CCR2002199COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #199-2002 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUSKEGO POLICE ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO JANUARY 1,2001 - DECEMBER 31,2003 WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Negotiating Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to execute the attached settlement agreement between the Muskego Police Association and the City of Muskego for the period January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2003 subject to ratification by the bargaining unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute the 2001 - 2003 labor agreement. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF October ,2002. SPONSORED BY: Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #I 99-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8 1012002jmb 2001-2003 0 AGREEMENT BETWEEN MUSKEG0 POLICE ASSOCIATION & CITY OF MUSKEG0 Article V 2000 Waees Start 6 month & Patrol Officers $1,460.52 $1,612.06 $1,722.30 $1,835.22 School Liaison $1,940.44 Detective $1,989. I5 Patrol Sergeant $1,967.55 $2,046.72 2001 Wages - 3.50% Patrol Officers $I ,5 1 1.64 School Liaison $2,008.36 Detective $2,058.77 Patrol Sergeant $2,090.00 Staff Sergeant $2,118.36 1 0 2002 Wages -3.00% Patrol Officers $1,556.99 Specialists $2,068.61 (PSLO, CRO and Officer assigned to Metro Drug Unit) Detective $2,120.53 Patrol Sergeant $2,152.70 Staff Sergeant $2,181.91 2003 Waces - 3.00% Patrol Officers $1,603.70 Specialists $2,130.67 (PSLO, CRO and Officer assigned to Metro Drug Unit) Detective $2,184.15 Patrol Sergeant $2,2 17.28 Staffsergeant $2,247.3 7 a $1,668.48 $1,782.58 $1,899.45 $1,718.54 $1,836.06 $1,956.44 $1,770.09 $1,891.,14 $2,015.13 Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001-2003 2 Letter of Understanding - June 20,2002 During the course of negotiations the parties discussed the hiring of new officers and their placement on the above salary schedule. As a result of these discussions, the parties agreed as follows: 1, At the discretion of the City newly hired officers can be placed on the salary schedule 2. A newly hired officer placed above the start rate will also receive an allotment of above the start rate based upon their applicable level experience. vacation commensurate with their placement on the salary schedule and their level of experience as a police officer. 3. A newly hired officer will not be eligible to bid for promotion until they have completed three years of service with the City of Muskego Police Department. 4. It is understood that placement on the salary schedule above the start rate does not affect the officer’s seniority which will be measured pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Section I(a) - Article D changed to read, “The schedule of days worked for officers assigned to The Special Services Division shall normally be an eight (8) hour day as follows: Five (5) days of work followed by two (2) days off in turn: Five (5) days of work followed by two (2) days off (5-2)(5-2). Any flexing of normal duty hours shall be on a mutually agreed upon basis between the employee and the shift-division commander/supervisor. The flexing of duty hours includes the following: changing the starting and ending times of shift. Section 3(a) - Court Time (Add) - If an ofticer’s court appearance is canceled with less than eight (8) hours notice, the officer shall be paid two (2) hours at straight time. Section 4 -Holidays - (Add to the end of 2”d paragraph, “The employee may elect to take any unused holiday time pay at the regular straight-time rate in lieu of such holiday(s) to be paid with the last paycheck of the year. Add language to modify the last paragraph of the collective bargaining agreement to provide that holiday overtime pay at two times the regular rate of pay for the employees working a 5-2 schedule is applicable to the holiday in question, not the celebrated holiday. Change “Good Friday” to “Spring Holiday” Add Patrol Sergeant to the wage scale (rename former Patrol Sergeant to Staff Sergeant). Section 5 -Uniform Maintenance - (New) The City agrees to a $150.00 footwear allowance every other year. In addition, the City will pay for the cost of any officer’s personal items up to a maximum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per item, damaged, destroyed, or lost while on duty, If the payment for such item is paid by the City, and at some later date due to court action an award for the damages is made directly to the oficer, such award shall be turned Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001-2003 3 over to the City up to an amount equal to that which the City paid. The City agrees to replace or repair an officer’s duty weapon if damaged, destroyed or lost while on duty. Section 6 -Shift Commander Pay - lower the minimum time to qualify for OIC pay to two (2) hours. Section 7 -Gun Allowance - The City has agreed to increase to