CCR2001187COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #187-2001 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND DEBT SERVICE REPAYMENT SCHEDULE TO THE SEWER UTILITY OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, In 1998, the Common Council adopted Resolution #202-98 entitled “A Resolution Authorizing the Temporary Advance of Funds from the Sewer Utility to the Debt Service Fund of the City of Muskego”; and WHEREAS, The original schedule as adopted spread the repayment from the Debt Service Fund to the Sewer Utility over a 5-year period; and WHEREAS, In an effort to continue the philosophy to keep the City’s debt levy constant, the City desires to spread the repayment from the Debt Service Fund to the Sewer Utility over a 15-year period; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the new Debt Service Schedule and recommends approval subject to review of any subsequent borrowings by the Sewer Utility to evaluate interest rates at that time. NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance committee, does hereby approve the Debt Service Schedule, as attached, subject to review of any subsequent borrowings by the Sewer Utility. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2001 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #187-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 1012001jmb City of Muskego, WI S1,694,702 Sewer Advance Payments DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE mu Rinciprl C0,lF.m l"ltICS1 TOLd P+l nSCALTOTAL 78,536.37 52,463.19 66,566.31 90,915.66 95,161.45 100,234.52 105246.24 110,506.56 116,033.96 121.835.68 127,927.47 1:4.325.84 141,040.0pI 115,092.0: 42.367.55 5.000% 42,567.55 5.000% 40,404.14 S.OOO% S9p2.56 36.177.90 5.000% $6,177.30 10,404.14 55,342.56 5.000% 33.305.01 33,905.01 5.wm 51,518.47 31,515.47 29,012.61 5.000% 29.012.61 5.m% 26,381.46 26.351.46 23,618.74 LJ.615.74 20.717.83 5.000% 20.717.69 5.000% 37.672.00 17.672.00 5.000% 14.473.61 14.479.61 11.115.72 5.000% 11.115.72 5.000% 7589.72 7,589.72 5.000% 3,687.42 42567.55 120,903.92 40,404.14 122S67.53 33,342.56 124,925.30 :6,171.90 127,033.56 33,905.01 l29,S66.46 31.518.47 131,752.99 23.012.61 13425S.S5 26.381.46 136.S90.02 25.6111.74 139,652.72 20.717.a9 142,553.57 17,672.00 145539.47 11,473.61 14S,797.65 11,115.72 7.599.72 156,651.75 5.887.42 152.155.75 155,496.64 5.000% 3607.42 159,3M.06 163,271A8 Toul 1.634.702.00 754,370.00 2.449.072.00 ..... .... 9.30: Years SI5P117.40 1.9999939?4 4.9999999% 4.3333333% 4.9999999% 4.9993999% 4.9939999% 8.903 Yam