CCR2001155r- COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #155-2001 ESTABLISHING WARD BOUNDARIES USING 2000 CENSUS FIGURES WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego adopted ward boundanes on July 10, 2001 through adoption of Resolutïon #127-200'1, and WHEREAS, Waukesha County has requested minor technîcal correctîons to the ward boundary descrïptïons., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Councïl of the Cïty of Muskego., upon the recommendation of the Commîttee of the Whole, does hereby adopt ward boundarîes as shown on "Exhïblt A" and as descrîbed on "Exhlbît B.," BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the descrïptlons of the ward boundaries as shown on "Exhibit 8" are hereby approved and adopted by the Common Councïl. DATED THIS 14th DAY OF Auaust , 2001.. f'" SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ald., Mark Slocomb Ald., Patrïck Patterson Aid, Wilham Le Doux Aid, Chuck Wîchgers Ald., Nancy Salentïne Aid, Rïck Petfalskl Aid" Davîd Sanders Thïs ïs to certïfy that this IS a true and accurate copy of Resolution #155-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the Cîty of Muskego (~rJ K, )1/7 t.t/lh-~ ~asurer r 8/01Jmb 0 I 0.5 2 Miles I LEGEND Wards /01 .10 .2.11 . 3 I2J 12 ~4 .13 . 5 Ii!] 14 .6 .15 .7 016 .8 .17 .9 0 /V .. Aldermanic District boundaries Roads Resolution 155-2001 Exhibit nAn Tho ......... ...."...,"""'" r......,. h_""'" ............ ..",.oIy-"""-""'CIy"u~_rc""""".""""- ""."'n."'_"""_"'",,,,,-,,""""""""""" Tho""_M_"_"~"'-'-"-" ......-_. THE cm D4SClAlUS ANT WARRAHTT Of UER~T"'UTT oo WARRAHTT FOR flTHE" Of USE ,OO. PARTICUlAR PURPOSE. """SS oo ,........ WITH RESPECT TO TH'S PROOUCT. Water ""'-".""""'-"'-"'.-"""',---.' -"""...-.-......._..'..-~hokI"CIy. """".-.--"""""".."".....-- ....""..-"".",.,....,..-,.".",....-,.-........ ................ ""--""-"""'.""""'" -..-"".,...-.....-.., - City of Muskego 2000 - 2010 Election Wards ~' , . .~.- -- _".200' (' Exhibit "B" CITY OF MUSKEGO 2000 Redistricting *Boundaries abut right-of-way centerlines unless otherwise indicated. Aldermanic District 1 Beginning at the Northeast comer of the city limits, thence South on the Eastern boundary of the city to Tess Comers Creek, thence generally West along Tess Comers Creek to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Durham Drive, thence North along Durham Drive to Cornell Drive, thence East along Cornell Drive to Tess Comers Drive, thence Northwest along Tess Comers Drive to College Avenue, thence East along College Avenue to the point of beginning. Ward 1 & County Supervisory District 33 Beginning in the Northeast comer of the city limits, thence South along the Eastern boundary of the city to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Maclen Drive, thence North along Maclen Drive to Bristlecone Lane, thence West along Bristlecone Drive to Camilla Drive, thence North along Camilla Drive to Kipling Drive, thence North along Ki lin Drive to Janesville Road, thence East along Janesyille Road lontlie North bounda of the ci to the point of beginning. (' Ward 2 Beginning at the intersection of Woods Road and the Eastern boundary ofthe city, thence South along the Eastern boundary of the city to Tess Comers Creek, thence West along Tess Comers Creek to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Durham Drive, thence North along Durham Drive to Cornell Drive, thence East along Cornell Drive to Tess Comers Drive, thence Southeast along Tess Comers Drive to Woods Road, thence Northeast along Woods Road to the point of beginning. Ward 3 Beginning at the intersection of Janesville Road and Kipling Drive, thence South along Kipling Drive to Bristlecone Drive, thence East along Bristlecone Drive to Maclen Drive, thence South along Maclen Drive to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Tess Comers Drive, thence Northwest along Tess Comers Drive to Janesville Road, thence Northeast along Janesville Road to the point of beginning. Aldermanic District 2 (' Beginning at the intersection