CCR2001183COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #183-2001 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PER 66.0301 AS IT RELATES TO THE PREPARATION OF A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IN THE TESS CORNERS CREEK NORTH DRAINAGE BASIN BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND CITY OF NEW BERLIN BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby approve the attached Intergovernmental Agreement Per $66.0301 as It Relates to the Preparation of a Storm Water Management Plan in the Tess Corners Creek North Drainage Basin Between the City of Muskego and City of New Berlin. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Agreement in the name of the City. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF September , 2001 0 SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #183-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 9lOljmb INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PER 66.0301 AS IT RELATES TO THE PREPARATION OF A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IN THE TESS CORNERS CREEK NORTH DRAINAGE BASIN BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND THE CITY OF NEW BERLIN 0- WHEREAS, Storm Water Management is an important issue facing all communities in southeastern Wisconsin and the entire State of Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, The City ofNew Berlin and the City of Muskego as adjacent communities believe that storm water management is an issue ofjoint importance, and WHEREAS, The City of New Berlin and the City of Muskego share the Tess Corners Creek north branch drainage basin area, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego is experiencing flooding and water quality issues in the Tess Comers Creek basin, and WHEREAS, The City of New Berlin has and is still experiencing increased demands on development in the north drainage requiring extensive storm water management, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego and the City of New Berlin have prepared preliminary management plans and performed drainage studies in the Tess Corners Creek basin area, and WHEREAS, It is in both community's best interest to cooperatively address storm water issues @ in the Tess Comers Creek drainage basin to achieve the goals of those plans, and WHEREAS, A proposal has been drafted by Ruekert & Mielke to review, plan, and design stormwater management for the north basin of the Tess Corners Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City of Muskego and City of New Berlin do hereby agree to divide all expenses, on a 50150 cost basis, for all work to be performed as per the attached scope of services provided by Ruekert & Mielke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City of Muskego and the City ofNew Berlin do hereby agree to fully share all current information available regarding this issue and give full access of the same to the consultant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That prior to commencing with construction of any facilities an additional mutually agreed upon 66.0301 agreement must be acted upon by both communities to determine cost sharing and final project scope. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2001, CITY OF MUSEKGO CITY OF NEW BERLIN By: David L. De Angelis, Mayor By: Tclesfore P. Wysocki, Mayor By: Jean K. Marcnda, Clerk-Treasurer By: Judy Weter, Clerk Ruekert "ielke engineering solutions for a working world September 11,2001 David L. DeAngelis Mayor City of Muskego Muskego, WI 53150-0749 Post Office Box 749 RE: Tess Comers Creek Regional Pond Benefits Dear Mayor DeAngelis: Attached is a one page summary of the benefits that can be gained by both the City of Muskego and the City of New Berlin from construction of the Tess Comers Regional Retention Pond. It may be worthwhile to send a copy to Mayor Wysocki to try to diffuse any negative feedback about the project that he may get from other New Berlin politicians or staff. Please contact our office with any questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, hhchael F. Campgell, P.E. MFC:sjd Enclosure cc: Sean McMullen, EngineeringiBuilding Inspection Director r:\~lients\l3\1302001.100\corres~deangelis-2OOl091l-lesscomerr regional pond bmeliI..dcc Wayne Delikat, Public Works Superintendent File W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1 113 (262) 542-5733 Fax: (262) 542-5631 www.ruekert-mielke.com TESS CORNERS CREEK REGIONAL RETENTION POND T6R2O SECTION 24 BENEFITS TO CITIES OF NEW BEFUlN AND MUSKEG0 1 Groundwater - This pond has the potential to augment natural recharge of the groundwater table and base flow for surface water bodies. This means it may have a positive effect on base flow to local lakes, streams and potable water wells. 2. Land Use - The proposed pond site is in a natural low-lying area with much of it composed of silty clay loam with a high groundwater table. These conditions would likely make it difficult to use the land for residential or commercial development. In addition, by using this land for a "regional" pond other upland areas could be saved for development which might otherwise be required to be developed with storm water management ponds to meet the conditions of the City's ordinance. 3. Water Quality - Water quality benefits can be achieved if at least a portion of the detention pond is excavated to retain water. With a proper design, the objectives for water quality from this watershed can be met as recommended in the City of New Berlin Storm Water Management Plan. 4. Water Quantity - As proposed, the storage generated in the pond will reduce 100 year flows at Janesville Road in Muskego from 739 cfs to approximately 400 cfs which is slightly above the FEMA IO year recurrence interval discharge. This will greatly reduce the flooding of homes in Muskego. In addition, the 100 year flood over College Avenue will be contained within the existing new bridge structure. This will allow use of this major east-west traffic artery by both communities during the emergency caused by a 100 year storm event. The pond location and reduction in flows and flooding is consistent with the findings in the City of New Berlin's storm water management plan 0 5. Cost Share Potential - Because there are obvious benefits to both communities, cost sharing of the planning and design is proposed to he split 50/50. Sharing of the construction cost and future operation and maintenance issues will be discussed and negotiated once the benefits are quantified during the desip phase. There are several other potential cost sharing opportunities for construction of the facility: A TRM and a non-point source pollution grant has been applied for from the WDNR because the project provides major water quality benefits. The Milwaukee MMSD has expressed an interest in purchasing the surrounding lands as part of their floodplain preservation program. The City ofNew Berlin could set up a storm water utility district to assess portions of the costs to land owners who benefit from the facility. Costs could be assessed to future developers for use of the regional detention pond if it can be used in lieu of construction of detention facilities elsewhere. 0911 lIOl r klients\l3\1302001.l00korrer\1ers corners creek regional relention pond-2001091 I doc Page 1 Ruekert -Mieke ~~ engineering solutions for a working world ~_______ a March 2,2001 Mr. Sean E. McMullen Director of Engineering and Building Inspection City of Muskego Post Office Box 749 Muskego, W1 53150-0749 Re: Tess Comers Creek Detention Pond Dear Sean: Thank you for the opportunity to submit a scope of services, engineering fee estimate, and project timeline for the above referenced project. Per our telephone conversation on March I, 2001, we have adjusted the timeline to reflect a four month acquisition period. However, due to acquisition and permitting, the uncertainty with land, the timeline should remain flexible and we assure you that we stand ready to accommodate any changes necessary to meet the City's needs. If this proposal is acceptable to you , please execute all three sets of the Letter Agreements retain one for your records and return the other two to our office. The above described professional services will be provided to you in accordance with the attached two page Standard Terms & Conditions dated December 7, 2000, which are made part of this agreement by reference. Please indicate your acceptance of this agreement by having the appropriate authorized official(s) affix their signature(s) where indicated and returning two fully executed copies to our office. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. We look forward to working with the City on this important flood control project. Very truly yours, RUEKERTMIELKE Todd B. Weik, RLA TBW:plw Enclosures cc: Mayor David L. DeAngelis r:\clients\ll\llOZWI.I00~praporalLncmullen-ZOO10l02-nansminalrcopcolrervices.doc Michael F. Campbell, RuekertiMielke Kenneth R. Ward, RuekeMielke File W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive - Waukesha. Wlsconsm 53188-1 113 (262) 542-5733 - Fax: (262) 542-5631 - www.ruekert-mielke.com Ruekert-Mielke engineermg solutions for a working world CLIENT NAME: City of Muskego By: Title: Date: ATTEST. By: Title: Date: Designated Representative: Name: Title: Phone Number: Facsimile Number: ENGINEER. Rue By: Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: March 2, 2001 Designated Representative: Name: Title: Phone Number: (262) 542-5733 Facsimile Number: (262) 542-563 I W239 Ni812 Rockwood Drive * Waukesha. Wlsconsin 53188-1 113 (262) 542-5733 * Fax: (262) 542-5631 * wwwruekert-mle1ke.com RUEKERTlMlELKE Standard Terms and Conditions Effective December 7, 2000 .A: Slandard of Care The standard of care for all professional engineering and related services performed or furnished by ENGINEER under this Agreement wlll be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of ENGINEERs profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. ENGINEER makes no warranties. express or implied, under this Agreement or otherwise, in connection with ENGINEERs services. 