CCR2003264.- AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #264-2003 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT FOR WEEKLY REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL AND BIWEEKLY RECYCLING COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND ONYX WASTE SERVICES MIDWEST, INC. WHEREAS, The City of Muskego desires to enter into a contract with Onyx Waste Services Midwest, Inc. for weekly refuse collection and disposal and biweekly recycling collection and disposal to begin January 1, 2004; and WHEREAS, The Public Services Committee has reviewed the attached contract has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Services Committee, does hereby approve the attached contract between the City of Muskego and Onyx Waste Services Midwest, Inc subject to review by the City Attorney contingent on the City being able to enter an agreement with the school district satisfactory to the Mayor to pay for its portion of the contract. r- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Contract in the name of the City. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF DECEMBER ,2003. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. Chuck Damaske Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #264-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. r ~Km~ CI -Treasurer 12/03jmb / r r CITY OF MUSKEGO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK W182 S82oo RACINE AVENUE MUSKEGO, WI 53150 GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS AND SPECIFICATION FOR REFUSE - PICKUP & TRANSPORT A TION RECYCLING - PICKUP AND TRANSPORTATION TO W AUKESHA COUNTY (MRF) RECYCLING - PICKUP AND DISPOSAL (VENDOR) FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008 (5 Year Contract) NOVEMBER 2003 CITY OF MUSKEGO WISCONSIN OFFICIAL NOTICE r ADVERTISEMENTS FOR QUOTES FOR REFUSE - PICKUP & TRANSPORT RECYCLING - PICKUP & TRANSPORT TO W AUKESHA COUNTY ( MRF) RECYCLING - PICKUP & DISPOSAL (VENDOR) Sealed quotes will be received by the ClerkfTreasurer's Office located at Muskego City Hall, W182 S82oo Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin 53150, no later than 12:00 PM on Friday, December 5, 2003, for: THE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING OF REFUSE GENERATED IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR SERVICE TO BE OFFERED FROM JANUARY 1,2004 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008 The City of Muskego reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, options or proposals, to waive any technicality in any quote or part thereof submitted, to accept any quote or option in whole or in part or combination thereof and to accept or reject any option in whole or in part or combination thereof or to negotiate changes thereto and to accept or reject any quote not accompanied with all data or information as called for in the specifications thereon as may be deemed to be in the best interest and most advantageous to the City of Muskego. No quote shall be withdrawn after the opening of quotes without consent of the City of Muskego for a period of (60) days from date of quote opening. ,--- The City of Muskego will entertain questions concerning this request for proposal at a pre-submission meeting to be held at 10:00 AM on Thursday, November 20,2003, in the Aldermen's Room, Muskego City Hall, W182 S82oo Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150. Attendance at the pre- submission meeting is mandatory. Any pertinent information communicated at the pre-submission meeting will be distributed to all vendors by an amendment. All proposers should use this written document, its attachments, and the information supplied in the pre-submission meeting as the sole basis for submitting a proposal. Copies of minimum specifications and proposals may be obtained by applying to the City Clerk Treasurer's Office in the Office of the City ClerkfTreasurer in the City Hall (262-679-4100). All quotes must be sealed and addressed to the City of Muskego's City ClerkfTreasurer Department, W182 S82oo Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin 53150. There shall be clearly marked on the envelope of each quote the name and address of the bidder and in the lower left-hand comer the purpose for which the quote is intended. Dated this 14th day of November, 2003. Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor CITY OF MUSKEGO r S:City HalVRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 2 r ~ r SPECIFICATIONS FOR REFUSE - PICKUP & TRANSPORT RECYCLING - PICKUP & TRANSPORT TO W AUKESHA COUNTY ( MRF) IMPORTANT: ATTENTION BIDDER: RECYCLING - PICKUP & DISPOSAL (VENDOR) FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO This specification packet must be returned in its entirety to the City of Muskego, City Clerkffreasurer's Department in the Office of the City Clerk. Instructions per this specification must be adhered to. Quotes not sealed and marked as specified and without signatures where called for, may be rejected. S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 121512003 3 CITY OF MUSKEGO CONTRACT ~ THIS CONTRACT made this day of ,2003, by and between , herein called the "Contractor" and the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, hereinafter called the "City". WITNESSETH that the Contractor and the City, for the consideration stated herein, agree as follows: 1. COMPONENT PART OF THIS CONTRACT This contract consists of the following component parts, all of which are as fully a part of this contract as if herein set out verbatim or hereto attached: Definitions General Contract Provisions Specifications This Instrument Payment Bond Performance Bond Certificate of Insurance In the event that any provision in any of the above component parts of this contract conflicts with any provision in any other of the component parts, the provision in the component part first enumerated above shall govern over any other component partes) which follows it numerically, except as may be otherwise specifically stated. -- This contract is intended to conform in all parts to applicable statutes, rules, regulations and other laws of the State of Wisconsin, and any other reviewing governmental bodies or agencies, in effect both now and in the future, and if any other part or provisions of the contract conflicts therewith, the above-noted laws shall govern. 