CCR2006031. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSK:EGO RESOLUTION #031-2006 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY TREMCO FOR THERMOCORE INFRARED ROOF SURVEY WHEREAS, The City received a proposal from Tremco to complete a Thermocore Infrared Roof survey at the Library, Parks and Recreation Building and Public Works Garage for a total cost of $1 ,5:50; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposal and has recommended approval by the Common Council to accept the quote submiHed by Tremco in the amount of $1 ,550. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the proposal submitted by Tremco for a Thermocore Infrared Roof survey for a total cost of $1 ,550. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF February ,2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #031-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. o . ' ~ì /; ,Ill tv; . . ~1..L- /Clerk- Treasurer I VO~mb ( ',--, . 1'REmeo 2510 76'h St., Franksville, WI 53126 Toll Free: 1-877-414-0577 January 31st, 2006 Mr. George Wolwark Maintenance Manager City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 531 ~)O Re: Thermocore Infrared Roof Survey Mr. Wolwark: Pursuant to your request, Tremco ,I WTI would like to propose a Thermocore Infrared Survey to be completed in order to determine an accurate assessment of the condition of all of the roofs owned by the City of Muskego. Buildings include: The Library, Public Works Facillity and Parks and Recreation Department. From the results, a long-term plan of action can be developed. The estimated total roof area for the survey is 40,000 Total Square Fel~t covering 3 facilities. The survey will include the following services for the facilities. . A) Thorough on-site inspection using state of the art infra-red equipment to detect areas of wet insulation under the roof membrane surface B) Verification of survey results - cores and moisture probe analysis to verify infrared results and the construction configuration of each roof section. C) Delineation of areas of wet insulation on the roof surface with yellow spray paint. D) A comprehensive report (every roof) which includes: 1. Outlined drawings of each roof and a comprehensive drawing of all facility roofs on a 24" x 36" roof plan showing areas of wet insulation as determined by the survey. 2. A detailed written report, including photos, of the existing construction and conditions. 3. Recommendations and specifications for the repair, restoration, or any needed replacement of roofs can be developed based upon the results of this survey. 4. A Planned Roof Program for the next 5 years accompanied by budget estimates. THE TOTAL PRICE FOR ALL SERVICES WILL BE $1,550.00 (Break Out of Charges: $325.00 - Library, $325.00, - Parks and Rec Dept, $900.00 - Public Works Galrage) The survey can be completed as soon as weather permits. If we are able to coordinate the roof survey with another client in a nearby area for the same evening, we can offer a $100.00 discount for each facility for a total discount of $300.00. Sincerely, . Richard Adams Service Sales Representative . . . City of Muskego Infrared Analysis Proposal Schedule of Work City of MuskeSjo 1. Scope of Work Provide a complete Roof Survey including: 1.1 Thermographic Moisture Analysis of insulation where applicable including: 1.1. .1 Therrnograms of wet areas. 1.1.2 Core and/or Moisture Probe confirmation of all wet areas and anomalies. 1.1.3 Outlining of all confirmed wet areas with an approved marking system. 1.2 Contractor shall provide a local field representative to oversee the examination of the site, the taking of all cores and probes, the repair of all cores and probes. the interpretation of the actual thermographic survey. and the presentation and interpretation of the finished report. 2. Work Specification 2.1 Survey all accessible roof areas using on-the-rooftop methods with an infrared imaging scanner having a spectral range which includes the 2..5.Eì micron or the 8- 12 micron regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The imaging system shall have: 2.1.1 An isotherm function with the capability of detecting a temperature diffl~rence of 020 C at 300 C object temperature. 2.1.2 A display unit with a real time TV-type display. 2.1.3 The ability to permanently record by photograph the image and temperature on the monitor tube. 2.2 Repair all roof core cuts and probes with asphalt and coal tar pitch compatible elastomeric roofing mastic and polyester coated glass reinforced mesh in a five course application. Where the BURM is found to contain moisture, repairs shall be made with an initial application of tar based mastic applied in a manner to insure water tight repairs. 2.2.1 Ethylene Propylene Diene monomer (EPDM) membranes are to be repaired according to SPRI standards. 2.3 Indicate the areas of wet insulation on dimensionalized drawings of all the surveyed roof areas. 2.4 All the above is to be confirmed in writing and presented in duplicate binders. 3. Examination of Site: The local representative of the contractor shall be responsible for examining the work site to ascertain thl~ nature and extent of the work to be done. 4. Schedule of Work 4.1 Contractor shall schedule his work through the office prior to commencing his work. Every effort shall be made to schedule the survey as soon as possible after the award of the contract. City of Muskego Infrared Analysis Proposal . 