CCR2004121. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #121-2004 APPROVAL OF PARTNERS FOR FISH AND WilDLIFE HABITAT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (The Ridges Sanctuary) BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Agreement between the City of Muskego and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for wetland restoration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the agmement in the name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2004. 13th Julv SPONSORED BY: Mayor Mark A. Slocomb This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #121-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/2004jmb . . . < lCd,' "1 ß.v1u fl-,.J -" J ~ u.s. FlS\~ & W IW. . U. F. E WSERVICE IS:! ",.' ,f. .~.:;""i@ ~(?---- Partne~s , PARTNERS FOR FISH AND WILDLIFE' Î//-) \ / : i S '~;\\ \~ HABITAT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ~~~;dlif~ This Agreement between C, T.; tJç N,",~K~ (Cooperator(s)) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is authorized by the Fis d Wildlife Coordination Act, 16 U.S.c. Sections 661..666c and the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, 16 U.S.C. 742a-j. The Service and the Cooperator(s) agree to cany out certain wildlife management practices and habitat developments on land owned by the Cooperator(s) as described in the attached Project Plan and identified on the on the attached map and/or aerial photograph. The Cooperator(s) agrees to join as a participant in a wildlife habitat development program and grants to the Service the authority to carry out wildlife habitat developments, or agrees to personally carry out wildlife habitat development and management activities with financial or material support, as described in the Project Plan. Any supplies, equipment or direct payment from the Service to the Cooperator(s) for carrying out the wildlife habitat developments are also listed in the Project Plan. The Cooperator(s) further agrees: 1. To assume responsibility for securing federal, state and local permits needed to carry out the proposed habitat development project. 2. To allow the wildlife habitat development project described in the Project Plan to remain in place for a period of I 0 years from the date of last signature on this Agreement. 3. To allow the Service or its representatives reasonable access to the described property for the period of this Agreement in order to complete the agreed upon habitat development project and to make periodic inspections of the habitat development for program monitoring purposes. 4. To notifY the Service in writing at least 30 days before closing of any planned sale or other change in the ownership of the described property. 5. To complete all cooperator(s) responsibilities as listed in Section III of the Project Plan. The Service assumes no authority over the described property for purposes of controlling trespass, for controlling noxious weeds, for identifYing or removing pre-existing hazards including waste materials, for grantlng rights of way, or for any other incidents of ownership. The Service also assumes no liability for property damage or injuries to people not caused by its own negligence, and any claims shall be processed in accordance with the Federal Tort Claims Act. The Cooperator(s) shall own all of the completed or installed developments and shall be solely responsible for paying all taxes and assessments on the descr:lbed property. . . . . 