of College Avenue and Tess Comers Drive, thence Southeast along Tess Comers Drive to Cornell Drive, thence West along Cornell Drive to Durham Drive, thence South along Durham Drive to Wood Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Lannon Drive, thence North along Lannon Drive to Janesville Road, thence Northeast along Janesville Road to Moorland Road, thence Northwest along r Moorland Road to the College Avenue, thence East along College Avenue to the point of beginnïng. Ward 4 Beginnïng at the intersectIon of College Avenue and Tess Comers Drive, thence Southeast to Cornell Drive, thence West along Cornell Drive to Durham Drive. thence North along Durham Drive to Janesvïlle Road, thence Southwest along Janesvllle Road to Moorland Road. thence Northwest along Moorland Road to CoHege Avenue. thence East along CoUege Avenue to the pomt ofbegmning.. Ward 5 Beginnïng at the intersection of Durham Dnve and Janesvtlle Road. thence South along Durham Dnve to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to .Bay Lane Dnve. thence North along Bay Lane Drive to JanesviUe Road, thence Northeast along Janesvïlle Road to the point ofbeginnïng Ward 6 BeginnÏng at the intersection of Janesville Road and Bay Lane Drive. thence South along Bay Lane Dnve to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Lannon Drive, thence North along Lannon Dnve to Janesvïlle Road. thence Northeast along JanesviHe Road to the point of beginnïng. r Aldermanic District 3 BegÏnnÏng at the intersection ofCoHege Avenue and Moorland Road. thence Southeast along Moorland Road to JanesVllle Road. thence Southwest along Janesville Road to Lannon Drive. thence North along Lannon Drive to Lake Drive, thence West along Lake Drive to Center Dnve. thence North along Center Drive to the Western property line of Tax Key Number 2193..0B, thence North along the Western propertylïne of Tax Key Number 2193..033 to the shoreline of Little Muskego Lake, thence generally Northwest and Southwest along the shorelïne of Little Muskego Lake to a point approximately at Lïttle Muskego Lake shoreline and the Southern property lïne of Tax Key Number 2180.952, thence West along the Southern property lïne of Tax Key Number 2 L80 952 to Wentland Dnve. thence West along Wenttand Drive to HlllendaIe Dnve. thence Northeast along HïtlendaLe Drive to CoHege Avenue. thence East along CoHege Avenue to the point ofbegïnnïng. Ward 7 BegÏnnÏng at the intersection ofJanesvïtle Road and Martin Drive, thence Southwest along J anesviUe Road to Lannon Drive. thence north along Lannon Dnve to Martin Drive. thence Southeast along Martm Dnve to the point ofbeginnïng ~ Ward 8 Beginning at the intersection of the Northern boundary of the City and Moorland Road. thence Southeast along Moorland Road to Janesvïlle Road. thence Southwest along r JanesvïUe Road to Martm Drive. thence Northwest along Martïn Drive to Lannon Drive. thence South along Lannon Drive to Lake Drive. thence West along Lake Drive to Center Drive. thence North along Center Drive to the Western property lïne of Tax Key Number 1193,033, thence North along the Western property Ime of Tax Key Number 2193.033 to the shoreline of Little Muskego Lake, thence generally Northwest along the shorelme of Lïttle Muskego Lake to Hardtke Drive, thence Northeast along Hardtke Drive to Martin Drive, thence Northwest along Marttn Drive to College Avenue, thence East along College Avenue to poïnt of begïnning" Ward 9 Begïnmng at the ïntersectïon of Martin Drive and Hardtke Drive, thence Southwest to the shorehne of Lïttle Muskego Lake. thence generally Southwest along the shorelIne of Lïttle Muskego Lake to a poïnt approX:Unately at the shorehne of Lïttle Muskego Lake and the Southern property hne of Tax Key Number 2180..952, thence West along the Southern property Ime of Tax Key Number 2180,,952 to Wentland Dove, thence West along Wentland Drive to HïUendale Drive, thence shghtly Northeast along Hïllendale Dnve to College Avenue, thence East along College Avenue to Martïn Drive, thence