CCR2005038. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #038-2005 APPROVAL OF TRAVEL POLICY FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommended approval of a Travel Policy for the City of Muskego Common Council, all City elected office holders and all employees who are responsible to the Common Councilor elected office holder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Travel Policy, as amended. DATED THIS 22nd DAY OF FEBRUARY ,2005. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Eileen Madden Deferred: 2/8/05 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #038-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the,fity of Muskego. . I i I 2/05jmb J . . . II City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to pay reasonable expenses related to travel or meetings, which are deemed to be necessary and/or beneficial to the City of Muskego. This policy is applicable to all members of the City of Muskego Common Council, all City elected office holders and all employees who are responsible to the Common Council or elected office holder. 2. POLICY A. Authoritv to Travel All travel outside of the City of Muskego area and incurrence of related travel expense shall be approved in advance of departure by the responsible department head. Each department head is fully responsible for expenditures from the department's travel, training and conferences and special events budgets, and he/she must certify that funds are available. All travel and mileage reimbursements for authorized travel shall be reviewed and approved by the department head and the Finance Director in accordance with regulations herein described. B. Emplovee Responsibilitv City employees are expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that they would if traveling on personal business. Travel expenses that will be reimbursed are confined to those necessary for the approved travel. City employees shall complete the City of Muskego Travel Expense Claim Form and submit to his/her Department upon return from travel in order to receive reimbursement and report any expenses obligated to the City. City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 2 . C. Ineliqible Expenses Travel-related expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include, but are not limited to, alcoholic beverages, valet, laundry services and entertainment. D. Mode of Travel The mode of travel must be identified when making a request to travel. The factors of distance, expense, convenience, and travel time shall be taken into account when selecting the appropriate mode of travel. Normally, the most reasonable and economical mode of transportation should be selected. For example, if air travel is more economical than driving (mileage, meals, lodging, etc.), the City may reimburse only the cost of the airfare. 3. PROCEDURES A. Receive Travel Approval . Prior to departure, travel expenses shall be approved by the department head. The department head will retain a copy for his/her records for the calendar year. B. Credit Cards Used for travel The City of Muskego's Credit card policy allows for the use of credit cards for payment of travel related expenses. Copies of invoices charged to the credit card must be included with the Travel Request Form when submitted for reimbursement. Monthly credit card bills shall be reconciled to the travel reimbursement claims. C. Documentation of Expenses Upon return from travel, the employee must complete the reverse side of the Travel Request Form and submit it, with receipts, to his/her department head. The department head determines whether monies are due to the employee. Travel expenses should be itemized on the reverse side of the Travel fRequest fEorm as follows: . 1. Transportation. If the employee personally pays for transportation, the coupon or receipt must be attached to the request form and the amount entered in the 'Travel" column. Travel arrangements made through travel agencies, etc. should be billed directly to the employee's department. In selecting appropriate transportation, the employee should refer to the section of this policy entitled "Mode of Travel." If a credit card is used for this City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 3 . purpose, a copy of the receipt should also be attached indicating that it will be billed to the card. a. Air Travel. Air travel will be reimbursed at the "coach" or economy rates. Receipts are required. b. Rail, Bus. Subway and Taxi Travel. Appropriate expenses for rail, bus, subway and taxi travel are eligible for reimbursement when used for City-related business. Receipts for rail and inter-city bus service are required, and these amounts should be entered in the "Travel" column. Intra-city bus service, subway and taxi expenses are entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. Enter the amount and the purpose of the trip (e.g., $8.75 - taxi from airport to hotel). . c. Car Rental. Car rental expenses may be eligible for reimbursement provided they are reasonable and economical. Receipts and a copy of the rental agreement are required. When using a rental car, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses related to fuel, oil, necessary repairs, parking and tolls. Receipts are required. Car rental expense is entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. If a City credit card is used for these expenses, copies of the charge receipts should also be attached. d. Use of City Vehicle. When appropriate to the travel destination, employees should use a City vehicle (if available) when traveling on City business. When using a City vehicle, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses related to fuel, oil, necessary repairs, parking and tolls. Receipts are required, and these expenses are entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. If a City credit card is used for these expenses, copies of the charge receipts should also be attached. 