CCR2006104. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #104-2006 APPROVAL OF CE:RT'IIFIE:D SIURVEY MAP City of Muskego WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on May 3, 2006 to finalize a two-lot land division of the City of Muskego propE~rty located on Janesville Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 10 (Tax Key #2198.991); and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Hesolution #P.C. 078-2006 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That thø Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a two-lot land division of the City of Muskego property located on Janesville Road in the NW 1/4 of Section '10 subject to the cond itions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 078-2006. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of thiB certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF _~m~__, 2006. ~)PQJ\JSORED BY: Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and acc:uratE~ oopy of Resolution #104-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/2006jmb /' iJfL@fY/locJ jW !Cler~- Treasurer) CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING þ, REDIVISION OF PARCEL "þ" CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 103, AND UNPLATTED LANDS IN THE: NORTHEAST ì4 AND SOUTHEA~;T ì4 OF THE NORTHWEST ì4, OF SECTION 10, TOWN 5 NORTH, RÞNGE 20 E:AST, CIT( OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN LEGEND . NORTH UNE OF THE NW 1/4 Of.~~.!.~__~IJ'?2!_2!.6.!:1!!~___+---------:..-0- -0:::----'\---,----~::1'.::---- 986.81' NE COR. OF NW 1/4 1681.00 l!g SEe 10, T5N, R20E NW COR. OF NW 1/4 l"èl N: 339,572.32 SEC 10, T5N. R20E 1 ~ E: 2,5OJ, 750.08 N: 339,488.13 I ~ E: 2,501,083.80 ~ 12.: -~íEdT.2L~~UBD.JYI\.,!i....1Q II ~ ----- ~ (REC. -/S- EAST 540.451 i~ 104 \ i. QUIJJ2I.]- .L.!if38"11 '29"E 540.70 :i ~ - I --~-\---------/~_J ~I I '- REmmON POND ~ / ~ -J: i !j <:1 02 æ~ I OUTLOT 1 \t ~I 1__ f"l::::: 2011,079 sq.fl. / /' ~ 'l: il;~ I 4.77 ocres / ~ - _~ O. '- _ __ _. _. _ ...... / "-I 1:3- ~I 101 l:;('J _;!.-.('D '-" / '" ~ ~_.- "\.. / - ~1 . - . .~ ':-- ,,,' . . 100 / ~ ---- i ~ 1..!-2 ,,"I~ . 22_ ~I ......" __ I~: IIETLAND TABL LENGTH BEARING '~:.7P 2MJfJ ~1/n ZOOS IZ16 ";,,,M ...4J ..002 ~o.. "". 2'.110 2:r.~ "'53 2.114- ~'.INI ~o... ~t29 .1055 '~l50 .10.. .1<2.1 "UI 1;~67 2"" "U. 2'.72 2.il<U '~5# 7.5.$1 ~,.. 2.2.74- 11"'2 1.164 .10.. 5'''' "l42 j,50 ;:AJ "'.57 IjilSO I.llU 2... >0'" ,.'J.#I 1;1.0.1 2.t.7,s ..54 UNE <2 L.J L4 L5 " L7 " to LID LII Ll2 Ll3 '" LI. LI' Ll7 '19 '" L2Q L21 L22 = LR L25 L2I <27 L2I L29 L.JO L.J1 L.J2 = U. U5 .... L.J7 L.JI L.J9 L40 L41 '42 '4J L44 L.. '"~ "7 "" ! VICINITY SKETCH t - NW. J/40F SEe. 10-5-20 - SCALE 1"=2000' ~ o @ . - CONG. MON. w/ BRASS CAP - 1" DIA. IRON PIPE FOUND - 1 1/2" DIA. IRON PIPE FOUND - 1" DIA. IRON PIPE SET, 24" LONG, WT = 1.13 LBS./LIN. FT. SCALE: 1" 120' ~~~ 30 60 120 240 QUEQI g (J) o == QUEOT.L ~ ~ Co il; r>i-~- N t\) tÆ o of . ~- "-> "l1~1 ï;ct1~1 <.5 ctl~1 ~Iul !::. ~b tl~h! ~~~~ ~~Gi!:: lii~"'5 ",,,,::Stij ~ Cl <l: . ~i!::~~ ~~~~ Ill"''''''' :gl ~I ~ ~I -..J ~I ~ß ~ O<:l ~'-' ~ ~ ~- Note.' Th~ w~tlond boundary Is locattNJ withIn Outlot 1 and do~s not tmcrooch into Lot 1. GRID NORlH ,1ØJl o;I.~~;'W 515.11 , 92.1~ l:::l ~~ ~II _~a ....., ./ ~ . l!l ~I ~\l r; ~g j ./''\l-O~ / o ~.... 'l: (' /" l'l. O~~.d itl ~\,.\,.V/ '''; ~ ~I k~x-S/ "(, "\'f/;/ ./' 'f/ ~S:'/ ~ . ~ ~ DANIEL R. FLAMINI RL5 p486 ~ /"\ " "'" THE CITY OF MUSKEGO . /' "\ f'"\ W/82 58200 RACINE A 'ÆNUE r \ ~~ MUSKEGO. HI 53150 \\~ ~ THE CITY OF MUSKEGO W/82 58200 RACINE A 'ÆNUE ./' \ \ MUSKEGO. HI 53150 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 1 OF 4