2. DEFINITIONS The following terms as used in these contract documents are respectively as follows: PROJECT - The entire area within the City limits of the City of Muskego, as may be amended from time to time, to be serviced in whole or in part pursuant to the contract within. CITY - (Also OWNER) The contracting party initiating the project as set forth in the contract acting through its authorized representatives in accordance with specific duties delegated to such representatives. CONTRACTOR - The person, persons, firm or corporation to whom the written contract is awarded by the City and who is subject to the terms of said contract. Also, the agents, employees, workmen or assignees of said Contractor. ,,-- SUBCONTRACTOR - A person, firm or corporation other than the Contractor, supplying labor and materials or labor only, on the work site of the project. S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 4 WORK - All work including materials, labor supervision and use of tools necessary to complete the project in full compliance with the terms of the contract. -- ENGINEER - City Engineer and/or members of the Engineering staff appointed by the City. SURETY - The person, firm or corporation that has executed, as surety, the Contractor's Payment and Performance Bond(s), securing the performance of the written contract. SMALL AMOUNTS - A measure or quantity of solid waste equal in volume to one (1) 32 gallon container or less and weighing less than 80 pounds per pickup. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT - A single residential unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT- Any residential type structure having more than two families in separate dwelling units including condominiums and 3 and 4 family apartments. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT-Any residential structure housing two families in separate dwelling units. This includes single family attached. 3. SCOPE OF WORK r- The Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed and shall provide and furnish all labor and materials, tools, equipment and all utility and transportation services required for the weekly collection of all rubbish, garbage, trash, brush and leaves from residences in the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, the disposal thereof and the recycling activities as specified per this contract for a period of five (5) years all in accordance with their specifications. As this contract is only for pick-up and transport as to all nonrecyclable rubbish, garbage and trash (solid waste), the City designates that the contractor is required to dispose of all of said material at the Emerald Park Landfill located at W124 S10629 124th Street, Muskego, WI 53150. The above disposal requirement is pursuant to the landfill expansion agreement settled March 21, 2000, between the Superior Emerald Park Landfill Siting Committee and Superior Emerald Park Landfill, Inc. (now Onyx Waste Services Midwest Inc.). Under this agreement Onyx is obligated to accept certain municipal solid waste generated within the City of Muskego generally without charge and generally as set forth in Exhibit X attached hereto and made a part thereof. The specific contract documents are available upon request from the City of Muskego. (' S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 5 4. THE CONTRACT PRICE - WEEKLY REFUSE COLLECTION r The City shall pay the Contractor for the performance of this contract, in current funds, at the following prices: a. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT (Includes commercial properties with livine units) January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ b. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT (Includes commercial properties with livine units) January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ c. MULTI-FAMIL Y DWELLING UNITS SIX UNITS AND UNDER (Includes commercial properties with livine units) January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ r d. MUTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS - OVER SIX UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ TOTAL OF A+B+ C+D= $ At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2004) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commencing with 2004. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2005. e. CONTAINERS AT CITY-OWNED LOCATIONS January 1,2004 - December 31, 2008 ,r- This work shall include the furnishing and weekly emptying of suitable containers at the following city-owned buildings: S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 121512003 6 # pick- # address u slweek containers dates months W182 88200 Racine Avenue 1 1 1/01 - 12/31 12 W183 88150 Racine Avenue 1 1 1/01 - 12/31 12 873 W16663 Janesville Road 1 1 1/01 - 12/31 12 W189 88285 Mercu Drive 1 1 1/01 - 12/31 12 Payment for this item shall be included in the cost of items 4.(a) through (d) above and no extra payment will be made for this work. f. MUSKEGO CITY PARK FACILITIES ~- # pick- # #of address upslweek containers size dates months Parks Maintenance 8hop W180 87732 Pioneer Drive 1 2 8 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Horn Field 879 W18200 Horn Park Drive 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Mill Valley W191 86445 Hillendale Drive 1 2 4 yard 4/01 - 10/31 7 Manchester Hill Park W167 87650 Parkland Drive 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Veterans Memorial Park W182 88200 Racine Avenue 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Bavlane 875 W16399 Hilltop Drive 1 1 4 yard 4/01 - 8/31 5 Kurth Park 870 W14415 Belmont Drive 1 2 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Bluhm Farm Park 877 W13607 Mc8hane Drive 1 2 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Big Muskego Launch 882 W13783 Durham Drive 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Boxhorn Launch 890 W13960 Boxhorn Drive 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Denoon Park W216 810798 Crowbar Road 1 2 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Idle Isle Park W182 86666 Hardtke Drive 2 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Park Arthur (future) 863 W17833 College Avenue 1 3 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Old 8ettlement Center W180 88100 Racine Avenue 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Total pick-ups/week & containers 15 21 Payment for this item 4.(e) and (f) shall be included in the cost of items 4.(a) through (d) above and no extra payment will be made for this work. It is understood that if there are any additional parks created, that these requirements would be noted in the monthly report of additions/deletions. g. FIRE STATIONS # pick- # address upslweek containers size dates months MuskeQo VFC 8ta. #1 876 W17858 Janesville Road 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Muskego VFC 8ta. #2 W195 810030 Racine Avenue 1 1 2 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 Tess Corners VFD - #1 W144 86731 Tess Corners Dr. 1 1 4 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 Tess Corners VFD - #2 8100 W13444 Loomis Dr. 1 1 2vd. 1/01-12/31 12 S:City HalVRefuse Recycling 121512003 7 Payment for this item shall be included in the cost of items 4.