CCR2007013ø . I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #013-2007 APPROVAL OF AFFIDAVITS OF CORRECTION Certified Survey Maps - Davie/James WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego approved two certified survey maps on August 22, 2006 for the Davie/James property through the adoption of Resolution #149-2006 and Resolution #150-2006; and WHEREAS, The certified survey maps were recorded and each reflected a street name of "Crooked Ash Court"; and WHEREAS, The property owners desire to change the street name to "Harvest Court"; and WHEREAS, An Affidavit of Correction has been prepared to revise the street name on each of the above referred to certified survey maps. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Affidavits of Correction for the Davie/James certified survey maps. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF January ,2007. This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #013-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 1/2007jmb ~'S,. rS-2001 . AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 10293 DOCUMENT NO. 3425005 I, Michael P. Casey, a registered land surveyor, being first duly sworn on oath, affirm and say: THAT, this document is being written to make the following revision to Certified Survey Map No. 10293, recorded October 4, 2006, as Document No. 3425005, being a part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. STREET NAME RECORDED AS: "CROOKED ASH COURT" STREET NAME REVISED TO: "HARVEST COURT" ~ WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 2Z. DAY OF æ~k/Z..., Mi~eS~ Registered Land Surveyor S-2482 STATE OF WISCONSIN). MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) ss . PERSONALLY came before me this ~"..,( day of ~~, named Michael P. Casey, to me known to be t e person foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. ~/Il,A~ Notary Public State f W~scons~n My Commission Expires &1 ,f?~ c?J.cn 7 20 t:J1ò, the above who executed the COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: APPROVED and accepted by the Resolution No. 0/.3" ,-,2/)() 7 , as of of Muskego, , 2007. I - 3 () - ~{)()'7 JJate I - 3ö - c;)..oo 7 Date Cit 11't'l'l'J1.!J.'j,J11111 \" OT'M([c- III ~, .......... \J;r-,l\ '" $':--... ........... ..........~Q...~ ~ U/ o?-.POR-:,1: '\0 ~ gIG z<:'\~ \ \\,~[t~'~jJ} 'l Ii-. ..............,.l.~ " '11'11 ~UKE5'[~\,,\' /1//11111111\\\\\\ . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (& RETURN TO:) MICHAEL P. CASEY, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR S-2482 METROPOLITAN SURVEY SERVICE, INC. 5200 W. LOOMIS RD., GREENDALE, WI 53129 Sheet 1 of 1 RLlS _ l~ - 200'7. . AFFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 10299 DOCUMENT NO. 3425006 I, Michael P. Casey, a registered land surveyor, being first duly sworn on oath, affirm and say: THAT, this document is being written to make the following revision to Certified Survey Map No. 10299, recorded October 4, 2006, as Document No. 3425006, being a re-division of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 10293, being a part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. STREET NAME RECORDED AS: "CROOKED ASH COURT" STREET NAME REVISED TO: "HARVEST COURT" Þ'f) WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS.?Z- DAY OF Ue<:""ß&( , STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) ss ~~z~~ Michael P. Ca Registered Land Surveyor S-2482 '11",,- . ) ~.I;'; ,...."'~" 1,. ~%~ '" -; 'tr'~ . PERSONALLY came before named Michael P. Casey, foregoing instrument and acknowledged ~~Æ.~ Notary Public St~t f Wisconsin My Conunission Expires a.", á'tJ', .:;ra7í person COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL: #~"\'-"\\\\'\II,. "'.""~"''{ PUS/II"", F~O 'b \~ f *~ ~* z ~ ~ \ ~J ~J ~ ~5 ~I, '1;; <:0"f. .: 1111,,( OF WIS" "".:.F \\\\\""",.....~... /- 3 () - 2 {)07 Date of Muskego, , 20&. APPROVED and accepted by the Resolution No. () /3- o?orJ7 , as 1-,30 -;)'ðð 7 Date , ./e. ~~~I(~d", (:/~~;t:J) /, t1;. ........s0 " /J'IJI ~UK"~ """, "IIIIIIltlt\\\\ . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (& RETURN TO:) MICHAEL P. CASEY, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR S-2482 METROPOLITAN SURVEY SERVICE, INC. 5200 W. LOOMIS RD., GREENDALE, WI 53129 Sheet 1 of 1