CCR2006016. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSK:EGO RESOLUTION #016-2006 APPROVAL OF SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH AVI MIDWEST, LLC FOR THE PURCHASE OF DIGITAL PLAYBACK SYSTEM FOR THE CABLE CLUB WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Department received the following quote for the digital playback system for the Muskego Cable Club: AVI Midwest, LLC. Equipment Implementation Service Maintenance Agreement Total $ 7,101.00 $ 4,899.00 i..- 500.00 $12,500.00 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached Agreement with AVI Midwest, LLC and has recommended approval by the Common Council to accept the quote submitted in the amount of $12,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the Systems Implementation Agreement with AVI Midwest, LILC for the digital playback system for the Muskego Cable Club for the purchase price of $12,500. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorizE~d to sign the Agreement in the name of the City. DATED THIS 14th DAY OF February ,2006.. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resollution #016-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of MuskE~~o. , ~: ,/\ iQ(\;1 ',7 "'-4/ íClerk- Treasurer 2/06jmb \' .J \ . . j, ji? / t. ,,!,-- ~MJ~~Ë~O~ ~ PARKS ANÐ RECREATION DEPARTMENT Craig Anderson, Director (262) 679-4108 January 18,2006 To: From: Re: I", C . (1~! < mance <ommlttee ì - Craig Anderson, Parks & Recreation Directot\._../' " Cable Club 2006 Capital Budget Purchase Approval Attached is the up to date quote for the digital playback system. The budgeted amount was $12,500 and the actual amount is the same. Jeff Jones made this request and presentation to you during the Capital Budget process in September. Thank you for your consideration. W182 88200 Racine Avenue · Box 749 · Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0749 · Fax (262) 679-5637 Systems Implementation Agreement (SIA) I e o 621 BUSEe Rd I Rte 83 Caller 1500, Bensl~nvllie. IL 60106 o 2137 S Stoughton Rd. MadÌl>on WI 53716 [!] 5300 S Emmer Dr, New Berhn WI 53151 (630) 477-2300 (608) 221-8888 (262) 207-1300 Bill To: Ship To: Project Locationh. City of Muskej:Jo AVI Midwest Cltv of Muskego PO Box 749 5300 S. Emmer Drive W182 58200 Racin Muskego, WI 53150 New Berlin. WI 53213 Muskego. WI 53151 CU5tomer# Atln: Attn: Jeff Jone, DIIhl: 1/16/06 Phone: Phone: 262.-679- CU5tomer PO: Fax: Fax; I Notes: Office Information: Job' 'e. Sales Order No. # SalAS Rap: 102 Jerry Chavkowski Install Mgn: Terms ACCepted By: Engineering Accepted By: EquIp Ordur Dille: ) Est. On-site Date: Est. Completion Datu: L eA, D s 563~ ] 1.0 Scope of. Work/R8spDnsibilitiö - AVI Midwest LLC will provide a playback S:fstern digital upgrade per the attached (Attachment "A") 2.0 Prolect Cost SumfllBrJl . 2.1 Equlpmlmt (~hme(lt "8") 2.2 Implementation (!",ttachment "C") 2.3 Service Maintenance Agreement (.-!\ttachment "D") 2.4 Agreement Total ~- $ 7.10'1.00 $ ....89!~.OO $ sıb.oO $' 1:Z,50lJ.OO 3.0 Sales. Use Tax and Ilellverv CharQØÇ - AVI Midwest LLC will add any applicable talles. permits. licenoo5. and delivery charges to the amounlt of each invoice. If noo-taxable. please indicate In note section above. 4.0 Involclna for EQulpmentlSørviC8& - AVI Midwest LLC will submit progress invoiCCIJ for the value of equipment received, and materlals and labor expended on this project on a monthly basis. Invoices will be submitted to the party designated by the Customer and wlllindude a deta~ of equipment received at the AVI Midwest LlG integration faCility and dedicated to this project, and costs of the materials. labor and other items expended since any previouis billing. Each progress billing ~vill be due net 15 days from Invoice. A ffllance charge computed at the rate of 1.5% per month will be charged on any balance not received within 30 days. 5.0 R.,mlt To Address - ):\11 payments should be mailed to: AVI Midwest, LLC NW5237. PO BOll 1450 Minneapolis, MN 55485-5237 6.0 J(8~ ~røiÐCt PersonllE~1 Sales Engineer: Design I Managing