8. Authorized Representative ENGINEERs and OWNER'S representalives with respect to the servlces to be performed or furnished by ENGINEER and duties and Contemporaneous with the execution of this Agreement. ENGINEER and OWNER shall designate specific individuals to act as responsibilities of OWNER under this Agreement. Such individuals shall have authority to transmit instructions. receive information, and render decisions relative IO the Assignment on behalf of each respective party. C. Payments to ENGINEER Invoices will be prepared in accordance with ENGINEERs standard invoicing practices and will be submitted to OWNER by ENGINEER monthly, unless otherwise agreed. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. If OWNER fails lo make any payment due ENGINEER for servlces and expenses wlthln 30 days after receipt of ENGINEERs invoice therefor, the amounts due ENGINEER wlll be increased at the rate of 1.0% per monlh (or the maximum rate of interest permined by law. if less) from said thirtieth day. has been paid in full all amounts due for services. expenses, and other related charges, In addition. ENGINEER may. after giving seven days written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until ENGINEER D. Ownership and Reuse of Documents All documents prepared or furnished by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service. and ENGINEER shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. Reuse of any documents pertaining lo this Agreement by OWNER shall be at OWNERS sole risk; and OWNER agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold ENGINEER harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses including atlorney's fees arising out of such reuse of documents by OWNER or by others acting through OWNER. E. Opinions of Probable Construction Cost Cost does no1 include costs of services of ENGINEER or other deslgn professionals and consultants. cost of land, rights-of-way. or Construction Cost is the cost to OWNER of those portions of the entire Project designed or specified by ENGINEER. Construction compensation for damages to properties, or OWNER'S costs for legal, accounting. Insurance counseling or auditing services, or interest and financing charges incurred In connection with the Projecl. or the cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER pursuant to this Agreement. Construction Cost is one of the items comprising Tolal Project Costs. F. Total Project Costs other design professionals and consultants, cost of land, rights-of-way. or compensation for damages to properties, OWNERS costs for Total Project Costs are the sum of the Construction Cost. allowances for contingencies. the total costs of services of ENGINEER or legal. accounling, insurance counseling or auditing services. interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project. and Ihe cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER. G. Hazardous Environmental Conditions It is acknowledged by both parties that ENGINEERs scope of services does not include any sewices related to a "Hazardous Environmental Condition," i.e. the presence at the site of asbestos. PCBs. petroleum. hazardous waste, or radioactive materials in such quantlties or circumstances that may presenl a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Project. In the event ENGINEER or any other party encounters a Hazardous Environmenlal Condition. ENGINEER may. at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages, suspend performance of services on the portion of the Assignment affecled thereby until OWNER: (i) retains appropriate specialist consultant(s) or contractor(s) to identity and. as appropriate. abate. remediate, or remove the acknowledges that ENGINEER is performing professional services for OWNER and that ENGINEER is not and shall not be required to Hazardous Environmental Condition; and (ii) warrants that the site is in full compliance with applicable laws and Regulations. OWNER become an "arranger," "operator." '"generator." or "transporter of hazardous substances. as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation. and Liability Act of 1990 (CERCIA). which are or may be encountered at or near the site in connection with ENGINEERs activities under this Agreement. H. Access and privale property as required for ENGINEER to perform services under this Agreement. I. Limit of Liability employees. agents. and consultants, or any of them to OWNER and anyone claiming by, through, or under OWNER, for any and all injuries. TO the fullest extent permined by law, the total liability, in the aggregate. of ENGINEER and ENGINEERs officers, directors. partners. losses. damages and expenses, whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to thls Agreement from any cause or causes Including but no1 llmited to the negligence, professional errors or omissions. strict liability or breach of contract or warranty. express or implied. of ENGINEER or ENGINEERs officers, directors. partners. employees, agents. and Consullants. or any of them. shall not exceed the total amount of $2.000.000. 