CCR2004179COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #179-2004 . APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 2005 BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, does hereby appropriate out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 2005 including monies received from the General Property Tax Levy, to the various funds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the following amounts: SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE GENERAL AND DEBT ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET SERVICE FUNDS 2003 12/31/04 2005 TAXES $ 9,987,737 $ 10,418,389 $ 10,885,452' INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,541,593 1,528,203 1,514,577 REGULATION/COMPLIANCE 744,574 665,912 738,252 PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES 703,973 619,731 644,685 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REVENUE 34 23 0 COMMERCIAL REVENUES 301,673 294,217 299,001 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV 100,847 102,200 102,200 . INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV 39,308 34,350 55,220 TOTAL REVENUES $ 13,419,740 $ 13,663,024 $ 14,239,387 GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,595,813 $ 2,873,586 $ 2,952,187 PUBLIC SAFETY 4,986,516 5,004,491 5,329,842 HEALTH AND SANITATION 0 0 0 TRANSPORTATION 2,073,309 2.232,143 2,177,680 EDUCATION & RECREATION 1,887,090 1,854,552 1,980,004 UNCLASSIFIED 0 241,496 50,000 INDEBTEDNESS 2,289,947 3,040,133 2,512,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 13,832,675 $ 15,246,401 $ 15,002,313 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS/ADVANCES $ 1,138,631 $ 1,758,082 $ 857,927 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS (381,280) (147.846) (95,001) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES $ 757,351 $ 1,610,236 $ 762,926 * Taxes Revenue includes $10,552,452 property tax levy which is 4.6% higher than 2004. . Resolution # 179-2004 Page 2 . ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 12/31/03 12/31/04 12/31/05 FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND $ 2,335,364 $ 2,063,400 $ 2,048,400 DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVY FUND 84,992 568,182 576,334 TOTAL FUND BALANCE $ 2,420,356 $ 2,631,582 $ 2,624,734 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Special Revenue Funds budget for 2005 as attached is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That there is hereby levied a tax of $10,552,452 on all taxable property within the City of Muskego as returned by the City Assessor in the year 2004 for the uses and purposes set forth in the 2005 Budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to spread this tax on the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF November ,2004. . SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. Chris Buckmaster Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #179-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. i lerk;Treasurer \ . "'--' . Resolution #179-2004 Attachment City of Muskego Special Revenue Funds 2005 Budget . ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET 2003 12/31/04 2005 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General property taxes $ 463,353 $ 10,465 $ 143,486 Intergovernmental revenues- Operating grants 213,661 337,370 317,460 Public charges for services 1,003,408 960,779 985,000 Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees 78,000 0 0 Special assessments 0 0 0 R.C.A. assessments 624,717 78,047 89,000 Interest on assessments 309,109 963 925 Subdividers' fees 188,000 117,601 365,880 Refuse Rebate 93,667 18,651 0 Interest earned 118,761 79,309 79,505 Franchise fees 138,542 146,880 146,000 Landfill host fees 1,227,954 1,165,924 1,225,121 Other-Bins/Penalty/School ReimbfTickets 3,507 43,460 53,500 Waste Management Fees 72,133 74,000 72,000 Total Revenues $ 4,534,813 $ 3,033,449 $ 3,477,876 . Exoend itu res $ 3,585,961 $ 1,803,915 $ 2,368,654 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures $ 948,852 $ 1,229,534 $ 1,109,222 Other financina sources /uses) State Aid-Computer Replacement Equip $ 508 $ 931 $ 0 Interfund Transfer 0 0 0 Transfer to Debt Service Fund (308,108) (333,600) (348,555) Transfer from General Fund 381,279 45,846 95,001 Transfer to Capital Projects/Equip. Fund (694,017) (547,689) (115,684) Transfer from Capital Projects Fund 0 0 0 Transfer to General Fund (54,361) (302,319) (320,687) Transfer to Debt Budgetary Fund 0 0 0 Transfer to Utility - City subsidy (3,355,882) (308,656) (617,888) Capital contribution to sewer 0 0 0 Distribution of positive tax increment: 412,369 0 0 City General Fund Other governments Total other financing sources (uses) $ (3,618,212) $ (1,445,487) $ (1,307,813) Excess of revenues and other . financing sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (2,669,361) (215,953) (198,591) Fund balances, beginning of period 10,288,402 7,619,041 7,403,088 Fund balance, end of period $ 7,619,042 $ 7,403,088 $ 7,204,497