CCR2006165. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #165-2006 AUTHORIZE ENTERING INTO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TRI-DATA, A DIVISION OF SYSTEM PLANNING CORPORATION FOR AN ASSESSMENT OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO'S PROVISION OF FIRE/RESCUE SERVICE FOR MEETING PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT OF A MASTER PLAN FOR PROVISION OF FIRE/RESCUE SERVICE WHEREAS, The Agreement for Professional Services, as attached, has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and has been recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize entering into the Agreement for Professional Services with Tri-Data, a Division of System Planning Corporation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City. DATED THIS 22nd DAY OF Auqust ,2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Eric Schroeder This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #165-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/06jmb . Memo To: From: Date: Finance Committee and Common Council City Administrator August 15, 2006 Subject: Discussion and Action on Professional Services Agreement for Assessment of the City's Provision of Fire/Rescue Service for Meeting Present and Future Needs of the Community - Development of a Master Plan for Provision of Fire/Rescue Service At the May, 2006 Committee of the Whole meeting, the Council reviewed the draft request for proposals for the Fire/Rescue study. Following discussion, the Council directed the staff to obtain proposals from consultants for the study work. In addition to advertising in the trade publications, we invited four consulting firms to submit proposals. The four firms were chosen because of past experience conducting studies specific to Fire/Rescue services. The following three (3) firms submitted proposals to do the project: McGrath Consulting Group $28,750 Matrix Consulting Group $47,000 Tri-Data, a Division of System Planning Corporation $59,737 . A committee ofthe following individuals reviewed the proposals submitted: Mayor Damaske, Ald. Schroeder, Police Chief Johnson, Director of Building InspectionlEngineering McMullen, JeffVerburgt representing Tess Comers Fire Dept. and Dominick D' Aquisto representing Muskego Fire Department and myself. The committee went through a rating process concerning the proposals and how they best met the City's needs as outlined in the City's RFP. The committee has recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a consulting agreement with Tri-Data, a Division of System Planning Corporation for the study. The committee recommended this firm over the others because beyond meeting the City's needs with its proposal as outlined in the RFP, this firm has considerable experience conducting studies involving fire/rescue services and some staff assigne~ to the project have actually .served in this field. Cost did not steer the proposal evaluation process. The intent of the evaluation process was to choose a firm that would produce the best work product to meet the needs of the City. . The recommended firm has worked for two Wisconsin communities from which we have obtained references. The City of Middleton (City Administrator) and the City of Waukesha (Fire Chief) both provided positive references for Tri-Data. Both individuals we spoke to about Tn-data we personally/professionally know and both indicated they would have no hesitation working with Tri-data again should the need arise. Their client list is extensive and I will have it available at the meeting should you like to review it. . As you will recall, specific dollars were not budgeted in the 2006 budget to complete a firelrescue study. Staff recommends funds for this project come from fund balance available in the Capital Expenditures Fund. Finance Department Supervisor Mueller estimates the fund balance to currently be approx. $450,000 considering 2006 planned expenditures. Attached to this memo, is a draft of the professional services agreement that staff and the City Attorney have put together. If authorized by the Council, the study would begin at the beginning of Sept. and take approx. six (6) months to complete. Should the Finance Committee/Common Council concur with the committee recommendation, approval of the associated resolution would be appropriate at this time authorizing the Mayor to enter into a professional services agreement with Tri-Data with such agreement approved by the City Attorney as to content and form. Jennifer . . . AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS IS AN AGREEMENT for professional services made between the CITY OF MUSKEGO, a Wisconsin municipal corporation, W182 S8200 Racine Ave., P.O. Box 749, Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0749 (CITY) and TRIDATA, A DIVISION OF SYSTEM PLANNING CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, 1000 Wilson Boulevard, 30th Floor, Arlington Virginia 22209-22] ] (CONSULTANT). The CITY intends to retain the CONSULTANT for professional services to complete an assessment of the City of Muskego's provision of FirelRescue service for meeting present and future needs of the community and for the development öf a master plan for the provision of Fire/Rescue