CCR2006144. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF' MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #144-2006 APPROVAl. OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMA~ICE EVALUATION AND MERIT PAY/INCENTIVE PROGRAM WHEREAS, The Common Council determineid thélt the City's existing Pay for Performance Program should be reviewed in light of continued budget Gonstraints; and WHEREAS, An Employee Performance Evaluatioln Committee was established to review the existing program and to rE~commend a revised program that would realize cost savings for the City while continuing to provide incentive for l~mployee pelrformance; and WHEREAS, The Committee has recommended the élttached Annual Employee Performance Evaluation tool and Merit Pay/Incentive program for non-represented employees; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the Committee's proposal and has recommended approval as presented; and WHEREAS, The Common Council will continue to set, on an annual basis, the salary schedule increase being based on the internal increases of other bargaining units, the Midwest and Milwaukee area CPI, and the market trend for salaries in the State of Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, That the Merit Pay as established shall be an annual reward (not compounding) on base pay. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Thalt the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, doe!s hereby approve the attached Annual Employee Performance Evaluation tool and Merit lPay/lncentive Program effective for 2006 (Employee evaluations will occur in 2006 for 2007 adjustments). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the adoption of this new program replaces any existing Pay for Performance Programs. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF JULY , :200El. ~,PQNSORED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Nancy Si:llentine Ald. Eile1en Madden Ald. Eric Schroeder This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of RE~Solution #144-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of MUlSk4~go. ÇZ.z~~~---v7~ . ~Jlerk..TrI3asu rer 7/06 jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CIITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION ~!144-201)6 ;~ ) .......... ;' t~~ rV Y 11 /, 'j\.... .' .' ';."< :'~' .;.~i/"(} to' . APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE PE:RFORMANGE EVALUATION AND MERIT PAY/INCENTIVE PROGRAM . WHEREAS, The Common Council determined that thl~ City's existing Pay for PerfQrtt;ance Program should be reviewed in light of continued lbIud~Jet constraints; and// ,/, .; WHEREAS, An Employee Performance Evaluation Committee was establishli'à to review the existing program and to recommend a revised pmg rarn that would realize cp'st savings for the City while continuing to pmvide incentive for el11ployee~ performance; andJi Ii WHEREAS, The Committe~e has recommended the attachE~d Annual,ø:nployee Performance Evaluation tool and Merit F'ayllncentive program fl:>1" nc>n-representJ employees; and ,I- WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviE~wed thH cornmit~é{:S proposal and has recommended approval as presented; and jf j' WHEREAS, The Common Council will continue tCl :set,~ o-'fn annual basis, the salary schedule increase being based on the internal increase~:; of either. rgaining units, the Midwest and Milwaukee area CPI, and the market trend for salariesJ the State of Wisconsin. J l NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the (tornmoll Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Commit{;~e, does hereby approve the attached Annual Employee Performance Evaluation tOOI~lnldl Merit Pay/Incentive Program effective for 2006 (Employee evaluations will occur in 201rfor :W07 adjustments.). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the i" j ption of this new program replaces any existing Pay for Performance Programs. l {o' J! DAY 0;' 2006. / SPONSORED BY II ------ II FINANICE COMMITTEE ;' Ald. N.:mc:y Salentine Ald. Eileen Maldden / Ald. Elic Schmeder . DATED THIS This is to c ify that this is, a true and accuratle cClpy of Resolution #144-2006 which was adopted the Common Council of the City of Muskego. . Clerk:-Treasurler 7/06 jmb . THE CITY Olr MUSKEGO ANNUAL EMPLOYEE p'ERlrORMANCE EVALUATION For Non-replreselflted Empk)yees Employee Name (First, Last): _ n.