Southeast along Martïn Drive to the poïnt ofbegïnnmg.. Aldermanic District 4 ".... I Begïnning at the mtersectïon of Lannon Drive and Lake Drive. thence South along Lannon Drive to Woods Road, thence Southwest along Woods Road to Racïne Avenue, thence generally Northwest along Racïne Avenue to RïchdorfDnve, thence generally Northeast along R1chdorfDrive to Bayshore Drive, thence Bast along Bayshore Drive to Bay Court, thence East along Bay Court to the Southern property hne of Tax Key Number 2189..223. thence East along the Southern property lïne of Tax Key Number 2189,223 to the shorelïne of LIttle Muskego Lake, thence generally South along the southern shorehne of Little Muskego Lake to a poïnt approxlmately near the shorehne and the Western property hne of Tax Key Number 2193,,033, thence South along the Western property lïne of Tax Key Number 2193033 to Center Drive, thence South along Center Drive to Lake Drive. thence East along Lake Dnve to the poïnt ofbegïnntng. Ward 10 Begmnmg at the mtersectïon of Janesvïlle Road and Lannon Drive, thence South along Lannon Drive toW oods Road, thence Southwest to along Woods Road to Racïne Avenue, thence North along Racme Avenue to pïoneer Drive. thence Northeast along Pioneer Drive to Janesvïlle Road, thence Bast along Janesvdle Road to the poïnt of begïnnïng r' Ward 1 L Begmnïng at the mtersechon of Lannon Drive and Lake Dnve, thence South along Lannon Drive to JanesvïUe Road, thence West along Janesvï1le Road to pïoneer Drive, thence Southwest alongpïoneer Drive to Radne Avenue, thence Northwest along Racme Avenue to RïchdorfDnve. thence generally Northeast along RtchdorfDnve to Bayshore ,....., r ~ Drive, thence East along Bayshore Drive to Bay Court, thence East along Bay Court to the Southern property Iïne of Tax Key Number 2189.223, thence East along the Southern property line of Tax Key Number 2189,,223 to the shorelme of Little Muskego Lake, thence generally South along the southern shorelïne of Llttle Muskego Lake to a point approximately near the shorelme and the Western property line of Tax Key Number 2l93 033, thence South along the Western property lme of Tax Key Number 2193.033 to Center Drive, thence South along Center Drive to Lake Drive. thence East along Lake Drive to the point ofbegïnnïng, Aldermanic District 5 Begïnning at the mtersectïon of College Avenue and Hïllendale Drive, thence South along Hillendale Drive to Wentland Drive., thence East along Wentland Drive to the Southern property lme of Tax Key Number 2180..959. thence East along the Southern property hne of Tax Key Number 2180,,959 to the shorehne of Little Muskego Lake, thence South along the Western shorehne of Little Muskego Lake, to potnt near the intersection of Llttle Muskego Lake shorelïne and the Southern boundary of Tax Key Number 2189,,223, thence West along the Southern boundary oCTax Key Number 2189,223 to Bay Court, thence West along Bay Court to Bayshore Drive, thence generally South along Bayshore Drive to RichdorfDrive, thence Southwest along RïchdorfDrive to Radne Avenue. thence Southeast along Racme Avenue to JanesvIlle Road, thence Southwest along Janesvllie Road to the city's Western boundary, thence North and Northeast along City's Western Boundary ïn Sectlon 18 to Crowbar Road, thence North along Crowbar Road to Tans Dnve, thence East along Tans Drive to the City's boundary, thence North and Northeast along the City's boundary to Racïne A venue, thence North along Racme Avenue to College Avenue, thence West along College Avenue to the pomt ofbegmnïng" Ward l2 Begmnïng at the mtersectlon of College Avenue and HïUendale Drive, thence South along Hïllendale Drive to Wentland Drive, thence East along Wentland Drive to the Southern property lme of Tax Key Number 2180,,959, thence East along the Southern property line of Tax Key Number 2180..959 to the shorelme of Lïttle Muskego Lake, thence South along the Western shoreline of Little Muskego Lake, to pomt near the ïntersectïon of Little Muskego Lake shorelïne and the Southern boundary of Tax