Service as described in Attachment A (hereinafter called the project). The CITY and CONSULTANT agree to the performance of professional services by CONSULTANT and payment for those services by the CITY as set forth below. Attachment A - Scope of Services, consisting of6 pages, including Exhibit] Attachment B - Project Schedule, consisting of2 pages, including Exhibit 2 Attachment C - Compensation and Payment, consisting of3 pages, including Exhibit 3 Attachment D - Terms and Conditions, consisting of I page Attachment E - Insurance, consisting of 3 pages, including Exhibit 4 . This agreement (consisting of 1 page), together with the Attachments identified above, and the entire project proposal except as amended in the attached exhibits constitute the entire agreement between the CITY and CONSULTANT and supercede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement and said Attachments may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or cancelled by a duly executed written instrument. The parties have made and executed this agreement as of August _, 2006. City of Muskego, a Wisconsin Municipal Corporation (City) Tri-Data, A Division of System Planning Corporation, a Delaware Corporation (Consultant) Signature: Typed NamelTitIe: Charles Damaske, Mayor Date: Attest: City CJerkITreasurer, Janice Moyer Signature: Typed Name/Title: Date: Attest: Title: (Provide Evidence of Corporate Authority) . ATTACHMENT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES . Project Objectives The completion of the project by the CONSULTANT and the work product produced by the CONSULTANT will result in the CITY meeting two objectives: a. The CITY will have increased knowledge and increased accountability concerning the expenditure of tax dollars that support the operations of the Fire Departments with which the CITY contracts for service. b. The CITY will have a plan for the provision of FirelRescueservice for the future following the CONSULTANT evaluation of various options including: Staying with current arrangement of contracting with two volunteer Fire Departments; moving to one combination volunteer department, moving to one combination volunteer and paid department; moving to a Public Safety Director (City employee) who would be responsible for overseeing police, fire and rescue services; moving to some combination of above noted options; or other option brought forth by the CONSULTANT. . Development of a Master Plan The CONSULTANT shall develop a Master Plan for the provision of fire and rescue service that will ensure the CITY has appropriately evaluated its needs and planned for how to provide for those needs in a cost effective way while ensuring an appropriate level of service for the community. The plan will address meeting present needs for fire/rescue services as well as the need resulting from continued residential and commercial growth. The Plan will serve to position the CITY to provide the level of service the community expects as cost effectively and efficiently as possible. The Master Plan that is developed by the CONSULTANT will address the following key areas: . a. Capabilities of the current fire organizations, to include staffing, training, vehicle and equipment inventory assessments. An analysis of current fire classes and requirements to meet current fire classes as well as future needs to maintain or raise ISO fire class insurance ratings. b. Capabilities of the current rescue services, to includé staffing, training, vehicle and equipment inventory assessments. c. An analysis of the services each fire department provides to the City including statistics for call and run data for each of the last five years (200 I - 2005). d. Assessment of the quality ofthe present levels of service for Fire and Rescue including current response times. e. Economic and financial circumstances of each Fire Department including an analysis of the base contracts the City has with each Fire Department. . f Determination of the expected level of service by the community and decision makers (Mayor and Common Council). g. As noted above, present options for providing fire and rescue service with cost estimates the City may consider. h. Based on feedback from the decision makers (Mayor and Common Council) on service provision options presented by the CONSULTANT, the Plan shall address an implementation plan for the service provision option chosen by the Common Council over a specific recommended period of time. Such plan shall address all operational and capital needs. Project Approach I Study Steps The project approach and steps to complete the study shall be as outlined in pages] 3 through] 6 of the proposal for this project submitted by Tri-Data dated June 30, 2006 and included as Exhibit] of Attachment A for reference. The project will include a final presentation of the project and resulting Master Plan to the City Council. Additional Services Additional services beyond the scope of this project as outlined herein shall be authorized in advance in writing by the CITY. . Designated City Contact Person The designated City Contact person shall be the City Administrator (Jennifer Sheiffer). The City Administrator shall serve as the City's representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this