~pa rtm(~nt: Job Title: Period of Evaluation: From: To: Evaluation Type: _ Annual _ Probationary Other Employee Status: _ Exempt _Nonexempt PART I - INSTRUCTIONS TO RATER Listed below are factors that are important in the perform:mce ofthe employee's job. Performance factors must be evaluated for all employees. The supervisory factors should be utilized only for employees with supervisory responsibilities. Note: A rating of Unacceptabile,(l.r'Oviision:llI, and Superior requires comments. The "overall performance" evaluation should reflect the employee's total performance, including the performance factors as related to the employee's responsibilities and duties as set forth in the position description, supervisory factors (if applicable), and goals/objectives/special aS8ignments (if established). .istribution Instructions: Return the signed, original foml to the City Administrator. Maintain one copy for your department records. Distribute one copy to the lemployt::e. Marking Instructions: The supervisor should indicat(~ the employee's performance by using the check box next to the appropriate level of pt:~rformance. PART II - PERFORMANCE F'ACTORS The following rating scale guide is being provided to assi~t the evaluator in assigning the most appropriate measurement ofthe employees' performance factors and supervisory factors, if applicable. Unacceptable (U): Job perfonnance fails to meet job requirements; performance clearly below minimum requirements. Immediate improvement required. Provisional (P): Job performance does not meet acceptable levels in all areas; performance must improve to meet expectations of position. Exhibits potential to become Effective with continued training. Effective (E): Job performance consistently meets standards for the position. This is the expected level of performance in a position with normal guidance and suplelviÛon. Outstanding (0): Job performance frequently exceeds standards set for the position and accomplishments are made in unexpected areas as well. Superior (S): Job performanc1e consistently exceeds standards set for the position all of the time. The excellence ofthe employee's work is clearly recognized by all. . 1. Job Knowledge - Demonstrates clear understanding and ability to perform the assigned job duties and has in-depth knowledge and technical expertise. Learns and masters applicable m:w skills and procedures. Unacceptable... .................. "........... .......... ....Superior rU P E 0 S .omments: 2. Teamwork - Works well and effectively with others; n~sponsive and accommodating, positive attitude towards work; shows respect for others; ability and willingness to work with fellow employees, 2ldministrators, and staff towards common goals. Unacceptable... ... ... ... ........" ........................ ...Superior U P E 0 S Comments: 3. Customer Satisfaction - Tact, diplomacy, cooperation, willingne~ls to satisfY customers, resolves customer issues. [if definition does not work, department should de.fine their own.] Unacceptable............ ...... .......................... ...Superior U rp E r'O S Comments: 4. Quality of Work - Demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness; display:; commitment to excellence; looks for ways to improve and promote quality; applies feedback to improve performanc~:; monitors own work to ensure quality; attention to detail; learns from mistakes. Unacceptable........................... ................ ...Superior U P E r~o rs Comments: .. Adaptability - Consider the ease with which the employee adjusts to any change in duties, procedures, supervisors, or work environment. Consider how well the employee accepts new id~:as aLd approaches to work, responds appropriately to constructive criticism and to suggestions for work improvement, and is able to handle pressure situations effectively. Unacceptable... ... ............ ...... ... ........ ... .... ....Superior rU P r-E r~O S Comments: 6. Personal Qualities - Judgment, initiative, communication skills, deci:;ion-making, attitude, courtesy, and commitment. Unacceptable... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ....... . ........ ...Superior U P E 0 S Comments: 7. Dependability - Consider the amount of time spent dire<:ting this employee. Consider how well the employee monitors projects and exercises follow-through; adheres to time frames.; is on time for meetings and appointments; job attendance; and responds appropriately to instructions and procedures. Unacceptable... .................. ..................... .....Superior rU P E r~O rS Comments: 8. . Safe Work Habits - Understanding and application of safe practices; observes safety rules; observes and reports safety problems/conditions encountered. Unacceptable... ............ ............... ............. ....Superior U rp E r-O S Comments: 2 .ART III - SUPERVISORY FACTORS (Supel'Visor to determine if this section is applicable to employee) 1. Leadership - Consider how well the employee demonstrates âfective supervisory abilities; fosters respect and cooperation; inspires and motivates staff; directs work group toward common goa,. Unacceptable...... ... ... ....... .".,...,................. ..Superior rU rp r-E -'0 S Comments: 2. Delegation - Consider how well the employee demonstrates the aJility 1:0 direct others in accomplishing work; effectively selects staff; defines assignments; oversees the work of staff. Unacceptable... ... ..............,......,............... ....Superior U rp E i"0 S Comments: 3. Planning and Organizing - Consider how well the employee plans and organizes work; coordinates with others, and establishes appropriate priorities; anticipates future needs; (:arrÍl~s out assignments effectively. Unacceptable... ... ... ... ............ ... ......,.... ..... ...Superior U rp r-E r'O s . Comments: 4. Administration - Consider how well the employee perfomls day-to-day administrative tasks, manages time; administers policies and implements procedures,; maintains appropriate contal:t with supervisor, and utilizes funds, staff, and equipment effectively. Unacceptable...... ... ............ ......,...... . ... ..... ...Superior rU p r-E rO S Comments: 5. Personnel Management - Consider how well the employe1e serves as a role model; provides guidance and opportunities to their staff for their development and advancement; resolves work-related employee problems; assists staff in accomplishing their work related objectives. Consider how well the employee <:ommuni(:ates with staff in a clear, concise, accurate, and timely manner and makes useful suggestions. Unacceptable........................... ....... .......... ...Superior U PEa S Comments: . 3 PART IV - GOALS/OBJECTIVES/SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS .here goals, objectives, projects, special assignments, etc.. h::=:learIY established, progress of these tasks should be evaluated. In cases where special goals or objectives arle not appropriate, the supervisor should identify the major duties and/or responsibilities of the job and evaluate the employee accordingly. List and evaluate progress made on major pre-determined goals, objectives, projects, job duties, and special ass.ignments by marking the appropriate box. The "Comments" space may be used for satisfactory progress but must be us:ed for unsatisfactory progress. Only complete the number of goals necessary for evaluation. Attach additional slhc~ets if necessary. 1. GoallObjectivelProject/Major .Job Duty/Special Assignment _ Accomplished or Satisfactory Progress ____ Unsatisfactory Progress (See "Comments" Below) Comments: 2. Goal/ObjectivelProject/Major .Job Duty/Special As:~ignment .omments: _ Accomplished or Satisfactory Progress ___ Unsatisfactory Progress (See "Comments" Below) 3. GoallObjectivelProject/Major ,Job Duty/Special As:signment _ Accomplished or Satisfactory Progress ___ Umatisfal:tory Progress (See "Comments" Below) Comments: 4. Goal/Objective/Project/Major Job Duty/Special Assignment _ Accomplished or Satisfactory Progress ___ Um:atisfactory Progress (See "Comments" Below) Comments: . 4 . PART V - OVERALL PERFORMANCE Please use this space to describe the overall performance rating. The overall rating should be a reflection of the performance factors, supervisory factors (if applicable), and goals/Jbjectives/special assignments (if established). Unacceptable............. ... ......................... .....Superior U P E r"'o s Comments: SIGNATURES Immediate Supervisor: Date: Comments: . PART V - TO THE EMPLOYl8:E: I have been advised of my performance ratings. I have dis<:ussed the contents of this review with my supervisor. My signature does not necessarily imply agreement. My comment:; are as follows (optional) (attach additional sheets if necessary): Employee Signature: Date: . 5 . MERIT PAY RlECOMMENDATION Overall Job Performance Rating & Mt~l'it ]IJay/lncentive Increase Guidelines (Please circle Dne) Merit Days Incentive* Overall Rating Below Midpoint (B.MlJ At/Above Midpoint (A.M.) B.M. / A.M. Unacceptable (U) 0% 0% o days o days Provisional (P) 0%-+1% 0%- +1% o days o days Effective (E) +1%-+2% +1%-+2% 2 days 3 days Outstanding (0) +2% - +3% +2%-+2.5% 3 days 4 days Superior (S) +3%- +4% +2.5% - +3% 4 days 5 days A. Recommended Pay Increase (Please write percentage that is ~ ithin the overalI rating % range. Only use .10 intervals within designated range, i.e. 1.10, 1.20, 1.30 lAO, etc.): . % OR Increase to maximum of salary range / At top of range, not eligible for increase (Please circle one if applicable) B. Merit Days Incentive (Pl1ease write# of days from COTTect l:olumll): merit days * * Note - merit days can only be used during the calendar year they are given, not paid out, and can only be used with permission from the employee's supervisor. De:partments should always be adequately staffed. Department Head: Date: City Administrator: Date: . 6 . WORK GOALS )fOR THE YEAR 200 (Optional Section - To be detemlÎned by immediate supervisor) List goals to be attained by the {:mployee before the employee's next job evaluation. Goals must be realistic and reasonably attainable during the employee's regular 'working time. Project Completion Date (If applicable) Goall Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 . . 7