CCR2004193. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #193-2004 APPROVAL OF 2005 WATER UTILITY BUDGET AND RATES BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby approve the attached Water Utility Budget for the year 2005. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby establish the following rates for water service: Quarterly Service Charge: 5/8-inch meter 3/4-inch meter 1-inch meter 1 1/4-inch meter 1 1/2-inch meter 2-inch meter $22.50 $22.50 $34.50 $48.00 $60.00 $90.00 3-inch meter 4-inch meter 6-inch meter 8-inch meter 10-inch meter 12-inch meter $150.00 $240.00 $450.00 $690.00 $960.00 $1,230.00 Plus Volume Charge: First 30,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.97 per 1,000 gallons Next 90,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.52 per 1,000 gallons Over 120,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.12 per 1,000 gallons DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF November ,2004 SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Patrick Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #193-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of uskego. / . Ln/ 1ft .). 11/04jmb . CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY BUDGET 2005 . . . . . CONTENTS Statement of income and expense Schedule PaQe 1 1 2 2 3 4 Detailed schedule of operation and maintenance expenses Schedule of construction funds Schedule of changes in utility working capital: 2004 Projected 2005 Budget 4 5 5 6 Schedule of construction funds 6 7 . . .chedUle 1 1. 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 2005 BUDGET Change Balances 2004 2005 2005 2003 Sept. 30, 2004 2004 Adopted Proposed Adopted Account Actual Actual Proiected Budqet Budqet Budqet Number Operatinq revenue Sales of water: Sales to general customers $ 818,893 662,683 906,657 863,430 951,335 951,335 4803/4804/4805/4806/4920 Private fire protection 23,499 19,124 25,508 24,200 25,508 25,508 4815 Public fire protection 318,835 325,594 325,594 325,594 325,594 325,594 4816 Other operating revenue 35,155 39,440 49,596 32,375 50,875 50,875 4807/4821/4820 Rental of Water property - tower lease 69,412 53,317 72,742 72,742 74,945 74,945 4825 Total operating revenue 1,265,794 1,100,159 1,380,097 1,318,341 1,428,257 1,428,257 Operatinq expenses Operation and maintenance: Source of supply expense 1,239 2,789 3,721 5,152 4,957 4,957 schedule 2 2. Pumping expense 72,776 55,463 80,919 78,404 99,081 99,081 schedule 2 2. Water treatment expense 29,225 20,214 25,653 40,340 37,565 37,565 schedule 2 2. Transmission and distribution expense 105,079 101,282 142,213 153,500 168,679 168,679 schedule 2 3. Customer accounts expense 32,687 22,753 31,178 40,272 30,683 30,683 schedule 2 3. Administrative expense 224,706 163,082 238,860 264,308 254,122 254,122 schedule 2 3. Total operation and maintenance 465,713 365,584 522,544 581,976 595,087 595,087 Depreciation 338,358 393,185 311,150 451,573 451,573 04.03.6705 Taxes 301,688 299,193 354 ,850 308,328 405,424 405,424 04.08.6805 Total operating expenses 1,105,759 664,777 1,270,579 1,201,454 1,452,084 1,452,084 Net operating income (loss) 160,035 435,381 109,518 116,887 (23,827) (23,827) Add non-operatinq income - interest 52,545 15,722 30,787 33,728 30,000 30,000 4910/4531 Income before non-operating expenses 212,580 451,103 140,305 150,615 6,173 6,173 Deduct non-operating expenses Interest on advances from municipality and revenue bonds 343,335 321,993 330,993 302,486 302,486 04.27.7010 Amortization of debt discount and expense 17,871 17,871 16,4 76 15,403 15,403 04.28.7015 Total non-operating expenses 361,206 339,864 34 7 ,469 317,889 317,889 Net income (loss) before capital contributions $ (148,626) 451,103 (199,559) (196,854) (311,716) (311,716) . . . Schedule 2 2. 