CCR2006118GaMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION ;/#1118-2006 . RECOMMENDATION TO WAUKESHA COUNITY FOR THE JANESVILLE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, Waukesha County anticipates the recons,truction of County Highway "l" / Janesville Road from Moorland Road to Racine Avenue in thH upcoming years, and WHEREAS, The Mayor's Task Force has forwarded the following recommendations relating to County Highway "L"/Janesville Road Reconsltruction from Moorland Road to Racine Avenue to the Common Council for consideration: . 1. Timeline: The reconstruction from Moorland Hoad to Racine Avenue should take place in no more than two phases with each phase taking no more than one year each. Further, it is wished that the two phas1es of r,econstruction are completed in two consecutive construction seasons, based on a Contact Sensitive Design. 2. Street Cross-Sections: Section from Moorland Road to Bay lane Drive, four through lanes with boulevclrd. Section from Bay L.ane Drive to Parkland Drive, TWl TL design, although attempt to install boulevard section v\fhere feasible. Section from Parkland Drive to lannon Drive, f()ur through lanes with boulevard with one breakup at the Pick n' Save entrance, although attempt to install boulevard sections where feasible and practical. Section from Lannon Drive to PioneE~r Drive, TWLTL design with the least amount of impact to property owners as possible. Section from Pioneer Drive to Racine Avenue, TWL TL design with the least amount of impact to property owners as possible, based on a Contact Sensitivle Design. 3. Recreation Trails: Five-foot wide concrete recreation trails on both sides of the reconstructed strelst throughout the project, based on a Contact Sensitive Design. 4. Burial of Utilitv Lim~s: Bury utility lines throughout project. 5. Street Liohtina / Decorative Liohtino:. IrnlPle'l1ent decorative street lighting throughout project matching the colors and design of li!}hts found at the Muskego Library. Also, match the traffic signal poles to the street light colors and design. 6. Pavement Treatments: No pavement treatments made out of stamped concrete as is in the Tess Corners area. Howeve~r" decorative non-stamped concrete crosswalk treatments should be implemented into the project at the major intersections. 7. Street Scapino/Street Furniture: DirHctional signage and any other signage within the public right-of-way shall be decorative in nature mimicking the colors and design of the decorative lighting. Street furniture will be reviewe,d after project completion, as defined areas for such iterns cannot be determine'd until thl~ public usable areas are known. 8. Landscapino: Landscaping is encourag1ed in all boulevard areas and flowerbeds with irrigation is encouraged between Parklancl Drive and Lannon Drive. Further, a landscaping master plan from Moorland Roacl to R:acine Avenue should be implemented and approved with the design of the project outlining what can be planted by bordering residents and busi ness owners. 9. Other #1: It is recommended that permanent traffic signals are installed at the intersections of Martin Drive, Parkland Drive, and Pioneer Drive during the construction of those areas. 10. Other #2: It is recommended that the roalcl reconstruction be designed and implemented with the least amount of impact to property o\llmers as possible and all provisions shouid be taken to minimize the amount of property acquisition needed during the reconstruction, based on a Contact Sensitive Desi!~n. . . . . Reso. #118-2006 Page 2 WHEREAS, The above necommendations were clerived knowingly that cost and feasibility will have to be addressed by the Common Council as the design elements are needed, and WHEREAS, The above recommendations were derived knowingly that items may be changed as designs and costs become more apparent, and WHEREAS, The above recommendations we're base::! upon constituent group interaction over a course of many meetings including a Public InformationallMeeting, and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board has re'i/iewnd the Task Force's recommendations pertaining to recreation trails, and WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee has reviewed the Task Force's recommendations pertaining to the proposed design elements listed herein. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council hereby approves the recommendations above and recommends the same to Waukesha County. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF Mé'-Y-____,2006. This is to certify that this is a true and accuratE! copy of Resolution #118-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Mu.s..ke. go. l; . '\ ' 1 " 1'-" ..-r--_.' ' ..-, ' ", I'! /" 5/06sm . Cleitk-Treasurer ì ,~