CCR2006058. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #058-2006 APPROVAL OF EXTRATERRITORIAL CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP K.indler - Town of Waterford WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on March .27, 2006 to finalize a two- lot land division of the James ~(indler property located on Big Bend Road (S.T.H. 164) in the SE 1/4 of Section 1 in the Town of Waterford; and WHEREAS, This property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C 057-2006 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey lTIap to finalize a two-lot land division of the James Kindler property located on Big BE!nd Road (S.T.H. 164) in the SE 1/4 of Section 1 in the Town of Waterford subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 057-2006. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF April ,2006. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #058-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 'ì I \ /"/' "1( í~[fi Clerk- Treasurer 4/06jmb \ \. BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPA \JY, INC. (262) 54;-3200 . ! D I:, ----.-~-. Uûb~ \ FORM SBC-I01 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A PART OF THE NE ~ and NW % OF THE SE ~ OF SECTION 1. T4N, R19E, TOWN OF WATERFORD, RACINE COUNTY, WISCONSIN. -..-..-...-..- 1 I >= ! ıZ i 0 ~ ~~!() i s: . u i r= SCALE: 1" ~ 2000' 3lG BEND ROAD (5TH. '164") VICINITY SKETCH SE Y, SECTION 1, T4N, R19E PREPARED FOR: JAMES KINDLER W216 510621 CROWBAR ROAD MUSKEGO, WI. 53150 PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPHER J KUNKEL EDGEWOOD ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 571 W23325 NATIONAL AVE. SUITE 5 BIG BEND, WI. 53103 . ; N~04r5 /I 9rOO'<; :; "\,,, ~ f, ~ lr) N ß" u C() ,-, N 307,293.27 CJ).J en E 2,483,37706 30' fV)bii'sHAREr:P"x6' CON MON DRIYHVAY W / BRASS CAP EASEMEtJ ~VLOFSElj4SEe I, TlN,R19E ~I1,AITEf/J~f2 500051 '47/1E 662.60'- C() ('f') c::i ":l' ('f') N NECOllNER SE 1/4 SEe 1, T4j'\o', Rl~)E (CENTER OF SEe 1) N 309,985.47 E 2,486,021.76 6",6 CON MON WjHRASSCAP ~ ~ ~ lr) N ~I ß" :51 ~ fill ~I c::1 ~l '" ~ J' If& ~~ :';' ;~ ~ ð;?",'" ....: ~ ~~~~'\~ ~ _a8~~ ~ ~ :; LOT 2 ~~!t ~ i;l 'v:t~~ ~ ::.~I o 1,219,419SF. r;::",~."i:: I ..,J 2799 ACRES 'li;j ~;,0' ----- <. ,<;-0 q. :>:~'..,< to ~v") ,,\ \" ,/ ,<(" / jL:: ~)J '" '" &: ~ G2 c::i "l< ('f') N 81 ~I ..,J R 81 ~ 1::1 "" ~ ~I :5 I 81 "- zl ~ ~I ~ ~I i: '" "- '" '" f: ú.:i ~ t( ~ lr) N I) 0\ Z 500"-l4'l3"E 180.(10' i,,\.'(' 97,060S.F. 223 ACRES 5 'BUJLDlNG NWCOllNEli 5 ACKLINE LJ SE Y. SEC 1, T4N, R19E Si)O"46'08"E (CE1VTER OF SEC 1) 99 00' N 309,950.73 . E 2,483,341.39 6",6' CON MON WjBRASSCAP " NOO"46'08"1V - - :R 222886' f?46'eB'!fV- - :~ - - \ [<OAD PURPOSES 330.00' IV/L OFSE 1/4SEC 1 T4N RI9E BiG BEND ROAD (S.T.H. "164'') LOTl . UNP00!~L~D~ [:"'" N00048'57/1W 234.53' THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 '..'~""";J':':M:-"l '-\""'.;: NOTES: ~ENOTE51.05"x18" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. ':::::: -PER LINEAL FOOT SFT AT ALL LOT CORNERS 'OO'R UNLESS NOTED OTfIERWISF. BEARINGS REfER TO THE WISCOI~SIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATES SYSTEM 50UTH ZONE LOTS MA Y NOT BE fGKl1lER DIV IDED THE LOTS OF TillS LAND DrV1SJO~ MAt EXPERIENCE NOISE AT LEVELS EXCEEDING THE LEV ELS IN S. TR:\:\:5 4Ü.."i.04 TABLE 1. THESE LEVELS ARE B~EDON ÆDERAL s-r ANDARDS. THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSI'ORT ATION IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ABATING NOISE FROM EXISTING 5T ATE TRUNK B\CHWA ì'S OH CON~ECT\NC HIGHWAYS IN THE ABSEN5E OF ANY INCREASE. BY THE DEPARTMEi'ITTO TI-tE HIGHWAY''S THROUGH-LANE CAPACITY HIGHWAY 5l:.Jl):\CK: TIlE RE.';;TRICTION IS FOR THE BENEfIT Of THE PUBLIC AS PROVIDED IN 5236.293, WISCONSIN STATUTES AND S~IALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSroRTATION WETLA~D SHOWN PER RACINE COUNTY GIS MAP (GIGnAL) GRAPHIC SCAl E (SCALf' j'-J(XT) ----:J"" r-- 0' ;-5 ISO' ~ SCALE: 1 " = 300' WETLAND PRESERV AnON RESTRICfION 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the munìcipality in which they are located and, if applicable, Racille County, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The remm:al or destruction of any vcgetalive cover, ie., trees, shrubs, grasse'S, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetatanon at the di~retion of iI forester or nal1.nalist i1:ld the approval of Racine County. 4, Grazing by domesticated animals, ie" horses, cows, etc.. shall be prohibited. S. The intnx:luchon of plant material nüt indigenous to the existir.g environment of the Primary Environmental Corridor area shilU be prohibited 6. ponds may be perrnitted suPject to the approval of the municipality in whìch they are located and, if ilpphcable, the Racine County, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps üf Engineering. 7_ Construction 01 buiJJing~ ì~ prohibiled 5WCOI<NER SE '/4 SEC 1, T4N, I<19E (CENTER OF SEe I) o SHEETlOF3 E DGJ~:'''~OOD R~~~~~~i~':~~~:- civil 1t~It...ing lond 5......VIty>rç 5111t plonning $11 \/'Z:J~ "I,lTl()W. "\I[ 1T(. ~ IfG il:ND \/'ISCr:ÞI1IN ~JIOJ (2E.ê~b2-~OO2 h.. lèt:>2>bó2-'~tn2