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 2005 BUDGET 2004 2005 2003 Sept. 30, 2004 2004 Adopted Other Account Actual Actual Projected Budget Labor Expenses Total Number Source of supply: Operation labor $ 711 1,631 2,571 1,652 1,457 1,457 06.00.5101 Operating supplies and expenses 62 1,000 1,000 1,000 06.02.5702 Maintenance of water source plant 466 1,159 1,150 2,500 2,500 2,500 06.05.5702 (See Sch. 3, #2) Total source of supply 1,239 2,789 3,721 5,152 1,457 3,500 4,957 Pumping expenses: Operation labor 32,594 23,909 34,225 39,879 40,930 40,930 06.20.5101 Fuel or power purchased 34,972 25,822 40,000 30,000 46,500 46,500 06.22.5910/5735 Operation supplies and expense 2,128 1,894 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 06.23.570215749 Maintenance of pumping plant 3,082 3,837 5,194 7,025 7,651 2,500 10,151 06.25.5410/5101/5702 Total pumping expenses 72,776 55,463 80,919 78,404 48,581 50,500 99,081 Water treatment expenses: Operation labor 10,980 7,332 9,267 22,250 16,993 16,993 06.30.5101 Chemicals 16,241 12,4 76 15,760 13,500 16,000 16,000 06.31.5750 Operating supplies and expenses 873 2,000 2,000 2,000 06.32.5702 Maintenance of water treatment plant 1,131 407 626 2,590 572 2,000 2,572 06.35.5410/5101/5702 Total water treatment expenses 29,225 20,214 25,653 40,340 17,565 20,000 37,565 . . . Schedule 2 3. 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (CONCLUDED) 2005 BUDGET 2004 2005 Budget 2003 Sept. 30, 2004 2004 Adopted Other Account Actual Actual Projected Budget Labor Expenses Total Number Transmission and distribution expenses: Operation labor $ 34,505 30,157 45,362 63,117 65,531 65,531 06.40.5101 Operation supplies and expenses 12,966 4,338 7,050 10,100 10,300 10,300 06.41.5415/570215870 Maintenance of distribution reservoirs 25,540 30,415 32,145 36,237 2,026 29,505 31,531 06.50.570215101 Maintenance of mains 14,774 10,285 19,480 23,234 6,398 15,000 21,398 06.51.5410/5101 Maintenance of services 2,059 733 1,191 3,526 735 3,000 3,735 06.52.5410/5101/5702 Maintenance of meters 1,032 9,981 13,603 6,808 6,691 6,000 12,691 06.53.5410/5101 Maintenance of hydrants 14,034 15,374 23,382 10,117 13,493 10,000 23,493 06.54.5410/5101/5702 Maintenance of other plant 169 361 06.55.5410/5101 Total transmission and distribution expenses 105,079 101,282 142,213 153,500 94,874 73,805 168,679 Customer account expenses: Meter reading labor 1,744 2,036 3,227 5,341 4,282 4,282 09.01.5101 Accounting and collecting labor 27,074 17,382 23,786 27,331 21,751 21,751 09.02.5410/5101 Supplies and expense 3,870 3,335 4,165 7,600 4,650 4,650 09.03.5101/5410/5702 Total customer account expenses 32,687 22,753 31,178 40,272 26,033 4,650 30,683 Administrative and general expenses: Administrative and general salaries 83,858 55,027 80,959 87,240 83,838 83,838 09.20.5101/5102 Office supplies and expenses 13,931 13,382 17,250 20,199 21,526 21,526 09.21.5712-6056 Payroll clearing/sicklvacation/holiday 7,606 09.22.5101 Outside services 39,249 23,505 44,352 34,767 39,848 39,848 09.23.5510-5865 Property insurance 09.24.6103 Injuries & Damages 12,537 5,514 11,029 28,554 13,071 13,071 09.25.6101 Employee pensions and benefits 48,891 49,726 71,197 73,686 73,356 73,356 09.26.5201 Regulatory commission expense 8,715 1,000 1,000 1,000 09.28.6066 Miscellaneous general expenses 9,854 3,187 5,087 7,317 6,834 6,834 09.30.5228-6070 Transportation expense 7,672 5,136 8,986 7,545 449 10,200 10,649 09.33.5101/5405/5735 Maintenance of general plant & Contingency 4,000 4,000 4,000 09.35.6067 Total administrative and general expenses 224,706 163,082 238,860 264,308 84,287 169,835 254,122 Total operation and maintenance expenses $ 465,713 365,584 522,544 581,976 272,797 322,290 595,087 '... . . Schedule 3 4. . 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL OUTLAY COSTS PROJECTED 2004 AND 2005 Estimated 2004 2004 2005 2005 Total Adopted Proposed Adopted Cost Budget Budget Budget 1. 2004 & 2005 Capital Additions Well head #2 (B) 1,500 Janesville Road box culvert relocation (A) 85,755 85,755 85,755 Wells #4,5 & 6 Radium Compliance & Well Abandonment (A) 500 100,000 49,500 49,500 Lakewood Meadows Community Well Acqu & Conversion (C) 10,000 40,000 350,000 350,000 Water Facilities Study & NW Water Study (A) 55,000 23,957 23,957 Chamberlain Hill Oversizing (A) 33,950 33,950 Meters (A) 98,016 100,000 Truck (A) 21,251 23,500 Oversizing Related to Land Purchase (A) 10,000 Elevated Storage (A) 200,000 Well #9 Construction (A) 60,000 420,000 368,000 368,000 Oversizing-CCV (Champion Village) (A) 370,000 350,000 Big Muskego Estates Oversizing 125,556 $ 719,273 1,419,705 877,212 877,212 2. 