2. Lodaina. Employees are encouraged to seek the most reasonable lodging rate available. If a reasonable rate is not available, a written explanation should be attached to the request form. Receipts are required for all lodging expense (including tax) and should be entered in the "Lodging" column. Note: All restaurant charges to the room should be entered in the "meals" column. If traveling with spouse and/or other family members on City-related business, see section below entitled: "Travel Expense of Other Family Members." . 3. Conference or Seminar Reaistration. Registration expense not previously paid by the City must be reported in the "Miscellaneous" column. Receipts are required. . . . City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 4 4. Meals. Employees who are outside of the City for more than four hours may claim meal reimbursement (including gratuity) at the following rates: Breakfast $6.00 $7.00 Lunch Dinner $15.00 Meals may be claimed at a per diem rate of up to $28. To be eligible to claim the per diem rate, an employee must be outside the City and considered on- duty from 7:00 AM until at least 6:00 PM. Per diem rates may not be claimed if an employee is attending an event where either the lunch or dinner meal is provided as part of the registration fee. In order to receive meal reimbursement, an employee must submit an expense voucher with attached receipts. 5. Miscellaneous Expenses. Amounts to be entered in the "Miscellaneous" column discussed under number 1 above include taxi and car rental expenses, parking and tolls, etc. Other allowable miscellaneous expenses include conference registration costs, telephone, and postage expenses. These expenses are eligible for reimbursement if related to City business. Any other allowable travel expense for which reimbursement is requested must be identified in the "Miscellaneous" column with receipts attached. 6. Total Expenses. All expense columns on the reverse side of the tlravel I fRequest fEorm should be added across and down and should agree. The total amount of travel expense should also be listed on the front side of the Travel fRequest fEorm. If applicable, the amount of any travel charged to a I City credit card should be listed on the next line. Business related expenses should equal the amount charged to the City credit card. Should a required receipt be lost or not obtained by the employee, the employee for the Finance Director's review should complete a signed statement explaining the circumstances and documenting the expense. If the Finance Director deems the expense reasonable it shall be reimbursed to the requesting employee. D. Submission of Travel Reimbursement Requests to the Finance Department All employee requests for reimbursement for travel expenses must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate department head prior to submitting a claim to the Finance Department for processing. . . . City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 5 E. Travel Expense of Other Familv Members In the event an employee's spouse, other family members and/or acquaintances accompany the employee on City-related travel, the employee must bear all additional costs of transportation, meals, conferences registration, etc. In the case of lodging, the City will pay only the single room rate. Such single rate must be entered on the lodging receipts. A hotel room upgrade by the employee is acceptable; the difference in room cost above the single rate is the sole responsibility of the employee. F. Local Meetinq Expenses Meeting expenses not requiring employee travel outside the City of Milwaukee metro area are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the provisions of this section. If authorized by the appropriate department head, employees may be reimbursed for meal costs related to local meetings with outside groups which involve City business or concerns. The purpose of the meeting should be documented on the claim form submitted to the Finance Department for processing. Meal receipts may be required in accordance with the section of this policy entitled "Documentation of Expenses." Questions in reference to this policy should be directed to the Finance Department. S:Policies and Procedures\Finance\Travel Policy Approved by the Finance Committee: 1/11/2005 Amended and Approved by the Finance Committee: 2/xxJ2005 Adopted by Common Council Reso. #2005-038 CITY OF MUSKE GO TRAVEL REQUEST FORM . Employee Name: (please print) Purpose of Travel: Date(s): Destination(s): Total Travel Cost (from Travel Expense Claim Form): . Employee Expenses Credit Card Paid Total Estimated Actual The above travel is requested pursuant to the City of Muskego's travel policy and I understand the City will only allow for coverage of costs identified in said policy. Employee: Signature Date Department Head Approval: Signature Date . Muskec.) Travel Claim.xls . ~ 0 IJ;" 8~ .~..,;j ooU ;;JþiIij :;00 IJ;"Z oþilij >~ E-o~ ""..,;j u~ ~ E-o . . , , 0 . 0 0 , , . o . 0 0 , , . 0 0 . 0 . '; -0 !-< .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... :: 0 .. I: .! c; .. '" ~ .... 0 ... . '" '; .. ~ .... . ... till . I: "6iJ '0 0 ~ .... ... . .. '0 0 ~ ... c; > 01 . .. !-< ... . ... ... I: .2 0 ... 01 .. ... '" '6iJ ~ ... ~I _. ----..-..-.- .-..-.-.-.--.- ------1- -._..-.-_.- .- i ..J Q .... ., >< É (;; Õ ä; > !!' I- 0 OJ 01) 3 ::;; ~ ~ io. Eo- <( ~ !: . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #038-2005 APPROVAL OF TRAVEL POLICY FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommended approval of a Travel Policy for the City of Muskego Common CtJncil, all City elected office holders and all employees who are responsible to the C mon Councilor elected office holder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Tha he Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the nance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Travel Policy. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2005. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Eileen Madden Deferred: 2/8/05 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #038-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/05jmb Clerk-Treasurer . 81 City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy 1. PURPOSE . The purpose of this policy is to pay reasonable expenses related to travel or meetings, which are deemed to be necessary and/or beneficial to the City of Muskego. This policy is applicable to all members of the City of Muskego Common Council, all City elected office holders and all employees who are responsible to the Common Councilor elected office holder. 2. POLICY A. Authoritv to Travel All travel outside of the City of Muskego area and incurrence of related travel expense shall be approved in advance of departure by the responsible department head. Each department head is fully responsible for expenditures from the department's travel, training and conferences and special events budgets, and he/she must certify that funds are available. All travel and mileage reimbursements for authorized travel shall be reviewed and approved by the department head and the Finance Director in accordance with regulations herein described. B. Emplovee Responsibilitv . City employees are expected to exercise the same care in incurring expenses that they would if traveling on personal business. Travel expenses that will be reimbursed are confined to those necessary for the approved travel. City employees shall complete the City of Muskego Travel Expense Claim Form and submit to his/her Department upon return from travel in order to receive reimbursement and report any expenses obligated to the City. City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 2 . C. IneliQible Expenses Travel-related expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include, but are not limited to, alcoholic beverages, valet, laundry services and entertainment. D. Mode of Travel The mode of travel must be identified when making a request to travel. The factors of distance, expense, convenience, and travel time shall be taken into account when selecting the appropriate mode of travel. Normally, the most reasonable and economical mode of transportation should be selected. For example, if air travel is more economical than driving (mileage, meals, lodging, etc.), the City may reimburse only the cost of the airfare. 3. PROCEDURES A. Receive Travel Approval . Prior to departure, travel expenses shall be approved by the department head. The department head will retain a copy for his/her records for the calendar year. B. Credit Cards Used for travel The City of Muskego's Credit card policy allows for the use of credit cards for payment of travel related expenses. Copies of invoices charged to the credit card must be included with the Travel Request Form when submitted for reimbursement. Monthly credit card bills shall be reconciled to the travel reimbursement claims. C. Documentation of Expenses Upon return from travel, the employee must complete the reverse side of the Travel Request Form and submit it, with receipts, to his/her department head. The department head determines whether monies are due to the employee. Travel expenses should be itemized on the reverse side of the request form as follows: . 1. Transportation. If the employee personally pays for transportation, the coupon or receipt must be attached to the request form and the amount entered in the 'Travel" column. Travel arrangements made through travel agencies, etc. should be billed directly to the employee's department. In selecting appropriate transportation, the employee should refer to the section of this policy entitled "Mode of TraveL" If a credit card is used for this City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 3 . purpose, a copy of the receipt should also be attached indicating that it will be billed to the card. a. Air Travel. Air travel will be reimbursed at the "coach" or economy rates. Receipts are required. b. Rail. Bus. Subway and Taxi Travel. Appropriate expenses for rail, bus, subway and taxi travel are eligible for reimbursement when used for City-related business. Receipts for rail and inter-city bus service are required, and these amounts should be entered in the 'Travel" column. Intra-city bus service, subway and taxi expenses are entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. Enter the amount and the purpose of the trip (e.g., $8.75 - taxi from airport to hotel). . c. Car Rental. Car rental expenses may be eligible for reimbursement provided they are reasonable and economical. Receipts and a copy of the rental agreement are required. When using a rental car, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses related to fuel, oil, necessary repairs, parking and tolls. Receipts are required. Car rental expense is entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. If a City credit card is used for these expenses, copies of the charge receipts should also be attached. d. Use of City Vehicle. When appropriate to the travel destination, employees should use a City vehicle (if available) when traveling on City business. When using a City vehicle, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses related to fuel, oil, necessary repairs, parking and tolls. Receipts are required, and these expenses are entered in the "Miscellaneous" column. If a City credit card is used for these expenses, copies of the charge receipts should also be attached. 