CCR2002217COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #217-2002 APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 2003 BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, does hereby appropriate out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 2003 including monies received from the General Property Tax Levy, to the various funds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the following amounts: SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE GENERAL AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REGULATION/COMPLIANCE PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS REVENUE COMMERCIAL REVENUES INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHRGS FOR SERV ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGET - 2001 12/31/02 - 2003 $ 7,766,122 1.486.112 653,339 1,149,033 0 643.807 90.859 32.404 5 8.748.397 1.516.673 625,385 1,124,886 11 304.768 88.831 70,400 $ 9,966,050 1,539,900 623.559 1,169,216 0 274,581 95.403 17,400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 11.821.675 $ 12,479,350 $ 13.686.109 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH AND SANITATION TRANSPORTATION EDUCATION 8 RECREATION UNCLASSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS $ 2.423.681 $ 2.539.785 $ 2,946,680 4.177.752 4.397.178 4,829.580 464.076 538,629 558.147 1,864,110 2,148,324 2,333.005 1,701,045 1,737,743 1,919,993 0 78.942 46,400 1585.695 2.149.547 2,021.217 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5 12,316,359 $ 13,590.146 5 14655.023 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDSlADVANCES $ 939.880 $ 1,164,295 $ 1.065.578 (193.243) (53.500) (96.665) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCESlUSES S 746.637 $ 1,110,795 $ 968.913 * Taxes Revenue includes $9.658.850 propem lax levy which is 14.5% higher than 2002 Resolution #217-2002 Page 2 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM LANDFILL FUND TRANSFER FROM FEDERAL FORFEITURES SURPLUS APPLIED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY REVENUE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES $ 05 0s 0 0 0 0 453,035 0 0 1,262 0 0 $ 454.297 5 05 0 $ 382.723 5 O$ 0 FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE TAX LEVY FUND TOTAL FUND BALANCE ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 12/31/01 12/31/02 12/31/03 S 3,448,406 $ 3,211,915 5 2.711.914 907.M3 494,155 427.978 5 4.356.049 $ 3.706.070 5 3.139.892 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Special Revenue Funds budget for 2003 as attached is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED There is hereby levied a tax of $6.28 per $1,000.00 upon all the taxable property within the City of Muskego as returned by the City Assessor in the year 2002 for 0 uses and purposes set forth in said budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2002. SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Patrick Patterson Ald. William Le Doux Ald. Chuck Damaske Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #2 17-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Resolution #217-2002attachment Special Revenue Funds CityofMuskego 2003 Budgeel SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General property taxes Intergovernmental revenues- Operating granls Public charges for services Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees Special assessments and interest Subdividers fees Commercial revenues: Other Interest earned Donations Total Revenues Exmnditures Excess of revenues over 0 (under) expenditures Other financina sources luses) Slate Aid-Computer Replacement Equip lnlerfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund Transfer from General Fund Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Fund Transfer to General Fund Transfer to Utility - City subsidy Capital contribution to sewer Distribution of positive tax increment: City General Fund Other governments Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) exnenditures and other uses Fund balances, beginning of period Fund balance, end of period Amended BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 2002 12/31102 2003 0 325.000 $ 406,727 $ 450,000 500,895 186,952 191.488 377.734 462.989 471,260 55.000 58.000 50.000 421,000 617.857 430.000 94,000 67,300 11 0.400 266.152 177.323 220.031 1,452,323 1.484.410 1,485,000 67.328 68.371 69.300 $ 3,559,432 B 3.509.928 $ 3,477,479 $ 1,984,199 $ 1.557.029 $ 1,111,036 S 1,575,233 $ 1,952,899 $ 2.366.444 18 53.500 53,500 96,665 (458,943) (486.800) (374.017) (54.200) (54,200) (54.361) (671.634) (671,634) (662,715) (1.131.277) (1,159,116) (994.428) 443.956 793.783 1,372,016 8.728.276 9.059.115 9,852.898 3 9,172,232 $ 9,852.898 $ 11,224,913