0 OWNER shall arrange for safe access to and make all provisions for ENGINEER and ENGINEER'S consultants to enter upon public a (Standard Terms and Conditions) Page 1 of 2 pages r?vmmtenalsbpreerenhr rlanaard le- 6 cond,ms.aoC 1 J. Insurance ENGINEER will maintain insurance coverage for Workers' Compensation, General Liability. and Automobile Liability and will provide certificates of insurance to OWNER upon request. , a Termination of Contract I - OWNER shall pay to ENGINEER all amounts owing to ENGINEER under this Agreement. for all work performed up to the effective date of Either party may at any time, upon seven days prior written notice to the other party, terminate this Agreement. Upon such termination. termination. L. Indemnification and Allocation of Risk partners. and employees from and against costs. losses. and damages (including but not limited to reasonable fees and charges of 1. To the fullest extent permitted by law. ENGINEER shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, OWNERS officers. directors. engineers. architects. attorneys. and other professionals, and reasonable court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of ENGINEER or ENGINEERs officers, directors, partners. employees, and consultants in the performance of ENGINEERs services under this Agreement. partners, employees, and consultants from and against costs. losses, and damages (including but not limited to reasonable fees and 2. To Ihe fullest extent permitted by law. OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER, ENGINEERs officers, directors, charges of engineers, architects. attorneys. and other professionals. and reasonable court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of OWNER or OWNERs officers. directors, partners, employees, and consultants with respect to this Agreement. 3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ENGINEERs total liability to OWNER and anyone claiming by, through. or under OWNER for any injuries. losses, damages and expenses caused in part by the negligence of ENGINEER and in part by the negligence of OWNER or any other negligent entity or individual, shall not exceed the percentage share that ENGINEERs negligence bears to the total negligence of OWNER, ENGINEER, and all other negligent entities and individuals. 4. In addition to the indemnity provided under paragraph C.2. of this Exhibit. and to the fullest extent permitted by law. OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER and ENGINEERs officers. directors, partners, employees, and consultants from and against injuries. losses, damages and expenses (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects. altorneys. and other professionals. and all wurl or arbitration or other disputes resolution costs) caused by, arising out of, or resulting from an unexpected Hazardous Environmental Condition, provided that (i) any such injuries. losses, damages and expenses is attributable lo bodily injury. this paragraph L.4. shall obligate OWNER to indemnify any individual or entity from and against the consequences of that individual or sickness, disease, or death. or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom. and (ii) nothing in entity's own negligence or willful misconduct. e paragraph I. "Limit of Liability," of this Agreement. 5. The indemnification provision of paragraph L.1. is subject to and limited by the provisions agreed to by OWNER and ENGINEER M. Independent Contractor All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of OWNER and cause of action in favor of a third parly against either OWNER or the ENGINEER. ENGINEERs services under this Agreement are being ENGINEER and not for the benefit of any other party Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. OWNER agrees to include a provision in all contracts with CONTRACTORS and performed solely for the OWNERs benefit. and no other entity shall have any claim against ENGINEER because of this Agreement or the other entities involved in this project to carry out the intent of this paragraph. N. Force Majure resulting from any cause beyond ENGINEERs reasonable control. 