(a) through (d) above and no extra payment will be made for this work. (' h. SCHOOLS - See Alternate #1 Note: This item is an alternate and, if chosen by the City, shall be paid in equal monthly payments to be included in payments made in accordance with Section 23-PAYMENTS. AL TERNA TE #1 MUSKEGOINORW A Y SCHOOL DISTRICT REFUSE: ~ # pick- # address upslweek containers size dates months lake Denoon School W216 S10586 Crowbar Rd. 3 1 8 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 lakeview School 26335 Fries lane, W.L. 1 1 8 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 Mill Valley School W191 S6445 Hillendale Dr. 1 1 8 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 Bay lane School S75 W16399 Hilltop Dr. 3 2 8yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 Tess Corners School W147 S6800 Durham Dr. 2 1 6yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " "" " " " 1 1 2 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 MuskeQo Elem. School S75 W17476 Janesville Rd. 3 1 8yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 MuskeQo High School W183 S8750 Racine Avenue 3 1 8yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 1 2 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 " " " " " " 5 1 8 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 RECYCLING: # pick- # address upslweek containers size dates mont~~ lake Denoon School W216 S1 0586 Crowbar Rd. 1 1 8 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 3 95 Gal. toter 1/01-12/31 12 lakeview School 26335 Fries lane, W.L. 1 1 6vd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 1 95 Gal. toter 1/01-12/31 12 Mill Valley School W191 S6445 Hillendale Dr. 1 1 4 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 1 95 Gal. toter 1/01-12/31 12 Bay lane School S75 W16399 Hilltop Dr. 1 1 8yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 3 95 Gal. toter 1 /01-12/31 12 Tess Corners School W147 S6800 Durham Dr. 1 1 4 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 2 95 Gal. toter 1/01-12/31 12 MuskeQo Elem. School S75 W17476 Janesville Rd. 1 1 2 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 1 95 Gal. toter 1/01-12/31 12 Muskego High School W183 S8750 Racine Avenue 2 1 8 yd. 1/01-12/31 12 " " " " " " 1 6 95 Gal. Toter 1/01-12-31 12 ,- s:City HalVRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 8 Total Cost Refuse for Schools: $ - Total Cost Recycling for Schools: $ At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2(04) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commencing with 2004. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2005. i. FESTIVAL REQUIREMENTS - / The Contractor shall provide up to four (4) 30 yard roll-off containers for use during the City of Muskego's Community Festival which is held the last weekend before Labor Day. Delivery shall be no later than 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding. At lest one (1) container shall remain for festival cleanup through the Tuesday after the festival. Payment for this item shall be included in the cost of items 4.(a) through (d) above and no extra payment will be made for this work. j. PROSECUTION OF CONTRACT The Contractor agrees to commence work under this contract on January 1, 2004. The foregoing quantities of items are approximately only and payment will be made only on the actual quantities of work completed, measured on the basis defined in the Contract Specifications and at unit prices as stated previously. k. PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING -- The City of Muskego will entertain questions concerning this request for proposal at a pre-submission meeting to be held at 10:00 AM, on Thursday, November 20,2003, in the Aldermen's Room, Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150. Attendance at the pre-submission meeting is mandatory. Any pertinent information communicated at the pre- submission meeting will be distributed to all vendors by an amendment. S:City Hall/Refuse Recycling 12/5/2003 9 5. SPECIFICATIONS ,.-- 3. PURPOSE The purpose of this contract is to effect the removal of all garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish, and other disposal items (municipal solid waste) from the residences (single-four family) and City-owned buildings in the City of Muskego and to dispose of same. Included therein, not limited by, is the below list of items: 1. Bagged, tied or sealed garbage. 2. Small appliances (toasters, radios, etc.). 3. Small furniture (3'x 5'or smaller). 4. Small amounts of stone, rubble, earth, and sod - in containers. 5. Small auto parts if in containers (mufflers, etc.) other than within cardboard boxes. 6. Minor construction debris - limit one 32-gallon container or equivalent. 7. Non-recyclable plastic and foam materials. 8. One (1) tire per week per residence. 9. Large furniture 10. Large appliances (washers, dryers, etc.) 11. Christmas Trees The following items need not be picked up: -- " 1. Large amounts of stone, concrete, rubble, earth or sod. 2. Containers over 32 gallons and/or over 80 pounds. 3. Construction debris except as noted in #6 above. 4. Large auto parts (engine blocks, heads, fenders). 5. Toxic or hazardous waste. 6. Motor Oil. 7. Grass clippings. 8. Brush & Leaves (Small amounts of yard waste, brush and leaves commingled with normal household refuse shall be deemed acceptable) 9. All recyclable materials. 10. Automobile Batteries b. MIXED REFUSE The Contractor has the right to refuse to pick up refuse if it contains large amounts of recyclable material. In such cases, the contractor shall notify the generator by affixing a notice to the material container and shall notify the City of Muskego Public Works Department on a weekly basis of the addresses involved. c. CONTAINERS r- All refuse placed in containers of not more than 32 gallons capacity shall be picked up. No containers weighing more than 80 pounds need be picked up. Containers shall have tapered sides for easy removal. Cardboard-type S:City HalIlRefuse Recycling 12/512003 10 -- containers are not acceptable. Contractor shall instruct employees to return all containers to point of pickup in an orderly manner and in an upright condition with cover placed on top. All containers shall be returned to the cart if carts are provided by the residents. Contractors are alerted that more than one type of container may already be owned by various condominium associations and the Contractor will be responsible for emptying the containers previously in use regardless of type. Some condominiums may choose to have individual unit containers (garbage cans). d. TIME AND LOCATION OF PICKUP The aforementioned refuse shall be removed by the Contractor at regular intervals by calling at each place of residence once a week. All pickups shall be on a regularly scheduled basis with each unit being served on the same day of each week and approximately the same time of day unless adjustments in the schedule are approved by the Superintendent of Public Works or his authorized representative. All pickups shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. All refuse shall be picked up at the driveway entrance within five (5) feet of the curb line or edge of street or road. e. PRIVATE ROADS .r- Collection of refuse/recycling on private