CCR2006035. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSK.EGO RESOLUTION #035-2006 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVIEY MAP Henneberry WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on January 6, 2006 to finalize a two- lot land division of the Richard Henneberry property located on Racine Avenue in the NE 1/4 of Section 29 (Tax Key #2273.998); and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 017-2006 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a two-lot land division of the Richard Henneberry property located on Racine Avenue in the NE 1/4 of Section 29 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 0'17-2006. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, payment of any unpaid taxes, and approval of the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a digital file of this certified survey map shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance #1118 and Resolution #196-2002. DATED THIS Februarv ,2006. 28th DAY OF SPONSORED B'(: Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #035-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. I . , . If l ~ / ÛlyUðf ~i I OJ~/J / t1erk- Treasurer - , \ 2/2006jmb . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO._____ PAGE 1 OF 6 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL II OF' CSM NO. 2006, BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4- OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. . \ \ \ ALL 8E;1RI~S~R~JÆ~NCED TO GRID NCRTHJF THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE ~I \ COORD!~iATE SYSTE~t, SOUTHERN ZONE :5 01 \ NORTH 1/.'4 C.ORNER t SECnO\j "29..-5-..20 :J ! N323,342AC ÍÅ..I ["'-2,4S3,423,30 S I SCALE SCALE: -~ "'=2000' o I 200 400 ~ FEET NE l/~. SEC. 29-5-.20 LOCATION MAP ----+-- ( ---El UNPLATTED LANDS --.---- ....--.-..- ---- f/li 0, Zi :S o PARCEL -8" CSM ~006_ c~ LOT NO.1 0: ~; " I.l", ~! o LOT NO. PARCEL NO.2 csl.! NO. 7550_ . \ I 1- lrofrU ~ nI ~li\~ \lrù\ fBl2 3 m 1~\ . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PAGE20F6 BEING A RED1VlSION OF PARCEL A OF CSM NO. 2006, BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 29, TO\VN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. LEGEND: AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INe. 12207 c.T.H. "j(", NORTH CAPE FRANKSVILLE, WI. 53126-9691 (262) 835-4774 OWNER'S ADDRESS: RICHARD & JEAN HENNEBERRY WI92 S9555 RACINE AVENUE MUSKEGO, WI. 53150 o-Denotes No.6 Rebar, 3/4" Dia., 24" Long, 1.50 lbs/ In.ft., w/cap o-Denotes Iron Pipe/Rod Found ALL BEARll,GS ARE REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH OF THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDlNA TE SYSTEM, SOUTHERN ZONE. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STA TE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF RACINE )" I, PETE L. BAILEY, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: . THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a tract of land being a redivision of Parcel A of CertifIed Survey Map No. 2006, being part of the Northwest 114 of the Northeast 114 of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commence at the North 114 comer of said Section, also being the Point of Beginning; Thence North 88 degrees 23 minutes 03 seconds East for a distance of 40 1. 91 feet, along the north line of the Northeast 114 section, to a point; Thence South 01 degrees 36 minutes 57 seconds East for a dist,mce of300.00 feet, to a point; Thence North 88 degrees 23 minutes 03 seconds East for a distance of 776.19 feet, to a point, being on the west right of way line of CTH "YO' (Racile Avenue); Thence South 36 degrees 57 minutes 03 seconds West for a distance of703.99 feet, along said west right of way line, to a point; Thence South 87 degrees 44 minutes 35 seconds West for a distance of 732.34 feet, to 2, point on the west line of said Northeast 1/4; Thence North 02 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West for a distance of 858.66 feet, along said west line, to the Point of Commencement. Contails 14.884 acres ofland. THAT such map is a correct representaÜon of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the lane' division thereof made. THAT I have made such survey, land dlvision and map at (he direction of the owner of said lands. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 ofthe Wisconsin State Statutes and the requirem nts of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. AM lUCAN SI:-t/!!:;:i:"ANY. INC. PETE L. BAILEY, RLS NO. 1398 DATED THIS 51h day of December, 2005 REVISED THIS 5th day of January, 2006 REVISED THIS 9th day of February, 2006 REVISED THIS nnd day of February, 2006 RESTRICTlON~ . 1. Ifthere is not a principal structure associated with Lot No.2 within one year of the recording of the land division, the accessory structure on Lot NO.2 must be removed. 2. No direct access from lot NO.2 to CTH "YO' is permitted. Lot no.2 must utilize the 24' wide ingress and egress easement along the current driveway for Lot NO.1 as access to Lot NO.2. . . . "I ~2 , ;;\ ..J ,.. :s ':\ :) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ wÐ1Nl T/ )(WETl~D/ ~ / ~DS P / , / CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.____ PAGE 3 OF 6 BEING A RED1V1SION OF PARCEL A OF CSM NO. 2006, BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CIT( OF MUSKEGO, COUNT( OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. \- . . . \ .' ' ...':'t'~LAI:1!Q_ LA~~ N 88"23'03"E 401.91' (RECORDED ÞS EAST) WE:TLANDS Wi W2 2 <'{ ...J o hi I- S ~i =', , 'i:). ( WE:TLANDS ~ ! ~E:TLAND;',*~ WE:TLANDS I ~,03 \l C..;,,) , 'r'ETLAND~ - . \ /' ~ \ <E:TLANDS we WETlAND~ ~~~3~g~:;Vj \ _" DENOTES 50' WIDE ' '~_. '\ WETLAND BUffER .-- .-- _l,.. _____ N '" ," " I- to~ (j) <( W!" "1 . r- co'" lDb lY COO ,~ :;:'" z 'O~ '.d <t 0 J: .. w <to L 0'" ê-J8 ~) OW uJ .!':. ?:, z "" (f) 1.0 ?s: NORTH SOIL BORING SOIL BO Î. ~ j',.:. 4-r)' &.:-'. SOIL BORING NG J;~3l ~<Y _ DENOTES APPROXIATE // SF_pm: AREA .~/ LOT NO.2 (WETlANDS son.l::f;S ~~' 'vO' ;'" 200 ~ .. I; Þ (339,059 SF, 7.7M ACRES) SCALE o Iïïïiiö 100 FEET ~ET1NlDS WE1ù\NDS Dwe FlL:: JN205451 a.DWe CORD FlLE' JN205451.CRD PARCEE NO.2 CS\.t "~5q,._ BUILDING : EGEflD Ul EXISTING 1...)1, STORY fRAME DWELLING ELEVATIOH - 796.98 AREA - 2004.64 SQn. 2 - EXISTIHC \0.20'x.14..DO' SHED ELEVATION - 796.48 AREA - 142.80 SOFT. 3 - EXISTING 42.~)O'x:A.~)O' POLE BARN ELEVATION 798.8fì AREA 2305.5Ò SQ,F' ~o "'~ () " 001 :0", a . a~ e; ,...r 5'" ~;S ~o o. 24' WIDE INGRESS AND EGRESS N 88023'03"E (RECORDED ~ 769. ~E... IE4 / CJ" [\) 02 " ! / / . I CD C) a C? . N 8744'35"E 395.24' '72589' W27 . 5 87"44'35"W 732.34' (RECORDED ÞS 1'1 89"22'( 732.51') NOTE: NO DIRECT ACCESS FROM LOT NO.2 TO CTH "Y" IS PERMITTED. . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO._____ PAGE 4 OF 6 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL A OF CSM NO. 2006, BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST. IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA. STATE OF WISCONSIN. o I S 88"23'03"11' 2305.94' ~ _._ _ -- -- -;;ÕRI;;[JÑ[ OF T~F NORTHEA"""Sr1"/4 V -----Ð \ NORTH EA. ST CORNER ~ SECTION 29-5-20 N-.323.41 B. 74 [-2,496,12.9.92 t. .....~ DENOTES: WETlAND DEUNATION BY LAUREN PRICE OF NATlURAL RESOURCES CONSULTlI~G, INC ON OCT08ER 17TH, 2005. FlELD LOCATING OF DÐ.JNATION BY AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INC: ON OCTOBER 24TH, 2005. . ~~:~C~~.'8;OO~ 24' WIDE I"GRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT N 88"23'03"E 776.19' (RECORDED AS EAST) 769.80' ~~~~'~'\\' ,\\'l-'l- . - ~- ./ IE13 / ---<: I~.~ TINC~-' IE4 Ò q "" "'~L Õ T t~.tO .1 0'/,/305,760 SF, 7.01o/ACRES) ~ -,/.r'-"~ .-- ~t;,.. .'?- / / ./ IE3 ,/ / '" / C ENOITS 50' WlOE /'" ~'--'WETlAèm BUFFtR I ~.._- ( '- 50,00' DENOTES EXISTING POND .- OHWM ELEVATION: 781.50 \ If "-. '" "-.,J r I~~ 4' '~%, .0 y .."~ . N 8744'35"E 395.24' .. I ~ o "'.. 27 \ ~4';35"W 732.34', / AS N 89'22'E 732,51 ) DCNOIES 50' WID[ // WETlAND BUFFER 10 DIRECT ACCESS FROM LOT NO.2 n CTH ...,.. 10::; p~RtJlTTrrl / / SCALE 100 200 I FEET NORTH / W16 . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.