0. Severability and Waiver of Provisions Any provision or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any Laws or Regulations shall be deemed stricken. and all remaining provisions shall continue lo be valid and binding upon OWNER and ENGINEER, who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. Non-enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. P. Dispute Resolution matters in questions between them arising out of relating lo this Agreement or the breach thereof ("disputes") to mediation. Q. Construction Review ENGINEER shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to failure or delay in rendering any service called for under this Agreement 1. OWNER and ENGINEER agree that they shall first submit any and all unsettled claims, counterclaims. disputes, and other 1. ENGINEER will not supervise, direct. control. or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRACTORS means, methods. of construction. or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto. or lor any failure of Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. END OF DOCUMENT (Standard Terms and Conditions) Page 2 of 2 pages c\Ta-lenalSUgrenh Itandad term 6 CMd#liOns dos TESS CORNERS CREEK DETENTION POND CITY OF MUSKEG0 SCOPE OF SERVICES PLANNING PHASE Planning I. Data Collection A. Collect, download and incorporate data provided by the Cities of Muskego and New Berlin, SEWRPC, NRCS, and Public Utilities. 1. Primary environmental corridors and wetlands 2. Digital parcel information 3. Utilitylocations and easements 4. Digital orthophotos II. Conceptual Plans A. Prepare base plan 1, Based upon available digital or hard copy topographic mapping prepare a project site plan for conceptual planning purposes. 2. Utilize the base plan for conceptual alternative planning. B. Preliminary Permit Acquisition 1, Request wetland delineation's. It is our understanding that the City will make this request. 2. Request a Determination of Navigability from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). 3. Review results with the City of the environmental documentation completed by the regulatory agencies. 4. Identify potential permit requirements and construction feasibility issues related to navigable stream and wetland impacts due to the proposed project. C. Attend a project kick-off meeting 1, Review the base map created by RuekedMielke. Ruek&iclkc 2. Identify the City of Muskego's and New Berlin's specific goals, objectives, and needs. 3. Identify the Cities needs as they relate to: a. Construction issues b. Operation and maintenance considerations c. Specific City design requirements d. Permit requirements and acquisition e. Water quality, flood abatement and regional storm water management attainment f. Budget constraints g. Potential State and Federal regulatory issues D. Complete one conceptual plan that will include the following elements: 1. Pond configurations and sizing 2. Appropriate parking and access drives 3. Pedestrian circulation routes 4. Active/passive recreation site 5. Habitat restoration and naturalized areas E. The conceptual plan will be hand drafted on the base map F. The conceptual plan will be minimally colored for presentation and clarification purposes. G. A construction cost estimate will be prepared based upon the conceptual plan. H. Prepare a cost benefit analysis. 1. Regional storm water management 2. Recreational opportunities I. Identify potential funding sources that may be available to the Cities. J. Present the conceptual plan to City of Muskego Staff for review and comment. The presentation will focus on the following: L 3/5/01 r:klicnls\l3\1302001.100\proposalU0010228-lesa comcrs creek delmrion pond proporal.doc Ruekert/Mielke I, Design appeal and aesthetics 2. Accessibility 3. Construction and future development phasing 4. Environmental issues that need to be hrther studied and potential enhancements 5. Vehicular access, circulation and parking 6. Pedestrian circulation 7 Operation and maintenance 8. Permit requirements 9. Cost estimates and budget issues 10. Implementation and construction concerns 11, Storm water management goal attainment 12. Recreational goal attainment Ill. Floodplain Analysis A. Complete a floodplain hydraulic analysis of the site utilizing the HEC-RAS. B. Compile existing hydraulic floodplain data from Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), if available, and utilize that data as a base hydraulic model. C. In the event that a base model is not available, a HEC-RAS base model will be created utilizing existing 2’ contour topographic mapping. D. Field survey specific crossing culverts and selected stream cross sections. E. The floodplain analysis will be based upon the full build out 100 year storm flows computed by RuekertiMielke and presented to the City in the “Tess Corners Creek Detention Basin Alternatives”, November 2000. F. Prepare plan identifying the extent of the 100 year flood plain on the proposed pond site and on adjacent land. G. The purpose of this analysis is to definitively identify the extent of the 100-year floodplain on the project site. This data will be useful for land appraisal by others. 