En9ìneer. Installation Project Manager: 7.0 ChantJes In The S&Dptt of Work - Costs resulting from material changes in the scope of this project by the Customer. additional requiremen~> or restrictions pieced Oil AVI Midwest UC by the Customer Of its representatives will be added to Of subtracted from the contract depending upon the-Changes being made. When AVI Midwest LLC become6 aware of the nature and impact of the change, a Contract CtlaOQ6 Order will be submitted for review and approval by the Owner before work continues. Contrad Change Order costs calculations will be commensurate with the matar1als and labor rates provided within the base contract. . Revised 112404 Page' of 3 www.Ðvi-midwest.com . . . 8.0 Insurance - AVI shall maintain commardal general liability insurance. Includlnø contractual liability. at limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occunance, automobile liability insurance, at limits of not less than $1,000.000 per occurrence, errors and omissions insurance at limit of $1,000,000, and worker's compensation and ~mployer's liability insurance covering all employees engaged in the performanCE' of this order for claims arising undln an1f applicable worker's compensation and occupational disease acts. 9.0 Compliance With Law - AVI MIdWest LLC agrees and warrants that AVI Midwest LtC shall comply with all requirements of appllcáble laws, regulations and standa,rds including but not limited to the provil;ions of (a) ExecutJve Order 11246, as amended, of the President of the Unl1ed State6 and the Rules and Regulations pursuant thereto pertaining to Equal Employment Opportunity: (b) the Fair Lal)()r Standards Act of 1938 of the United S~ltss, as amended. with respect to Wages and Hours; (e) the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), as amendad; (d) the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (lRCA). 10.0 Ownership and Use lof Documents and Electronic Data - Drawings. specifi<:atiolls. other documents, and electronic data fumlshed by AVI MidY.'est LLC for the associated project under this ,Agreement are instrumenæ of the services provided. AVI Midwest LLC shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights. including any copyright in these instruments. These instruments of service are fumished for use solely with respect to the al;sociated project under this Agreement. The Customer shall be permitted to retain COjoles of any drawings, specifications, other documents, and electronic data fumished by AVI Midwest LLC for Information and reference in connection with the associaled project. 11.0 Proprietary Protection of Programs - This Agreement does not cause any transfør of title, or intellectual rights, in Control Systems Programs, or any mater1als produced In connection therewith, includln!l SOIJfCe Codes. The Programs ara provided, and are authorized for Installation, execution, and use only In machine-readable object code form, This Agreement is expressly limited to the use of the Control SysterrlS Programs by the Customer for the iequipment in connection with the associated project. Customer agn*ls that It wUI not seek 10 reverse-engineer any Program to obtain Source Codes, and that it w~1 not disclose u'e Programs to any third party, without the consent of AVI Midwest LLC. The Control Systems Programs, and Source Codes, togethor with AVI Mldwe~1f LLC' know-how and Installation and c:onfl!}um1lon techniques, furnished hereunder are proprietary to AVI Midwest LLC, and were developed at private expense_ If Customer Is a branch of the United States govemment, for purposes of this Agreement any software fuml9hed by AVI Midwest LLC hereunder shall be deemed "restricted computer s,oftware", and any data. including installation and systems configuration information. shall be deemed "limited rights data", as those tenns are ö,fined in FAR 52.227-14 of the CQde of Fedl,ral Regulations. 