agreement. The Administrator shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define City policieso and decisions with respect to CONSULTANT's services for this project. TIle City Administrator shall arrange for access to and make all provisions for CONSULTANT to performo services under this agreement. Acknowledgement of Existing Agreements witb Two Fire Departments Serving the City 0 . The CONSULTANT acknowledges receipt (with the request for proposals sent by the CITY) of the following five (5) existing agreements with the two Fire Departments serving the City: Agreement Between the City of Muskego and the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company, Agreement Between the City of Muskego and the Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Company, First/Second Quarter Service Agreement Between the City and Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department, First/Second Quarter Service Agreement Between the City and MuskegoVolunteer Fire Company and the 2006 Agreement for Ambulance Services. . 2 City of Muskego: Development of a Master Plan for Provision of Fire/Rescue Service Exhibit 1 . · Staying with the current arrangement of contracting with two volunteer fire departments · Moving to one combination volunteer department · Moving to one combination volunteer and paid department · Moving to a city fire department, staffed with city employees · Moving to a Public Safety Director (city employee) who would be responsible for overseeing police, fire, and rescue services · Moving to some combination of above · Other Study Steps The study steps listed are listed below followed by a graphic depiction of the timeline. Key staff who will participate on each task are shown for each task with the task leader. Our approach begins with a kickoff meeting to confirm the contract's objectives and goals, validate the program plan, finalize a timeline (including milestones and deliverable target dates), review the expectations to validate stakeholder understanding and concurrence, and review background information requirements. We will also plan the tight schedule of meetings for the site visit. . . To the extent available, we would like to obtain a comprehensive set of data at the beginning of the study, in advance of our first ''triage" trip. We understand that some of the data may not be available or may take time to gather, and may be available later on. As noted earlier, though we try to base our work on hard data tö the extent possible, we also spend time soliciting qualitative information, suggestions, and perceptions from the vç:l~ious stakeholders. A comprehensive list of the data we would like to obtain can be found below. Data we would like to obtain before we begin the first visit: · Fire departments organization charts · Map of fire stations (updated) · Map of county and fire protection areas · Personnel deployment (number of personnel in each unit) · Past annual reports · Latest ISO rating reports, with deficiency analysis, if any · Most recent budget with any attendant information (with personnel costs broken out) · Capital improvement and apparatus replacement program · Fire, EMS, hazmat, rescue, and other emergency incident trend data for the past 5- 10 years TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 13 June 30, 2006 _. ! .J \ . 1 ] ] ] ] ] J eJ J J J J 1 I ~ 1 I I ~ ~J 1 ; ! ~ City of Muskego: Development of a MastC'r Plan for Provision of Fire/Rescue Service · Response time profiles for fire and EMS calls, by geographic area and by fire unit. (Ideally, second-in response times as well as first in would be provided, though rarely available). · Numbers of fires, deaths, injuries and dollar loss by type of occupancy and by cause · Fire apparatus complement by station (age; manufacturer; type; last major refurbishment, if any), including front-line and reserve engines, ladders, and other units · Mutual and automatic aid agreements other fire departments or órganizations · Expected major capital improvements that would present new risks or affect existing risks or travel times · General obligation bond commitments and promises · Directives regarding direction of the study (from city) More specific data that will be needed for the response times: · CAD data, to include incident number, date, address, call type, time received, time dispatched, units dispatched, en route times, arrival times, clear times, whether call was transported to hospital or not. If CAD is not available this data will have to be assembled into an Excel document for our analysts. · NFIRS data, to include call type, building type, whether building was sprinklered, fire origin, fire containment, fire loss, injuries/deaths, etc. This serves as "homework" for our review before the first series of meetings with fire department and City officials. Some of this data will be collected during the course of the study if not readily available at the start, however CAD data will be needed as early as possible for initial analysis. The fire departments might begin to gather this data now, since any consultant hired should want this data, and that helps speed up the start of the project. .