CCR2005003. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #003-2005 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP King Town of Vernon WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on December 16, 2004 to finalize a two-lot land division of the King property located on S.T.H. "164" (Big Bend Drive) in the NW 1/4 of Section 36 in the Town of Vernon; and WHEREAS, This property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 003-2005 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a two-lot land division of the King property located on S.T.H. "164" (Big Bend Drive) in the NW 1/4 of Section 36 in the Town of Vernon subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 003-2005. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2005 Januarv 11th SPONSORED BY: Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #003-2005 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 1/2005jmb IDENnrlABL( DIRECTION 0 75 150 3ÒO 600 SOUTH UHE or THE NORTHWEST 1/4 ~ ~ or SECTION 36. TSH. R19E, N8TOB'09"E A WISCONSIN PlANE COORDINATE S'tSTOI GRAPHIC SCAlE CRID NORTH. SOUTH ZONE t. = 300' 0 - INDICATES l' x 24' IRON PIPE. ~ NORTH 1.13 LBS. PER lINEAl fOOT. ' <3~I7;'dlÐpØ;_,. . - INDICATES IRON .~~- -oo.y- PIPE fOUND. 1407 E. Sun.et Dr. Suite IDO. Wouke.ho, Wi"Q04;n 53189 Ph. (262) 542-8844 Fox (282) 542-3Ja4 CERTIAED SURVEY MAP No. A REDMSlON OF LOT J OF CERrIAED SURVEY MAP NO. 9287 LOCATED IN PART OF THE SOUTHE'AST ONE-ouARrER OF, THE NORTHwEsr ONE-Ql/ART[R OF SECT1ON 38, TOWN 5 NORTH, RAHcE 111 E'AST, TOWN OF VERNON, WAUKESHA COUNtY, WISCONSIN. I.OCA N MAP ,"-"- -..-..- j I J ! ~ ~~81" MUS/(EGO PLANNING. . I I 1 I j .-..-..-..-.--< ;S ! III I i i i I COUII1T IJII[ /lOll) GOIOON IDO SECTION 36, T5N. R19E satE: I . 2640' .!/lIMm. ...... SST11'54"W 948.82' OWNERS: ROG(R J. ANI) DONNA L KINe W225 510525 8JC BOO DRIVE BIG 8(ND, WISCONSIN 53 1 OJ .lI!f1Amo. .wø. --------- lOT 2 .~IJII!. .~. .!l!!'MIHO. .W!95. AREA - 1,109.916.9 SO. FT. (25.480 AC.) .WMIHO. .W!95. LOT 1 ARfA . ~ so, fT. 1.002 At. sw. coø. NIl 1/4 ""- - - SEt. 36-5-1t ...-- COle. IICIN./8RASs CAP N-JI4.848.J6 [-2,480.525.37 [-2,480.525.37 : I : I .U!!Wm. --,/ 1 - 267J.!l6' 5(. COlI. .. 1/4 SEt. 36-S.19 '~'CONC. IIOII./8RASS CAP .~. N-JI4.882.t4 [-2.4IJ,185.43 1QU. -Q!!,-~I.fl~- -~qL!- a . Ji:I.!!.-!!UI9L ~T /CRnuNowArER RF'!\TRICTlnI1 AlTHOUGH AU. LOTS IN THIS CERnFIEO SURVEY .\W> HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED fOR OEVELoPIlENT WITH SINGLE fAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 236 Of' THE WISCONSIN STATUTES. THE LOTS IlAY CONTAIN SOlI. CONDITIONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE AOOIOONAL SOil ENGINEERING AND F"OUHOAnON DESIGN WITH REGARD TO BASEIIENT CONSTRUCTION. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER A LICENSE!) PROF'ESSlONAL ENGINEER OR OTHER SOILS EXPERT OESIGN A BASEIIENT AND FOONOÞ.TJON WHICH WfU. BE SUITABlE TO WITHSTAND THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS ASSOC~TED WITH SATURATED SOIl CONDITIONS ON BASDlENT WALlS ANI) flOORS' OR THAT SPECIAL MEASuRES BE TAKEN. ~ I' .. ,.,