CCR2005140. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #140-2005 APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CGI COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WHEREAS, The attached Agreement with CGI Communications, Inc. has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and has been recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, dOE!s hereby approve the attached Agreement with CGI Communications, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That placement of the banners will be determined by the Public Works Committee. DATED THIS 12TH JULY _J 2005. DAY OF SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #140-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/05jmb (lú <".~~, d.~ d Clerk-Treasurer I Commllni~v Video & Street Banner Branding Program . CG [ Comtllullicatiolls, [lie. /30 East Main Street. 8th Floor Rochester, NY 14604 1-800-398-3019 Phone: 585-417-0010 Fax: 585-192-0601 . ~-~ ~I I~ Name: C 13rles Damaske CDIIliMUNICATIDNS. INC. Title; Address: !v~ V. 182 S8200 Racine Ave Phone: r-" uskego, WI 53150-0749 2 ;2-679-4100 eelLocalLinl(, ıIÅ li~'lr;1ifir:yJ('~ ~t:ommunity : anner ervfces, Inc. City, State, Zip: Fax: 2 ;2-679-4106 Email: c nanderson((j)ci.muskeao.wi.us VI ~uskeao.wi.us Website: Tbls agreement is ,etween CGI Communication., Inc. and Mnskego, WI and sball remain II effect fur a period of three years. The commencenlC, ,t date ofth" agreement shall be tbe date tbat the initial Street BanRer Installation Is eomplet' d. This agreement Is 'nlly renewable by parties In writing within 90 days prior to completion of the tblrd year. . e.LocaIUnk, a dlvi don of CGI Communications, Inc. sball provide tbe following: Website Welcome video ti'om your mayor or od1er civic 1eader (approx. I minute) 3 Community Highlight videos (approx I minute eacll) Consult wid1 you to write your scripts Come to YOUT location to film your videos Professiona] voice-overs, script writing and background music. Video a.nd editing; all aspects of post-production ti'om raw footage to final video Store and stream aU videos on our dedicated server and willliuk finisbed ,ideos to to your municipality's website homepage Encode final video into multiple streaming digital formats to play on all computer systern:. browsers and intemet cormection speeds, including both Windows MediaTM and Quicl ~TimeTM. To include patent pending "one click" technology Final draft of all content of the Comnmnity Highlight Videos for your approval Marketing, production, printing, and distribution are the sole responsibi!ity of e'LocaILinJ:. Muskego, WI will assume no cost or liabiJity for the project e'LocalUnk will own copyrights of the master Community Highligbt Videos I rogra'" Add-OII if agreenrellt is siglled alld received by 6/03/05: ( GI ConrmlUllcatio,1S gllarallree.. aft/", crew to captllre footage durù'g tl,e forti', week ill AllguSI, 2005. Community Bann< r Servlc"., a division of CGI Communications, Inc. shall provide the following: Full color custom graphic vinyl banners A minimum of25 banners widt business sponsors allowed on lower 25% of bat mer Design and size customized to meet your Community's specifications (standard size 30" :: 60") Community Banner Services, a division of CG! Communications, Inc. is solely responsible for obtaining business sponsorships New banner design for each 12 month period; reference to your Commnnity's website oj: tional New business sponsors for each 12 month period; lower portion, to be "onsistent with banners' color scheme Sponsorship fees trom $445.00 per banner per 12 montb period Bracket system comprised of cast aluminum brackets, fiberglass rods, and all necessary 1 trdware Free replacement of tom, worn. and/or damaged banners Installation and maintenance of all banners RemovaJ of all Banners and bracket systems upon expiration of agreement Marketin roducr' and disttibu . e responsibility of Communi!;' Banner Services uskego, WI wiU assume no cost or liability for the project Muskego, WI shal provide the following: A letter of introduction for the program on your organization's 1etterhead Assist with the content and script for the Community Hig]11ight Videos Agrees to give CGI and its divisions the right to use organization's nam~ in connection w. 11 the preparation and production of the program set ford1 berein only Agrees to put a link on the mWJicipality's website homepage to e-LocaILink's video serve' Provides e-LocalLink with exclusive streaming video rights for the tem, of this agreemen. Identification and obtainment of the preferred pole sites to ensure proper banner placeme . t Monitor and report tom, WOOl, and/or damaged banners eacb 12 month period .we, tlte U/lde';!3,n< ,t, .mder..a/l(/tlte abov Signature~~ ~~ Signature:. ~ /~~ "^'-- Name Printed: ( harles Damask. Name Pd,! led; Frank 8110110 Title: ~~ I -' ~~-I-o { ~. Executive Vice President Date: Date: _. 6/112005 . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #140-2005 APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CGI COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ,/ .I I WHEREAS, The attached Agreement with ICGI Communications, Inc. has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and ,h/~een recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEØ That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendationmol, tithe Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Agreement with CGI co/"unications, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Th1'tbe rII"" ayor is authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City. I Y I 'd / \. . DAY oj' "~. /~.~' /" ,'.'" " " \\. / I0J /..'~~) /~ DATED THIS , 2005. :SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #140-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 7/05jmb