CCR2001032COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #32-2001 \ APPROVAL OF LICENSE AGREEMENT \ BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND VOICESTREAM PCS II CORPORATION AND PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE ASSIGNMENT OF SAVINGS '. BE IT RESOLVED That the Common C \ lo, upon the recommendation of th\e,Finance Commi ,he attached License Agreement between the'City of Muskegc 5 @ J\ Q/. 3- torporation and the attached Performance Askurance Assigr BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED T,hat the N, -re authorized to sign the Agreement and the Assignment ( .Ju MI me name of the City. All fees associated with the Agreement mdst be paid prior to the City's execution of same. DATED THIS DAY OF \ ibb \ \ FINANCE COMMITFEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. D&id Sanders Ald. Nanhy Salentine Deferred: 2/13/01 \ This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #32-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 2/0ljmb moo2 PERPORMANCE ASSURANCE ASSIGNMENT OF SAVINGS / / FOB VALUE RECEIVED, VoiceStream PCS ll Cmmtion /assigus,mmsfcrs,andscts \ \ ~ostorNmnc) /, over to the City of Muakego, Waukda County, Wiscollsin &rein "City of Muskego"), all righf title, and mteresI \ / inandto A \(hsri-cdunr) ($lO,ooO) dollars inSaviugsAccoum# 153591697807 \ in US. Bank (hk Nunc) for Project located at ' Wl89 S8235 Mercury Drive, Muskego, WI 53150 \, (RoPotY Parnit # \ ProjectName MW14-031B Muskcgo WatcrTowvn For thc purpose of msuring hat VoiceSQeam will remove the Communications Facilitier and rcstore the Premises to its previnus con- reasonable Wear and tcar cxceptbd. at termination or expintion of the Licease Agreement, the City of Muskeg0 shall have sole power and au&ority to demand, call, and receive said deposit upon presentation of a signed stamnent that -on to perform in accordance with thc provisions of the License Agreement. If after termbation of the License Agreement the rquirCmCntS of thc Agreement have been compkred in a shall &ate and the City of Muskego shd have no further righ or mtere5t in said accounL satisfacw mer, and a mitten release of this assignment fiom the City of Muskego is received, rhis Assigument . (R0PT-C) has fdcd 0 BY (Depositor Sign-) Address APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: Tbe undenigned hid institution acccpf! thc forcgoing assigumcnt and 12920 a 38'Stne~ BeUevue. WA 98006 Phone 425-3784000 hereby agrees to hold said account pursuant to the I- rhereof until n written klease of this assignment fiom the City of Mudtego is received or until +he City of Muskego exercises its sole power and authority to demand or call the deposit This Pdnnancc Assurance Assigmnent of Savings shall he cmInled =,a Letrer of Credit under the law of the State of,WEconsin. This Assignment of Savings is irrevocable. AcwutNO. 153591697807 Title /' Bank U.S. Bank National Association Phone 206-344-4456 Address 1420 cor. Se dl Fl attle. WA 98101 Authorized Signer Thomas G. Gmder Tide Vice President Signam Date (Rint Nmc) APPROVED AND ACCEPTED by the City of Murkcgo: (BY Date I EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the Northeast 114 of Section 17. 10- 5 Noreh. Range 20 EasC, City of Muskego. County Of WaukcSha. State Of Wisconsin. described as tollars; Beginning ac the East 114 Corner of said Section: thence Noreh 00. 28' IS" East on the Section line 1847.72 Eeec to the Southerly line oE'the uissomin Electric Power Company righc-oE-way; chencc South 55' 20' 15' Yest on the Southerly line of said righc-oE-ray 1646.90 feet: thence along a we on the Southerly line of said right-of-way (radius 5767.15 62. 16' 55. West) 1390.00 Leet; thence south 22. 59' 05. Earc 302.12 feet Ecec. central angle 13. 53' 20". chord 1394.54 Eeec. chrd bearing South to the onc-quazter line; thence North 89. 37' 55. East OD. the 1/4 line 2456.01 feet to chi place OE beginning; and a Wisconsin Electric Power Company Easement varying in width from 52 Leer at the Wesccrn side of the propercy co 40 Leet ac the Eastern side of the propercy recorded in Volume 182. Page 474 of Deeds. Waukesha Cauncy Records, EXCEPTING land conveyed in the following documents: Warranty Deed Document No. 944099, d Certified SUSVOY MpS With Document Nos, 1024745. 1024743, 1275371, 1024744. 1046810. 1039600. ALSO EXCCEPTING land cowwed for the Plat of mskego Industrial Park 1937372 and 1209064 Da-ent No 767783, Tax Key No, MSKC 2225.999.001 ADDRESS: W1890 58135 nercvry Drive , 0 EXHlBlT B '. '. \. \. EXHIBIT C /,/ / EXHIBIT E