~~{~ß~~ After reviewing the background information provided, a three- or four-day site visit, comprising a series of intensive meetings, will be held early in.the project. During the visit, we will have a team meet with Fire/Rescue Services officials, including the fire chiefs, officers, and other personnel deemed appropriate to discuss information collected and ramifications of any . proposed changes to current operations (e.g., training off.icers, EMS officers, Haz Mat officers). We will visit fire stations and hold informal discussions with some of the firefighters and officers. We will tour the service areas to better understand the geography, risks present, and the road system. Following these initial meetings and field observations, we meet again at the end of this "triage visit" with the City's designated project contact to summarize and triage the issues to be considered in depth and to identify any that need less attention, and then reset priorities as necessary to make sure that the key issues will receive adequate attention within the limited study budget. The scope of work, how information will flow between our project team and the City's project contact, and how the overall project will proceed are also discussed. TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 14 June 30, 2006 '] J ] ] ] ] ] 1 1 1 City of Muskego: Development of a Master Plan for Provision of Fire/Rescue Service This step comprises an analysis of fire/rescue services operations, to determine the level of service provided by and organizational cultures of the existing volunteer departments. A strong level of familiarity with the departments is necessary to recommend changes to the existing operations. We will evaluate the line fire/rescue operations of the departments. We do this by observing operations, reviewing SOP's, and interviews with firefighters, officers, am:Lspecial team members. We look for compliance with required procedures (e.g., "Two-In/Two-Our) and standard industry practices. We determine whether the department's own policies and SOPs are being followed and whether they make sense. We will evaluate personnel training, and records management. We will look at volunteer recruitment and retention, volunteer staffing pattems, and turnout times; including the amount of time it takes for volunteers to reach their apparatus to respond to calls. Important in the deployment of a fire master plan is understanding the choices that are available and their impact on risk. For example, there are choices regarding response time and the level of risk the city (and community) is willing to accept We will discuss these choices early in the project and provide any alternatives that might be available. Establishing the performance benchmarks for service delivery are important and they allow the city to evaluate how well the master plan is working as time progresses. ~_;~~~lmr~ 1 Based on the information gathered above, T riData will: · Identify trends affecting fire and emergency protection in Muskego, including population growth, demographics, and risk · Analyze trends in the number and size of fire, EMS, and other incidents in the past five years, if -electronic data is available. · Use statistical extrapolation and expert îudgment in the factors of influence to develop an envelope of the trends to be expected, including projections of reasonable ranges of fires, EMS calls, and other incidents over the next 1-5 and 5-10 years W~ will analyze the current demand and risks and 19Qk at what ch?nges the city can reasonably anticipate in demand for services and risks faced. We estimate demand two ways to form an envelope of projections. The high estimate projects the trend in demand per capita, multiplied by the projected population increase. The low estimate assumes that per capita demand will remain as ìts current level, and that demand will be proportional to population growth. The results of this analysis are compared to the existing capabilities to determine unmet needs. The results of the work performed in this step will be used in the master plan part of the study J- 1 1 ~ 1 è , . . TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation lS June 30, 2006 . ''''; -, , .. 1 I ..J :] ] OJ J J J :] J ] I ,. } j 1 4 ì ~ ~ ~ City of Muskego: Development of a Master Plan for Provision of Fire IRescue Service IlIfè:~:<<iiih.!lrìl];"';;,> TriData team will develop a master plan, with options, that will ensure fire and rescue services are provided to the City of Muskego effectively and efficiently to ensure an appropriate level of service to the citizens at a reasonable cost. This is perhaps the most crucial task in the study. Based on the detailed review of current service levels, and any gaps or deficiencies identified, and opportunities for improving efficiencies and cost effectiveness, we will develop a series of options for,.1he future including changing the services that are delivered and how they are delivered. We will utilize a system of structured input and feedback involving jurisdictional decision makers, fire rescue service providers, and key stakeholders to develop the plan. The plan will be a multi-year, multiple option instrument designed to address both operational and capital needs for the next 5 to 10 years. Where