roadways, alleys, side streets shall be collected with light weight vehicles that will not cause damage or significant wear to the private roads. Collection in these areas shall be similar to 5 d. above. Contactor shall receive no additional compensation other than that in 4 a. through d. above. See attached maps. f. MAP Contractor shall provide refuse/recycling pick up in accordance with the attached schedule for the period of January 1, 2004 to March 31, 2004. Within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the contract, the Contractor shall submit a proposed route schedule map to the City of approval. No changes to this map will be permitted without written City approval. g. COMPLAINTS Complaints on pickups shall be handled as follows: Following receipt of complaint, the Superintendent, or his designee, shall notify Contractor as soon as possible. It is expected that complaints, determined by the Public Works Superintendent to require action and thus received by the Contractor, will be handled on the day received. The Contractor will be charged $50.00 each day for each day's complaints not handled within the prescribed time. r S:Cily Hall/Refuse Recycling 121512003 11 h. HANDICAP PRIVILEGES .- The City will provide the Contractor with a list of properties that have been given Handicap Privileges whereby the Contractor will pickup refuse/recycling at the end of their garage. Proof of handicap is required by the City and kept on record in the office of the Superintendent of Public Works. Updates will be given to the Contractor on an as needed basis. i. BASIS FOR PAYMENT 1. Sinsde. Two-Family and Multi-Family Units (Six Units and Under and Over Six Units). Single, two-family and multi-family residential payments shall be made on the basis of a unit cost per residence, the number of residences to be determined by the number of residences as of January 1,2004, and adjusted on a monthly basis with a report generated by the City of Muskego and transmitted to the Contractor showing the number of occupancy permits, as well as disconnects as a result of nonuse of a building, issued by the City for the previous month. 2. Combined Commercial & Residential Units r- In instances where there is a single family residence in combination with a commercial or business establishment, pickup from the residence shall be limited to not more than the equivalent of three 32 gallon garbage cans per week. For needs exceeding that noted above, arrangements are to be made with the individual concerned for private disposal service at which time the residential service will be discontinued. The contractor will be notified monthly of each service reduction. 6. BRUSH AND LEAF PICKUP a. FOUR TIMES PER YEAR The contractor shall indicate below the cost to provide four (4) times a year brush and leaf pickup and disposal. All brush shall be cut into five-foot maximum lengths and placed in neat, orderly piles at the curb or edge of road. The collection shall be limited to five cubic yards per residence per pick-up. No branches or logs over six inches in diameter need be collected. The leaves shall be placed in plastic bags and placed at the curb or edge of road. There shall be no limit on the amount of leaves bagged for pickup. .r The anticipated collection times for the brush and leaf pickups are once each May, October, November and December of each year. The specific week of each month will be determined by the Superintendent of Public Works. S:City HalVRefuse Recycling 12/5/2003 12 The Contractor shall provide, at its own expense, a suitable disposal site(s) for the brush and leaves collected. All sites shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules, ordinances, regulations and orders. r 1. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS, January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ 2. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ 3. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS SIX UNITS AND UNDER January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ 4. MUTI-FAMIL Y DWELLING UNITS - OVER SIX UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ r TOTALOFl,2,3,&4 = $ At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2004) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commending with 2004. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2005. b. ADD A BRUSH AND LEAF PICKUP The Contractor shall indicate below the cost to provide an additional month of brush and leaf pickup and disposal. All brush shall be cut into fÏve- foot maximum lengths and placed in neat, orderly piles at the curb or edge of road. The collection shall be limited to five cubic yards per residence per pickup. No branches or logs over six inches in diameter need to be collected. r S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 13 The leaves shall be placed in plastic bags and placed at the curb or edge of road. There shall be no limit on the amount of leaves bagged for pickup. -- The Contractor shall provide, at it's own expense, a suitable disposal site(s) for the brush and leaves collected. All sites shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules, ordinances, regulations and orders. Note: All costs are in addition to the four (4) times per year pickup in "A" above. 1. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ 2. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ 3. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS SIX UNITS AND UNDER January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ r 4. MUTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS OVER SIX UNITS January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ TOTAL OF 1, 2, 3, & 4 = $ At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2004) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commending with 2004. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2005. c. DELETE ONE BRUSH AND LEAF PICKUP The Contractor shall indicate below the cost to deduct one less month of brush and leaf pickup and disposal from the four specified in A. ,,-- All brush shall be cut into five-foot maximum lengths and placed in neat, orderly piles at the curb or edge of road. The collection shall be limited to five S:City HallIRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 14 cubic yards per residence per pickup. No branches or logs over six inches in diameter need be collected. ~ The leaves shall be placed in plastic bags and placed at the curb or edge of road. There shall be no limit on the amount of leaves bagged for pickup. The Contractor shall provide, at it's own expense, a suitable disposal site(s) for the brush and leaves collected. All sites shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules, ordinances, regulations and orders. Note: All costs are deducts for the brush and leaf pickup in Items "A" above. 1. SINGLE-FAMILY - DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ 2. TWO-FAMILY -DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ 3. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS SIX UNITS AND UNDER January 1,2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ r- 4. MUTI-FAMIL Y DWELLING UNITS OVER SIX UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ TOTAL OF 1, 2, 3, & 4 = $ At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2004) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commending with 2004. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2005. 7. RESIDENTIAL & CITY FACILITIES CURBSIDE RECYCLING AND PROCESSING (' S:Ciry HalllRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 15 A. In addition to the collection and transportation to Emerald Park Landfill for disposal of household refuse, the Contractor shall collect at curbside and provide the processing for the following recyclable materials: ,r- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clear, brown and green glass Tin cans Bi-Metal cans Newspaper Aluminum Plastic containers (WDNR variance #3-#7 for 1998) Magazines Foam P.S. packaging (WDNR variance for 1998) Cardboard B. Recyclables will be placed at curbside using the existing 64-gallon cart previously furnished by the City of Muskego. Contractor shall supply all new and additional customers a 64- gallon cart similar in fashion to the style previously supplied to the City, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Works. C. Contractor to supply 18-gallon recycling totes to Condominiums in lieu of the 64-gallon recycling cart as determined by the Superintendent of Public Works for the City of Muskego. D. Additions and Deletions: The City of Muskego reserves the right to add or delete recyclable items in accordance with state and federal law and to add or delete them from the collection service provided under this contract. No additional payment shall be made for said additions or deletions. Written notice shall be provided to the contractor of such additions or deletions and to the service recipients by the City of Muskego. ,- E. Upon collection, all recyclables will become the property of the Contractor if being disposed at contractor's facility and all revenues received from the proper sale and processing of said recyclables shall be retained by the Contactor. No recyclables shall be disposed of in a landfill or similar disposal site or in any illegal manner. F. Recyclables picked-up and destined for the Waukesha County MRF are in the custody of the contractor and become the property of the Waukesha County MRF upon delivery to the MRF. G. Recycling Program - Contractor shall, at its sole cost, publish a newsletter insert on Recycling in conjunction with the City's newsletter on a quarterly basis or a lessor frequency determined by the City. In addition to the cost of publishing, contractor shall pay 50% of the cost of distribution of the combined City Newsletter with the Recycling insert. # pick- # address upslweek containers size dates months Muskego City Hall W182 88200 Racine Avenue 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 " " 1 toter 64aal " 12 Muskego Police Dept. W183 88150 Racine Avenue 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 1 toter 64 gal " " - S:City HallIRefuse Recycling 12/512003 16 Muske 0 Public Libra 873 W16663 Janesville Road 1 toter 1 toter " W189 88285 Mercu Drive 1 1 1 1 1/01 - 12/31 12 1/01 - 12/31 " 12 12 -- # pick- # address upslweek dumpsters size dates months MuskeQo VFC 8ta. #1 876 W17858 Janesville Road 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 1 toter 64 gal. " " Muskego VFC 8ta. #2 W195 810030 Racine Avenue 1 1 4 yard 1/01 - 12/31 12 1 toter 64Qal " " Tess Corners VFD - #1 W144 86731 Tess Corners Dr. 1 1 4 yd. 1/01 - 12/31 12 1 toter 64Qal " " Tess Corners VFD - #2 8100 W13444 Loomis Dr. 1 1 4 yd. 1/01 -12/31 12 1 toter 64qal " " Payment for these items shall be included in the cost of items 7.1. (a) through (d), Alternate 2 or 7.2 (a) through (d), Alternate 3, whichever is chosen by City, below and no extra payment will be made for this work. ,- At the end of the first year of the original term (December 31, 2004) and at the end of each calendar year thereafter, the amount per residential unit payable during the next commencing annual period shall be adjusted in accordance with the change in the "Consumer Price Index" using the National CPI- U Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (August to August) using the August Index published on or about September 15,2003, as the base date and comparing it with the "Consumer Price Index" (National CPI-U Index) published in September of subsequent years, commending with 2oo4. In each case annually, at the end of each calendar year, the amount payable per residential unit shall be adjusted in accordance with the foregoing only once for each annual period. Said changes, based on the CPI-U Index shall be reflected in the monthly payments commencing on January 2oo5. ALTERNATE #2 1. THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR BI-WEEKL Y PICKUP OF RECYCLABLES TO BE TRANSPORTED TO W AUKESHA COUNTY -(MRF) 3. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ b. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ r c. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS SIX UNITS AND UNDER January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 S:City Hall/Refuse Recycling 121512003 17 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ "- d. MUTI-FAMIL Y DWELLING UNITS OVER SIX UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ TOTAL OFa+ b+c+d = $ ALTERNATE #3 2. THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR BI-WEEKLY PICKUP OF RECYCLABLES TO BE TRANSPORTED TO SELECTED CONTRACTOR'S VENDOR a. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1,2004 - December 31,2004 Estimated 7,255 residences @ $ Per residence per year = Total $ b. TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 474 residences @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ c. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS - SIX UNITS AND UNDER January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 80 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ d. MUTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS - OVER SIX UNITS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 Estimated 895 occupied units @ $ Per unit per year = Total $ TOTAL OF a + b +c + d = $ 8. YARD WASTE DROP OFF SITE Contractor shall furnish a location in the City of Muskego for Saturday residential yard waste drop-off. Site to be agreed upon by Contractor and City of Muskego. Contractor shall furnish the suitable containers to accommodate yard waste. Yearly cost for drop-off center for yard waste: $ 9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS r- The Contractor is required to maintain records and report in writing to the City of Muskego at least semi-annually (July 5 for current year and January 15 for previous year). Reports shall include: the s:City HalllRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 18 amount of recyclables collected and transported from the municipality (in tons); the amount of recyclables processed and/or marketed by item type from the municipality; gross revenues received by the Contractor from its sale of recyclables collected under the agreement by item type; and the final disposal location of recyclable material. The determination of these various volumes and/or weights or recyclable materials may be done using the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources "Guidance for Determining Weights and/or Volumes of Recyclable Materials". Draft Revision 6 or as revised. Failure to report shall be cause for the municipality to revoke any license or terminate any contract with the Contractor. The City shall have the right to inspect all records of Contractor pertaining to required report subject to and including records from any disposal site or processing facility operator utilized by the Contractor. 