two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars, the one time gun allowance. (New Section 9) -Trade Days - Personnel who have a need for trade days and who can meet the provisions of the below guidelines may file a “Trade Day” request with their respective Division Lieutenant or hisher Designee. The Division LieutenantlDesignee shall be responsible to screen all trade day requests. Said request shall be granted or denied based on but not limited to the following criteria: 0 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Employees in like classification will be permitted to trade between each other any authorized days off, or one (1) of their off days in each group. An authorized day is defined as an eight and one quarter (8.25) hour shift within a twenty-four hour period. Trade days shall not be granted between sworn and non-sworn personnel, investigative and uniform personnel, or dispatch and non- dispatch personnel. Request for a trade day will be made in writing prior to the trade occurring. Employees will not be permitted to trade shifts unless a minimum of eight (8) hours separates the hours of work. Probationary employees will not be permitted this opportunity unless all necessary training has been completed so as to allow the employee to work without the direct supervision of a field training omcer, and that the employee is counted for minimum staffhg. Officers will be allowed to utilize trade days prior to use of compensatory time. Trades are not limited to 8.25 hour shifts, but include the ability to trade partial shifts and hours, as is the past practice of the Department. No trades involving either a partial, or whole, shift shall be approved which would cause an officer to work in excess of 12.25 hours consecutively. 0 New Section (10) - Field Training Officer - The City has agreed to pay “qualified” Field Training Officers one-half hour (U2) pay or compensatory time off at straight time for each day worked in this position. Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001-2003 4 New Section (I 1) - Specialist Wages -The City and Association have agreed to create a wage category of Specialist that include PSLO, CRO, and Officers assigned to the Metro Drug Unit. a. Police School Liaison - Officers shall be selected as Police School Liaison Offlcers as set forth in Department Policy #314, dated July 19,2001. Nothing contained in this policy shall affect the status attained by the PSLOs prior to the July 19,2001 revision. 1. The position of Police School Liaison Officer shall have a term of one year, assigned to Team 5. 2. The term of a Police School Liaison Officer shall commence at the end of the School year. Duty hours outside of the regular school year shall be reviewed by the Administration and set by February 1" of each year. 3. Police School Liaison Officers may be retained for additional one-year terms. Not later than May 1 of each year the Police School Liaison Officers and the Department Administration will meet to review the assignments for the following year. No later than May 15 parties will indicate, in writing, their intentions to renew the assignment. 4. Police School Liaison Officers who are returned to patrol duties before the end of their term shall retain the wages of a PSLO for the duration of their term. Officers will revert to the normal work schedule of the patrol division. chosen as a replacement. Should no replacement be named, assignment of exiting offlcer shall be based on seniority. 6. If an officer requests to leave the position of PSLO prior to the end of their term, he/she may be required to continue until the end of the current school year. 7. School assignment shall be based on seniority within the classification, providing all other qualifications are equal, including the preference of the school administration. 5. Officers exiting the position shall assume the schedule of the officer b. Communily Resource Officer - Officers shall be selected as Community Liaison Officers as set forth in Department Policy #912 dated August, 2000. 1. The work schedule of the CRO shall be as follows: Monday through Wednesday 2:OO PM to 1O:OO PM Thursday and Friday 8:OO AM to 4:OO PM New Section (12) -The City has agreed to reimburse up to %1,000.00 annually, the members of the Association in tuition reimbursement, following current City policy. Article VI -VACATIONS Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001-2003 5 For vacation accrual purposed, the hiring date of all employees shall be converted to the first day of the month depending upon the actual date of hire (see below). The resulting date shall be used to determine the amount of vacation time the employee is entitled to receive. Hiring Date Vacation Anniversary Date On or before the 16Ih day of the month 1” day of the month hired On or after the 17Ih day of the month 1” day of the following month Section 1 -Vacations for full-time employees shall be accrued as set forth below; part- 0 time