CCR2003117. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #117-2003 DETERMINATION OF NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE DEER CREEK ADDITION NO.1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, A petition for a determination of a nonsubstantial change to the Deer Creek Addition NO.1 planned development pertaining to open space requirements for an individual parcel at S76 W16922 Deer Creek Court/Tax Key No. 2199.110 was submitted by Ray Winchell and Peggy Couillard on April 14, 2003; and WHEREAS, The petitioners are proposing to install a paved driveway measuring approximately 1,600 square feet; and WHEREAS, Said request constitutes a change to the approved planned unit development of the Deer Creek Addition NO.1 Planned Development District; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission reviewed the request and determined that it did not constitute a substantial change to the original Planned Unit Development of the Deer Creek Addition NO.1 Planned Development District through the adoption of #P.C. 052- 2003, and further approved the installation of a paved driveway not to exceed a total of 1,600 square feet for the property at S76 W 16922 Deer Creek Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby determine that the petition submitted by Ray Winchell and Peggy Couillard does not constitute a substantial change to the original Planned Unit Development of the Deer Creek Addition NO.1 Planned Development District subject to the conditions outlined by the Plan Commission in #P.C. 052-2003. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF Mav .2003. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #117-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/2003jmb rK}n~ Cle Treasurer I'~ '~ . . PREPARED FOR: RJM BUILDERS . LOCATION: Deer Creek Court. Muskego. Wisconsin LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 43 BLOCK 1 DEER CREEK ADDITION NO.1. being a part of the SE 1/4, SW 1/4. and NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10, Town 5 North. Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wi scons in. ". " June 18, 2002 Survey No. 202228 f:,a Pipe N 88046'54" E ..'." ""c" '.'. ..-: ..."',,,,'=",,' .' "_.",, , .... 107.15' ~,::..:'pe '"..' ~" ,""" , . .. . ",' ".",,'. It!/'J!I!:!/L........ ~-+. \ (,00 ~D-e Lfl~,,~~' b "-n~ ~ '3;l.,~ coÂ- ~...3)z-. "Ii .- :" ò\o 64-~,......(- ~ ~'lr ~ 34.36' ;:story Drvelling- 34,,12' , ."'"" BJ 814.0 2.11'1.110 íi.S.ZJoPD ",.k,+ Jjra. ,.!ß,.."t,i ;tl"" /JII.",,</..- . I>, .'01 ~ þ",ttll"j /6",..,..,. 1,573 ,; "" " ".~ fr"fo;<1... Dr;.'~' I,. 0 a .; J,113 of a(V' Oj1",~ 4. , ~..;- - ,,' .... 12' Ulillty Easement Peds --- --------- z 0 ...... ...".."."...... .-Ü ß.,. ü:J~ ' 0 *" 10' ~ Vf/,,' lP BJ EL 810." ::!:! 811.0 . ..., 0 0, '" w 0 p 0 """"'D" ...... Ø11 c.>;:! 0" ~ Scale: 1" = :: .... 0 0, '" ..."". ";';'ii";'; ~i;';'~j'-"""""" :\: t ~ao ß"" 21.33' I ---'"'&'1'.---- 'rJ' VII... lP ~ .iaE< I~ Proposed ,I~ Dwelling I ' I :J~' 21.32' .....1 BJ I I._J1-.::' _3 , I~ I~ Garage ~. g II " q' 2?~ ...... OJ CD 0 Q t;rj 81 81M Va caD I 21.33' 81 80'" 21.33' ~EJ. . i _.;;~ '" 1.7',11 20.'" 8J -- SOa?' , .." ..... .. _.' , 1 .. ~ b q 2!. ... ~ b q Jroa Pipe Faa"d 8J 801.18 1,"" Pipe Toand 8180<7:1 Exlsling it Fence ~ ~fW)( .. .. :!! %f San. Manhole 81 Rim = 805.58 ----------------_.._~.._--------- ,~Deer Creek Court (6{Y) r' BÈRT F. ~ [bll1'f1br corfUr Ibot [ ba~ Imrt'.:ro<l lb. abo.., d_- propertr .Dd tb. .bor. m.p II a Iru. jjj* ~'?fCHOWSKl !J* '" np,.".""taU"" tb.nvt aDd itbo... lb. /I/sO aDd [_U"" of lb. propørir. Itl ntuJor bormdui.., tb, "" . 8-1480 I_U"" of all rf#lbl. ft1'uot.- aDd dim_"" 0/.0 priDe/pal bulldlD" 1b.....11. bormdarr 11lJt:Ø. ; "c, HARTt-AND .ppltl'l1Jt IaWZØllJtc roadrrar aDd rf#lbl. llJ,,","cbmllJtc 11.11J'. 111/1 IUrraT /I mad. lor lb. p..-' ., - "... .... ., " ....... ... """"'" n" ..... .",-".._'" 'r/c' lio8.1S