CCR2002168COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #168-2002 RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION OF A MUSKEG0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA AMENDMENT WHEREAS, The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, working in cooperation with the City of Muskego, has prepared an amendment to the sanitary sewer service area for the Muskego area; and WHEREAS, The amendment is set forth in SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer Service Area:" and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego concurs with the amended sanitary sewer service area set forth in the aforementioned SEWRPC memorandum; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed amendment through #P.C. 030a-2002 adopted on April 2,2002; and WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has recommended approval of the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission and Public Utilities Committee, hereby adopts the attached SEWRPC staff memorandum entitled, Service Area." as a guide for the provision of sanitary sewer service within the Muskego area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDThat the City Clerk-Treasurer transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. "Response to Request by the City of Muskego to Amend the Muskego Sanitary Sewer DATED THIS 27th DAY OF Auqust ,2002. SPONSORED BY: Ald. William Le Doux PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David Sanders Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Rick Petfalski This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #168-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8102jmb City of Muskego Pian Commission Supplement PC 030-2002 For the meeting of: April 2, 2002 REQUEST: Amendment to sanitary sewer service area, Blattner property North Cape Road I Tax Key No. 2253.999 NW % of SECTION 24 PETITIONER: Blattner / Creative Homes INTRODUCED March 5,2002 LAST AGENDA March 5,2002 PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 030-2002 Item was deferred at petitioner's request. On March 22, 2002 petitioner submitted a revised sewer amendment map, which retains approximately 5 acres of land to the east of North Cape Road within the sewer service area. On March 27, 2002 petitioner submitted a concept for the Conservation Subdivision. The March 27, 2002 submittal is addressed by Resolution #PC 052-2002. To the west of North Cape Road, the subject property is 20.56 acres in area, of which the easternmost 5.72 acres (being a 400 strip adjacent to North Cape Road) is within the current sanitary sewer service area. The subject property also includes 35.6 acres of land to the west of North Cape Road, which is not proposed for western development proposal. development at this time, but is proposed to be involved in the 208 Sanitary Sewer Service amendment for the 0 PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 030-2002 mprehensive Plan: This review is divided into two sections: Lands west and east 01 north capel road. I ............. i WEST: The 2010 Plan depicts the southeastern most corner of the properly (a 1 200 x 400 rectangle of approximately 2 acres) lor medium density residential I use consistent with the Rs-2 and RS-3 zoning districts and being between 1.8 and 2.9 dwelling units per acre. Parcels 1. 2 and 3 are within this area, and are consistent with the Plan. The balance of the property is depicted for low density residential development consistent with the R-1, R-2 and RSE zoning districts. and being between 0.5 and 0.7 dwelling units per acre. Based upon the acreage of each area, sewered development of not more than 19 dwelling units is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan densities. ~ ............. EAST: The 2010 Plan depicts these lands for wetlands. environmental corridor, and low density residential development consistent with the R-1. R-2 and RSE 1 zoning districts, and being between 0.5 and 0.7 dwelling mils per acre. As1 there are no current development proposals for this parcel, Plan consistency is ~ not evaluated. I This review is divided into two sections: Lands west and east 01 north cape; 1 Dning: road. i WEST: The Zoning Map of the NE 'A 01 Section 24 depicts the southeastern ~ most corner of the property (a 2" x 400' rectangle of approximately 2 acres) ' as RS-3 Suburban Residence, permitting 15,000 square foot lots of 100 foot( average width. The remaining frontage on Nolth Cape Road, (for a depth of 400 feet and being approximately 3.7 acres) is zoned R-3 County Home District, permitting 40,000 square foot parcels of 150 foot average width. The balance of the site, approximately 13.17 acres, is zoned R-2 Country Home District.; to be reviewed in Resolution W52-2002 depicts the development of a! permitting 60,000 square loot parcels of 175 foot average width. The petitioner ~ Consetvation Subdivision with COPD Overlay zoning. i ............ I I EAST: The Zoning Map of the NE 'A of Section 24 depicts the entire 35.6 acre 1 parcel to be zoned R-3 Country Home District with OA Agricultural Overlay! District. The overlay district requires a minimum 15 acre lot size and 400 foot minimum lot width. The OA District is in place from years prior to the property's inclusion in the sewer service area, with the intent of limiting unsewered land I divisions in relation to Dumke Lake. With the present zoning, a maximum of two 1 residences can be built on the parcel. As there are no current development proposals for this parcel, zoning consistency is not evaluated. However, staff would note that the retention of existing zoning, including the OA overlay, is consistent with the request to/ remove the majority of the land from the sewer sewice area. The 2010 Plan does not depict acquisition or development of active-use parks in 1 ark and Open Space 'Ian: this area. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. ~ I onsetvation Plan: This review is divided into two sections: Lands west and east of north cape road. WEST The Plan depicts approximately 8 acres to the west of North Cape Road to be a high acquisition priority. The inclusion of these lands in the sewer service area would be inconsistent the goals of the Plan. However, with petitioner's proposal to develop the site for a Conservation Subdivision, the inclusion would permit allocation of sewered dwelling units within the COPD. .. ...*.....* EAST: The Plan depicts approximately 25 acres to the east of North Cape Road to be a medium acquisition priority. As there are no current development with the owners or Detitioners. and Plan consistencv is not evaluated. proposals for this parcel, Planning Staff is not pursuing acquisition discussion treet System Plan: dedicated to its ultimate width of 40 feet from centerline, as required by the The proposal to be reviewed by Resolution #052-2002 depicts Boxhorn Drive amended Street System Plan. The proposal shows North Cape Road in its ultimate configuration as previously acquired by the Waukesha County Department of Transportation. Plan consistency is reviewed by Resolution #052-2002. ltility Service Areas: This review is divided into two sections: Lands west and east of north cape road. WEST The property would be served by private water facilities. The proposal is consistent with the updated water capacity planning studies performed by Ruekert 8 Mielke in Fall 2001 West of North Cape Road, there are 20.5 gross acres of land. Of this, 5.72 gross acres of land are already in the sanitary sewer service area. A total of 14.8 acres of lands are proposed to be added to the sewer service area. .*.*.**++*.. EAST: The East of North Cape Road is currently served by private water facilities. As there are no current development proposals for this parcel, utility service consistency is not evaluated. However, staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the updated water capacity planning studies performed by Ruekert8 Mielke in Fall 2001 There are 35.6 gross acres of land east of North Cape Road. All land is within the sanitary sewer service area. When wetlands are deducted from this area, there are 23.5 net acres of land in the sewer service area. The petitioner proposes to remove 29.4 gross (18.34 net) acres of land from the sewer service area, leaving 6.2 gross (5.2 net) acres of land in the service area. Of the lands remaining in the sanitary sewer service area, two parcels consistent with RSE zoning could be potentially developed in the future. The remnant parcel could be lurther divided to develop two unsewered residences consistent with the R-3 / OA District. The proposal does not increase the unsewered development potential of the property, and is consistent witt \planning efforts around Dumke Lake. 0 STAFF DISCUSSION PC 030-2002 Planning staff has held several pre-submittal meetings with the petitioner, and believe the revised plan of March 22, 2002 is in order. The Resolution has been modified as found in #PC 039a-2002, to reflect the revised petition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 030-2002 Approval of Resolution #PC 030a-2002. RESOLUTION #P.C. 0302-2002 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE MMSD 208 PLAN SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY FOR THE BLATTNER PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NW %OF SECTION 24 (TAX KEY NO. 2253.999 I NORTH CAPE ROAD). WHEREAS, &On Februarv 22, 2002 a petition has been received by Creative Homes to amend the sanitary sewer service area for the Blattner property Located In The NW '/4 Of Section 24, and WHEREAS, Said petition was revised on March 22, 2002, and WHEREAS, The petition would remove approximately %%&=gross acres 1 east of North Cape Road from the sanitary sewer service area, and said lands are zoned R-3 I OA Country Home District and Agricultural Overlay District, and said zoning would permit the development of two residences, and WHEREAS, The petition would add approximately %-gross acres to the I sanitary sewer service area, and said lands are zoned R-3 Country Home District and R-2 Country Home District, and said zoning would permit the development of thirteen residences, and 0 WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has