Key Number .2189,,223, thence West along the Southern boundary of Tax Key Number 2189,223 to Bay Court. thence West along Bay Court to Bayshore Drive, thence generally South along Bayshore Drive to Rïchdorf Drive, thence Southwest along RtchdorfDrive to Racine Avenue, thence Northwest along Racine Avenue to HïUendale Drive, thence Southwest along Hïllendale Drive to Field Drive, thence We,st along Field Drive to Crowbar Road, thence North along Crowbar Road to Tan,s Drive, thence East along Tans Drive to the City's Northern boundary, thence North! Northeast along the City'S Northern boundary to Ractne Avenue, thence North along Racine Avenue to College Avenue, thence West along College Avenue to the point ofbegïnnïng f" 'Ward 13 Begïnmng at the ïntersection ofRacme Avenue and lanesvï1le Road, thence Southeast along Racïne Avenue to lanesvï1le Road, thence Southwest along Janesville Road to the city's Western boundary, thence North along Cïty's Western Boundary In Section 18, thence Northeast along the City's Western Boundary in Section 18 to Crowbar Road, thence North along Crowbar Road to Field Drive, thence East along Field Drive to Hïllendale Drive, thence Northeast along Hï1lendale Dnve to Radne A venue, thence Southeast along RacIne Avenue to Janesvï1le Road and to the point of beginning., Aldermanic District 6 r Beginning at the intersectïon of Woods Road and Ladwig Drive, thence South along Ladwig Drive to Aud Mar Drive, thence West along Aud Mar Drive to the Eastern property lIne of Tax Key Number 2217,,998, thence South along the Eastern property lme of Tax: Key Number 2217,,998 to the shorehne of Bass Bay, thence generally South along the shorelIne of Bass Bay to the Western shorelïne of Big Muskego Lake, thence generally Southwest along the Western shoreline of Big Muskego Lake to the Muskego Canal, thence South along the Muskego Canal to LoomIS Road, thence Southwest along Loomis Road to the city's Southern boundary, thence West along the City's Southern boundary to the Western boundary, thence North along the City's Western boundary to lanesvïlle Road, thence Northeast along lanesvï1le Road to Racine Avenue, thence South along Racme Avenue to Woods Road, thence Northeast along Woods Road to the pomt of begInning" Ward 14 Begmmng at the Intersection of lanes v Ille Road and RacIne Avenue, thence Southeast along Racme Avenue to Woods Road, thence West and North along Woods Road to lanesvï1le Road, thence Northeast along lanesvme Road to the point ofbegmmng, Ward 15 Begmnïng at the Intersectlon of lanesville Road and Ladwig Drive, thence South along Ladwig Drive to Aud Mar Drive, thence West along Aud Mar Drive to the Eastern property hne of Tax Key Number 2217,,998, thence South along the Eastern property lIne of Tax: Key Number 2217,,998 to the shorebne of Bass Bay, thence generally South along the Eastern shorebne of Bass Bay to the shoreline of Big Muskego Lake, thence generally Southwest along the Western shoreline of Big Muskego Lake to the Muskego Carlal, thence South along the Muskego Canal to Loomis Road, thence Southwest along LoomIs Road to the city's Southern boundary, thence West to along the City's Southern boundary to the Western boundary, thence North along the Cïty's Western boundary to Janesvïlle Road, thence Northeast along Jarlesvïlle Road to Woods Road, thence South and East along Woods Road to RaeÏfle ~A~VeRl:le, th8ftÐe Northe85t alSBg RaeïBe ~'\VefN:le to the pomt of begmning, r 0 Aldermanic District 7 Beginning at the intersection of Tess Comers Creek and the City's Eastern boundary, thence South along the City's Eastern boundary to the South boundary of the City, thence West along the Southern boundary of the City to Loomis Road, thence Northeast along Loomis Road to the Muskego Canal, thence North along the Muskego Canal to the shoreline of Big Muskego Lake, thence generally North along the Western shoreline of Big Muskego Lake to Bass Bay, thence Northeast along the eastern shoreline of Bass Bay to the Eastern property line of Tax Key Number 