CCR2007022. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #022-2007 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY FOR MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF PUBLIC MONEYS FOR FOUNDATIONS BANK BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Resolution Designating Public Depository for Miscellaneous Public Accounts and Authorizing Withdrawal of Public Moneys for Foundations Bank. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Clerk-Treasurer and a member of the governing body are authorized to sign the resolution in the name of the City. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF February ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Neil Borgman This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #022-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/07jmb IJ RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY FOR MISCElLANEOUS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF PUBLIC MONEYS (Not for use by any county, city, village, town or school district.! . Ci t Y of Nus kego IMunicipaiityì , Wisconsin IT IS RESOLVED THAT Foundations Bank .' {the nFinancial InstitutionDl. qualified as a public depository under Ch. 34, Wis. Státs., is hereby designated as a depository in which thè funds of this Municipality may from time to time be deposited; that the following described accountls} be opened and maintained in the name of this Municipality with the Financial hìstitution subject to the rules and regulations of the Financial InstitutÎon from time to time in effect; that tl)e person(s) and the number thereof designated by title opposite the following designation of account(s) is hereby authorÎzed, for and on behalf of this Municipality, to sign order çhecks as provided in s. 66.042(6). Wis. Stats., for payment or withdrawal of money from' said account(s) and, to issue instrúctions regarding the same and. to endorse' for deposit, negotiation, coJlection or discount by Financial Institution any and alí checks, drafts, notes~ bills, certificates of deposit or other instruments or orders for the payment of money owned or held 'by said Municipality; that the endorsement for deposit may be.in writing, by stamp, or otherwise, with or without designation of signature of the person so endorsing; and that any officer, agent o~ employee of thìs Municipality is hereby authorized to make oral or written requests of the Financial Institutio'n for the transfer of funds or money between accounts maintained by this Municipality at the Financial Institution. . fl!ame. or Type Number of . . Type ot.Pñnt Titles of of Accoun.t Signat~res Required Authorizedpetsóns 1- Janice Moyer 1 Treasurer 2. John R Johnson 1 Mayor 3. , 4. i This Resolution includes all of the provisions on Page, 2. . , , , , This is to Certify, that the foregoing isa true and conee! C9PY of resolutions duly and legally adopted by the governin9 body of the Municìpality at an open legal meeting held on' the )3 day of hbru4..!;"y 0 2o(!7 ami said resolutions are now in fullfofce and effect. \} Signed and sealed this Í _/ i'::) day of {NPF SEAL F J._o, ' " le"/'j' '-/ . K.VJ r Le!:! } U 6= I~,-... / I, .~. I 1'/1/ } ,! 1 Ü ^ .1 I ff;../ ,--.j I /' Co, i /"1.--j/tL.cf f íì OL(X.1/ (. /. , " L f {Clerk} . Tf\e~', 'dersigned. member \.?J!. the governi!19 body ~ot autho Ized to sign order' checks certìfies thai, lhe for' oing is a eorrec1 copy of a resolution passed as therein ~~~. ,', . '--11 tê-:t'-<'~ ,~ . (?, " ('~ . ~ TItle: r4'/ -1,/ <'< .--e j :..;, ~JJð-<---Ú-. . . ~ {Strike if not applicable} @ topyriglñ CBlllþfiallt1! Sys11!ms. me. 1997 ITEM 584WRl t9701AI LEG Page 1,,1 2 Compliance Sys~ems. Inc. 800-953-8522 fAX 615-956-1868 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Financial Institution be and is hereby authorized and directed to honor, cerny pay anò charge to any of the accounts of this Municipality, all order checks for the payment, withdrawal or transfer or funds Of money deposited in these accounts or to the credit of this Municipality Tor whatever purpose or to whomever payable, including requests for conversion of such instruments into cash as well as for deduction from .' payment of cash out of any deposit, and whether or not payable to, endorsed or negotiated by or for the crediT . ny persons signing such instrument or payable to Of for the credit of any other officer, agent or empioyee of thiS Municipality, when signed, accepted, endorsed or approved by the person(s}, and the number thereof designated by ~:tIe opposite ths designation of the accot!nts descrjbed in the foregoing resolution, and to honor an~ requestls) made In accordance with the foregoing resolution, whether written or ora!, and including but not limited to, request(s} made by telephone or other electronic means, for the transfer of funds or money between accounts maintained by this Municipality at the Financial Institution, and the Financial Institution shall not be required or