3 3/5/01 r:\climts\l3\1302001.100\proporalU0010228-tesr cornencreekdel~lrian pond pmporal.doc Ruekemielkc IV Alternate Groundwater Recharge Analysis Phase Recent emphasis has been placed on maintaining our groundwater resources on both local and regional levels. One important aspect of sustaining groundwater and base flow for surface water bodies is to maintain a certain level of groundwater recharge. As an alternate to the planning phase of this project we propose to perform services to evaluate conjunctive use of storm water collection and artificial recharge to augment natural recharge. The following is a scope of services developed to evaluate such a system. A. Data Collection 1. Recommend locations for soil borings to determine subsurface geology. 2. Assist with obtaining quotes for soil borings which will be handled under a separate contract between the City and the boring firm. 3. Perform up to six (6) dual ring infiltrometer tests on native soil to determine infiltration rates. B. Data Analysis 1. Analyze infiltration rates to determine potential for storm water infiltration. 2. Analyze soil borings to determine subsurface geology and potential for infiltration. 3. Estimate amount of recharge for three (3) different levels of infiltration basin design. 4. Analyze effect of the design on total project cost. C. Prepare Recommendations 1. Based upon the results of the analysis recommend a plan including: a. Amount of water to be used as groundwater recharge b. Effect on storm peaks c. Effect on base flows to local lakes, streams and wells d. Amount of offset of natural groundwater recharge lost due to local developmental activities. 4 3/5/01 ~:\CIi~U\I3\1302001.100\proporalU0010228-lern corners neck delmsion pond pmpsal.doc RuekeruMielkc 2. If the resulting analysis and recommendations indicate that infiltration basins and groundwater recharge is desirable and possible, design phase activities may be affected. It is at this time that we would recommend any changes to the project scope, cost and schedule required to include these recommendations in the project. This may include reviewing potential impacts and methods of mitigation to groundwater quality as a result of this type of program. DESIGN PHASE (based upon conceptual plan for the pond and outlet structure) I. Field Survey for the area of the pond and associated grading only A. Compile ground elevation information to prepare a 1 foot, contour internal map with the following accuracy standards: 1, Contour lines; +/- 0.50’ 2. Spot elevations; +/- 0.10’ on ground 3. Spot elevations; +I- 0.01’ on pavement 4. Minimum density of field shots shall be 1 ground elevation per 10,000 square feet 5. Culverts and pipes inverts; +/- 0.01’ 6. Culverts and pipes lengths; +/- 0.10’ 7 Culverts and pipes sizes; to the nearest inch 8. Additional shots to define slopes and drainage ways will be completed as necessary B. Compile additional field data 1, Exterior tree and shrub lines 2. Topography and planimetric features 50’ beyond the property lines of the required field survey area 3. Locations of fence lines, comer posts and right of way markers 4. Locations and elevations of all drainage culverts, pipes, etc. 5. Location of utility poles, structures, and utility lines. Digger’s Hotline will be contacted and utility lines will be marked in the field by their locating services. 6. Wetland location as delineated by SEWRPC. The City of Muskego will be responsible for requesting the delineation’s to be completed. 3/5/01 r:~licnls\l3\1302001.100\proposa1\20010228-lesr comers creek demrion pond proposal.doc 5 RuekmRvliclke C. Because the depth of topsoil has a significant impact on the cut/fill calculations associated with the grading plan, topsoil depths will be field verified by R/M survey crews by hand auguring on a +/- 200’ gnd. II. Permit Acquisition A. Based upon the construction plan for the pond, prepare local, state and federal regulatory permit acquisition documents. B. Wage Determination 1. Prepare a Wage Determination application 2. Submit application to the state 3. Incorporate the Wage Determination into the contract documents C. Zoning 1 Coordinate with the City ofNew Berlin 2. Prepare the necessary rezoning, conditional use permit documents that may be necessary to allow the project to be constructed. 3. Attend Plan Commission and City Council meetings to facilitate approval. D. FederaVState Permits 1. Based upon the wetland delineation prepare a permit request to US. Army Corp. of Engineers. Further, prepare a Chapter 103 Water Quality Certification to the WDNR and submit the applications. 2. Based upon the results of the determination of navigability, prepare the necessary Chapter 30 Permit applications and submit to the WDNR. 3. Provide consultation services to the aforementioned regulatory agencies to clarify and revise the permit application submittals as necessary 4. Obtain DATCP approvals 5. Department of Commerce - Relocation of Farmland (608-264-7822) E. Erosion Control Permits 1. Coordinate with the City of New Berlin 2. Upon completion of the construction plans, submit the erosion control plan to the City of New Berlin for approvals. 