2005 Capital Additions: Meters (A) $ 100,000 100,000 SCADA Radio Study/Upgrade (A) 11,000 11,000 Truck (A) 21,000 21,000 $ 132,000 132,000 Grand T ctal $ 719,273 1,419,705 1,009,212 1,009,212 x Notes: (A) - Financed by borrowings. (B) - Financed by working capital. (C) - Anticipated to be financed by a borrowing . . Schedule 4 . 5. 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2004 PROJECTED Operation and Debt Maintenance Construction Depreciation Service 2004 Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Budqet Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for year $ 122,434 (321,993) (199,559) (196,854) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 20,000 373,185 393, 185 311,150 Amortization 17,871 17,871 16,476 Amortization On water tower 24,505 24,505 24,505 Transfer working capital to other funds (100,000) 100,000 Increases in collection of special assessments 45,600 45,600 45,822 Total funds provided (applied) 46,939 20,000 214,663 281,602 201,099 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 374,417 374,417 374,417 Capital outlay 719,273 719,273 1,419,705 Total funds applied 719,273 374,417 1,093,690 1,794,122 Interfund transfers - interest earninqs (30,787) 12,000 850 17,937 Increase (decrease) in working capital 16,152 (707,273) 20,850 (141,817) (812,088) (1,593,023) Workinq capital. beqinninq of year 793,033 1,423,387 83,550 952,857 3,252,827 3,188,026 Workinq capital. end of year $ 809,185 716,114 104,400 811,040 2,440,739 1,595,003 2004 Budgeted Working Capital, end of year $ 816,088 10,936 104,750 663,230 1,595,004 . . Schedule 5 6. . 11/19/04 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2005 BUDGET Operation and Debt Maintenance Construction Depreciation Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for year $ (9,230) (302,486) (311,716) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 20,000 431,573 451,573 Amortization 15,403 15,403 Amortization on water tower 24,505 24,505 Transfer working capital to other funds Proceeds from borrowing 350,000 350,000 Increases in collection of special assessments 43,000 43,000 Total funds provided (applied) 15,275 350,000 20,000 187,490 572,765 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 403,131 403,131 Capital outlay 1,009,212 1,009,212 Total funds applied 1,009,212 403,131 1,412,343 Interfund transfers - interest earninqs (10,900) 900 10,000 Increase (decrease) in working capital 4,375 (659,212) 20,900 (205,641) (839,578) Working capital. beqinninq of year 809,185 716,114 104,400 811,040 2,440,739 Workinq capital. end of year ~ 813,560 56,902 125,300 605,399 1,601,161 . 11/19/04 Project Hillendale Water ProjectlWastemgmt easment Meters Wellhead protection SCADA Radio Study/Upgrade Wells #4,5 & 6 Radium Compliance & Well Abandonment Tower & Well site investigation Janesville Road box culvert relocation Freedom Square Water System Moorland Road South Test borings & Geophysical Exploration Mechanical conversion Freedom Square Elevated Storage Janesville Road Water Facility Plan Big Muskego Estates Oversizing Truck OVersizing Related to Land Purchase Lakewood Meadows Community Well Acqu & Conversion Water Facilities Study & NW Water Study Chamberlain Hill Oversizing Well #9 Construction Oversizing-CCV (Champion Village) Transfer from general working capital Unallocated debt proceeds and interest earnings Total Notes: (1) Balance represents the issuance of new debt and the interest earnings on Construction Funds for the year. (2) Represents excess borrowed funds and related interest earnings available for debt services reductions or financing future water projects. . . Schedule 6 7. CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS PROJECTED 2004 AND 2005 Actual Balance 12/31/03 Projected Balance 12/31/04 2005 Costs Transfers Projected Balance 12/31/05 2004 Costs Revenues Transfers Revenues 98,016 198,016 100,000 100,000 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 100,000 500 (50,000) 49,500 49,500 78,577 7,178 85.755 85,755 200,000 (200,000) 5,000 (5,000) 125,556 125,556 23,500 21,251 18,751 21 ,000 21,000 10,000 (10,000) 40,000 10,000 (30,000) 350,000 350,000 51,626 (27,669) 23,957 23,957 33,950 33,950 338,857 60,000 89,143 368,000 368,000 416,321 370,000 (46,321) 12,000 44,902 56,902 56,902 $ 1.423,387 12,000 719,273 716,114 350,000 1,009,212 56,902 (1) (1)