4.2 Contractor shall schedule his work so as to complete and submit the analysis within 30 days after successful completion of the thermographic data collection. 5. Owner Responsibilities: The contractor will be provided with: 5.1 Accurate roof drawings for field use when available 5.2 Access to all contracted roof areas 5.3 Security clearance for all scheduled work including notification of the necessary local authorities. 6. Follow up Service: Tremco Field Consultant 6.1 Tremco=s local Field Consultant will follow up with recommendations and budgets to be completed for any needed repairs, restorations, or replacements. A 3 - 5 year plan will be developed based upon this survey. . . August 12'h, 2005 City of Muskego Infrared Analysis Proposal e Thermocore@ Non-Destructivle Moisture Det1ection & Analysis Hidden moisture is your roofs worst enemy. It wastes energy, eats away at your roof deck, and contributes to sick building syndrome. Even worse, it spreads to more and more area over time. Catch it early, though, and you can stop it with relatively inexpensive repairs. A visual inspection, although valuable as a guide, provides little data to accurately pinpoint moisture below the surface of the roof. A Thermocore@ infrared moisture analysis provides you with a detailed thermal map of how and where hidden moisture is located. You get the data you need to make the best decisions with your roof budget. To have WTI specialist perform a Thermocore Moisture Analysis at your facility, contact a Tremco Representative by using our Contact Us form. . A Full Service Thermocore Moisture Analysis Includes: Infrared roof ml:>isture survey. Every analysis starts with a visual inspection of the roof surface, including photos of roof details and construction. A sensitive infrared scanner is used to detect temperature differentials across your entire roof area. The analysis is conducted at night wlhen areas of roof over wet insulation show as warmer areas. This quickly identifies areas of wet insulation, which are then marked for further analysis and possible removal. The moisture survey also includes~ - Infrared inspection of every square foot of the roof and physically outlining wet areas on the roof surface -Scaled roof drawings that show precise size and location of wet areas - Images of thermal anomalies Moisture probes to verify wet areas. Once our skilled technicians have identified potentially wet roof sections, a moisture probe is inserted through the roof in these areas to measure electrical resistance, which varies according to the amount of moisture present. . Verification through core sampling. The results of the infrared survey are confirmed by taking core samples. A proper moisture analysis program requires some level of physical testing, which measures the quantity of moisture at the core site and details of the roof construction. All roof cores and moisture probes are immediately repaired with Tremco materials to ensure waterproofing continuity. Detailed report to document the results. Everything you need to understand the City of Muskego Infrared Analysis Proposal . location and extent of roof moisture and what course of action you should take. Alternate leve!ls of service are available. Sample Therrnocore Report Click on the Adobe Icon to download a Sample Report: Download files require Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it Click Here to download it from Adobe. ~---- --_._.__._._.._-----~-_._--- -------------------- ._----_._----~--~--] ~Ie Therrnoc~e_f3~.P_~~_~---.-~--.------------ ___________~___' Moisture Survey: A Case Study The initial moisture analysis completed on this building revealed some areas of wet insulation within the roof system. . No action was taken and a second moisture analysis 3 years later revealed that although not extensive, the larger wet areas had the potential to cause excessive damage if not properly repaired. The decision to hold off on spot replacement meant that moisture continued to spread and advance the destruction of the roof system while increasing repair costs. If delayed further, analysis indicated that in another 3 years moisture infiltration will have quadrupled in size and the cost to replace this damaged roof system will be more than twenty times the original cost. Thermocore Benefits - - MOISTURE MEANIS ONEV LOSS 2000: 1155 feet of wet detected. Replace:IIIP-Il t coat $G; 930 square insulatiml . <~ . / . / r-tj--t-.~ ( .. n' ~j 91 2003: Moisture has Èiþread to 6160 square feet. Replacement ~ : "" . coat ~ III ~~.:ll' $36,960 /' . i ! <+,-1 'tl ~ ì=l'.. .__~-dIb..__ . - . - - ~ ~,,~ 200S: Moisture has Bl?re<ld to 27,201 squàre feet~ R~lacement cost $163,206 . Reduces life cycle costs by helping you prevent the spread of moisture throU!;)hout the entire roof system-thus avoiding unnecessary tear-off. . Allows for accurate identification of wet insulation with minimal invasive testing of the roofing system. . Takes the guesswolrk out of the roof analysis through use of scientific data and comprehensive reporting. . InspE~cted by the industry leader in roof diagnostic information and backed by ISO 9001 Quality processes and measurements. . Allnllo;t 17'h 7005 City of Muskego Infrared Analysis Proposal . Below is a list of governmental clients who have hired Tremco to perform this particular service in the last five years: City of Milwaukee Milwaukee County Village of Brc)wn Deer Sheboygan County . City of Sheboygan City of Fond du lac General Service Administration (Milwaukee Federcll Courthouse) .