6 3/5/01 r:llients\1~\110200I.100\praporalUOO10228-tess corners creek delmsion pond proporal.doc RuekeWMielke 3. Upon City of New Berlin approval and prior to the commencement of construction activities, prepare and submit to the WDNR a Notice of Intent. III. Construction Documents A. Based upon the pond plan, construction plans will be created. B. Grading and Pond Plan at a minimum scale of 1"=50' 1. Complete a grading and pond improvement plan that will be utilized for construction purposes. 2. Complete cut and fill calculations in order to ensure balance of earthwork. 3. The grading and pond improvement plan elements will include: a. Grading plan and pond design b. Storm water management systems, elevations and outlet structure configuration c. Typical construction details associated with storm water drainage structures and facilities d. Erosion control plans and design e. Construction details f. Wisconsin Professional Engineer and Registered Landscape Architect certifications. C. Complete a set of specifications using Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) format for construction purposes related to: 1, Earthwork and restoration 2. Erosion controls 3. Storm water drainage D. Complete a set of bidding documents for public bidding purposes. The bid proposal, whether lump sum or itemized, will be determined by the City of Muskego. E. Publicly bid the construction work associated with the Tess Comers Creek Detention Pond. This includes: 1, Publish the bidding documents 2. Advertising the project 7 r:\cl~~ls\l3\1302001.100\praposalU0010228-1err cornerr creek demsion pond proposal.doc 1/5/01 RuekerVMielke 3. Provide clarification consultations to perspective bidders 4. Bid opening and review 5. Bid recommendation for award N. Deliverables A. Conceptual planning report B. Topographic mapping with I’ contour intervals tied to state plane coordinate system for grading work C. Final plans and bidding documents 1. Three hard copy sets of the final plans and contract documents 2. Final plans will include: Grading and site improvements and cuthill calculations Construction details Storm water management analysis and design Erosion control plans and design V Not included in the scope of services. A. Permit application fees B. Soil borings C. Sediment sampling services D. Construction administration services E. Intermunicipal Agreements Services F. Wetland delineation coordination and requests G. Boundary survey, certified survey mapping or plat of survey services H. Easement acquisition services and appraisals I. Land acquisition assistance and services and appraisals J. Cost sharing agreements 8 1/5/01 r:klienls\l3\1302001 IOO\prapora1\20010228-rcsr corners creek derenrion pond proposal.doc Rueken/Mielke K. Grant application services L. Flood plain re-mapping services M. Colored Master Plan These services could be provided upon request by the City. COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION RuekertMielke has assigned the project management responsibility to Mr. Todd B. Weik, RLA. Mr. Weik is OUT Senior Landscape Architect and has 20 years of experience in the planning, design, and construction administration of facilities similar to what the City has proposed. Mr. Weik will have sole source responsibility for project oversight, communications with the City, internal staff coordination, budget oversight and time management. Mr. Weik will be the main contact from the initial contract agreement with the City through the design and construction phases for both park sites ensuring that the City is satisfied with our services and the completed projects. Mr. Michael Campbell will be the principal in charge of the project. Mr. Campbell's primary duties will be to insure that the project meets the companies quality requirements. Furthermore, Mr. Campbell will coordinate with Mr. Weik to insure that the project remains on time and on budget. Mr. Campbell will also communicate with Mr. McMullen to insure that the City is satisfied with the services provided. Mr. Richard Wirtz, P.E. will be the project Engineer for the planninglanalysis phase. Mr, Wirtz will be responsible for the hydraulic computations, pond outlet control design, pond water quality and quantity design and vehicular access and parking design Furthermore, Mr. Wirtz will prepare the cost estimates and cost-benefit ratio. Mr. Tom Koepp will be the Project Engineer for the design and bidding phases. He will be responsible for the completion of the detailed construction plans and designs, specifications and contract documents. Mr. Chris James, RLA, will be the Project Landscape Architect. Mr. James will be responsible for the permit application services, habitat restoration designs, pedestrian circulation designs, general pond aesthetics, conceptual and final master plan designs and plan renderings. Dr. John Jansen, P.G. PhD will be the Senior Geologist if the alternate groundwater analysis phase is approved. He will be responsible for the analysis and recommendation portions of the project and assist with design if required. 