______ PAGE 5 OF 6 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL A OF CSM NO. 2006, BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NOF~THEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. WETLAND CALLS . Course Bearing Distance W1 N 88"23'03" E 76.78 ' W2 N 88"23'03" E 282.34' W3 S 30'57'11" W 67,11 ' W4 S 20Q35'01" W 69.18' W5 5 29" 50' 07" W 72.76' W6 536014'03" W 26.42 ' W7 5 67"04'01" W 88.63 ' W8 N 85"47'59" W 75.87' W9 N 33"33'26" W 31.00' W10 N 02"12'44" E 42.46' W11 N 16"46'42" E 30.81 ' W12 N 4rS4'39" E 33.17' W13 N 13"18'07" E 32.19 ' W14 N 04"58'32" W 39.68' W15 N 44"29'42" W 51. 75' W16 S 88"23'03" W 286.26' W17 5 59"10' 15" W 6.56 . W18 5 58"08'49" W 33.46' W19 S 63"29'14' W 33.59' W20 S 79"34'04" W 17 .54' W21 N 32'50' 20' W 4.72' W22 N 53"26'40. E 16.14 ' W23 N 62"30' 57" E 30.87' W24 N 58"6'44" E 20.21 ' W25 N 88"23'03" E 26.40 ' W26 5 Br44'3S" W 103.64' W27 S 87"44'35" W 344.39' W28 N 09"17'02" E 23,52' W29 N 23"41' 54" E 92.60' W30 N 18"43'03" E 44.79 ' W31 N 56"09'48" E 45.17 ' W32 N 50"23' 43" E 74.95 . W33 N 25"56'33" E 43.83 ' W34 S 66"27'46" E 44.79' W35 S 83016'45" E 17.56 ' W36 5 35028'39" E 15.59 ' W37 N 75002'05" E 17.60' W38 N 19026'07" E 87.81 ' W39 N 03041 '09" E 34.00' W40 N 74000'39" E 36.20 ' W41 N 41011 '01. E 106.44 ' W42 N 43024' 30" E 98.03 ' w43 S 78035' 24" E 47.27' W44 5 62002' 59" W 21.10' W45 5 45026'41" W 33.59 ' W46 S 12017' 10" W 65.69' W47 5 10031 '09" E 94.17' W48 5 10040' 13" W 37.43 ' W49 5 30"58'53" W 47.34' W50 5 45030'25" E 62.87' W51 N 55"28'28" E 43.95' W52 N 30"01' 52~ E 64,95 ' W53 5 80"05'39" E 40.59' W54 5 14"08' 51" E 42.16' W55 5 27058'05" W 31.14' W56 5 36"57'Q3" W 128,99' W57 5 47037'48" W 6.01 ' W58 N 31035 '41" W 47.38 ' W59 S 83056'40" W 81.99' W60 5 24057'42" W 119.67' W61 S 36"57'03" W 96.05 ' . INGRESS & EGRESS EA!;EMENT CALLS Course Bearing Oistance IE1 S 36"57'03" W 46.29' IE2 S 36"57'03" W 30.62 ' IE3 S 88"33'02" W 332,32 ' IE4 5 88"16'05" W 328.68' IE5 N 86"39'35" W 48.80 ' IE6 N 66035'20" W 34.12 ' IE7 N 34034' 12" W 49.11 ' lEa N 88023'03" E 28.60' lEg S 34034' 12." E 26,66' IE10 566'35'20' E 22.98 ' IE11 S 86039' 35" E 43.49' IE12 N 88016'05. E 327.67' IE13 N 88'33'02' E 351.40' IE14 S 88023 '03" W 10.41 ' SEP'TIC EASEMENT CALLS Course Bearing Distance 51 N 88023'03' E 20,03 ' 52 N 06"49'22" E 20.90' S3 N 88010'39" E 81.20' S4 5 12"40'44. E 21.36' S5 5 88023'03" W 88.36' S6 N 88023'03" E 66.43' DWG FilE; JN2054518.DWC CORD FlLE, JN205451.CRD . CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PAGE60F6 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL A OF CSM NO. 2006, BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TO\VN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION: WE, AS OWNERS, hereby certitÿ that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, dedicated and mapped as represented on this map. I also certify thai: this map is required by s.236.34 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO WITNESS, the hand and seal of said 0\1mer this__~ day of ,2006. IN PRl~SENCE OF: RICHARD HENNEBERRY . JEAN K. HENNEBERRY ST ATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA)" Personllly came before me this_day of____~ 2006, the above named RlCHARD HENNEBERRY and JEAN K. HENNEBERRY to me known to the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. __NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. My commission expires . PLANNING ODMMISSJON APPROVAL: APPROVED by the Planning Conunission of the City of Muskego this day of 2006. CHARLES H. DAMASKE, CHAIRMAN SANDRA S. ASTl, PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION: APPROVED and adopted this ~_day of __._~, 2006 by Resolution No. CHARLES H. DAMASKE, MAYOR JANICE MOYER, CITY CLERK/TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: I, JANICE MOYER, being the duly appointed, qualitied and acting city treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this _ day of . DATE: JANICE MOYER, CITY CLERl<l TREASURER Th is instrument was drafted by Pete L. Bailey. C:\wpc.erts{\-{ENNEBERR Y