10. SUMMARY OF COST: a. Total cost of all items and add and deduct of extra brush and leaf pickup: 1. Weekly refuse collection 4. a. through d. $ 2. Brush and Leaf pickup 6.a 1. through 4. $ Alternate #2 3. Recycling Collection and Disposal 8. 1. a. through d. - Waukesha MRF (r- Alternate #3 4. Recycling Collection and Disposal 8. 2. a. through d. - Contractor's Vendor $ $ 5. Recycling Dropoff Center - Yard Waste $ B. Yearly cost for Schools - Alternate #1 $ ALTERNATE METHODS The City of Muskego is willing to explore additional alternate methods for the collection of curbside refuse and/or recyclables and the proper disposal and recycling of same. Contractors having a methodology not described herein may, as Alternate #4, include a description complete with appropriate costs on company letterhead and attach to this bid at the time of submittal. 11. CONTRACT SECURITY The Contractor shall furnish surety Performance bond(s) in the amount equal to the value of the base contract including any alternate additions or deductions for the period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008, as security for the faithful performance of the contract. This bond may be renewed on not less than a yearly basis in amounts equal to the base contract value for the year of renewal. All Surety Bond(s) shall be on the forms provided in the specifications. No substitutions shall be allowed. 12. ,-- CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this subsection and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his sub-contract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been approved. All Certificates of Insurance shall be submitted on the forms provided in the specifications. ACORD @ forms will not be allowed. 13. S:City Hail/Refuse Recycling 1215/2003 19 Worker's Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract and before any work is commences, Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed on the project and in case any work is sublet, the contractor shall require the sub-contractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In any case any class of employees engaged in work under this contract at the site of the project is not protected under the Worker's Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide Employer's Liability Insurance for the protection of his employees not protected by the Worker's Compensation Statute. Liabilitv Insurance Contractor shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts, or greater where required by Law or Regulations: 1. Workers' Compensation and related coverages: a. State b. Applicable Federal (e.g., Longshoreman's) c. Employer's Liability Statutory Statutory $100,000/500,000/1 00,000 2. Contractor's General Liability shall include Premises-Operations: Independent Contractors' Protection; Products Liability and Completed Operations; "Broad Form Property Damage; Blanket Contractual Coverage: r- a. $2,000,000 General Aggregate (per project) (Except Products-Completed Operations): Products-Completed Operations Aggregate per Project): Personal and Advertising Injury per Occurrence) Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury and Property Damage): e. Medical Expense (per Person); f. Fire Damage: g. Personal Injury Liability Coverage will include Claims arising out of Employment. Exclusions of Coverage for Property in Contractor's Care, Custody or control will be eliminated. Property Damage Liability Insurance will provide coverage for Explosion, Coverage and Underground Damage. b. $2,000,000 c. $2,000,000 d. $2,000,000 $5,000 $50,000 h. 1. 3. Automobile Liability: --- S:City HalIIRefuse Recycling 121512003 a. A combined single limit for bodily injury and property damages of: $2,000,000 20 4. The Contractual Liability coverage shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts ,,- a. Bodily Injury: Each Accident: Annual Aggregate: $2,000,000 $2,000,000 b. Property Damage Each Accident: Annual Aggregate: $2,000,000 $2,000,000 5. General Liability and CONTRACTOR's liability coverage shall be written on an occurrence. 6. Liability coverage for OWNER and others listed will be provided (does not apply to professional liability): a. By endorsement as additional insureds on Contractor's General Liability, Auto Liability, and Umbrella policies. b. Name and address of persons or entities to list as additional insureds under the required liability policies: - " City of Muskego W182 88200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 0749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 7. Excess Liability (Umbrella): General Aggregate: Each Occurrence $5,000,000 $5,000,000 The Contractor shall file a certificate of insurance containing a thirty (30) day prior notice of cancellation, in a form and content acceptable to the City. 14. PROOF OF CARRYING INSURANCE The Contractor shall furnish the City with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required with a reliable company or companies with an A.M.Best rating of A- or better, before commencing any work. Such proof shall consist of a certificate executed by the respective insurance companies and filed with the City. The Contractor shall also submit the original insurance policies for inspection and approval of the City before work is commenced. Said insurance shall not thereafter be canceled, permitted to expire or be changed without written notice of at least thirty (30) days in advance to the City and consented to by' the City. 15. PERMITS AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS r S:City HalVRefuse Recycling ]215/2003 21 The Contractor shall procure and pay for all permits, licenses and bonds necessary for the prosecution of the work required by Municipal, State and Federal regulations and laws, unless specifically provided otherwise in the contract specifications. /1"-- The Contractor shall give all notices, pay all fees and comply with all Federal, State and Municipal Laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and codes bearing on the conduct of the work. This contract as to all matters not particularly referred to and defined herein, shall notwithstanding, be subject to the provisions of all pertinent ordinances of the municipality within whose limits the work is performed, which ordinances are hereby made a part hereof with the same force and effect as if specifically set out herein. 