CCR2005237. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #237-2005 APPROVAL OF QUIT CLAIM DEED TO WAUKESHA COUNTY 'BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Quit Claim Deed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the Quit Claim Deed in the name of the City. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF December ,2005. SPONSORED BY: Mayor Charles Damaske This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #237-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. '. / ' "-r)' Cler. -Treasurer 12/05jmb . . . QUIT CLAIM DEED RE3004S 790 Document No. Exempt from fee: s. 77.25(2) The City of Muskeqo quit-claims to Waukesha County the following described real estate in Waukesha County, Wisconsin: Legal Description: All that part of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County State of Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows: Those lands labeled as "60' RESERVED FOR HWY PURPOSES" in an unrecorded plat of survey prepared by Ruekert and Mielke, Inc. and sealed by Frank J. Ruekert on April 1 , 1982 and revised on April 19, 1982 further described as Plat of Survey Number 1411 and recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds in plats of survey as document 47248 and also described as the Northerly 60 feet of those lands described in Document Number 747804 and also described as: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest one- quarter of said Section 9 which is marked by a monument; thence North 01017'44" West along the east line of said Southwest one-quarter 1 ,722.67 feet to a point on the centerline of CTH L; thence South 66025'41" West, 349.43 feet along said centerline of CTH L to the northeast corner of said unrecorded plat of survey and the point of beginning; thence continuing South 66025'41" West, 46.81 feet along said centerline of CTH L and the north line of said unrecorded survey to a point; thence South 22033'59" East, 60.01 feet to a point; thence North 66025'41" East, 51.07 feet to point on the east line of said unrecorded plat of survey; thence North 26038'02" West, 60.04 feet to the centerline of CTH L and the point of beginning. This space is reserved for recording data Return to: Waukesha County Public Works Attn Karen Braun 1320 Pewaukee Rd Room 220 Waukesha WI 53188 Parcel Identification Number/Tax Key Number MSKC 2195.966 Said parcel contains 0.07 acre, more or less, exclusive of all lands previously acquired or now held for highway purposes. THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Date) WAUKESHA County )ss. (Signature) On the above date, this instrument was acknowledged before me by the named person(s). (Print Name, Title) (Signature, Notary Public, State of Wisconsin) (Signature) (Print or Type Name, Notary Public, State of Wisconsin) (Print Name, Title) (Date Commission Expires) This instrument was drafted by Waukesha County Page 1 of 1 ~ 4t~ FREDERICK STREET PLAT OF SURVEY RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. PROFESSIONAl. ENGINEERS a SURVEYORS W....UKESHA. WISCONSiN FOR: CITY OF MUSKEGO PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 9, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN I ~ ...4AN~ILL~ ~ -9..~RT I S. T.H. "241.1 ----- REFERENCE BEARING: EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, SEC.9, T5N, R20Ej ASSUMED BEARING NOlo r7'44"W. / , , JANESVILLE ----- BOA .", '" 56602 '16"W . 53.19~ I. J ojJJ;' . " -~~ ~il \ . ~ CITY - ß~q. I C\I > ~I' OF. MUSKEGO ~ ~; I I ~: I N 66" ""E ' ~ - 54. ., ~l ~=W O.163Ac.to i.~ ~~ ~ 9.9.. ~U !_~ (/) "v I v l o CI) 0.089 Ac. NET _"'-"" P OP 0 ~ b fìi ~ ~II qlVISION [ı -co ~ ~ if O~~AC.to ~ "l \ . , io.brsrAC. NET \ I )-CHISLED't" /,' IN CONCRETE j\. 55.54' Q, 113.54' _05\ g EJOUSE I ~)! "'"" ~ _Iv~"- . I ~ i~~ ( LUFKIN GAR. I, HARDING 10 f ~Jt 1-./ 62.00' 124.00' \\\\\\,""1""""'/ """ sCON ,', II/II, .,' ~\ ."..... .,j I /. ~~. ,\..... '. J~1/ ..~~ .::. ,i; FrUd',lI< J. .'. -::. t l~u~r;~i:f::t.Jr?. .'t ~ :: \":. W:,t1i,i~H,.",,: !J~_~ ~ ""':, ". \'I i S. - - '>, .' ~O ~ \:~, Sl,jFj:\{'.~.~,/:~' I"..'fjjllll\\\\.... 100.00' 46,8" ' ,....- - - S 66'>~7'16"W-cD '" 349.56' :!" $ j I-.. ~' ~ tlf &~ ~" .* f,!? ~ >oJ ..... I-.. 0," of::" j4f Ò' 0) t I SCALE: ," = 40' 1.13Iba./lin. ft. SOUTHEAST CORNER Of THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, SEC. 9, T5N. R20E _UJ ~ o II) o o '" (/) 1111111~11~~IIIIII~I~I~III~'IIIIIIIIIII~III~II~~1I11 WCPSØØ47248 62.00' N 65020'46"E 3'% "I HAVE SURVEYED THE AtiOVE PROPERTY AND THE ABOVE MAP 15 A Tß.UE REPRESENTATION THEREOF AND SHOWS THE SIZE AND LOCATION 0,.. THE PROPERTY. ITS e:XT~RIOR BOUNDARIES. 'THE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF" ALL STRUCTURES THEREON, -ENCES. APPARENT EASEMENTS AND ROADWAYS AND V ISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS. IF ANY. HIS SURVEY IS MADE FOR THE..EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PRESENT OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY, AND AL.SO THOSE WHO PURCHASE, ORTGAGE. OR ~UARANTEE THE TITLE THERe:'-O WITHIN ONE (t) YEAR FROM DATE HEREOF; ANO TO THEM I WARRANT THE AC. CURACY 0" SAIO SURVEY ANO MAP." . I D DATEOTHIS I~/:r DAY 0" ~4,~n-,' I~ 1.K2.AT WAUKESHA.W~~;:z~.-g.~/E~ J;:rß) PLAT NO, ,eetl V. /VjJr. /9; /II ðd.- ~ - T r' ./4/11 IN I f\. p ~(, tf. /( 31 2CCl) @ L\~ cD :j" N r T