2 This Agreement may be modified at any time by mutual written consent of the parties. It may be temrinated by either party upon 30 days advance written notice to the other party. However, if the Cooperator(s) terminates the Agreement before its expiration, or if the Cooperator(s) should fail to maintain the wildlife habitat development for the length of the Agreement, then the Cooperator(s) agrees to reimburse the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prior to final termination for the pro-rated costs of all habitat development projects placed on the described land through this Agreement. For these purposes the total cost of the development projects to the United States are agreed to be $ COOPERA TOR(S) U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE X Cooperator( s) Partners for Fish and Wildlife Biologist (printed name(s)) (printed name) (Date) (Date) Agrt:ement No. . . . .. ~U:2 CC.fj=- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program PROJECT PLAN I. La.ndowner Information: C,r'l --",c /l7t.l.;,K-e.j {) Name: (TJ,ç ^,-d'je~ s.,~~Ït,.;,?~) Address: p. c. 6C'~ 7df? City: ;'17 t.' =i. It 'o?_:j 'c, , State: l,.)I: , Zip code: S 3 I.Ç C Telephone Number(s): (;{&~) (; 71- 5G:.I 7 n. Description of land: County tVJh4~.~~J.~ Township name C,i-r.;;P /11.;::.kij?wnship 5/11 , Range ;?Dt=, Section(s) SE YCf ~ Latitude , Longitude UTM Coordinates or Attach maps and aerial photograph Project Type: 0 W etland ~ acres; 0 Grassland - acres; 0 Riparian Corridor - feet 0 InstreamlFish Passage - feet or miles; 0 Sensitive and/or rare habitat - acres 0 Other habitat (describe) - acres (or other units ) m. f'roiectPlan: A. DI!Scription of Habitat Development or Design The project consists of: D/S';:"'f;~',J . . -r:/c-: ck-:;-'-~e 5ÿ..5~~ y; ,e,,",...s~'ZÞe- ð,C- ;9 f/"//d L . .~ ~~ d.. I. I ""':>'I"-?~' j -.., j, -J' i ~ . , ~. "'J 1 f&.> ,. ';/~AC ~a.. ........ 1.r~Q- . n'"l<f /;;;'--""'~1 / /,N"'Æ'-5Ic.J~ i..:><:-..'0-1 / <=-C/C"~ wiN 17 'I:. 0P:-;f: 7Á:?ri-ï2:.L 7: j,~'f"'~;- ~?-?7;"'e. i'.>e..-,-,'~-"'d /1/,.r:r-" '.i . . -,~. ,-/,.,...- r/N-p/ ...,"""J-< //.A-....,;.r./, ;j' . The Service, or a partner under written agreement, will: R.C</~' LA',... ,/..,.4- r>' - J< -- .J.J c. ç Cd .ð .' 0-515 .-~17_--... ~ í;""<- ~/;; t!>~ t7"..-So,..él'" /'c.,,-t.... /f /<:?,U"c, "'I ~...,;'JA-i)"ù"';l "tV..?:/" % e/<c.ee.cl 11 8oc,;. ~ The Cooperator( s) will: - t;,J ~ ;--. ). ß- >73 ~)-.J Ac'.)7v. n~S. p,.:-:-;: - ,). - . ~~ /J./,' ~,J_?<.?4~,ff<-:>:,..J 1"'-' , ~<;~ <::.::)(;.,.-2."/,,.-.,..,..,";"-0) /"- /'1' -rl. - # ...:;.:-.~ '/J~/(;;".L ~"1.bc>/~-;/ E<li.'i'P~ ;:;'"Z- k;1... il'-"- lT7'~ Y. JJ;:;s/.$/ ÞO';~I- ""~'.---- ,. I -' . <: Ch.,7Ã...,> i. éo,~" ç........-MC.>f!...5>.rryc...-e.. ;1..~ e/lJU^~'-';'-l ~d- /,,"'o/.ß-ÿll'e. Jf2.<.!. ~:j" I (;l'11 ç,'z frwsK-=J/'; /JL S~'h.we,l'42-l /'Jr-'d. /I1i1s/4ù.7 Lh~~ ,1_. - V/',">;"~l.J.)