16. SUB-CONTRACTS The Contractor shall not subcontract any of the Contractor's obligations under this contract without the written consent of the City. The Contractor agrees to be fully responsible to the City for the acts of omissions of his sub-contractors and of anyone employed directly or indirectly by him or them and this contract obligation shall be in addition to the liability imposed by law upon the Contractor. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between any sub-contractor and the City. The Contractor agrees to bind every sub-contractor (and every sub-contractor of a sub- contractor) by the terms of this Contract as far as applicable to his work, unless specifically noted to the contrary in a sub-contract approved in writing as adequate by the City. (' All subcontracts approved by the City shall be accompanied by a Surety Payment Bond(s) on the forms attached to the Specifications and shall be equal to the full amount of the Subcontract. Surety Payment Bond (s) shall be renewed at intervals of not less than once per year. 17. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT No assignment by the Contractor of any principal contract or any part thereof or the funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be recognized unless such assignments has had written approval of the City and the Surety has been given due notice of such assignment and has furnished written consent thereto. Such written approval by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligations incurred by him under the terms of this contract. In addition to the usual recitals in assignment contracts, the following language must be set forth: "It is agreed that the funds to be paid to the assignee under this assignment are subject to a prior lien for services rendered or materials supplied for the peiformance of the work called for in said contract in favor of all persons, firms or corporations rendering such services or supplying such materials. " Assignment for the purposes of this contract shall also mean sale of the Contractor's business to other than its current principal owners and/or stockholders. S:City HalVRefuse Recycling 12/512003 22 18. SUPERINTENDENCE --- The Contractor shall give his personal superintendence to the work or have available at all times, a competent foreman, superintendent or other representative satisfactory to the City and having authority to act for the Contractor. Insofar as it is practicable and excepting in the event of discharge by the Contractor or in the event of proven incompetence, the individual who has been accepted to represent the Contractor shall so act, and shall follow without delay instructions of the Public Works Superintendent in the prosecution of the work in conformity with the Contract. 19. USE OF JOB SITE The Contractor shall confine his equipment, apparatus, the storage of materials and operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or direction by the City and shall not encumber the premises with his materials. The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of a structure to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safety. 20. USE OF PRIVATE LAND The Contractor shall not use any vacant lot or private land within the City of Muskego as a spoil site without written authorization of the owner of the land (or his agent) and approval by the City. A copy of the authorization shall be filed with the owner for his approval. r I 21. LABOR The Contractor shall employ none but competent and skilled workmen and foremen in the conduct of work on this contract. The City shall have the authority to order the removal of any Contractor's employee who refuses or neglects to obey any of its instructions, or those of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designee relating to the carrying out of the provisions and intent of the provisions of the contract, or who is incompetent, unfaithful, elusive, threatening or disorderly in his conduct and any such person shall not again be employed on this project. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Muskego from suits resulting in removal of workers for reasons listed above. 22. DAMAGE -- The Contractor will be responsible for any and all damage to property, public or private, that may be caused by its operations in the performance of this contract, and the contractor shall defend any suit that may be brought against itself or the City and its agents, representatives and employees on account of damage inflicted by his operations and shall pay any judgments awarded to cover such damage. The Contractor shall defend any claims, hold the City and its agents, representatives and employees harmless from any liability, and indemnify the City and its agents, representatives and employees for any loss arising out of or occasioned by the Contractor's performance of this contract. Said defense shall be at no cost to the City of Muskego and its agents, representatives and employees. S:City Hall!Refuse Recycling] 2/5/2003 23 23. PAYMENTS --- The Contractor may submit periodically, but not more than once each month, a request for payment for work done. The Contractor shall furnish the City ClerkfTreasurer all reasonable facilities required from any liability, and indemnify the City for any loss arising out of or occasioned by the Contractor's performance of this contract. 24. DEDUCTION FOR UNCORRECTED WORK If the City deems it expedient to accept work not done in accordance with the contract, an equitable adjustment will be made with proper deduction from the contract price for unsatisfactory work. Unsatisfactory work shall include but not be limited to: a. Failure of the Contractor to make the necessary collections. b. Failure of the Contractor to respond to complaints to the satisfaction of the owner. c. Failure of the contractor to follow-up on "missed" pickups. d. Failure of the contractor to make pickups on the scheduled day. e. Failure of the contractor to properly process recyclables. f. Failure of the contractor to property transport recyclables or MSW. Claims for damage filed against the Contractor by the City shall be handled expeditiously by the contractor. If he fails to do so, the City maintains the right to withhold funds from the contractor and pay claims if the City determines the claims are warranted and justified. 25. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT --- The City of Muskego's Common Council may terminate this contract at any time upon the proper showing that the services of the Contractor are not satisfactory, or upon failure of the Contractor to adhere to this contract. The action of the Common Council shall be conclusively presumed to be based upon facts supporting said action and shall be binding upon the parties hereto. 