CCR2005104. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #'104-2005 RESOLUTION TO CREATE: THE POSITION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND APPROVE THE JOB DESCRIPTION, SALARY RANGE AND EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISEMENT WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the Job Description and Salary Range for a City Administrator Position and recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the creation of the position of City Administrator in accordance with the attached job description, with the salary range as follows: Minimum $68,950 Midpoint $84,500 Maximum $104,04~) DATED THIS 24TH MAY ,2005. DAY OF SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #104-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. , -) Æ . ,< ,7 . . 6t;;((,èaÚre;.éH"'" '~/7 5/2005mb c . . . -# 7M!?; City Administrator Job Description Declaration: Whereas, Article XI Section 3 of the Wisconsin Constitution provides municipalities with home rule powers, and the right to detennine their local affairs and government;; and Whereas, Wisconsin Statutes Sec. 62.04 has granted to cities the largest measure of self- ~ government compatible with the Constitution and general laws and further provides that the exercise of rights and powers of a city shall be liberally construed in favor of thl~ City so as to promote the general welfare of peace, good order and prosperity of the inhabitants; and Whereas, Wisconsin Statutes Sec. 62.11 (5) vests the management ofthe City in its Common Council which constitutes its Mayor and Alderpersons; and Whereas, it is deemed by the Common Council to be in the best interest of the management of the City to utilize the services of a professionally trained, qualified City Administrator to provide the Common Council with counsel and advi,:e and management skills so as to foster the most effective and efficient management of the City's governmental operations and fmances; and Whereas, a City Administrator should work closely with, be responsive to and have the confidence of the Common Council. Now, therefore, it is the declared purpose of this subsection to make clear the intent of the Common Council that the position of the City Administrator is in accordance with the authority of the City's home rule powers and is deemed to be a matter of purely local com:ern. Responsibilities: . Assist the Mayor and Common Council through counsel, advice and management skills so as to foster the most effective and efficient management of the day-to-day operation of . City's government and its finances. Assist the Mayor and Common Council in planning by setting goals anêl objectives and . implementing programs to achieve them. Work closely with the Mayor be responsive to and have the confidence of the Common Council. . That the intent of the Common Council is that the position of City Administrator is in accordance with the authority of the City's home rule powers and is deemed to be a matter of purely local concern. . . . DUTIES: Administration 0 Attend all official and committee meetings of the Common Council, unless otherwise excluded; assist the Mayor and City Clerk in the preparation of Council agendas; and ensures that a summarized statement of income and expenditures of the dty is made available to the Mayor and Common Council, and makes this r~ort available for public inspection on a monthly basis via the City of Muskego website as a pdf. 0 Carry out directives of the Mayor or Common Council, which require administrative implementation. 0 Establish administrative procedures to increase the effectiveness and effitiency of City government according to current policies and practices in local governmlent consistent with the directives of the Mayor or Common Council. 0 Direct, coordinate, and expedite the activities of all City departments except where such authority is vested by State law in officers, boards and/or commissions; to achieve the most economical, efficient operation of such departments and their programs. 0 Human Resources/Personnel 0 Serve as Human Resource Director for the City. Develop and administer personnel policies and procedures, labor contracts, and (;oordinates in the collectiv~e bargaining process. 0 Monitor the effectiveness of municipal programs and make recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council. 0 Direct and control, through appropriate organizational channels, the effident performance of all City employees; conduct screening and selection processes, submit recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council for new employee:s. 0 Works closely with department heads to assru-e that they and other City employees receive adequate opportunities for training and professional development within budget allowances to improve their knowledge and skills; act as the approving authority for all . . . requests by City employees to attend conferences, meetings, training schools, etc., pertaining to their employment. 0 Financial Develop budgeting procedures and supervist: the preparation of the annual operating city, 0 utility, and capital improvements budget; coordinate fmancial and economic data for the City's long range fmancial plans. 0 Collect and utilize up-to-date infonnation regarding the availability of Federal, State, County and private funds for local programs, and assist department managers and the Common Council in obtaining funds and grants. Suggest and monitor debt management according to State and Federal regulations. 0 Develop and implement standardized purchasing policies and procedurt:s for the City; supervise the purchasing of all supplies, materials and equipment. 0 Manage investment portfolios. Research and analyze investment opportunities. Research and make the City aware ofTIF regulations. Public Relations/Communications 0 Submit, when necessary, recommendations and suggestions for improving the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City .and coordinate a system of communications among and with the Mayor, Cominon Council, and the general public; e:stablish procedures for the facilitation of communication between citizens and ~he City to assure that complaints, grievances, recommendations and other matters receive: the prompt attention of responsible officials and are expeditiously resolved; overse(~ the production of a quarterly newsletter and other appropria1te communications to keep the citizens of the City informed. 0 The City Administrator acts in the capacity of public relations officer for the City, as necessary, as authorized by the Mayor or Common Council. 0 Provide an Administrator's Report (Status of the City) at regular or spedal Common Council meetings. . . . 0 Review proposed and pending county, state and federal legislation and æport their impact to the Mayor and Common Council; appear on the City's behalf at all legislative and administrative hearings as directed by the Mayor or the Common Council. 0 Perfonns related work as required. Education and/or EXDerience: A Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration; Masters in Public Administration or closely related field is preferred. The person will have a minimum of five (5) years experience in local government administrative experience; expertise in budgetinglfmance, human resources, strategic planning, and general municipal operations; personal computer skills; strong interpersonal skills and commitment to team management and citizen participation/service. EmDlovment status: The position of City administrator is full-time. Communication: Must be an excellent communicator both written and verbal. Mathematical Skills: Ability to apply concepts of a(;counting and budgeting. Strate2ic Plannin2: Familiarity with strategic planning practices oflocal government leading to activities and policy development that anticipate future opportunities, issues, and concerns, providing long-range sense of direction for the City. MuniciDal Mana2ementlODeration: Thorough knowledge of: the principles and practices of municipal management, the overall methods and operations of a variety of munidpal programs, laws, statutes, and ordinances, under which municipaJi governments operate. Considerable knowledge of community programs as applied to murlÍcipal government. Teambuildin2: Possess considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with various units and sub-units of government, municipal officials, municipal employees and the general public. Phvsical Requirements: Ability to operate a variety of office equipment including computer, tenninal, telephone, fax machine, calculator/adding machine, tape recorder, voting machines and photocopier. Ability to coordinate eyes, hands, feet and limbs in pe:rfonning slightly skilled movements. . Ability to exert moderate physical effort in sedentary to light work, typically involving some combination of lifting, stooping, carrying, pushing and pulling. Ability to recognize and identify similarities or differences between characteristics of shapes and sounds associated with job-related tasks, objects and materials. Residency, to be discussed via e-mail before the Finance Committee on 5/18/05 . . . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #104-2005 RESOLUTION TO CREATE THE POSITION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND APPROVE THE JOB DESCRIPTIION, POINTS, SALARY RANGE AND EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISEMENT WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the Job Description.!' Points and Salary Range for a City Administrator Position and recommended ap,)(oval. I' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Coun9' of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, ioes hereby approve the creation of the position of City Administratm in accordance v6ith the attached job description, with the points and salary range as follows: ;/ / < fQt"a total of .s " , f l . './ \ / , .t / " ./ , " / ~'..' / :..\ ;' J ,,/ ,2005. ,I a~/ SPONSORED BY: .:)/ "" / .' KN ,PR ,AR , and WC - points Minimum $ Midpoint $ Maximum $ DATED THIS DAY OF FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eilleen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #104-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 52005mb