12.0 GOl)eraJ Business TelUI!l! - The Customer agrees to purchase and Audiovisual, Inc. ("AVI Midwest LLC.) by its acceptance of this Agreement agrees to sell, in accordalnce with the following terms and conditions. the equipment listed (the "Equipment"). Under such terms and conditions. AVI Mklwest LtC will a) sell Equipment to the Customer and b) provide warranty service for Equipment The customer agrees to accept the Equìpment and warranty service under the terms and conditions of this Agreemenl The Customer further agf8fil'S with respect to the Equipment to a(;cept the responsibility for c) its selection to achieve the Customer'!. intended results. d) its use. and e) the results obtained therefrom. 12.1 Price and PaVJmmt - This Agreem,nt must be signed by the Customer and accepted by AVI Midwest LLC on or before the processing of this agreement. Paynu:IOt in full for all items on this agreament shall be due in accordance with Section 4.0 above. The prices shclwn are F.O.B. manufacturer's plant. The Customer in accordance with Avt Midwest LLC then current Shipping and billing pmctices will pay all destination charges for each piece of E<luiprnent from a designated AVI Midwest LLC location and any installation charges.. In addition to the prices on this agreament, thel Customer agrees to pay amounts equal to any sales or use or personal property taxes resullflQ from this Agreement or any acmvitles hereunder, 12.2 Title - Title to !h.e Equipment paSOOlì to the CI.'Stomer as of the date of delivery to the jÒb site. 12.3 Security Interest - The undersigned Customer. for value received, hereby granlts to AVI Midwest LLC a security Interest under the Uniform Commercial COde in the foregoing Equipment, plus any additions and replacements of such Equipment. and all accessories, PC;lrts and connecting Equipment now or hereafter affixed thE!reto. This security interest will be satisfied by payment In full unless ()therwise provided for in an AVI Midwest LLC Installment Payment Agreement. The security agreement shall be security for th,~ payment herein, plus 1.5% monthly interest from Invola! dUE! date detailed in Section 4.0 above, and plus a 20% restocking charge on the merchandise and attomey fees for coilectkm of the foregoing_ A copy of this Agreement may be tiled as a financing statement w~lh the appropriate authority at any time after signature of the Customer. Such filing does not constitute 3cc:eptance of thIS AgI"OOment by AVI Midwest LLC. 12.4 Rtsk of L058 OJ I~ - After thø date of delivery of Equipment to the j(lb sHe. aU risks of Ios5 or damage shall be on the Customer- 12.5 Shipment - AVI MidWest LLC agrees to schedule Equipment for shipment in accordance with AVI Midwest LLC applicable shipment seql.lence. 12.6 RøcelvlnaJlnstalllation - The Cust"mer agroos to provide a suitable Ins1:allat'loo envlronment and to furnish all labor required for receiving and pladng Equipment in the desired location at the job silts. Packaging materfals shall be the property of the Customer. The Iterms of any such Installation Agreement are incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement 12.7 Confiauratlon CI~ - By agreE:menl between AVI Midwest LlC and the Customer. changes in the configuration of the Equipment describt~d herein may be made In wrltlng by submlssion of a ChanooJ:ttill!I document. 12.8 Warranties - Warranties vary by manufacturer and no additional warranties are expressed or implied on the equipment or software provided al; part of the system. Additionally, for a period of 90 days flCom :wbstantial completion, AVI Midwest LLC will warranty the systems installatfon to be free from defects in matenal and workmanship. Revised 112404 Page 2 of 3 www.:lvl-mlctwest.eom . . . 