endorsed the proposal, and WHEREAS, The lands to be removed from the sanitary sewer service area are depicted in the Conservation Plan as being a medium acquisition priority, and the removal of said lands diminished the development potential of the property, and WHEREAS, The lands to be added to the sanitary sewer service area include approximately eight acres of lands which are depicted in the Conservation Plan as being a high acquisition priority, and the inclusion of said lands in the service area provides the petitioner incentive to pursue development under the auspices of a Conservation pelanned @evelopment dDistrict which can achieve the goals I of the Conservation Plan, and WHEREAS, On Februarv 22, 2002 Tfhe petitioner has submitted a Yield Plan as I the basis for future submittals of a Conservation Subdivision Plat, and said submittal is subject to Plan Commission review by Resolution #PC 031-2002, and 0 WHEREAS, On March 27, 2002 the petitioner has submitted a Sketch Preliminaw Plat of a Conservation Subdivision Plat, and said submittal is subiect to Plan Commission review by Resolution #PC 052-2002, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council amend the sanitary sewer service area for the Blattner property Located In The NW YI Of Section 24. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to petitioner's submittal of a preliminary plat for a Conservation Subdivision for the lands west of North Cape Road, which preserves the lands identified in the Conservation Plan. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: April 2, 2002 Defeated: e Deferred: March 5, 2002, March 19, 2002 Introduced: March 5, 2002 ATTEST. Sandi Asti. Recording Secretary AMENDMENT TO THE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN e CITY OF MUSKEG0 SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 2002 0 . SEWRPC STAFF MEMORANDUM RESPONSE TO REQUEST BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO AMEND THE MUSKEG0 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA INTRODUCTION By letter dated July 30, 2002, the City of Muskego requested that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission amend the City of Muskego sanitary sewer service area tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerdge District as that area is currently documented in SEWRPC Planning Repon No. 64 (3rd Edition), Sanitary Sewer Service Area for the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, dated December 1997, as amended. The proposed amendment involves the removal of one area from the sewer service area and the addition of another area. AREA DESCRIPTION The subject areas are located in the northeast one-quarter of US. Public Land Survey Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, as shown on Map 1. The area proposed to be removed from the sewer service area encompasses 38 acres, including 24 acres of secondary environmental corridor, 1.5 acres of small wetlands, and 12.5 acres in agricultural use. The area proposed to be added to the sewer service area encompasses 18 acres, including 7 acres of isolated natural resource area and 9 acres in agricultural use. The Regional Planning Commission staff conducted a field survey of the wetlands within the subject areas on August 7, 2001 The results of this field survey work are reflected in the delineation of secondary environmental corridors, isolated natural resource areas, and small wetlands shown on Map 2. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA The proposed changes to the Muskego sewer service area are offsetting in terms of land area, existing population, and future population increases. Thus, the areal extent and planned population of the Muskego sanitary sewer service area would be essentially unchanged. PUBLIC REACTION TO THE PLAN AMENDMENT [To be completed after the public hearing] LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR THE PLAN AMENDMENT [To be completed after the public hearing] CONCLUDING RECOMMENDATJON e [To be completed ufter the public hearing] Map 1 RECOMMENDED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR SECOND*RIENVIRONMENT*LCORRlOOR D ISOLATEDNATURAL RESOURCE&RE* WETLANDS AND SURFACE WhTER AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE EXISTIHGAREASERVEDBYPUBLIC PLANNED S*NIT*R" 0 SEWER SERVICEAREA 2 PRELIMINARY DRAFT Map 2 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT LANDS AND PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Northeast Quarter of U. S. Public Land Survey Section 24 124 SECONDARY ENVIRONMENTALCORRIDOR [7 PLANNED SANITARY SEWER SERViCEAREA Pholography Dale: Aprml2000 I [7 ISOLATED NATURALRESOURCEAREA - GROSS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY 0 AREAS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES IN SIZE WETLANDS AN0 SURFACE WATER LANDS WITHIN THE PLANNED SANITARY SEWER [7 SERVICE AREA INELIGIBLE FOR SEWER SERVICE NOTE: This map replaces the corresponding ponion Of Map 3-7. page 12 01 Amendmenf Io Ihe Repronsl Water OusMy ~~~oscA:'. ..~r/r, MensgemeaPlsn-C;lyoIMusXego.Oecember1999. Source: SEWRPC. PRELIMINARY DRAFT 3