under any duty to inquire as to the circumstances of the issuance or:'ùseof any such instrument or request or the application or use of proceeds thereoT, fURTHER RESOLVED, that the financial Institution be ~ and is hereby authorized to comply with any process, summons,order,~ injunction; execution,.distraint, levy,~ lien; or notice of any kind {hereafter called "Process"'} received by or served upon the Financial Institution, by which, in the Financial Institution's opinion, another person or entity claims an interest in any of these accounts and Financial Institution may, iltits option and without liability, thereupon refuse to honoT orders to pay or v.rithdravv~ sums from !heseaccounts and may hold the balance therein until Process is disposed of to Financial Institution's satisfacíion. FURTHER RESOLVED, that anyone of th~ p.ersons holding the ()ffices ~of this Municipality designated àbove is hereby authorized (1) to receive for and on behalf of this Municipality, securities, currency or any other property of whatever nature held by, sent to, consigned to or delivered to. the Financial In-stitutíqn .for the accouñt of or for delivery to this Municipality, and to give receipt therefor, and the Financial InstitùlÏon is hereby authorized 1;0 make delivery of such property in accordance herewith, (2) to sell, transfer, endorse for~ sale or otherwise authorize .the sale or transfer of securities orariy other property of whatever nature held ~by, .sent to; consigned to or delivered to the financial Institution for the account of or for delivery to this Municipality, and to receive and/or apply the proceeds of any such sale to the credit of this Municipality in anY such manner as he/she/they deem(s) proper, and the Financial Institution is hereby authorized to make a sale or transfer of any ûf the aforementioned property in accordance herewith, and {3} pursuant to s. 34.07 Wis,Stats~, to accept such security and to execute such documents as said officer. deems proper and necessary to sec~ure the funds of this Municipa.lity and to issue instructions regarding the same. ~ .THER RESOLVED, that this Municipality assUI:nes full responsibility for any and aI/payments made or any other ons taken by the Financial Institution .in reliance upon the signatures of any person or persons hoiding the offices of this Municipality designated regardless, of by whom or by what means the purported signature may have been affixed to any instrument if such signatures resemble fhe specimen signatures provided to the Financial Institution or for refusing to honor any signatures not provided to the Financial institution or for honoring any requests for the transfer of funds or money between~ accounts oTfor the.instruciions from the persons designated in the foregoing resolutions regarding security for the accounts notwithstanding any inconsistent requirements of this Municipality not expressed in the foregoing resolutions, and that this Municipality agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Financial Institution against any and all claimS, demands, losses, costs, damages or expenses suffered or incurred by the Finanèial institution resulting from or arising out of any such~ payment or otheraction~ FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Municipality be and hereby is authorized and. directed to certify to the Finånciallnstítutionthe foregoing resolutions, that the provisions thereof are in cQnformity with law, the IJames, incumbencies and specimen sígnaturcls} on signature cards of the officer or officers named thereIn, and that the foregoing resolutions and signature cards and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full force afld effect until 'i:his Municipality notifies the Cashier of Financial Institution to the contrary in writing; and the Financial InstitutÎon may conclusively presume that such resolutions i3nâ si9l1ature. cards are in effect and that the persons identified therein from time to time as officers of the Municipality have been duiy elected or appointed. to and continue to hold such offices. IMPORTANT NOTE; This form should be used in ~ connection with the designation of a Public Depository andauthorizàtion for disbursement of PUBUC MONI:YS Of MISCEllANEOUS GOVERNING BODIES. See Section 34,01 {7} and B6.042(6} Wis. Stats. Facsimile siQnatures are not permitted on checks drawn auainst these accounts. ~ ~riginal and one copy of this resolution is for ~the depositoJy financial institution and,..if Treasurer is u. nder ~ora!e Surety, one copy is for the Surety Compåny, with a copy to be retained by the local clerk or secretary. By~ initialing, I 3tknowledge this,s page 2 of 2 of the ßesolutHlD Designating Publii: Depository For Miscellaneous Public Accounts and Authorizing Withdrawal of PllblicMoneys . Initiâls Initials Initials lni~tials Cempliattte systems, 1m. 80ß.9S8.85ZHAX 61f>.%IH868 @ t.pylÎ!lbt tlllßJl~imce SjstenÏs, Int~ 1997 ITEM 5t14W11119701 AI lEG Page 2 nl?