employees shall receive vacation on a pro-rata basis: Years of Service Vacation Accrual Days ” During first year During 2nd year During 3‘d year During 4Ih year Beginning 5th year Beginning 6th year Begininng 7th year Beginning 8th year Beginning 9th year Beginning 10th year Beginning 16th year Beginning 17th year Beginning 18Ih year Beginning 19th year Beginning 20th year 2 weeks (1 0 workdays) 2 weeks (1 0 workdays) 2 weeks (1 0 workdays) 2 weeks ( 10 workdays) 3 weeks (1 5 workdays) 3 week and one day (16 workdays) 3 weeks and two days (1 7 workdays) 3 weeks and three days( 18 workdays) 3 weeks and four days (1 9 workdays) 4 weeks and one day (21 workdays) 4 weeks and two days (22 workdays) 4 weeks and three days (23 workdays) 4 weeks and four days (24 workdays) 4 weeks (20 workdays) 5 weeks (25 workdays) Hours 80 80 80 80 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 Bi-Weekly 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 4.62 4.93 5.24 5.54 5.85 6.16 6.46 6.77 7.08 7.38 7 70 Section 2 -(Remove language) Employees separated from City employment before completing one (1) full year of service shall not he entitled to compensation for vacation time. Employees separated from the Department between their fourth (4Ih) and ... during this period. Section 3 -(New language) An employee who has completed six (6) months of employment may elect to take one (1) week of vacation at that time, and one (1) week of vacation during the second year. On any anniversary date, the vacation bank may not exceed that year’s total accrual amount or it shall be lost. An employee may not elect to take vacation that exceeds the accrued amount. Section 6 -Delete the following sentence: “NO more than two (2) compensatory days will be allowed as additional days in conjunction with the vacation period.” The City has agreed to eliminate the language limiting the number of compensatory days off that may be taken in conjunction with a vacation. ARTICLE VI1 -Health and Welfare Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001-2003 6 Health Insurance: Effective November 1,2002 the Employer shall provide hospital and surgical, major medical, outpatient and diagnostic coverage during the term of this Agreement. The Employer may offer additional insurance programs during the term of this Agreement provided it continues existing basic health insurance coverage. Employees will contribute $10.00 per month for family coverage and $5.00 per month for single coverage. These deductions will be made on a pre-tax basis pursuant to the City’s premium only cafeteria plan. For tbis 2002-2003 contract period, the coverage will be as follows: Office Visits $10.00 co-pay in network; $25.00 eo-pay out of network Deductible: $250.00 deductible; maximum of two ($500.00) per family Drug Card: $ 5.00 co-pay for generic prescriptions $10.00 eo-pay for brand name prescriptions $25.00 co-pay for non-formulary prescriptions Emergency Room Visit: $50.00 deductible for each visit Vision Insurance: Remove coverage as of December 31,2002 Section 1(F) LonEevity: Increase payment as follows: After five (5) years of continuous employment %lO.OO/month After ten (10) years of continuous employment $15.00/month After fifteen (15) years of continuous employment $20.00/month After twenty (20) years of continuous employment $25.00/month Section 1 (G) Longevity: Remove language citing specific years. “On January l”, for the duration of this agreement, .....” ARTICLE 1X Section 9 -Change to read, “At least once a month, the Finance Department shall advise all department heads of the amount of sick leave balance each of their employees have in their accounts. Employees will report sick time used on their bi-weekly time sheets. Section 10 -Change accumulated unused sick leave days (from days to hours) up to a total of 960 hours sick leave payout for those hired prior to January 1988, and after January 1988 unused sick leave days up to a total of 720 hours. ARTICLE X - TIME OFF FOR FUNERALS Section 2 -Add to immediate family “as well as individuals for whom you are primary care-giver”. Article XI Section 1 -Probationary Period - Language changed to read: All newly hired employees shall be considered probationary for the first 365 days of their employment, excluding any time spent in recruit school training. An additional 180-day extension of the probationary Agreement between City of Muskego and Muskego Police Association 2001 -2003 7 period shall be allowed Chief, with notification given to the Association at the time of the extension. Non-contractual item: The City has agreed to review military pay issues for members called up to active duty outside of the contract and to re-evaluate. 0 at the discretion of the CITY OF MUSKEG0 Dated: CityHaIIIBargnining Conlrarl~AgreemenlPD2001-2003 MUSKEG0 POLICE ASSOCIATION All changes agreed upon by Police Association on 10/3/01 / Dave Hendrickson. Attached agreement will be acted upon at council meeting of October 8,2002.