appropriate, the plan will include cost estimates for major initiatives the city should consider. Options will be presented for evaluation, including the positive and negative impacts of such actions. To do this process a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis will be initiated to look not only at the individual alternatives, but to also evaluate their potential impact upon the organizational environment. We will produce a Draft Final Report with recommendations that will address each specific study . task in the proposal. The report will include a list of recommendations. The Draft Final Report will be submitted to the City's Project Manager for dissemination to others for review. In addition to readers from the City, we generally suggest having personnel from the fire department review the document for technical accuracy. The draft report will include cost analysis for significant recommendations.. An important assumption in pricing this effort and keeping within in budget is that review comments sent to us by the City will be collected and combined in one document, and there will be one round of comments (unless there are errors in the revised final report). Additional rounds of review will be undertaken at cost. After receiving comments on the Final Draft, we will make final changes, perform a final edit, and officially submit our final report. TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 16 June 30,2006 Exhibit 2 City of Muskego: Development of a Master Plan for Provision of Fire jRescue Service VI. SCHEDULING The tentative timeline for the study is shown below. If the contract is executed by August 15, 2006, we can provide a Draft Master Plan by December 1, 2006, and a Final Master Plan one month later, with the exact timing dependant on the availability of data and the length of review desired by the department for internal review, and the changes required. ..., .., 6. 1. Kickoff Conference Call 2. Collection/Review of Background Items 11I11I11I11I11I11I010 .., ! 3. Triage Meetings On Site .J 1 4. Review of Current Fire/Rescue Operations 5. Risk and Demand Analysis ...... ! 6. Development of a Master Plan 9. Draft Master Plan "I 10. Final Master Plan and Presentation 11I11I11116 Final Master Plan Presentation -, i j l i . . .. .. ~ .. ~ TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 18 June 30, 2006 . ATTACHMENT C - COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT The compensation for this project shall be $59,737 on an all inclusive, not to exceed basis. The CONSULTANT has estimated and proposed 549 hours as a budget for th,is project. Staff assigned to those hours are at the following hourly rates: Philip S. Schaenman, President of TriData Stephen Brezler, Project Manager Patrick Simpson, Senior Research Analyst Steven T. Lee, Research/GIS Analyst Maria Argabright, Executive Assistant $212.13 $140.96 $ 98.54 $ 60.35 $ 74.59 Staff assigned to the estimated and proposed hours for this project result in a proposed cost of $59,737 (page I and 2 of cost proposal dated June 30, 2006, a copy of which is included as Exhibit 3 to Attachment C for reference). . The CITY acknowledges and accepts this as the proposed not to exceed budget for this project unless amended by written agreement and approved by the Common Council. However, the CITY respectfully expects where there is opportunity to bring this project to successful completion for an amount less than the budgeted amount, CONSULTANT shall make every effort to do that. The CITY shaH make payment for services on a monthly basis upon receipt of a detailed invoice indicating actual hours (by named individual and their hourly rate) spent on the project as compared to the budgeted hours as proposed by the CONSULTANT. Travel and other direct costs shall be detailed on the invoices as well. The payment schedule shall be as follows: September] 5,2006 October IS, 2006 November] 5, 2006 December 15,2006 January 15, 2007 Delivery of the final report/presentation of the final report and masterplan. $ 6,000 (approx. ]0% ofhudgeted amt.) $]0,000 (approx. 17% of budgeted amt.) $10,000 (approx. 17% of budgeted amt.) $10,000 (approx. 17% of budgeted amt.) $10,000 (approx. 17% of budgeted amt.) Balance Outstanding Invoices for services shall be sent to the attention of Ms. Jennifer Sheiffer, City Administrator, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, P.O. Box 749, Muskego, WI 53 I 50-0749. . . ATTACHMENT B - PROJECT SCHEDULE The project schedule shall be as outlined in the tentative timetable submitted by Tn-Data as part of the proposal (page 18) dated June 30, 2006, a copy of which is included as Exhibit 2, Attachment B for reference. A more definitive schedule shall be determined and agreed upon by the CITY and CONSULTANT as outlined in the project approach discussed in Exhibit 1 to Attachment A (page 13 of the Tri-data proposal, Study Steps - Task]). -~ The completion of the project however shall occur within six months of the signing of the contract by the CITY and the CONSULTANT . . Exhibit 3 . COST OF SERVICES ~lt&í~~~,~i~~~$~~;~~~~"~~~~~~$~~fo Direct BREZLER. STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK L. 2 2 Total labor 4 $479 Direct BREZLER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK L ARGABRIGHT, MARIA V. 8 16 4 Total labor 28 $3003 ~'4.I!