2. Lodoino. Employees are encouraged to seek the most reasonable lodging rate available. If a reasonable rate is not available, a written explanation should be attached to the request form. Receipts are required for all lodging expense (including tax) and should be entered in the "Lodging" column. Note: All restaurant charges to the room should be entered in the "meals" column. If traveling with spouse and/or other family members on City-related business, see section below entitled: "Travel Expense of Other Family Members." . 3. Conference or Seminar Reoistration. Registration expense not previously paid by the City must be reported in the "Miscellaneous" column. Receipts are required. City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Proædures Travel Policy Page 4 . 4. Meals. Employees who are outside of the City for more than four hours may claim meal reimbursement (including gratuity) at the following rates: Breakfast $6.00 $7.00 Lunch Dinner $15.00 Meals may be claimed at a per diem rate of up to $28. To be eligible to claim the per diem rate, an employee must be outside the City and considered on- duty from 7:00 AM until at least 6:00 PM. Per diem rates may not be claimed if an employee is attending an event where either the lunch or dinner meal is provided as part of the registration fee. In order to receive meal reimbursement, an employee must submit an expense voucher with attached receipts. , 5. Miscellaneous Expenses. Amounts to be entered in the "Miscellaneous" column discussed under number 1 above include taxi and car rental expenses, parking and tolls, etc. Other allowable misællaneous expenses include conference registration costs, telephone, and postage expenses. These expenses are eligible for reimbursement if related to City business. Any other allowable travel expense for which reimbursement is requested must be identified in the "Miscellaneous" column with receipts attached. 6. Total Expenses. All expense columns on the reverse side of the travel request form should be added across and down and should agree. The total amount of travel expense should also be listed on the front side of the request form. If applicable, the amount of any travel charged to a City credit card should be listed on the next line. Business related expenses should equal the amount charged to the City credit card. Should a required receipt be lost or not obtained by the employee, the employee for the Finance Director's review should complete a signed statement explaining the circumstances and documenting the expense. If the Finance Director deems the expense reasonable it shall be reimbursed to the requesting employee. D. Submission of Travel Reimbursement Requests to the Finance Department 8 All employee requests for reimbursement for travel expenses must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate department head prior to submitting a claim to the Finance Department for processing. City of Muskego Finance Department General Policies and Procedures Travel Policy Page 5 . E. Travel Expense of Other Familv Members In the event an employee's spouse, other family members and/or acquaintanæs accompany the employee on City-related travel, the employee must bear all additional costs of transportation, meals, conferenæs registration, etc. In the case of lodging, the City will pay only the single room rate. Such single rate must be entered on the lodging reæipts. A hotel room upgrade by the employee is acæptable; the differenæ in room cost above the single rate is the sole responsibility of the employee. F. Local MeetinQ Expenses Meeting expenses not requiring employee travel outside the City of Milwaukee metro area are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the provisions of this section. . If authorized by the appropriate department head, employees may be reimbursed for meal costs related to local meetings with outside groups which involve City business or conærns. The purpose of the meeting should be documented on the claim form submitted to the Finanæ Department for proæssing. Meal reæipts may be required in accordanæ with the section of this policy entitled "Documentation of Expenses." Questions in referenæ to this policy should be directed to the Finanæ Department. S:Policies and Procedures\Finanæ\Travel Policy Approved by the Finanæ Committee: 1/11/2005 Amended and Approved by the Finanæ Committee: 2/xx/2005 Adopted by Common Council Reso. #2005-038 . CITY OF MUSKE GO TRAVEL EXPENSE CLAIM FORM . Employee Name: (please print) Purpose of Travel: Date(s): Destination(s): Total Travel Cost (from Travel Request Fonn - Itemization): . Employee Expenses Credit Card Paid Total Estimated Actual The above travel is requested pursuant to the City of Muske go's travel policy and I understand the City will only allow for coverage of costs identified in said policy. Employee: Signature Date Department Head Approval: Signature Date . . z 0 .... E-< -( N ~ Or"'l e"E-< r"'I"7 .~ crJ~ ~O ~~ O~ >Or"'l E-<;J ""0 Ur"'I ~ ..;I r"'I > -( ~ E-< . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . ! ~ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... '" = Q .. c: .!! .. ... '" ~ .... . .... '" ;; .. ~ .... . .... ~ . ~ '0 Q ...J .... .... , .. '0 Q ~ .... .. ;. f . E-< .... . .... .... c: Q ";:: f - '" .~ .. CI:: .... -'.-"-'--.-- -- -_._- ~-_.._._._.._.._._._. _.._.-_.-- -- -- .. ... ... ~ .... .. x É ëii Ü Q; > ~ I- 0 0> .. 7:i :;J :E ! I I .... <( ... "- f;<. f- ., ~. 0- f-