CCR2002177COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #177-2002 APPROVAL OF ASSIGNMENT OF EASEMENT AND DEDICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Assignment of Easement and Dedication of Improvements, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Assignment of Easement and Dedication of Improvements in the name of the City. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF Auqust ,2002 SPONSORED BY: Mayor Mark A. Slocornb This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #177-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8102jmb FILE No.667 08/22 '02 Pn 01;49 ID:RRENZ.flOLTER,flRCY PAGE 2 ASSIGNMENT OF EASEMENT AND DEDICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS THIS ASSIGNMENT AND DEDICA'I'LON. made this - day of , 2001. by thc Muskego Sirc Groundwater Remediation Group (MSGRG), consisting of the A.W. Holding Corp., Uluckhawk Ixather, [.LC, ISPAT Inland Mor'lgage Acceprancc Campany. Transporklion Tcchnologics Industries. lnc.. Cudxhy Tanning Company, lnc.. General Elecl.ric Company, Litwn Return LO: Dondd S. Mollcr. Jr.. fisc). Systems. Inc., PPG Industries. Inc., nncl Waste Mnnagcmenr 01' Ahrans. Muller, Macy C% l<irfle, S,c. Wisconsin, Inc.. to und lor the beneiil of thc Cily oc Muskcgo. ;I P.0. Bow 1348 lnunicipal corporution. Waulwhn. W1 53 167-1348 RECITALS: WHEREAS. Arthur D. Dyer, a single person. and the owner of u cerluin parcel 01 real cskle lncarctl in the City of Muskcgo did c~n July 14, 2000 grant to rhr MSGRG pcrlnitncnt easement (Easement) which pcrmittcd. in yurt, rhe MSGRG. ils crmultunts, contruclors. sub-conuxctors, amployces, agents and assigns to colne on to property owned by Arthur D. Dyer for the purpose of construering. repiring, mainhining and reconstruering a water main; and e WHEREAS. said Essemcnt was recorded in the officc 01 the Wuukesha County Register of Dccds on July 17. 2000 us tlocument number 2575840; und Parr of MSKC 2233.997 WIIEREAS, said water main has heen insti9ed. lested and plitccd into cnntilluuus service. NOW, THEREPOKE, thc MSGKG, in consideration or thc .sum of $1 .OO and olhcr gmd and valuable consideration. thc receipt and sufficicncy of which is hcrehy acknowledgcd. docs hereby assign lo thc Cily of Muskego all rights it hits pursuant Lo wid Easemen! and further does hcreby dedicuw to the City of Muskcgo ail intercst which it has in pcrsonal propcrty installed in the eascmenr and Inore specifically rlescrihcd as Ihe waler main to provitlc walcr to properly owllcd by Arthur D. Ilycr und others. By ucccptsnce of this &ssignment. the City of Muskcgu agrees thal. it shall be solely rcsponsiblo lbr the water main and thal the MSGRC; and ik members shull bear no I'urlher resptmsihility us set forth in the Easement or as implied thereby: provided lhe easement restoration tts been completed tu thc sttlisfaction of Lhe propzrty awnur nl' record and the City of Muskegl) Public Iltilities Dcptutmcnt. THIS INDENTURE, muy be executed by I.isa S. Zebovitz, Chairperson nT the MSCiRG Stccring Cornmitrcc pursuunl to a motion madc and passed on April IO. 2001. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of thc lirs! part exccukd this indenttlrc on the day ctnd yeur as set forth uhove. MIJSKEGO SITE GROUNDWATER REMI.:DIA'l'ION GROUP Attwl: __ -..." JCRII K. Marenda, Clerk-Trcastlrcr