12.9 Remedies - UpCln default 8S provld~d herein, AVI Midwest LlC shall have all tine rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code and under any other applicable laws. Arr~ re<luirements of reasonable notice by either party to the other gU31f3ntors or sureties of Customer shall be met If such notlæ Is mailed, postage prepaid, to the address of the parties shown on the first page of thi~. Agreement (or to such other mailing address as e"her party in writing later fumishes to the other) at least t'~n calendar days before the time of the event or contempllated action set forth In said notice. Customor agrees to pay all expenses of retaking. holding. preparing for sale. selling and attorneys' fees and legal expenses as may be allowed by law and incurred by AVI Midwest LLC, tn enforcing Its rlghts under thl!s Agreement The rights and remedies herein conferred upon AVI Mtdwest LLC. shall be cumulative and not alternative and shall be In addition to and not in substitution of or in derogation of rights and remedies oJTlferred by the Uniform Commercial C(de and other applicable laws. 12.10 lil"{1itóltlDn of R'.mødIBB - AVI Midwest LLC entire liability and the Customer's exduslve remedy shan be as follows: In all situations involving performance or nonperformance of Equipment or stlrvlæs furnished under this Agreement, the Customer'6 remedy is the adjustment or repair of the Equipment or replacement of Its parts by AVI Midwest LLC, or, at AVI Midwest LLC option, replacement of the Equipment. In no event wiU AVI Midwest LLC be liable for any damages caused by the Customer's failure to perform the Customer's responsibilities. or fur any lost profits or other consequentIal damages, even if AVI Midwest LLC hilS been advised of the possib~ity of suçh damages. Of for any claim against the Customer by any other party, or for any damages caused by performance or non-performance of Equipmerrt located outside the United States or Puerto Rico. 12.11 Acc81el'3tiDnli Df Obligation ..nlil Dilbult - Upon the occurrence of any event of default by Customer. AVI Midwest LLC may, at its optiOI1l. with or without notice. declare the whole unpaid balancl~ of ;any obligation secured by this Agreement immediately due and payable and may d,~lare Customer to be in default under this Agreement. 12.12 General - Thi~; agreement is nol assignable without the prior written cons81nt of AVI Midwest LlC. Any attempt to assign any of the rights. duties, or oblig<Jtions of this Agreamsnt without such wnsent is void. This Agreement can only be modified by a written '~9reement duly signed by persons authorized to sign agmomernts on behalf of U,e Customer and of AVI Midwest LLC, and variance from the terms and conditions of the Agreement in any mder or other written notification from the Customer will be of no affect. The Wml this Agraomenr as used Mrein includes any applicable instanment payment agreement, :r,;upplement or future writtell1 amendment made in accordance horewith. If any provision or provisions of this Agr6emerrt shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legiafity and enforceabi~ty of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Customer and AVI Midwest LLC, if any printed term or condition contained in any purchase order or other form used by Customer to order products or services pursuant to this Agreement, or in any acknowledgment or' othor form used by Customer is inconsistent with any t8ml or com::lition conlainod herem, the provisions hereof shall apply and liake precedence AVI Midwest llC is not responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond Its control or, except as agreed herein, to provide an~' services hereunder for Equipment located outside the United Steles or Puerto Rico. The laws of the State of Iowa will govElm this Agreement 13.0 ~iDçe of Aqr8E~ - This agreøment includes equipment and services that are required to satisfy the project scope of Section 1.0 ~)f Work/Responsibilities. AVI Midwest lLC will begin worl\ on this proiect upon receipt of a copy of this agreement duly signed and executed by an agent of the Customer, specifically authorized to bind the Customer to the terms and conditions of this agreement. In Witness whereof, the par1~es hereto by their duly author\2ed representatives have executed this Agreement upon the date first set forth herein. AGREED AND ACCEPTE[)I BY: AVlMidwøstlli (Customer) (Signature) (Signature) Jerry Chayk()ws~;1 (PrInt Nama) (Print Name) 1/18/06 (Date) (Date) Revised 112404 PagEl 3 of3 www.evi-midwest.com . . . Scope of Work I Respon~:)iblllties Attachment "Au city of.Muskego W182 S8200Racine AVf~. Racine, WI 53150 Jeff JO"es 262-679-5635 1/18/06 ... 