~~JS;..~1J;ßI~~~~á,~f;;:~~:;:lt,\1:/;;~~~!,.f,~.----:Øii'iir~ ~:SliIîii'~S -. Direct BREZLER, STEPHEN K. 40 . SIMPSON, PATRICK L. 40 Tolallabor 80 $9,580 Direct BREZLER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK L 22 55 Total labor 17 $8;521 . TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 1 . L~ BOR TA$!<. 5:RI~K A~D DEMA ~Q:A~,l\'-)':~tS_'" H:Òûis. . Rate Direct BREZLER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK l. LEE, STEVEN T. 8 16 70 Total Labor 94 $6,929 JiA.êQF:i[~.~,K.;.6~QêtEJ9fMp1t1iø.:(;~)'$;1J;æg~Qlï jf.f{irðn~~ ~Æ~t4:,Rãtê.~~' Direct BREZLER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK L LEE, STEVEN T. 24 80 32 Total Labor 136 $13,197 ~"1r1!f~~ . Direct SCHAENMAN, PHILIP S. BREZLER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRICK L LEE, STEVEN T.. ARGABRIGHT, MARIA V. 4 8 32 16 24 Total Labor 84 $7,885 ~ß~~';f~:: Direct SCHAENMAN, PHILIP S BREZlER, STEPHEN K. SIMPSON, PATRiCK L ARGABRIGHT, MARIA V. 2 4 24 16 Total labor 46 $4,546 [i@ié~:~JÄ~:;-~~:.~'::;i$~~~::~~~~;~w~~~~~~~~~~;'ÄZ{Ä~~q~f~~:il~~~~~~~#~~ SPC Travel $4,575 Total Travel $4,575 -~ftJj~riQif~:cJ1i~~j~~1QJ1~~)~~~~;~~~:P;~ff~ltr~~~~~~1~~~~~~~l-~~~jj~i Miscellaneous, FedEx, Reproduction $1,023 ITotai Cost 549 $59,737 , . TríData, a Division of System Planning Corporation 2 ATTACHMENT D - TERMS AND CONDITIONS . General Terms The CONSULTANT agrees to perform all the work described in this agreement and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions herein for the amount stated in Attachment C of this agreement. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations and shall hold the CITY harmless for any violations thereof. There will be no sub-consultants/associates used on this project. The CONSULTANT shall deliver to the CITY one (1) original final report and one (1) copy in a format the CITY and CONSULTANT agree to that is easily reproduced. Upon completion of this project or termination of this Agreement, all original documents shall be delivered to and become the property of the CITY. Termination . The obligation to provide further services under this agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Controlling Law This agreement is to be governed by the law of the State of Wisconsin. . ATTACHMENT E- INSURANCE . A certificate of insurance on a form approved by the City of Muskego included here as Exhibit 4 to Attachment E. The CONSULTANT shall maintain through the course of contracted work insurance as specified below. ' General Liability Automobile Workers Compo Excess Liability Errors & Omission Professional Liability $] ,000,000/$1,000.,600' $] ,000,000 /$1 ,000,000 $],000,000/$],000,000 $] ,000,000 $] ,000,000/$1,000,000 $5,000,000 . . CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: 2006 Muskego Fire Study This is to certify that the policies listed below have been issued to lhe insured named below by the Company(s) indicated below and are in force at lhis dale. The insurance coverages lisled will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused unlil at least thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the OWNER. . The holder of lhis certificate is a party to the Certificate of Insurance pursuant to the Agreement between Cily of Muskego and CONSULTANT. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES COMPANY A COMPANY C LETTER LETTER AGENCY NAME: AGENCY NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: .' .: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE: DATE: I I ! COMPANY B COMPANY 0 I LETTER LETTER AGENCY NAME: AGENCY NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE . DATE: DATE: NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED: NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(S) OF ADDITIONALLY INSURED: NAME: NAME: City of Muskego ADDRESS: ADDRESS W182 S8200 Racine Avenue PO Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 NAME: ADDRESS: NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: NAME: City of Muskego NAME: ADDRESS: W182 S8200 Racine Avenue ADDRESS: PO Box 749 Muskego. WI 53150 NAME: ADDRESS . Policy Company Type of Policy Expiration Limits of Liability in Thousands (000) Letter Insurance Number Date Statutory WORKERS' Each Acc COMPENSATION AND Disease-Policy Limit EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY Disease-Each Employee MOTOR VEHICLE CSL 1,000 LIABILITY . o ANY AUTO Bodily Injury o ALL OWNED AUTOS (Per Person) o SCHEDULED AUTOS ,- Bodily Injury o HIRED AUTOS (Per Accident) o NON-OWNED AUTOS Property o GARAGE LIABILITY 0 General 1,000 GENERAL LIABILITY Aggregate o COMMERCIAL GEN Prods-Comp/Ops LIABILITY Agg. o CLAIMS MADE Pers. & Advg. o OCCURRENCE Injury o OWNER'S & Each Occurrence 1,000 CONTRACTOR'S PROTECTIVE 0 Fire Damage (Anv One Fire) 0 Medical Expense (Any One Person) o CONTRACTUAL Contractual 1,000 LIABILITY Liability o COMPLETED Completed OPERATIONS Operations EXCESS LIABILITY Aggregate Each Occurrence o UMBRELLA FORM 1,000 1,000 o OTHER THAN 1,000 1,000 UMBRELLA FORM OTHER 5,000 Professional Liability DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL TIES DATE ISSUED . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE