CCR2005072. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #072-2005 RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION OF A MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT WHEREAS, The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, working in cooperation with the City of Muskego, has prepared an amendment to the sanitary sewer service area for the Muskego area; and WHEREAS, The amendment is set forth in SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area;" and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego concurs with the amended sanitary sewer service area set forth in the aforementioned SEWRPC memorandum; and WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has recommended approval of the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, hereby adopts the attached SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area," as a guide for the provision of sanitary sewer service within the Muskego area. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VEDThat the City Clerk-Treasurer transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. DATED THIS 26th DAY OF April ,2005. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Patrick Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #072-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. C) '. ' 4/05jmb , . , SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL W239 N1812 ROCKWOOD DRIVE. PO BOX 1607. WAUKESHA, W153187-1 Servinq the Counties of: March 28, 2005 Mr. Mark Slocomb Mayor City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego WI 53150 RECEIVED MAR 3 t 20D5 Mayor1s Office Dear Mr. Slocomb: By letter dated February 24, 2005, the City of Muskego requested that the Regional Planning Commission amend the currently adopted Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD). That area is currently documented in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (3rd Edition), Sanitary Sewer Service Area for the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, dated December 1997, as amended. The basic purpose of the amendment would be to include within the planned sewer service area certain lands located immediately adjacent to, but outside of, the currently adopted sewer service area to accommodate planned residential use. Pursuant to that request, the Commission staff has now completed a draft of a SEWRPC staff memorandum. Twenty copies of the memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area," are enclosed for your review and consideration prior to the public hearing which has been scheduled for April 12, 2005, at 7:00 p.rn. at the Muskego City Hall located at W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin. By copy of this letter, this draft memorandum is being transmitted to all parties concerned for review and comment prior to the public hearing. The following is a suggested agenda for the public hearing: 1. Call to order and statement of the purpose and format for the hearing - Muskego representative; 2. Introduction of public officials present at the hearing - Muskego representative; 3. Briefing on the amendment to the Muskego sanitary sewer service area - SEWRPC representative; 4. Comments and questions from those in attendance; and 5. Hearing adjournment. Since there are no formal statutory requirements concerning this public hearing, we would suggest that you follow the procedures normally used in providing public notice. We would also ask that you arrange to take minutes of the hearing. The City of Muskego and the Regional Planning Commission should then jointly consider whatever comments are submitted at the public hearing and agree upon any necessary changes to the staff memorandum. ø . , !vir. Mark Slocomb March 28, 2005 Page 2 Upon its adoption by the Common Council, the staff memorandum would be considered by the Regional Planning Commission as a formal amendment to the regional water quality management plan. The amendment would then be transmitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for approval. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, @\JJe {- t~~f1?1 Philip C. Evenson Executive Director PCEltjm . Doc #106288 Muskego SSA 2005 Amendment transmittal of draft Enclosures (#106017) cc: Mr. Sean McMullen, Director, Office of EngineeringlBuilding Inspection, City of Muskego (enclosure) Mr. Kevin Shafer, Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (enclosure) Mr. Dale Shaver, Director, Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use (enclosure) Mr. Thomas Gilbert, P.E., Wastewater Facility Planning Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (enclosure) Ms. Sharon Gayan, Milwaukee Team Leader, Water Program, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (enclosure) Mr. James D' Antouno, llIinoislFox Team Leader, Water Program, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (enclosure) Ms. Gloria McCutcheon, Regional Director, Southeast Region, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (enclosure) ø . , SAMPLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area Amendment A public hearing will be held on April 12,2005, at 7:00 p.m. at the Muskego City Hall located at W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin, for the purpose of receiving public comment on, and reaction to, a proposed amendment to the sanitary sewer service area for the Muskego area. This public hearing is being sponsored by the City of Muskego and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC). A draft report describing the proposed sanitary sewer service area, including a map of the area, is on file at the offices of the City and SEWRPC. The sewer service area amendment will be explained at the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the City and SEWRPC will determine whether any changes should be made to the sewer service area as presented at the hearing. The City and SEWRPC will then formally adopt the report and forward it to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for use by that Department in reviewing and approving sanitary sewer extensions in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 283 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearing. Further information about this matter may be obtained by contacting the City of Muskego or the offices of SEWRPC at W239 N 1812 Rockwood Drive, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188. TJM 03128/05 Doc 111 06301 a ø , , A SUGGESTED RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION OF A MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, working in cooperation with the City of Muskego, has prepared an amendment to the sanitary sewer service area for the Muskego area; and WHEREAS, the amendment is set forth in a SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area;" and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego concurs with the amended sanitary sewer service area set forth in the aforementioned SEWRPC staff memorandum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Trustees of the City of Muskego, on the - day of - 2005, hereby adopts the SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area," as a guide for the provision of sanitary sewer service within the Muskego area; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. TJM 03128/05 Doc 1/106301b i' . . . ~~~ILTI~TI~&~W IQ)~&1F1f AMENDMENT TO THE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF MUSKEGO SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 2005 . SEWRPC STAFF MEMORANDUM RESPONSE TO REQUEST BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO AMEND THE MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA INTRODUCTION By letter dated February 24, 2005, the City of Muskego requested that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission amend the City of Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District as that area is currently documented in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (3rd Edition), Sanitary Sewer Service Area for the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, dated December 1997, as amended. The basic purpose of the amendment would be to include within the planned sewer service area certain lands located immediately adjacent to, but outside of, the currently adopted sewer service area to accommodate planned residential use. AREA DESCRIPTION The area proposed to be added to the Muskego sewer service area encompasses 33 acres located in U.S. Public Land Survey Sections 17 and 18, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, as shown on Map 1. The subject area contains 8 acres of secondary environmental corridor. The remainder of 25 acres, currently in agricultural use with one existing housing unit, is anticipated to be developed for residential use to accommodate an additional 12 housing units. . More detailed delineations of the amended sewer service area and of the environmentally significant lands within are shown on the aerial photograph reproduced as Map 2. The environmentally significant lands shown on Map 2 have been revised from the previously published maps as set forth in SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 64 (3rd Edition) in order to reflect environmental resources as shown on the most recent available aerial photography. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA The proposed addition of 33 acres to the Muskego sanitary sewer service area represents an increase in the planned sewer service area of less than 1 percent and would result in a very modest increase in the population of the sewer service area. The estimated population which could be accommodated upon full development of the sewer service area would lie within the year 2020 population projection range for the Muskego area embodied in the regional land use plan. WATER QUALITY IMPACTS Under the adopted regional water quality management plan and the Muskego sanitary sewer service area plan, it is envisioned that all urban lands within the planned urban service area would receive sanitary sewer service. Assuming that all applicable Federal, State, and local permits are obtained and that proper site development and construction practices are employed, there should be no significant adverse water quality impacts attributable to the development of the planned sanitary sewer service area. COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS . The proposed addition to the Muskego sanitary sewer service area is immediately adjacent to the currently approved Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD). The nearest other public sanitary sewerage system, operated by the Town of Norway Sanitary District ITDTI<lIEILll~lljf:;f~TI<lW lID~IIT . Map 1 RECOMMENDED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA r-l(J: ~ ~:rrj)J^~ .~;~:.~~;.~L~~ li~d~;,~ ~ ~ I .-; / ~ ~ l.~~1 ~ ~ ~ . .' ~ ?~ . ~~ .- V;; ") '~ 'I ~ , I" ~~~ . 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A' P?~:~~1 ~'~ ~ ! \ ' ..' ~ Yc q} v~ ...' == :f. ::: ~ ~-- #1)1 09/ ~ ,~J" O(~ ~ ! ~ !y ~ ,/ .~ +\l'-~(,o . '~. ~~ ~. .:) PARKER 29 (~.: #j \ 26 ~~r::<\ 61 ~ 30 h - r' 1 ~ " ~ ~:~ ~ " lliill 0.Y.~' ." ~ "27 1 ~,; A 0 Z ~ 1 ~ ~., r \.... " . . I Y ,y-..... Æ . ~ ::; :~ - KËLSE'Y .------ ---Õ;'~- ,. ~rl & 1,~rrÞ~J-- m..~ ~'~~ ~ rl'~~ 1 t,J,. ... J'), - ~~~I~ ~ '~~ ~ " !' . I i5 31~ttt.u ~/32 i5 MUSKEGO DAM RD. 41 f"\~ Ì'."--~ ~ ~35 ~u I .. 1 'I I >- - 33 .,' ,,/Yi ,y ~~. ~ ~ 5- ." DENOON' ~NO ~ : " "Ji;if' þ <> . RIC~ 1 rnt>.;:,JT'N10-~::;y' M'tiSKEGO r:;;:r l~ AUKE ~ 1 T4N NORWAY RAC[NE CO. . . ~ ~ [illJ - ILJ:J 0 PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR EXISTING AREA SERVED BY PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: 1997 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY t GRAPHIC SCALE J. ' , M"e . ,. '"00 3000 4500 FEET SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATER AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE - EXISTING TRUNK SEWER EXISTING FORCE MAIN - RESTRICTIONS ON SEWERED DEVELOPMENT . EXISTING PUMPING STATION CITY OF MUSKEGO CIVIL DIVISION BOUNDARY 0 PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA: THE EXTENSION OF SEWERS TO SERVE NEW DEVELOPMENT IS CONFINED TO LIMITED RECREATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL USES AND RURAL.DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AREAS OTHER THAN WETLANDS, FLOODLANDS. SHORELANDS, AND STEEP SLOPES. AREA PROPOSED TO BE ADDED TO THE MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA ~ - PORTIONS OF SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS AND ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA WHICH ARE COMPRISED OF WETLANDS, FLOODLANDS, SHORELANDS, AND STEEP SLOPES: THE EXTENSION OF SEWERS TO SERVE NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THESE AREAS IS NOT PERMITTED PRELIMINARY Source: SEWRPC. D RA F'T 2 No.1, is located about 2 miles from the subject area. No further analysis is necessary to conclude that the most . cost-effective means of providing public sanitary sewer service to the subject area is via City of Muskego sewers tributary to the MMSD. SEW AGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY IMP ACT ANALYSIS The size and capacity of the MMSD sewage conveyance and treatment facilities are set forth in the District's facility plan completed in 1998.1 That facility plan is based upon a planned Muskego-MMSD sewer service area resident population level of 25,100 persons. The sewage flow estimates developed for the MMSD facility plan included a sewage contribution allowance for commercial development as a component of the estimated per capita contribution used in the planning; and, in addition, a separate allocation for sewage loadings from industrial lands. The current population of the Muskego-MMSD sanitary sewer service area is about 19,500 persons. The proposed addition to the sewer service area would add a population of about 30 persons. Thus, there is planned capacity available for the area proposed to be added to the sewer service area. The MMSD is currently carrying out facility planning to extend the plan design year for its facilities to the year 2020. The City of Muskego is working with the MMSD in that planning process. PUBLIC REACTION TO THE PLAN AMENDMENT [To be completed after the public hearing] LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR THE PLAN AMENDMENT [To be completed after the public hearing] CONCLUDING RECOMMENDATION . [To be completed after the public hearing] PCE/MGHIWJSrrJM Doc #106017 . 1Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District 2010 Facilities Plan, May 1998. ~~~ILIIWf~LÅ\.rnt;f [Þ)rnJ.&" 3 8 M8 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO . .þ.. Southeast Quarter of U. S. Public Land Survey Section 18 and Southwest Quarter of U.S. Public Land Survey Section 17, Township 5 North, Range 20 East . is Photography Date: April 2000 ~ ~ D D SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR RESTRICTIONS ON SEWERED DEVELOPMENT NOTE: This map replaces the cOlTesponding portion of Map 3-5, page 10, of SEWRPC Amendment to the Regional Water Quality Management Plan-CityofMuskego, December 1 999. t ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREA WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATER AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE ~ ~ PORTIONS OF SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS AND ISOLATED NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA WHICH ARE COMPRISED OF WETLANDS, FLOODLANDS, SHORELANDS, AND STEEP SLOPES: THE EXTENSION OF SEWERS TO SERVE NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THESE AREAS IS NOT PERMITTED. PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA GRAPHIC SCALE GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY 20. 300 ""EET PRELIMINARY DRAFT Source: SEWRPC.