1.0 Statement of ServlCi9$ To J:lo P[ovl~~I~ . Replace the exIsting Leightronix PR08 controller with the lelght.-onb dlglltal Nexus product. . The PlusBu& ccmnectlon& will remılÍn the same, but due to the fact thöæt the Nexus has a smaller Internal swltchef there lmay be a need for rewiring to support the exlBling decb. Further dılÍøy chaining of the det:ks will be Included In this quote though I,ot recommended due to a 106s of picture quality. According to olilr existing drawings the Sony SLVN60 VCR will need t,o be removed from tI1e rack In order to fit the upgraded controller and hrd drive rack kit. 2.0 AVI Midwest LLC RIMlponslblllties . Provide equlpmemt, materials and labor Items per Attachments 8 and C. . Provide systems. equipment Installilltion and supervisory responsibility of the equipment installation. . Provide systems checkout, progranvning and testing. . Provide project timeline GGhedules. Provide neces~lry information, as requested. to the owner or other contra(;tors involved with this project to insure that proper AC electrical power and cab4eways and/or conduits are provided to properly integrate the equipment within the facilities. Provide manufacturer supplied equipment documentation. . Provide final documentation and "a:5 built" system drawings (CAD). . Provide system 'training following installaUon to the designated project leader 01' team. 3.0 Customer Responsibilities . Provide for the construction or mc:ldiflcation of the facilities for soundprcoflnn, lighting, electrical, HVAC, structural support of equipment, and decoraUIlg as appropriate. . Provide for the ordering, provisionil'l9, instaUalîon, wiring and verification elf any Data Network (lAN, WAN, TI, ISDN. etc.) and Telephone Line (Analog or Digitat) equipment and services prior to on-slte installation. . Provide all m'ce:ssary cableways and/or conduits required to facllllBte AV systems wiring. Provide all nece:ssary conduit, wiring and devices for technical power to thI~ AV systems equipment. . Provide reasonable accesses of AVI Midw8St LLC peffionool to the facilîtios dLlring periods of installation, testing and training, indudlng off hours and W8il:lkends. . Provide a secure area to house alliinstalratlon materials and equipment. . Provide a project leader who w1l1bE~ available for consuttation and meeting:s. . Provide timely rElview and approval of all documentation (Technical Reports, Drawings. Contracl5, etc.). . Pull all cable. . Install cameras l)nd mounts. . Provide naC86sClry 6pace on exi6t1ng fum/ture for "head-end" equIpment. Acceptance Initials Customef_ Revised 0204 PBQ6' or 1 AVI EQUIPMENT LIST -I Atta.:hment "B- . DATE: January 1 B, 2006 TO: City of Muskego W182 58200 Racine Ave. Muskego. W153150 "TIN: Jeff Jones PH: 262-679-5635 FX: RE; Playback Upgrade C\.Ist#: FROM: 102 Jerry Chaykowski C PH: 262-207-1300 FX: 262-207-1301 . . ~Jii~l~,~. M,. Midwest CJ 621 BusS<> Rd. RIa 83 C3/1er1500, BB"oe,,<JIlle. Il 50106 D 21:17 S Stoughton Road, Madison. WI 53716 m 531)0 S Emmer Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151 EQUIPMENiTOTAL: $ 7,101.00 CONTRACT EXTENDED I PRICE PRICE $ 6.409.00 $ 6,409.00 $ 567.00 $ 567.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 IrÆ~ NO. CTY MANUFACTURER 1 DESCRIPTION MODEL NO. EQUIPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NEXUS Lelfqtronlx/NetworK-ManaQed Video Svstem Controller and D1f.lltal VIdeo Server LGX-USBHD500 LeiRhtronixl500 GB HD LGX-WSBHD5oo LeiRhtronix/Rack Kit Acceptance InltIafs - Pricing Subject To Verll\caUon AI Order ElII'Y - TDrms Per Ese Or SIA - F ralgtll And T 8l<8B To Sa AØdod Page 1 Customer RlNlSlld 0204 AVI_ . . . Implernentation Costs Attachment "e" I CIty of MuskegD W182S8~OORacine AVE!. Muskego, WI 531 so Jeff Jones 262-679-5635 1/18/06 ~ 1.114.00 $ 261.00 ~ 228.00 ~ 1,019.00 $ 1,457.00 $ 820.00 ~ 4.899.00 . Engineering I CAD . Project Management . Cable Placement . On Site Installation . Acceptance Testingl . Cable / Connectors . TOTAL RevIsed 0204 Pagel of 1 -. Acçeptaoce Initials CUstomer AVl o 621 Busse Rd I Rte 83 Callef 1500, Bensenville,lL 60106 o 2137 S stoughton Rd, Madison. WI 53716 00 5300 S Emmer Dr, New Berlin. WI 53151 (630) 477-2300 (608) 221-8888 (262) 207-1300 . Service Maintenance Agn~ement (SMA) Gold level (Attachment "0") Customer Bill To Address: M.llntenance Location Address: Office I Agreement Information: City of MuskeC]o Cily of MUlikegO Agreement Numbør: PO Box 749 W'182 58200 Racine Ave. S,alesRep: 102 Muskepo,WI53150 Ml~kego, VVl53150 T:S Approval By; Attachment "S"; (Xlv..... DNo Agreement Type: (XlN- D 1("""..... Contact Name: Parts Ship To: (Xl AVl D CUIi1Om8r Phone Number: F,lctory Support: (Xl y- DNa Customer Number. Contact Name: Jeff Jones Support Type: Customer PO: Phone Number: 262--679-5635 System 10 Number: Gold Level Selection IXI Standard D Plus Coverage Term [:K]1 Year [J 2 Year [:=J 3 Year r Coverage Oat.1f From: To: J ~ 3 .1 Plus ServlCe5 Options Requested On-Site Service Date One: On-Site Service Date Two: Scheduled On~Site Comprehensive Maintenanc:e Döates I Actual Date Comploted: I Actual Date Compll~led: Agreement COGt And Tenns 1) Coverage Must 8e Purch<llsed On All Components Cabled Together In A System. 2) Attached Equipment List Hepresents Model/\nd Selial Number(s) Coveled By This J~grel!ment (Attachment "8"). 3} Full Payment Due Net 15 Days And Before Service Coverage Begins. 4) Any Applcable State Or lli)cal Taxes Requirl!ld WiH Be Billed In Addition To This Amount Totlll $ 'Volume DIscount ( -.4) $ Asreement Total $ soo.oo soo.oo ] Agreement Acceptance and Approval Company: Signature: rille: Print NiIIT1e: Dille: ~ CompilOy': ~AVI Midwest LLC Signature: Title: Print Name: . --- Date: . Revised 0204 Page 1 of 3 www.avi-mi<lwest.com ._---~---~-~-~-- Gold Services To Be Provided -- . r:I Preventive Maintenance Provides labor to perform two on-site scheduled comprehensive mainteni'lnce sessions per year for routine cleaning, adjustments. alignments and repain;: o On Demand Service Provides 5X9 servic:e and support response (Mon - Fril 8am - 5pm) Provides priority phone support (within 2 hour response time) Provides priority in-shop service (within 4 hour response time) Provides priority on-sìte service (withi~1 8 hour response Ume) . Provides labor to pmform off-site remelte diagnostics and troubleshooting Provides labor to /Jtlrform on-site troubleshooting to localize and diagnose faults Provides labor to Pf~rform on-site correction of problems, pertorm repairs and adjulitm9nts to restore system operation {J Shop Service and Parts . Provides labor to Pflrform in-shop diagnostics and repair of faulty equipment Provides all materi~lls and parts (excluding catastrophic parts not covered by rnanufacturerwarranty, and consumablas) Provides preferred purchase rate for catastrophiC parts, add-on parts and software upgrades (10% discount) . Provides coverage of costs for equipment sent to manufacturer for diagnosis ()( repair (J Other and Optional Plus, Services Provides labor and travel costs to customer IoCatlon within 60 mile radius of the A VI Service Center Provides software maintanance revisions . Provides optional plus services as Indicated under the "Plus Services Options Requested" wction ] Definitions 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. Priority Service - Means all Agreement wor1( is scheduled ahead of anyon-demand work within 2 hour. 4 hour or 8 hour response . times as indicated within lhe Agreement. Scheduled Maintenance.