CCR2006140COMMON COUNCIIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #140-2006 . ACCEPTANCE OF COMMITTIEE RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING EXPENDITURES FOR REPAIR lNORK TO BE COMPLETED AT THE lNOLLMAN HOUSE AND OLiD SCHOOL HOUSE (SETTLEMENT CENTER) WHEREAS, Repair work needs to be complE~ted at the Wollmann House and Old School House located at the Settlement Center prior to upcoming events sponsored by the Muskego Historical Society; and WHEREAS, City Chartm Ordinance #4 entiUed, Charter Ordinance Delegating the Council Duties as Board of Public Works to the Public Works Committee and Providing for Direct Public Construction," allows any class of public construction or any part thereof to be done directly by the City without submitting the same for bids"; and WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee must Gomply with Wis. State Statutes, Section 62.15 (14), whenever any public work is dOnE~ directly by the City in accordance with Section 3 of the Charter Ordinance; and . WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee has found the Public Work's crew to have the availability, and, therefore, has recommended that the City's Public Works employees perform the necessary labor at the! Wollmann House and Old School House subject to review and recommendation by the Finance Committee for the City expenditures to pay for labor and materials for such work; and WHEREAS, The Engim~ering/Building Inspection Director has estimated the cost of the labor and materials (Reference Attachment A) to complete the work as follows: Direct Labor 160 hours @ $34 Indirect Material Costs Subtotal 15% Contingency Total = $ 5,440 ~ 4,000 $ 9,440 _--1A12 $10,856 = WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the cost estimates reflected above and has recommended approval necessary for the completion of the work as described in Attachment A. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the recommendations of the Public Works Committee and the Finance Committee regarding the expenditures for repair work to be completed at the Wollmann HOUSE! and Old School House by direct public construction subject to compliance in accordance with City Charter Ordinance #4 [Wis. 962.15(1)] and Wis. 962.15(14) (Reference Attachment B). . . . Resa. #140-2006 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That such dirE~ct public construction shall proceed upon receipt of a signed LeUm by the Muskego Historical Society agreeing that reimbursement not to exceed $10,856 shall be paid to the City by the Society within five (5) days of the completion of the direct public construction. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF ~Lunê.___, 2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #140-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the Cijy of MUS~90. . k (~- Treasurer 6/06jmb . . . Atta<:hment "A" Old School HOlllse * 1. Remove all damaged plaster and drywall at entry 2. Replace all damaged plaster and dywall including installation of compound and sanding to a uniform finish 3. Remove existing flooring from ~hl~ soufueëlst comer of the school house 4. Replace damaged or rotten floor support ~;ystem with pressure treated wood 5. Replace damaged rim joints 6. Replace existing flooring 7. Remove damaged areas from bElli tower 8. Replace damaged areas of bell towElr including new flashing and supports 9. Resl~t bell tower supports 10. Construct and install stair system at northHast comer exit Wollman House * 1. Remove existing decorativE~ lattice sl<irt from porch 2. Install 2x6 treated decking alon9 front and side rails for deck support 3. Install required support bloGkin~1 at pDSt locations (3) 4. Install necessary 4x4 support bllocking at post locations under deck 5. Trim as necessary existing support c:olum!1s after porch adjustment. 6. Reinstall decorative trim at column supports 7. Replacement front lattice skirt * Does not include any painting, staining, deck fin ishing, caulk or prep work for the final finishes to the reconstruction area. Includes all necessary ~Iardware, materials and final cleanup of the site . . . ,/~ .' . . ...--........ . -. /-" . ATTACHMENT B ~. '" ' .:, ~...,..-a,...a'~-z...c<-, 7'77" CHARTER ORO I NANCE DELEGATI NG THE COllNCIL DUTIES ,AS BOARD OF PllE,lIC ~iORKS TO THE PUBLIC \~ORKS, COMM 11TEE ANI> PROV 101 NG FOR 0 I REeT . PUBU C (XlNSTRUCT ION The Mayor and Common C:cunci I of th,~ City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: Section I. The duties and pow'~rs of the Board of Public Works sha II be exerc i sed by the Pub lie Wo rl:: s Gomm i ttee of the Common Counci I, as provided for by Section 62.14 (I), Wis. Stats. Section 2. Any class of publ i ~ construction or any part thereof, may be done directly by the City w~thout submitting the same for bids, as provided for b)' Secti,)n 62.15 (I), Wis. Stats. Section 3. When public wor'k Is done directly by the City; as provided for in Section 2 above, Section 62.15 (14) shall be campi ied wit.h by the Publ ic "larks GDmmi ttee. Section 4. This ordina~ce shall take effect upon passage and pub I i cat ion. PASSED AND ADOPTED by a votEl of ~L in favor and -==- opposed, this ..23 'c1ay'of ?~:::'?r--' 1965. (..-/ ~ '7- V-V. - .' ~,~. {~7 /" M~lr Attest: ~äd/~ . City Cled: . ...,. 0 ~ :J/~/i.s c?~Y3/1:,Ç