9 r:\clienlr\13\1302001.100\praporalU0010228-1err CO~RS creek demrian pond pmporal.doc 315101 Ruek&ielke 1 City of Muskego Sean McMullen Director of Engineering and Building Inspection Michael Campbell, P.E. Principal In Charge ~ I Todd Weik, RIA Project Manager I I 1 Tom Koepp Dr. John Jansen, PG, PhD. Chrii James, RIA Project Engineer Senior Geoscientist Project Landscape Architect Project Engineer Richard Wirtz, P.E. DesignlBidding Planninglhalysis Alternate Phase Communication and coordination efforts between Ruekert/Mielke and the City of Muskego will 0 be extremely important to ensure that the project is successfully designed and constructed. To that end, RuekeMielke will provide the following level of effort as it relates to communications and coordination. I. Design Process A. Data Acquisition Phase 1. All data requests from the County, utilities, SEWRPC, NRCS, and DNR via telephone, e-mail, and/or letter correspondence will be copied to Mr. McMullen. 2. A data acquisition status report will be provided to Mr. McMullen on a weekly basis, beginning one week after a contract has been executed for our services. The report will detail the data that has been acquired to date, budget expended, and a projected completion timeline for the remaining elements. B. Design Phase I. Meetings with the City Staff have been established in the Work Program and engineering fee estimate. These include: a. Project kick-off meeting b. Conceptual plan reviews and approval 10 3/5/01 r:\clicnts\l3\ll02001.100\proposalU0010228-lcrr cornerscreek dctmsion pond proposal doc RuekmLMiclke c. Final conceptual plan reviews d. Preconstruction plan reviews e. Final construction plan reviews 2. Design status reports will be presented to Mr. McMullen on a weekly basis that will identify the work completed to date, the budget expended and the projected completion date. 3. AI1 correspondence to the county, state and local governments will be copied to Mr. McMullen. Presentation dates will be identified and confirmed in writing and copies will be sent to all affected parties. C. Construction plans and bidding documents 1, Status reports will be presented to Mr. McMullen documenting the work progress to date, budget expended and projected work element completion dates. 2. Construction and bidding document concerns will be addressed by Ruekemielke Staff and confirmed with Mr. McMullen. 3. Document reviews by both Cities and will be completed prior to publicly bidding the project. D. Permit Acquisition 1. All correspondence and permit submittal packages will be copied to Mr. McMullen. 2. Any follow-up documents or consultations related to permit application submittals will be documented and copied to Mr. McMullen. 3. The permit applications will be tracked by Ruekemielke to help expedite the process. Any potential problems with the permit applications will be brought to the attention of Mr. McMullen immediately. II. Bidding Process A. All correspondence to the City and contractors will be copied to Mr. McMullen. This would include: 1. Bid reviews 2. Notice of award 3. Addendum 11 3/5/01 r:\clienls\ll\l302001.100\praporalU0010228-ress corners creek derenrian pond propoddoc RuckRliMielke 4. General correspondence to contractors clarifying the design intent and contract documents III. Other Communication and Coordination Efforts A. Back-up personnel to Mr. Campbell and Mr. Weik will be Mr. Chris James, Mr. Tom Koepp, and Mr. Richard Wirtz. They will be available to address any concerns or questions, should Mr. Campbell or Mr. Weik be unavailable. B. As presented in our Work Program, Ruekert/Mielke will coordinate and facilitate the presentation and status meetings proposed. C. E-mail and correspondence to our office related to the project and not copied to the City of Muskego will be copied by our office and forwarded to Mr. McMullen. D. The project budget will be tracked by RuekeMielke’s internal accounting system. There will be specific phases with time and budget amounts set up for each project that include: 1, Data acquisition 2. Conceptual design 3. Construction documents/pemits/bidding Billing will be done on an individual phase basis. An explanation of the work completed will accompany each invoice. It should be noted that our billing system is flexible and alternative billing styles can be accommodated to serve specific billing requirements of our clients. RuekertlMielke’s offices are within 25 miles of the project sites and the City offices. This allows us to immediately respond to any on-site meetings or conferences that may be required during the design and bidding phases of the work. 12 3/5/01 r:lliRils\l~\l302001.100\praposa1\20010228-less corners creekdetenrion pond propoddoc Ruekdielke r