CCR2002025COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #25-2002 ACCEPTANCE OF NONPOINT SOURCE GRANT (Tess Corners Creek) WHEREAS, The Department of Natural Resources has approved an Urban Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Grant for the City of Muskego for the Tess Corners Creek Stormwater Management Pond; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the grant award and has recommended acceptance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the award for the Urban Nonpoint Source 8. Stormwater Grant for Tess Corners Creek Stormwater Management Pond in the amount of $914,900 and accepts the grantee responsibilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the I award document in the name of the City. DATEDTHIS 22nd DAY OF Januarv ,2002 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark A. Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #25-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 112002jmb State of Wisconsin \ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Scott McCallum. Governor Darrell Banell. Secretary 101 S. Webster St. Box 7921-CF/8 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921 TeleDhone 608-267-9385 DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES January 14,2002 FAX 608-267-9663 “i-f 608-267-6897 Sean E. McMullen. Director of Engineering W182 S8200 Racine Avenue - PO Box 903 City of Muskego Muskego WI 53150 RE: Urban Nonpoint Source & Stormwater Management Program NPS Grant No. USC- SE03-68251-02 Mr, McMullen: I am pleased to approve this Urban Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Grant for your community. This grant provides spending authority, specifies reimbursement eligibility, establishes the project period for installation, and indicates the maximum reimbursement that the Department will make for cost-shared activities during the project period. Please pay particular attention to the Scope section of this grant for eligibility conditions and reimbursement deadlines. It is imperative that you meet those tiling and reporting deadlines in order to assure that your community will receive its authorized reimbursements. There are also a number of steps where you must obtain prior departmental review and authorization before proceeding (please see the attachment, Grantee Responsibilities). An original and a copy of this grant are enclosed. To accept this grant, sign the original and the copy on the signature lines provided for your authorized representative. Please return the signed original to the Bureau of Community Financial Assistance within thirty (30) days of receiving this letter Retain the copy for your own records. Should you have any questions, please contact Anthony Fischer of the Milwaukee office at (414) 229-0880 or Tim Parsons of the Bureau of Community Financial Assistance at (608) 267-9385. Thank you for your continued cooperation with Wisconsin’s NPS program. Bureau of Community Financial Assistance KAC:TMP:tp Enclosures c: Tony Fischer - SER, Milwaukee Annex Mary E. Wagner - WTl2 www.dnr.state.wi.us Quality Natural Resources Management www.wisconsin.gov Through Excellent Customer Service PrnBOn REz? MUNICIPAL DATA PAGE 0 Municipality Grant No. Project Contact Person Working Title Phone Number (direct) L) ext. Fax Number L) E-Mail Address Address if different? If this is a replacement, is there somebody we should take off of our mailing list?? Please complete this and return it with the signed grantlamendment documents to Tim Parsons, Bureau of Community Financial Assistance, DNR, PO Box 7921, Madison WI 53707-7921, Please insert the name of (and information for) the person most directly involved with this particular project or activity. This will be the person in your local government whom the Department will contact for current project information and to whom grant information should be addressed. (By this method, we ensure that critical information is not lost or delayed.) A&, if this information (or any of the Grant Information Data in Part 1, for instance the Authorized Representative) should change during the Project Period, please e-mail, fax, write or phone that information to Tim Parsons. Thank you very much. We truly hope that this procedure will assist your project activities. (608) 267-9385 -- phone (608) 267-9663 -- fax parsot@dnr.state.wi.us URBAN GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES 1 Review the grantlamendment document with the departmental project manager listed on the grant. In particular, note the project's authorized scope, the cost-share rate established, the maximum reimbursement amount, and the timeframe for the project period. The grant Conditions also spell-out restrictions on the grant and its reimbursements. Be especially aware of the requirements in conditions 14 & 15 relating to mandatory erosion & stormwater controls. 2. Urban nonpoint source and stormwater grants may not pay for best management practices associated with new construction or new development. Similarly, grant funds may only be used for water quality-related practices; they may not be used for water quantity purposes. 3. Provide the project manager with evidence of the "local share" required to complete the project at the onset of the grant. 4. Where necessary. initiate very early in the grant process all necessary permits and approvals. Examples include: Chapter 30 and wetland permits, archeologicaVhistorica1 site clearances, and endangered resource issues. 