26. CITY'S RIGHT TO DO WORK Contractor shall have sufficient equipment and manpower available to continue regular pickups in case of breakdown of equipment, resignation of men or inclement weather. If the Contractor neglects to prosecute the work to be performed on this contract, the City, after three days written notice to the Contractor and his surety, may without prejudice to any other remedy the City may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment due the Contractor. r , S:City HallIRefuse Recycling 1215/2003 24 <- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said CONTRACTOR has caused this instrument to be executed, in the case of an individual by personal signature, in the case of a partnership by the signatures of the members thereof, in the case of a cooperative or a corporation by the proper officers thereof, and the said CITY has caused it to be executed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerkffreasurer upon authority duly given therefore. IN PRESENCE OF: (SEAL) PRESIDENT (SEAL) SECRETARY (SEAL) r CITY OF MUSKEGO MA YOR MARK A. SLOCOMB COUNTERSIGNED: CITY CLERKffREASURER JEAN K. MARENDA APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY DONALD S. MOLTER, JR. NOTE: When executed by an individual or partnership, signature should be under seal and witnessed by two persons. When executed by corporation or cooperative, contract should be signed by President and Secretary thereof and corporate seal affixed. r S:City HalVRefuse Recycling 121512003 25 ,,--- f ,"--- CERTIFICATE TO BE EXECUTED IF CONTRACTOR IS A CORPORATION I, certify that I am the of the corporation named as Contractor hereinabove; that , who signed the foregoing contract on behalf of the Contractor was then of said Corporation; thence said contract was duly signed for in behalf of said Corporation by authority of the Governing Body and is within the scope of its corporate powers. (CORPORATE SEAL) S :City Hall/Refuse Recycling 1215/2003 26 INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTION OF PERFORMANCE BOND INSTRUCTIONS r The penal amount of the Performance Bond(s) for a unit price Contract shall be the summation of the correct and checked extension of the unit prices with the estimated number of units. The form of bonds attached hereto shall be used for each contract. This form contemplates one corporate surety only. In case co-sureties will be furnished, proper forms therefore shall be obtained. If the principal is an individual, his full Christian name and residence shall be inserted in the body thereof, and he shall sign the bond with is usual signature on the line opposite the scroll seal. If the principals are partners, their individual names shall appear in the body of the bond, with the recital that they are partners composing a firm, naming it. If the principal is a corporation, the name of the State in which incorporated shall be inserted in the appropriate place in the body of the bond, and said instrument shall be executed and attested under the corporate seal as indicated in the form. If the corporation has no corporate seal, the fact shall be stated in which case a scroll of adhesive seal shall appear following the corporate name. This also applies to execution by the surety. -- The date of the bond(s) must not be prior to the date of the contract for which it is gIven. A Power of Attorney authorizing the execution of the Bond by an attorney-in-fact, or agent, shall be attached to the executed counterpart of the bond. If the bond(s) is executed by an out-of-state agent, the executed counterpart of the Bond(s) shall be countersigned by a licensed resident agent. r S:City HalllRefuse Recycling 12/5/2003 27 r' Addendum #1 Pre-submission Meeting Calcifications for the meeting held November 20, 2003 for the contract: REFUSE - PICKUP & TRANSPORTATION RECYCLING - PICKUP AND TRANSPORTATION TO W AUKESHA COUNTY (MRF) RECYCLING - PICKUP AND DISPOSAL (VENDOR) FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO January 1,2004 to December 31, 2008 (5 Year Contract) Bid Documents: The following are modifications or additions to the Bid Documents for the above referenced project. "~' r 1. Yard Waste Pages 12, 14, 15. "The leaves shall be placed in plastic bags and placed at the curb or edge of road. There shall be no limit on the amount of leaves bagged for pickup. " Delete the following word(s)... plastic Replace with the following: Paper bags or other DNR approved 2. Lil!htweil!ht Vehicles: Lightweight vehicles were further defined as a maximum size equivalent to a legally loaded one ton pick up truck. 3. Yard Waste: The pick up dates and times were further defined to dates mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent of Public Works and the contractor. 4. Recyclinl! Prol!ram: Page 16, 7.G. ".....Contractor shall pay 50% of the cost of distribution of the combined City newsletter with the Recycling insert. " The approximate cost per distribution (quarterly) of the mailing in 2003 was $2,900.00 5. Minority Business Consideration: No special consideration or treatment will be afforded to the MBE/DBE corporations. The City is not receiving any Federal Funding or Grants for this contract, as such the requirements for use of MBE/DBE do not apply to this contract. 6. Recyclinl! Containers: The requirements under page 16, 7.B and C, were further defined to include the clarification that the containers shall be the same style and color as the existing containers and shall read" The City of Muskego Recycles". No additional language or advertising will be allowed on the containers without written permission from the City of Muskego. 7. Bulk Appliances: Page 10, 5.a. was further clarified to define that large appliances, such as refigerators shall be included in the unit costs for the contract. END OF ADDENDUM C:\Docurnents and Senings\jrnb\Local Senings\Ternporary Internet Files\OLK8\ADDENDUM#1 Pre-submission.doc 10f2 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #264-2003 -~ AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT FOR WEE Y REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL AND BIWEEKLY RECYCLING C LECTION AND DISPOSAL BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO A WHEREAS, The City of Muskego desires to enter. nto a contract with for weekly refuse collectio and1;1i.S. sal and biweekly recycling collection and disposal to begin January 1 , 200 ; and i i WHEREAS, The Public Services Committee as fi Wed the attached contract has <- recommended approval. r--- DATED THIS ,2003. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. Chuck Damaske Ald. Chris Buckmaster This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #264-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. (- --' 12/03jmb Clerk-Treasurer