2217.998, thence North along the Eastern property line of Tax Key Number 2217.998 to Aud Mar Drive, thence East along Aud Mar Drive to Ladwig Drive, thence North along Ladwig Drive to Woods Road, thence Northeast along Woods Road to the intersection of Tess Comers Creek and Woods Road, thence Southeast along Tess Comers Creek to the point of beginning. (' Ward 16 Beginning at the intersection of Tess Comers Creek and the City's Eastern boundary, thence South along the Eastern boundary to Hi View Drive, thence West along Hi View Drive to Durham Drive, . . shoreline, ence Northwest along Durham Drive to the western property line ofTaxKe umber 2210.996 (City of Muskego Boat Launch), thence generally Southwest alon th estern! ro ert line of Tax Ke Number 2210.996 to BiMuske 0 Lake shoreline thence generally West along the Northern shoreline of Big Muskego Lake to the shoreline of Bass Bay, thence North along the Eastern shoreline of Bass Bay to the Eastern property line of Tax Key Number 2217.998, thence North along the Eastern property line of Tax Key Number 2217.998 to Aud Mar Drive, thence East along Aud Mar Drive to Ladwig Drive, thence North to Woods Road, thence Northeast along Woods Road to the intersection of Tess Comers Creek and Woods Road, thence Southeast along Tess Comers Creek to the point of beginning. Ward 17 Beginning at the intersection of Hi View Drive and the City's Eastern boundary, thence South along the City's Eastern boundary to the City's Southern boundary, thence West along the City's Southern boundary to Loomis Road, thence Northeast along Loomis Road to the Muskego Canal, thence North along the Muskego Canal to the shoreline of Big Muskego Lake, thence generally North along the Eastern shoreline of Big Muskego Lake to Darham Driye, thence East to Hi View Driye, thenoe Northeast ~weste roperty line of Tax Key Number 2210.990 (City ofþ.1uskego Boat Launch), thenc eneraHyNortheast along the western property line of Tax :Key Number 2210.996 t urham Drive, thence Southeast alongDurham}2rive to Hi View Drive thence.Eas Ion Hi View Driv to the point of beginning. 0 ('" BLOCK NUMBERS BY WARDS WARD TRACT BLOCK 1-1 .2015..04 3000 - 3006 3013 - 3019 1-2 2017..02 1000 -1002 1007 -1011 2019 1000 -1002 1-3 2015,,04 3007 - 3012 2018 1000 -1001 1006 -1014 2-4 2018 1002 -1005 2017..02 1003 2-5 2017..02 1004 -1006 r 1012 1021 2-6 2017..02 1013 -1020 1023 3-7 2017,,01 1000 -1004 1006 -1007 1014 -1015 3-8 2018 1015.-1018 2017,,01 2000- 2015 1005 1013 3025 3-9 2017..01 3000 -3006 3009 - 3021 3023 3026 -3027 r BLOCK NUMBERS BY WARDS (continued) ~. WARD TRACT BLOCK 4-10 2017..02 1022 2000 - 2001 2007 - 2013 2024 - 2028 4-11 2017..01 1008 -1012 2002 - 2006 4000 - 4007 4018 -4021 5-12 2017..02 3000 - 3004 2017..01 3007 - 3008 3022 3024 4008-4017 r- 5-13 2017,02 3005 - 3016 2020,.02 1022 -1024 I 6-14 2017.02 2014 - 2023 6-15 2020.02 2000 - 2001 2017.02 3017 - 3029 2019 2003 -- 2012 2020..20 2007 - 2008 7-16 2019 2000 - 2002 1003 -1007 1021 -1024 7-17 2019 1008 -1020 2013 -- 2026 r f':íty of Muskego Redistrictmg 2000 Alternatïve E* Aldermanïc Dlstrïct and Ward Breakdown r : ' '~ '.' ~ : Percent ~,~ .,: : " Aid Dïst Devlatïon " ,, ' C' " ',~' " : 4j " :, , Dïstrict Total jO ~ Ward Ward Total -"".,.2, ~:~,2.~..:~ 1 3,022 -1 14 1 750 739 6 5 5 2 747 734 8 5 8 3 1,525 1,501 13 11 10 2 2,955 -334 4 711 710 0 1 7 5 1,198 1,156 21 21 24 6 1.,046 1,026 14 6 25 3 3,119 203 7 729 712 12 5 14 8 1,265 1,241 15 9 21 9 1,125 1,103 22 0 9 4 3,139 2..68 10 1,815 1,711 21 8 16 11 1,324 1,305 11 8 13 , 5 3,115 1..90 12 1,346 1,330 7 9 20 13 1,769 1.,726 24 19 28 6 2,993 -209 14 1,030 1,086 11 8 15 15 1,963 1,916 34 13 29 7 3,054 -0.10 16 1,973 1,945 24 4 23 17 1,081 1,051 15 15 14 *Maxlmum deViatIOn ïs +1- 2% Notes:: Ald. District 2 (Red) would have 2 Alderman No current Alderperson would represent Dïstlict 3 (Green). Advantages:: little Muskego Lak.e would retam the same three Ald. DIstricts Disadvantages: Two Ald. Dîstncts cross County Sup'" DIstrict boundanes: Dlst 1 (Blue) and Dïst 6 (Purple I. r'