5. State statute and administrative code require prior approval by your departmental project manager a. professional service contracts b. contracts for planning and/or construction design c. construction designs & blueprints for both technical feasibility and eligibility d. construction contracts and contract modifications e. appraisals for land acquisition andlor easements 0 6. If you are installing practices upon land owned by someone else, you must first sign a "cost- share agreement" with the affected land owner and submit that to your project manager 7 Grant payments (cost-sharing) are made on a reimbursement basis. When you incur and pay expenses for this project, you must submit a reimbursement request -- along with the required payment verification (copies of checks paid or vouchers) -- no later than the end of the month following the quarter in which you incurred those expenses. For example, if expenses were incurred and paid between January and March, you must request reimbursement for those expenses no later than April 30'h 8. At the end of each quarter, you are also required to provide your project manager with a report detailing the progress to-date and updating the construction schedule -- difficulties or delays, if any; changes in the timetable; adjustments in the construction budget; modifications in the constructionldesign contract. 9. Should you require any grant amendments, please contact your project manager early. State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources WISCONSIN NONPOINT SOURCE WATER POLLUTION Bureau of Community Financial Assistance ABATEMENT PROGRAM GRANT AWARDIAMENDMENT Form 3400-108 Rev. 2-00 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 Box 7921 - CFA18 DNW COPY Note: This form is authorized by s. 281.66. Wis. Stars.. and ch. NR 120, Wis. Adm. Code, and their respective successors. Acceptance of this to reNrn a signed form to the Depanment of Natural Resources will result in the deNal of grant funds. The form will be used for reimbursement eligibility in the Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Program. TYPE OF PROJECT X Urban Nonpoint & Stormwater Targeted Runoff Management TYPE OF ACTION X Grant Award Grant Amendment TYPE OF AGREEMENT X PlanninglEngineering Grant X Nonpoint Implementation Grant PART I. GRANT ADMINISTRATION DATA Grant Number Grantee USC-SEJ23-68251-02 CITY OF MUSKEG0 Grant Award Date JANUARY I. 2002 Total Grant Amount Watershed $ 914,900 Project Name Authorized Representative (Name and Title) Street or Route City, County, Zip Code Telephone Number (include Area Code) I TESS CORNERS CREEK STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND SEAN E. MCMULLEN. DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & BUILDING INSPECTION W182 S8200 RAClNE AVENUE . PO BOX 903 ROOT RIVER ProjectGrant Period From JANUARY 1.2002 Through DECEMBER 31.2003 MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA 53150 0 Note: Line items cannot be exceeded without amendment. I. Project Cost-Share Reimbursements For: a. Tess Corners Pond - Land Acquisition b. Tes Corners Creek Stormwater Pond 2. Grantee-Installed Activities 3. Total Nonpoint Source Grant Amount Planning Or Deslgn Construction Total Grant Award Cost-Sharing I I 0 n n n 449,900 427,500 22,400 465.000 465.000 1 22,400 I 892,500 I 914,900 This Nonpoint Source grant provides funding for, and authorizes cost-share reimbursement by, the depanment for the following projects during calendar years 2002-2003: Tess Corners Creek Stormwater Management Pond. The amount listed in the 2W2-03 Gram Arnoum Box (above) is the maximum amount which the department may reimburse your communiry under this grant. Reimbursement requests for eligible expenses must be submitted quarterly. or more frequently, in order to obtain depanmental reimbursement. Your initial request shall include expenses incurred and paid prior to June 30. 2oM. and must be received no later than July 31, 2002. Subsequent mandatory request deadlines are listed on the reverse side of this page: your final reimbursement request must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2004. Reimbursement will not be guaranteed for requests submitted afrer these deadlines. Progress repons demonstrating activity completed to-date and projecting phase and final completion timelines must also be submitted quarterly to the department project manager listed above. Additional departmenlal grant conditions are listed on the following pages. Consultant or personal-service contracts [NR 120.21 (6)]. construction Reimbursement resfrictions. project eligibility specifications, and other project Scope limitations are continued on the other side of this page. contracts. designs [NR 120.14 (22) (c)]. and appraisals [NR 120.186 (2) and (3)] must be pre-approved by the department project manager prior to signing. --SCOPE CONTINUED - OVER - Page 4 of 4 1. Costs for best management practice installation which were incurred prior to: the signing of a cost share agreement (CSA), the signing of a cost share agreement amendment to add that best management practice. or the date of the grant document authorizing such practice. 2. Costs for installation of a best management practice which does not meet the conditions of the applicable administrative code governing this grant. 3. Costs for practices identified as ineligible practices in the applicable administrative code governing this grant or which are specifically excluded in the contract approval letter. 4. Costs which exceed or do not satisfy the cost containment procedures of the applicable administrative code governing this grant. 5. Costs to perform periodic inspections beyond the grant period. 6. Other (specify): Authorized Representative Title Date Signed Date Signed