CCR2001020AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #20-2001 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE RACINE AVENUE GATEWAY DESIGN GUIDE WHEREAS, Under the direction of the Plan Commission, the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development has prepared the Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide to serve as a reference source in directing and reviewing future development for citizens, development professionals, and the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, Said Guide sets a minimum design standard for building, site and operation plans that are to be submitted to the City for more complete and accurate Planning Department and Plan Commission review; and WHEREAS, Said Guide is prepared under the authority of Section 62.23 of Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 17, Section 6.1 1, of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance being deemed necessary to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted the Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide on January 16,2001 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby accept the attached Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide, as amended, for the City of Muskego. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF Januaw ,2001 SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #20-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. l/Oljmb 0 ADOPTED APPROVAL OF THE RACINE AVENUE GATEWAY DESIGN GUIDE AS A REFERENCE SOURCE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION #PC 005-2001 WHEREAS, Under direction of the Plan Commission the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development has prepared a document titled, Racine Avenue Gateway Desiqn Guide, to serve as a reference source in directing and reviewing future development for citizens, development professionals, and the Plan Commission, and WHEREAS, Said Guide sets a minimum design standard for building, site, and operation plans that are to be submitted to the City for more complete and accurate Planning Department and Plan Commission review, and WHEREAS, Said Guide is prepared under the authority of Section 62.23 of Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 17, Section 6.11 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance being deemed necessary to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Muskego. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission hereby adopts the Racine Avenue Gateway Desiqn Guide to be used as a reference source for guiding and reviewina future deVelODment for citizens, develoDment professionals. and Plan Commis;ion members of ihe City of Muskego'. 0 Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: January 16,2001 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: January 16, 2001 ATTEST. Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide ::::r: :o:o Mayors Task Force on Economic Development 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Honorable Mayor David L. DeAngelis Common Council Council President Mark Slocomb, District 7 Alderman Patrick Patterson, District 1 Alderman Butch LeDoux, District 2 Alderman Charles Wichgers, District 3 Alderman Nancy Salentine, District 4 Alderman Kathy Chiaverotti, District 5 Alderman David Sanders, District 6 Plan Commission Mayor David L. DeAngelis Alderman Kathy Chiaverotti Mr Harry Brodel Mr Robert Gummer Mr Jerald Hulbert Ms. Neome Schaumberg Msl Traci Smith Mayor's TasKForce on Economic Development Chairman Harry Brodel Alderman Butch LeDoux Alderman Charles Wichgers Mr David Jensen Mr Marvin Pinkowski Ms. Jeanne Zangerle TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 PREAMBLE 1.01 AUTHORITY 1.02 PURPOSE 1.03 SCOPE SECTION 2 GEOGRAPHIC AREA 1.04 CITATION OF GUIDE SECTION 3 DESIGN STANDARDS 2.01 RACINE AVENUE GATEWAY SECTION 4 ILLUSTRATIONS 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. SECTION 5 COMPLIANCE 4.01 APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT 5.01 IN PERPETUITY .2 .2 .2 ~.. .2 .2 .2 .2 ,3 .5 .5 .5 .5 3 Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide DRAFT October 17, 2000 Page 2 0 ISECTION I PREAMBLE I 1.01 AUJHORITY The Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide (Guide) is prepared by the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development for adoption by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego, and for transmittal to the Common Council of the City of Muskego. pursuant to Section 62.23 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 17, Section 6.11 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance, and The City of Muskego Comprehensive Land Use Plan, deeming it necessary to promote the public health, safety, morals and welfare. 1.02 PURPOSE The general purpose of this Guide is to aide the Planning Staff and Plan Commission in the planning, design and re-design of the built environment of the Racine Avenue transportation corridor, which links the community to Interslate Highway 1-43. The intent is to enhance and unify its visual character while avoiding monotony and repetition. These standards will also assist in fostering sound, functional, attractive and quality development. The provisions hereof shall be liberally construed in favor of the City and shall be considered as minimum requirements for the Racine Avenue corridor 1.03 SCOPE easements, covenants, or agreements between parties or with the rules, regulations, or permits It is not the intent of this Guide to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair or interfere with any existing way imposes greater standards than are required by other rules, regulations or permits or by previously adopted or issued pursuant to laws: provided, however, that where this Guide in any easements, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this Guide shall be the guide. 1.04 ClJA JlON OF GUIDE This Guide shall be cited as follows, e.g. Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide, Section 1.04 SECTION 2 GEOGRAPHIC AREA 2.01 RACINEAVENUE GATEWAY A. Area. The Racine Avenue Gateway area shall be defined as those lands located at the north west corner of Racine Avenue and Tans Drive, and those lands located between Racine Avenue the area can be found in Appendix 1 and Hillendale Drive, extending from College Avenue southerly to Lembezeder Drive. A map of 6. Intent. This area is identified as offering a wide range of commercial activities and services in Muskego. It is the goal of this document to maintain the viability and improve and unify the visual aspects of the Racine Avenue corridor, Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide DRAFT October 17, 2000 (SECTION 3 DESIGN STANDARDS 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Applicability. To advance the ideals of this Guide, the following design standards are development and re-development of business and multi-family properties (including properties implemented in the Racine Avenue Gateway corridor These standards shall apply to all zoned RSA -Attached Single Family Residence) within its boundaries. E. Buildings. The following shall apply lo all applicable buildings: while avoiding repetition and monotony. Building designs shall utilize materials which Buildings shall be constructed to be harmonious with their natural and built surroundings decorative masonry andlor natural materials (i.e. cedar siding, stone work) may comprise reflect a residential character. Brick exterior treatment is required. Materials such as up to 30% of the exterior treatment; an exterior synthetic plaster system may be used as an accent material. The coloring of all brick, decorative masonry or stone shall be expressed as integral to the product and not painted on the surface of said product. Upon a minimum of five affirmative votes of the Plan Commission members, designs which present variations on the standards expressed in Section 3.01.A.