CCR2002074Amended COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #74-2002 AWARD OF BID McShane Inhe Storage Facility WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the McShane Inline Storage Facility and the following bids were received: Miron Construction $3,244,112.99 Bane Nelson, Inc. $3,289,545.00 C. D. Smith Construction $3,293,000.00 James Cape & Sons, Inc. $3,530,905.00 Guenther-Wagner-Johnson, Inc. $3,598,007.00 Zenith Tech $3,639,910.00 Super Excavators $3,748,329.00 WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee and City Engineers have reviewed the bids and recommend that the low base bid submitted by Miron Construction in the amount of $3,100,619.99 for the McShane Inline Storage Facility be accepted, which includes the base bid amount of $3,244,112.99 and Alternate Items A-I, A-4, A-5, A-7 and A-8, contingent upon DNR approval of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of Miron Construction in the amount of $3,100,619.99 for the McShane Inline Storage Facility, which includes the base bid amount of $3,244,112.99 and Alternate Items A-I, A-4, A-5, A-7 and A-8, subject to DNR approval of the project and receipt of all applicable permits and approvals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City, and are further authorized to sign any changes at their discretion upon recommendation of the City Engineers. DATEDTHIS 9th DAY OF Aaril ,2002. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David Sanders Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. Rick Petfalski This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #74-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City ofMuskego. 4102jmb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #74-2002 AWARD OF BID McShane Inline Storage Facility WHEREAS, The City advertised for bids for the McShane Inline Storage Facility and the following bids were received: Miron Construction $3,244,112.99 Bane Nelson, Inc. $3,289,545.00 , .' C. D. Smith Construction $3,293,000.00 ,,,' James Cape & Sons, Inc. $3,530,9O5.0Oi; Guenther-Wagner-Johnson, lnc. $3,598,007.00' Zenith Tech $3,639,910:00 Super Excavators $3,748,329.00 '\ , i WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee and City Engineers have reviewed the bids and recommend that the low base bid submitted by $firon Construction in the amount of $3,100,619.99 for the McShane Inline Storage,,Facility be Accepted, which includes the base bid amount of $3,244,112.99 and Alternate Items'A-I, A-4, A-5, A-7 and A-8, contingent upon DNR approval of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That'theeommon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Pubic Utilitiks Fomrnittee, does hereby accept the low bid of Miron Construction in the amount 6f $3,100,6?9.99 for the McShane Inline Storage Facility, / '. / \ 1 / J , j' which includes the and Alternate Items A-I, A-4, A-5, A-7 and A-8, subject to DNR BE IT FURTHER Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign the necessary and are further authorized to sign any changes at their City Engineers, ,,/ DATED THIS 2 DAY OF ,2002. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. David Sanders Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. Rick Petfalski 0 by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #74-2002 which was adopted 4lOljrnb Clerk-Treasurer Ruekert .Mielke engineering solulions for a working world . March 22,2002 David L. DeAngelis Mayor City of Muskego P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 RE: McShane Inline Storage Facility Project No. MSS-01-02 Dear Mayor DeAngelis: Bids for the above project were opened on March 18,2002 at 3:OOP.M. at City Hall and were as follows: Bjdder 1 Miron Construction 2. Bane Nelson, Inc. 3. C.D. Smith Construction 4. James Cape & Sons, Inc. 5. Guenther-Wagner-Jotson, Inc. 6. Zenith Tech 7 Super Excavators, Inc. Base Bid 3,244,112.99 3,289.54<00 3,293,000.00 3,530,905.00 3,598,007.00 3,639,9 10.00 3,748.329.00 We reviewed the documentation submitted by the apparent low bidder and found that: 1 The Bid Form has been appropriately completed. 2. We have no objections to proposed major subcontractors and suppliers. 3. Low bidder has successfully completed similar projects over the last five years according to references we have contacted. On these bases, we recommend that Miron Construction Co., Inc. be awarded the McShane Inline Storage Facility ,contract, with Alternate Items AI, A-4, A-5, A-7, and A-8, contingent on DNR approval of project in the amount of $3,100,619.99. This amount is based on the bid unit prices and estimated quantities. Actual quantities, and therefore the final contract price, may vary. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway Waukesha. Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542.5733 Fax: (262) 542.5631 - www.ruekert-mielke.com Ruekert -Mielke engineering solutions for a working world David L. DeAngelis Recommendation of Award City of Muskego March 22,2002 Page 2 There were several minor errors on some of the bids that did not affect the ranking of the bidders, as shown on the attached bid tabulation sheets. The bid form requested several mandatory and optional alternate bids. Since no combination of alternate bids changes the low bidder, only Miron's bid will be reviewed in detail: Alternate A- I Alternate A-2: Alternate A-3: Alternate A-4: Alternate A-5: Alternate A-6: Alternate A-7. A small potable water well is required to supply water to the toilet facilities and possibly a future odor scrubber. Miron's price of $6,022.00 for the well is very competitive, and this item is recommended. This alternate costing $48,612.89 includes placing an Insituform liner in the new 24 inch sewer. The sewer itself is already specified with a penetrating exterior coating and interior lining. The Insitufom lining can be installed at any time in the future if the need arises. This item is not recommended. This item includes installing the final liA of asphalt pavement in 2003, at a cost of $9,210.00 The City Staff believe a more competitive price can be obtained when the work is to be done in 2003, therefore, this item is not recommended. This optional item is for utilizing Midstate Precast Concrete plank instead of Spancrete plank for the storage tank roof plank at a savings of $120,000. Midstates is capable of supplying the required plank, therefore, this alternate is recommended. This item is for 8 aluminum access doors. Miron offered a deduct of $3,415.00 for use of doors manufactured by Flyght instead of the base bid Bilco doors. The Flyght doors are equivalent to the Bilco doors, and we recommend accepting this alternate. Paint. No alternate paint manufacturer was offered for this item. A deduct of $20,000 was offered for using storage tank flushing gates manufactured by Waste Tech in lieu of the base bid manufacturer, Grande Novak. The Waste Tech gates are nearly identical to the Grande Novak gates, and we recommend accepting this deduct. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway Waukesha. Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542.5733 Fax: (262) 542.5631 www.ruekert-mielke.com Ruekert "ielke ~~ ~ engineering solutions for a working world e Recommendation of Award David L. DeAneelis City of Muskego March 22,2002 Page 3 I Alternate A-8: A deduct of $6,100 was offered for use of Fairbanks-Morse sewage pumps in lieu of the base bid Barnes pumps. Similar Fairbanks Morse pumps are in service at several sewage pumping stations in the City, and are providing reliable service. We recommend accepting the alternate pumps. Alternate A-9: An add of $2,356 was offered for use of Hydromatic gnnder pumps in lieu of the base bid Barnes pumps. The Hydromatic pumps offer no advantage over the base bid pumps to justify a cost increase, therefore, we recommend not accepting the alternate bid. In sununary, Miron's base bid and recommended alternate bids are as follows: Item No. Description cost I 1-11 Base Bid $3,244,112.99 A- 1 Potable Water Well 6,022.00 A-4 Precast Concrete Planks -120,000.00 A-5 Access Doors -3.415.00 A-7 Flushing System -20,000.00 A-8 Submersible Sewage Pumps -6,100.00 Net Recommended Bid Including Alternates $3.100.619.99 Our review did not include an evaluation of bidder's current financial condition nor of their permanent safety program. Should you decide to accept our recommendation, we have prepared the enclosed Notice of Award for your use. After Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approval has been received, please have the appropriate official sign where indicated and forward all three signed copies of the Notice of Award to our office. We will then fill in the date at the top of page one and forward it, with contracts for execution, to the Contractor. One fully completed Notice of Award will be returned lo you for your records. 0 W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 Fax: (262) 542-5631 www.ruekert-mielke.com Ruekert .Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Recommendation of Award David L. DeAngelis City of Muskego March 22,2002 Page 4 Please advise us of your award decision, or call if there are any questions Very truly yours, RUEKERTMIELKE Richard Eberhardt, P.E. RLS RAE:sjd Encl: Notice of Award (3 copies) cc: David L. De Angelis, Mayor r:kl~enls\l1\1192215.200\bidding\recommendalian ofaward doc Jean Marenda, ClerWTreasurer Brian Turk, Director of Planning Sean McMullen, Director of Engineering Services Michael Campbell, RuekertlMielke Scott Kloskowski, Utilities Superintendent Thomas Renner, P.E., RuekertlMielke File W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542.5733 Fax: (262) 542-5631 www.ruekert-mielke.com