- Defined as the TElchniGal Personnel of AVI Midwest LLC performing the necessary cleaning, adjustment, and replacement of parts to keep the equipment in good and efficient operating condItion. Any repain;: or operating instructions wirl be done at this time, Remote DIagnostics - Defined as remote C2ll1s made to communications and terminal equipment via customer provided analog tine to determine network andl/or board-level failures and remedies (If equipment is capable and configured for remote diagnostics), Catastrophic Parts - Defined as video head assemblies, disk drives, projection 1ubf~ and devices, CRTs, lCD assemblies, plasma assemblies, prism assemblies, and complete circuit boards. Consumables - Defined as tapes. battenes. projection lamps and diskettes. Consurnabh:!s are ncllncloded under this Agreement Software Maintenance HevisJons - Rell1si()ns of the exls11ng software that are J)rovlded at no charge at the discretion of the manufacturer that are primarily Intended to fix bugs which Impair equipment operation. Upgrades are available (increases capability of the product) a1 normal manufactUfer d'lal'!)es. Business Terms --1 AVI Midwest LLC wi. make all necessary adjustments, repairs and replacements necessary to maintain the equipment in good working order. AVl's obligation uncler Ihis Agreement is limited to the repair or replacement of arlY palrts and to maintain as set forth above. This warranty shall not apply to any equipment If any person otl'ler than an AVI technician or other person authorized by AV', wtthout AVl's conlì9nt. modifies, adjusts or repain;: such unit or pertorms any maintenance service on It during the lfirm ofthls Agreement. limitation of RemedÎ96 - AVI Midwest LLC entilre liability and the Customer's exclusive remedy shall be as follows. In all situations involving negligence in performance or nonperlrormance of AVI Midwest LLC for the services furnished under this Agreement. AVI Midwest LlC shall bEl liable fc.,- the adjustment repair. or replacemant of equipment darnaged or impaired. AVI Midwest LLC will not be liable for any performance 01' nonperformance of any manufacturer or third party software operational features. In no event will AVI Midwest LtC be liable for any damages caused by the Customer's failure to perform the Customer's responsibiHties, or for any lost profits or other consequential damages, even if !WI Midwest LLC has been advIsed of the pt:lsslbliity of such damages, or for any claim against the Customer by any other party, or for sny damages caused by performance or non-performance of equipment located outside the United States or Puerto R"co. General - AVI Midwest LLC reserves the right to assign this Agreement to other parties in l:lrder to fulfill all warranties and obligations expressed herein. This Agreement can only be modified by a written agreement duly si!Jned by persons authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the Customer and of AVI Midwest LtC. and variance from the terms and conditions of the Agreement in any orner or other written notiftcation from the Customer will be of no effecl The term "this Agreemenr as U&l~ herein includoo any applicable payment agreement or finance agreement, supplement 0" future written amendment made in accord.mca herewith. however. the cancellation of this Agreement shall not canc;el or otherwise negate Customer's obllga1lons under any note or finance agreement If any provision or provisions of this Agreement .;hall be held to be invalid, ~Iegal or unenforceab~, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall nol in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Unless otherwise agmed to In wrttlng by Customer and AVI Midwest LlC. If any printed term or c(lndition contained In any purchase order or olher form used by Customer to order produas or services pursuant to this Agreement, or in any acknow1l~ment or other form used by Customer Is Inconsistent with any term or condition contained herein, the provisions hereof shaH apply and take precedence, AVI Midwa~;t LLC is not responsible for failure to fulfill its . Re\IÌsed 0204 Page 2 of 3 www.avi-midwest.com . . . obligations under this Agraemlmt due to causes beyond Its control or, except as agreed hentin. to provide any servIces hereunder for Equipment located outside the Unítad States or Puerto Rico. The laws of the State of Minnesota will govam this Agreement. Revised 0204 Page 3of3 www.llvi-midwest.com