(1) may be permitted if it is found that: The proposed design sets an exceptional standard whose design, quality, longevity. durabilily and value will equal or exceed that which this document endeavors to promote, and The proposed design will not create substantial detriment to adjacent properties. and The proposed design will not establish an undesirable precedent. A quality design which maximizes the value of Ihe proposed project, while protecting or enhancing neighboring values is required. Four sided architecture which utilizes similar building materials and design for all sides of a proposed structure is required. Pitched roofs such as hip, gambrel, gable, etc. utilizing cedar or architectural asphalt shingles, raised steel seamed panels, or other similar malerials shall be highly re uired In tfu*? the case of strip malls and shopping centers. they shall provide eleva Ions which oe-lvz these standards through facade or parapet wall presentations. WWl5U Roof top mechanical installations shall be appropriately screened so as to block the view from adjacent streets and properties. Such screening shall match or compliment the overall theme of the building. C. Colors utilized in the project design shall be non-florescent. Earth tones such as grays, greens, browns, burgundies, and tans are encouraged. However, all proposed color schemes shall be reviewed on their individual merit based upon building design, building materials. longevity of the Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide DRAFT October 17, 2000 Page 4 0 color choice(s) (fadlnon-fad). statement in relation to overall theme, character and color of adjacent structures, masslsize of the proposed and adjacent structure(s), and unity with existing structures on the project site. D. Parking areas shall be designed to avoid a "sea of asphalt" syndrome. The parking field in which the main activities of parking and travel are conducted shall have tree plantings at the minimum rate of one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking spaces. The perimeter of the parking field shall provide for a lawn area in which trees and shrubs will be planted so as to allow ample snow storage capacity yet avoid damage to plantings from same. Perimeter plantings shall be at the rate of one tree andlor shrubbery grouping for every 50 lineal feet. E. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the following: subject project and adjacent sites. Existing tree lines should be preserved. If removal of Landscaping shall be designed to compliment the built and natural environment of the existing tree lines is required due to its undesirable nature, new plantings that result in no less of a screening effect shall be required when adjacent to residential uses. Minimum specifications for landscaping are as follows: 2.5 inch minimum diameter measured six (6) inches above grade for deciduous trees: Six (6) foot minimum height for coniferous trees; 24 inch minimum height for shrubs; yard areas shall be sodded. In addition to the guidelines expressed for parking areas in Section 3.01.C above, plantings shall be required around the foundation of buildings. The Plan Commission shall review the placement. numbers and sizes to determine appropriateness. Non-native and invasive plant species are strongly discouraged, Where a proposed commercial or multiple family use of land abuts single family use or two family use of land, the petitioner shall be required to install 100% opaque fencing, eight feet in height above grade. Such fencing shall be constructed of cedar and shall be of a dog-eared board-on-board pattern. F. Signage shall be in accordance with the following: Signage shall be designed in unity with the building design through the use of the same or similar materials and colors. Ground or monument signs shall be strongly encouraged. an architectural feature of the building it is mounted on. Neon tubed accent lighting shall be strongly discouraged unless the same serves to accent The base of all signs shall be landscaped with plantings. The landscaped area shall at a minimum equal the square footage of the sign face (per 17:6.09 of the Zoning Ordinance). All other aspects of signage shall be in keeping with the requirements of the Sign Ordinance of the City of Muskego. G. Lighting shall be down cast, cutoff, high pressure sodium fixtures not exceeding 15 feet in height (including the light pole base and/or pedestal). Lighting shall be positioned so as not to cause glare on adjacent properties and streets. At a minimum, site lighting marking the entrance to the site 0 . . . . . . . . Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide DRAFT October 17, 2000 Pane 5 H. Cross access to and between neighboring properties shall be implemented wherever possible. The goal in this requirement is to remove as much incidental, site to site traffic from public thoroughfares thus reducing the possibility of traffic conflicts and accidents. Cross access drives may be either the interconnection of parking lots or the construction of a separate drive. In either case, the minimum drive isle width should be no less than 24 feet. When considering provision for cross access, the Plan Commission may allow decreased side and rear yard offsets for parking and drive areas but only if such decreases are a result of the provision of cross access. the driving factor in the design of the facility. Corporate identity shall be apparent yet reserved in I. Corporate identity shall not be prohibited yet the Plan Commission shali not recognize same as document. its display. The driving factor in the design of any facility shall be the criteria as expressed in this ISECTION 4 ILLUSTRATIONS 4.01 APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT Appendix 2 of this document includes photographs which the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development and the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego have found to illustrate good and appropriate design, applicable to the Racine Avenue Gateway area. ISECTION 5 COMPLIANCE 5.01 IN PERPETUITY Per 17:6.11 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance, Compliance in Perpetuity is required in that, shall be perpetually binding upon the development to the extent that: all buildings and "Any Building, Site and Operational Plan granted through the authority of this Section structures shall be maintained in a tasteful, safe and appropriate manner; all landscaping shall be periodically groomed and/or replaced when necessary; a// drive, parking and pedestrian areas shall be kept in a safe and passable condition. All repairs and maintenance shall be executed in a timely manner" APPENDIX 2. Matching Building and Sign Components " With Residential Features I ! "" .- I 4 r