~ ~" B. Description of Habitat Management Goals and Objectives for the project: Kc:6:'fé.;:l.e. d~~ Jed w:::TJ/~d- ;:;; b~r- ø..e. /úl1-f7f,.Je..;!ilftJl ~ ?V7J1N<l,V;J ð t9rlrL p7!jI~~ t..),M?~6t:rtdcs.. k/d.z,N/ j/~~~.i' /~~k~ ~;,'" t<->ì/( /1(:;'(:, ~h-T~ IV. J>artner cost share funds/in-kind services: (es7/~n,q:;és) Funds Inkind Services Total Cost $ ?Joo $ $ goo - $ $- $ 3c'>D $ $ $ :z....o= $ $ 300 $ "YOD $ $- $ Partner Equipment Materials USFWS $- . t:.iJ1:.' cf JfJç~fe::r $ ~ .EIi::;ft!J.lL1edeA- $ ~ ~~~Útít6ð~. $- $- It é,>c:>t~1Z. ~rïM;t./;7:'ffS $ . -$ $ $ /O> $ USFWS Cost: $ $óO "nfiJ vr (est.) TotaIProject Cost: $ /7'o0 (est.) If there are any questions regarding the habitat development agreement or the Project Plan, please-contact the: . U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Name: Arthur P. Kitchen Station: Wildlife Biologist Address: Wisconsin Private Lands Office Phone: E-mûl: '. 4511 Helgesen Drive Madison, WI 53718-6747 608/221 1206 ext. 13 608/221 1357 Fax 608/444 1140 Mobile art_kitchen@fws.gov . CONSTRUCTION PLAÀI Yo~ ;,z Cı P F.'A C TIC E ~J e T f r.---...,) J...- R.es--;:Z; ,::'.-s~ -;:--;;'Q r.J OIt'NER C:TY C IC .l"f'1<JsKe ~::..> J ADDRESS 1:0. ~c:;X 719 . /n~~o (-J.:L ->:3/.5:""6 COUNTY U4-uKeslv- ' , - J LANDOh'NER PHONE NO. Ç2~:2) ~ 77- S-~/7 T01t'NSÌi.iP C,T7" rJjC .mV$Á'Þ~ J'" -SECTION :5E Y<f Co T01t'NSHIP SA! - RANGE ~OE FJELD OFFICE/JJØrl;"..,-J &H,>"~~s TELEPHONE NO. (6~a) 22/-/Z.~X/3 8 ., - . -8 LDCA TION MAP . NOTICE TO LANDOJ(NERS AND CONTRACTORS REGARDING UTILITIES NO REPRESE/fT.(TIOH ISR,(OE BY THE' US Fish & Wildli.fe Service On mE lvlfuK.es~ CO(1NrY - UMJ AMl KATER CONSERV.4.TION-DEPARTHENT AS TO THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF' tJMJ~(jROUMJ HAZÁRDS: - - . - PRIOR TO THE START OF CONS[RUCTJON THE OJr'NERS OF UTILITIES NUST BE NOTIFED OF [}IE PEMJI/IG . -' - CONSTRUCTION. YOU KÌLL BE LIABLE FOR O.4.l(..4.GES nESlJt. TING FROI< CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. - - . - - CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICA TIONS ACCEPTANCE I/h'E HAVE REVIEWED AND DO ACCEPT THE ATTACHED PLANS. - I/It'E AGREE TO HAVE THIS PROJECT CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE It'I,TH THESE PLANS AlýD SPECIFIÇA TIONS AND TO NOTIFY ALL AFFECTED UTILITY CONPANIES. SIGNED: DA TE: qESIGNED BY: ~ f? K/rJ2." DATE: CHECKED BY: ~~ DATE: APPROVED BY: '2.~ Jt-~ DAtE: ÄPPROVED BY: DATE: 8 5"'"J6~/o~ . " , ~~/o tf~ 51a6./0 'f , l SHEET I L{ OF .,,";;;' / / t- ;/ 7--. .. ',( . . JfI~ 1.,..,. ;:,;r" " Ii">. < ',." ." -~ , I - ", " '" I - .. .', -:t .mile - ~~.~gi,~{f. .,-- ,. d ,-, "7 \ "\ \ \ r .'-. - - ", . . EX ISïING GROUND ~- EX:;SïHiG TILE REt~OVE JILE EXCAVATE MID E..~CKFILL - ~ I ~ AR! ES I /S-ó/ "1 EXISTH:G TILE BLOCK END OF TILE .' TILE BLOCK (/11;:7/;' (j(.)}Le7S) (;;IP~)(' 7 B.I!Æ'n,~':;) -'----'" ---------.----..- -.. . " , "-. - - - - . - . . - EXISTING GROUND ~. EX1SïHiG TILE REJ~OVE TILE EXC.WATE At/D BACKFILL - --- - ~ I ~AR!ES I 1S"t?" ~ TILE E~1D OF TILE TILE BLOtK (LA-;-~/.IL >.) (;"'fP",,""~1', 5" ß/2.eA-K.s) "-':;;',,"". ,.":;..., ..i",.'~,-..; cPt. /7"5 ~Æ";=/é.L..- .~ ;:'::;"'C;'/P'.4;:;ii I é-h"'~""c;;. 7//0:;. &;'e.::~... '1'" /----- " / I I-/) 1"- // -;:;',O",,-.I';;-!'- /9r--/~ b1 /tr;' P;iF/~. .D/~'~J1.~.,. 