. C. Improve the overall 'climate' for economic development through public outreach, business development programming, and through the actions and behaviors of city representatives. D. Protect and improve the quality of life by balancing sound fiscal and environmental management. E. Assist in the promotion and retention of existing businesses in the community in order to retain existing employment opportunities while facilitating new growth and expansion possibilities that meet the needs of the businesses and the community. F. Aid in creating more employment opportunities via attraction of new employers to the community and by offering assistance possibilities to new and existing businesses. 3. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES The Committee shall exercise all powers conferred and perform all duties imposed, by state and local ordinance of the City of Muskego, and shall perform such further and other duties as may properly be required from time to time by the Common Council. Specific action taken related to the following powers shall be subject to review and approval by the Common Council: a) Establishment of an annual operating budget b) Issuance of debt c) Hiring of staff d) Expenditure of any funds in excess of $5,000 e) Amendments, deletions, or additions to these By-Laws . . . City of Muskego Economic Development Committee By-Laws Adopted , 2007 Specific action taken related to the following powers shall be subject to review and approval by the Plan Commission and at times, the Common Council: a) Recommendations on the following development activities: Rezonings, Land Divisions, Conditional Use Grants, Concept Plans, TIF Districts, loan requests and new/amended Building, Site, and Operation Plans (Note: The Committee will only recommend on development activities listed above of a project when requested by another established Committee such as the Planning Commission or Common Council). 4. ELECTED OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES PresidinQ Officers. The presiding officer of the Committee shall be designated as Chairperson and shall be elected annually at the first meeting of the Committee held on or after May 1 of each year. To act in the absence of the Chairperson, the Committee shall elect a Vice- Chairman to preside. In the event of absence by the Chair and Vice-Chair, the Alderman serving on the Committee shall preside over meetings. The presiding officer shall chair all meetings and shall have the right to vote and make motions; shall rule on matters of procedure, subject to appeals of such rulings by proper motion; shall conduct the meetings in accordance with Wisconsin Statute and the rules contained herein; shall have such powers and duties as may be necessary for conduct of orderly meetings; and such other powers and duties as herein assigned, or as may be assigned by the Common Council. Secretary. The Committee shall utilize the Planning Director and/or Planning Department staff to perform the tasks of the Secretary, which will include taking minutes and performing duties requested by the Committee. Such duties may include but are not limited to: correspondence and clerical work of the Committee; keeping accurate notes and minutes of all matters coming before the Committee; receiving and filing all communications, applications, and requests coming to the Committee; publish and/or mail all notices, agendas, minutes and advertisements required by law or as directed by the Committee. 5. APPOINTED OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Executive Director. The Mayor, in partnership with the City of Muskego Planning Director, shall perform the duties of Executive Director, and shall perform duties as may be required to carry out the Committee's tasks. Treasurer. The City of Muskego Finance Director shall perform the duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer of the Committee shall handle and keep a record of the financial dealings of the Committee, and may utilize the City's Finance Department staff as required to carry out the Committee's tasks. 6. AGENDAS The Mayor and/or Planning Director, or their designee, shall prepare the meeting agenda, with direction from the presiding officer. . 7. MEETINGS . City of Muskego Economic Development Committee By-Laws Adopted . 2007 Reqular Meetinqs. Regular meetings shall generally be held by the Committee at the Muskego City Hall at a time agreed to by consensus of the members of the Committee. Regular or Special meetings of the Committee may be conducted outside of City Hall as may be required from time to time to accommodate special needs, including but not limited to: (1) need for large capacity venues, (2) needs to review and inspect facilities in other communities for information gathering purposes or (3) on-site business visits. Special Meetinqs. Special meetings may be called by the presiding officer whenever in his judgement such a meeting is necessary, or whenever requested by at least three members of the Committee. Such request may be made orally. Notice of such special meetings shall be given by announcement thereof at any regular meeting, or by written or telephone notice as hereinafter provided, not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for such meeting. Any business which could be conducted at a regular meeting may be conducted at a special meeting. Quorum. A quorum for all meetings shall consist of a simple majority. Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings, regular or special, unless varied by a suspension of rules agreed to by a majority of the Committee, shall be as follows: . Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Statement of Public Notice Public Hearings (If necessary) Approval of Minutes Old Business New Business Miscellaneous Business As Authorized By Law Adjournment 8. VOTING Provided a quorum is present and except as otherwise provided by law or these rules, the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present shall be required to decide any matter up for consideration. In the event that any member shall disqualify himself from voting on any matter, such member shall nonetheless be counted in determining whether a quorum is present, but such disqualification shall not decrease the number of votes required for passage of any motion, resolution, or the taking of any other action. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS The order of business for holding public hearings shall be: . a) Reading of Public Notice by the Secretary b) A brief statement or presentation from the Executive Director as to the nature of request and the notice that was given. . City of Muskego Economic Development Committee By-Laws Adopted . 2007 C) Presentation by the applicant or petitioner, if any d) Statements of those present and wishing to speak for or against the application or petition. e) Questions by the Committee members f) Discussion by the Committee members g) Closing of hearing or if necessary adjourning the hearing to a fixed future date. Conduct of Public Hearinqs. The presiding officer shall announce immediately prior to each public hearing that no one will be heard unless they state their name and address for the record. The presiding officer shall briefly explain the order of business, and may announce that each person's statements shall be limited to a specific amount of time. The presiding officer shall have the committee to terminate any statement when the speaker's time has elapsed. Appearance. All persons desiring to be heard shall be heard. Withdrawal of Application. At any time prior to a motion to grant or refuse a request, application, or petition, the applicant may withdraw the request, application, or petition. Such withdrawal shall not entitle the applicant to a refund of any filing or publication fee which may have been paid. 10. DECISION . All final decisions by the Committee shall be in writing and shall be in the form of a decision duly adopted by resolution or via the adopted minutes. All resolutions (when necessary) shall be signed by the presiding officer and thereupon be filed with the records of the case. 11. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMON COUNCIL The Common Council should review the recommendations of the Committee. Recommendations to the Common Council may be by resolution or in such other form, as the Committee deems appropriate. 12. AMENDMENT TO RULES The general rules of procedure of the Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order where no specific statute, law, or ordinance controls. .