CCR2002058COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #58-2002 0 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CITY OF MUSKEG0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SMART GROWTH UPDATE WHEREAS, The City of Muskego Plan Department prepared the attached Public Participation Plan to implement a public involvement process for the development of the Comprehensive Plan’s 2010 Smart Growth Update and its components as required by State Statute; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has reviewed the plan and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Public Participation Plan for the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Smart Growth Update. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF March ,2002. SPONSORED BY: Ald. William Le Doux This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #58-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 3/02jmb 0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN City of Muskego 201 0 Comprehensive Plan Smart Growth Update 1. Requirements The Wisconsin Smart Growth Act. Section 66.1001 (4)(a) Statue requires the City to "adopt written procedures that are designed to foster public participation, including open discussion, communication programs, information services and public meetings for which advance notice has been provided, in every stage of the preparation of a comprehensive plan. The written procedures shall provide for wide distribution of proposed, alternative or amended elements of a comprehensive plan and shall provide an opportunity for written comments on the plan to be submitted by members of the public to the governing body and for the governing body to respond to such written comments." 11. Purpose This Public Participation Procedure is prepared to implement a public involvement process for the development of the Comprehensive Plan's 2010 Smart Growth Update and its components. The procedure brings diverse stakeholder viewpoints into the decision-making process, enabling the City to make more informed decisions and improve quality through collaborative efforts. This procedure is designed as a general framework within which 2010 Smart Growth Updates will operate. It promotes openness and two-way communication. It is not intending to affect requirements imposed by law, regulation, or contract agreements; neither does it modify any rights available to the public under the current law. 0 0 111. Public Participation Goals and Objectives The effectiveness of a plan depends upon its success in meeting the expectations of the public. Further, plans need to be reassessed periodically to determine if the public's evolving needs and expectations are adequately being met. This procedure ensures that the public will be kept informed of activities and given meaningful opportunities to participate in the development and review of public plans and policy. Goal: The 2010 Smart Growth Update process shall provide to the public complete information, timely notice and full access to key decisions; and shall support early and continuing involvement of the public. Objective 1 Provide the public with timely notice and reasonable access to information about physical development issues and processes. Objective 2: Create opportunities for all segments of the public to become informed about issues and proposals under consideration. City of Muskego Public Participation Plan Objective 3: Share with the public the tasks of identifying concerns, developing alternatives and evaluating policies to address the concerns. Objective 4: Be open, honest, and accurate in public statements and accountable for diligent follow-up and timely results from the commitments they make. Objective 5: Listen and respond to suggestions made by the public. The City will incorporate public input into the plan documents. Objective 6: Foster candid information exchanges and ongoing two-way communication using a variety of mediums. IV. Procedures for Public Participation The City anticipates a four-step planning process for the development of the 2010 Smart Growth Update. The following procedures for public participation shall be undertaken for informing and getting citizens involved during each phase of the comprehensive planning process. 1 Analysis: Appropriate participation tools are identified and utilized to obtain a complete demographic profile of the community and get a sense of the strengths, weaknesses, issues and opportunities. 0 2. Visioning: The Appropriate participation tools are identified and utilized to access which services and types of development are considered important to the community, as well as determine issues to address and strengths to build on. 3. Synthesis: The public's vision in drafted into document form which includes demographic information and translates the public's desires into statements of goals and policies. 4. Formal Review and approval: The draft document is distributed to the public, city library, neighboring communities, and overlapping jurisdictions, as well as all others who express interest in receiving the draft plan. Responses to written public comments and suggestions on the draft document are reviewed by the Common Council and addressed before additions, edits or other changes to the draft plan are recommended by the Council to the Plan Commission. A public hearing is held for formal public review and comment on the final draft. Common Council reviews and addresses the public written comments on the final draft in the adopted document. V. Public Participation Tools Citizens involvement has always been very important at all stages of the City's planning process- not just the Approval Phase when recommendations are being presented. The following is a summary of the various ways in which the City has and continues to engage citizens in discussions about planning. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. Any or all of the techniques listed can be chosen in the analysis Phase and 0 utilized in the Visioning Phase of the comprehensive planning process. City of Muskego Public Participation Plan Public Information Handouts Commission Meeting With Open Press PackeVNews Releases Web Postings Key Stakeholder Interview Targeted MailinglSuwey StakeholderlPublic Official News Conference Comment Period Briefings Tasks Force Advisory Committee Visioning Sessions On-going Newsletter Articles Design Charette Dedicated Web-site Public Information Meetinglopen House Exhibits and Displays In Public Buildings Public Hearina Approved by the Plan Commission, March 5, 2002 by Resolution #PC 032-2002 City of Muskego 0 Plan Commission Supplement PC 032-2002 For the meeting of: March 5, 2002 REQUEST: Smart Growth Public Participation Plan PETITIONER: Planning Department INTRODUCED: March 5,2002 LAST AGENDA N I A PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 032-2002 Wisconsin planning statutes known as "Smart Growth" require that the Common Council adopt a written public participation plan as a part of the overall Comprehensive Planning Process. The attached plan outlines the procedures currently used to obtain public input in the planning process. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 032-2002 0 meetings, and community open houses and public hearings. The input received (whether positive or negative) has Muskego has historically implemented a broad range of strategies, found round table discussions, to neighborhood been placed in an Appendix of the adopted Plan for all to see. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 032-2002 Approval of Resolution #PC 032-2002. 0 RESOLUTION #P.C. 032-2002 RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT A PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PIAN FOR THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SMART GROWTH UPDATE WHEREAS, The City of Muskego has adopted a 2010 Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute 66.1001(4) (a), requires to community to: “adopt written procedures that are designed to foster public participation, including open discussion, communication programs, information services and the preparation of a comprehensive plan. The written procedures shall provide public meetings for which advance notice has been provided, in every stage of for wide distribution of proposed, alternative or amended elements of a comprehensive plan and shall provide an opportunity for written comments on the plan to be submitted by members of the public to the governing body and for the governing body to respond to such written comments.” and, WHEREAS, The City of Muskego has a strong tradition of public participation in the planning process and the Planning Department has prepared the attached Public Participation Plan which outlines procedures required by Statute 66.1001(4)(a). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council for a public participation plan for the 2010 comprehensive plan smart growth update as attached hereto. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: March 5, 2002 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: March 5, 2002 ATTEST. Sandi Asti. Recording Secretary