0;9('.",,-1'/.' . - ch-' s-.' r - j:::: .A-:!J"'~ 7;/<::. .6,Cè~'P.';;: ~d &.-..-./Y/"""-;:!..;- /? "'"'..-'; 7 - . / I D . - cI '-,,! "'""'~-<2-"---. &""",,+.//... ~ I ) e.4'þ<";;:: ;;..... St?; ~ -- Ç);oJ:::> i IS; J""",~ ~ ..' '^ , C, í'í' of $v:';;Ke... Q OWNER J IF! 0101";"'" "<'i,,~ !)p;' 0;::: ~.Á 77 /e. /?7 ","",-;/ /' /,-,',/) /.4"-'.--:' .<i:-.- t~)AUK,~:;:;J...;;.'- Lce, WI .q-r ~ t>v71e..'"'f,.' COUNTY Des! SHEET 2 OF if . 83. ;. " . ES.TABLISHING AND l'1JÜrHAIlHNG VEGéTATION 1- Make Plans for se~dinfi after Construction! Se~d within 24 hour~ after cons.tructi'JC1. 1r COl1s~rUC1:10n t1n1S es anë:r <!>cr: IS/' make a te:nporaryse~d1ng of ;)"".,..,/'1/ G.~;", , or a donnant së:~ding. If a te.'11p9rary së:~ding is done, plan to rese~d in ear1y spring. Where possible and practical. divert runoff until vegetation is established. Us<=: soil retention blank2ts, jute matting, or sad in critical areas where ~ater concentrates. Obtain.He~ded Mat2rials! Test S011. Secure lime, fertilizer, s<22d; se2d inoculation a:1d mulching m3t2ria1s before constructión s~arts. 2. a. b. c. d. Ume. (f ne2d::-:1. epply r;~ì1ìzer. In lieu or Se20. A:ways che!:~< t!te Mï:ïfCh Hateria1s. Xu1ch grain and wèe<1 së:2d. or 1 ir.1e at the rate or tons per a.cr2. a so;: t2S~, apply 400-600 pounds per acre of 20-10-10. - 1 äb2l ar.d Sè2d in pure 1 he së:2d rı.tes.. . wi th :1 1/2 tons/ac:-e 0;' sí:raw or hı.y reasonably fre2 from strawy manure at the rıte of 6-8 T IA may be used. Mix :: Locëtion Acres NEEDED IN POUNDS Location Acr2S ~ ~e;~~~ ".1 P2~Õ.~~re I 1 I I I , ;: S e2d Ne2G2d SEED RA I ES PER ACRE: AND SEED Jé~~8~~~~:~ion I ~I . I I iJ: Seed I Rëte Needed P~r Acre I - j.;J.-{# I I I I. I I I I I (From Wildlife Habitat Ra~e Planting Hixtures-645) I P2; Acr2 Species, AA/Þv.sz-l J.?IQ- q,~~ I /;;1. * , ~! ." I I I I I , I I I I I I I Preparé the Seedbed! THE SUCCESS OF TIHS SEEDING .DEPENDS. ON THE PROPER SEEDBED. With a. áis~ or harro\ý" work the so1"1. to a 3 inch depth. On small aceas" handwork may be necessary. . 4. Mulch ?roDerly: Spr2ad mulch uniformly. .11/2 T/A is 60.ba,les per acrë: or 6--7 ste.'11S tlncL Ancher mulch by pr2ssing into the son with a dull" weighted disc-:$et s~raight o.r ot!1~r aoproved methods. Work water..rays crosswise when possible. . ..' , . . .' 5. S<2ed.! Inoc:rl ate bi rdsfoot trefoil and crOWClvetc~ properly. . Seed shallow. at 1/4 to 112 inch de2p immediä"tely after .seedbed pr~paration. Á cultipı.cker seeder works, - ~ood. A hydro~seeder or hand seeder can be used. ~ 6. Maintain. Properly! Control we-eds and unées"irable wocdyj vegetation- Delay mowing until after .Ju 1y IS to accommodäte ground-nesting wi ldl He. If pastured, always regulate grazing. Whe:e grasses alone are used, ~n occasionèl appliçation of ferti- lizer, high in nitrogen helps to maintain the stand. . AOOIïIONAL COHMEMTS: Fw5. G,t'! or /J1V5/{'è.9O OWi'lER .J A 7e......, "",;/f '.... '5J.'^"i~J~;t ~ I.. -' . Vp>'ð,J-;';' (12,':;""0 ~j^M--j,,("Vi"""! - . 7bé /. /. k. m",..,.--- S~':""d NP"í/",~,$<ii'J<:i'&. S ~~'/..~Jffl...dl P/"<.",,7:}; ~ .--, --= .J c/.' I . 17',,' }" ú41 Ii- '~C>K~1 c...V'~"'. Jilll'S"e5!"ee<:::l.,. IN 4-<.1 K e. ~ t....ð- COUNTY Checked: ß;t... Des i gned : Æ/:.- S p.H T '-l OF t..f ---- -