CCR2000229COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #229-2000 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP De Back WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on October 27,2000 to finalize a four-parcel land division of the De Back property located on Muskego Dam Road in the SW % of Section 32; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission amended and adopted Resolution #P.C. 204-2000 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a four-parcel land division of the DeBack property located on Muskego Dam Road in the SW % of Section 32 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 204-2000 as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and approval of the City Engineer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a DXF or DGN file of this CSM be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the certified survey map (3 %” diskette). DATED THIS 14th DAY OF November ,2000 SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #229-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. aeanJ/<. 3^/7*L Cl&-Treasurer 1012000jmb U AMENDED AND APPROVED RESOLUTION #P.C. 201-2000 a APPROVAL OF A TWO (2) LOT CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP FOR THE STEINHOUSE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NW % NE %AND SE % OF SECTION 34 ( TAX KEY NO. 2296.998) WHEREAS, A Certified Survey Map was submitted by Mr George Steinhouse for a two (2) lot land division of a property located in the NW % , NE %, and SE % of Section 34 (Tax Key No. 2296.998), and WHEREAS, The proposed land division would create lots with a minimum area of 25 acres, and a minimum average width exceeding 1,000 feet, and WHEREAS, Said property EA Exclusive Agriculture District and parcels appear to meet minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The Comprehensive Plan depicts this area as being set aside for rural land uses, and this proposal is within this goal, and WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by private sewer and water facilities, and WHEREAS, Wetlands exist on the property and have been field delineated by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, A pond exists on Parcel 2 and its elevations must be recorded on the CSM, and WHEREAS, All rights of way required by the 2010 Street System Plan are properly dedicated. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve of a Certified Survey Map creating a two (2) lot land division of the Steinhouse property in the NW X NE % and SE %of Section 34. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital ‘.DXF file, ’.DGN file, or ‘.DWG file of this Certified Survey Map be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the CSM (3-1/2” diskette) and all information transmitted on the diskettes shall be tied to and referenced to State Plane Coordinates NGVD 1929 or others approved by the City Engineer a Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: November 7,2000 0 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: November 7,2000 ATTEST Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary $Lhd4LLJ L2L7.5- CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. "" PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4. THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 34. TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN LOc/ilIO (NOT TO SCALE) N MAP 0 200 400 BOO _. &INDlCdlES 1.~24' IRON PIPE WEIGHING 1.13 LBS PER LINEAL FOOT I ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH OF THE WISCONSIN SlAlE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM ZONE. WHEREIN THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 SECTION 34-5-20 WAS TAUEN 10 BEAR N 01'05'28" E THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY NORBERT F. STACHOWSKI. S-1480 SHEET I OF 5 I THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAPTED BY NORBERT F~ STACHOWSKI, S-1480 SHEET 2 OF 5 I COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #229-2000 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP De Back WHEREAS, A certified survey map was submitted on October 27, 2000 to finalize a four-parcel land division of the De Back property located on Muskego Dam Road in the SW X of Section 32; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission amended and adopted Resolution #P.C. 204-2000 recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a four-parcel land division of the DeBack property located on Muskego Dam Road in the SW X of Section 32 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 204-2000 as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance, any special assessments which may be due, and approval of the City Engineer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a DXF or DGN file of this CSM be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the certified survey map (3 %" diskette). DATED THIS DAY OF ,2000 SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #229-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 10/2000jmb AMENDED AND APPROVED RESOLUTION #P.C. 204-2000 APPROVAL OF A FOUR (4) LOT LAND DIVISION FOR THE DE BACK PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SW % OF SECTION 32 (PART OF TAX KEY NO. 2287.998.004 I MUSKEG0 DAM DRIVE) WHEREAS, On October 27, 2000 a sketch was submitted by Harold DeBack, and revised November 6, 2000, for a four (4) lot sketch land division of the DeBack property located in the SW % of Section 32, (Part of Tax Key No. 2287.998.004), and WHEREAS, The proposed land division would create two residential lots with a minimum area of approximately four acres and an average minimum width of 220 feet, and two outlots which can not support on-site sanitary systems under current rules and regulations, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned Rs-2 Suburban Residence District, requiring a un-sewered parcels to have a minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 220 feet, and parcels meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area as being set aside for medium density residential development and this proposal is within this goal, and i 0 WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by private sewer and water facilities, and the approved location for on-site systems are illustrated on the CSM. WHEREAS, Wetlands exist on the parcel, and their locations have been field verified and illustrated on the CSM, and I WHEREAS, the lake and stream have been determined to be navigable, and require public access pursuant to Section 18.40(l)(f) and Wisconsin Statutes 236.16(3), and such access is illustrated on the CSM, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission's sketch approval pursuant to Resolution #PC 145-2000 required that the residential parcels be deed restricted against future re-divisions, and said restrictions are noted on the CSM. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve of a sketch Certified Survey Map being submitted creating a four (4) lot land division of the DeBack property in the SW of Section 32. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the lake shall become a public body of water for which public access is provided on the Final CSM pursuant to the Land Division Ordinance and Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital DXF file, *.DGN file, or *.DWG file of this Certified Survey Map be submitted to the City prior to City signatures being placed upon the CSM (3-112' diskette) and all information transmitted on the diskettes shall be tied to and referenced to State Plane Coordinates NGVD 1929 or others approved by the City Engineer Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: November 7, 2000 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: November 7, 2000 ATTEST. Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary &&.ii n' d.,~L BEING A PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 AND THE SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 32. T 5 N. R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. IS6 I/4 SEC 32-3-20 I ivoTE a loo' zoo' 300' o-DENOTES I"xZ4" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. - PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT SCA L E:l"=200' CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN PARCELS 1 & 2 ARE DEED RESTRICTED TO NO FURTHER LAND DIVISIONS. I I SOUTH ZONE. 0 56 CORNER SK ere mNc. MOXOIVENT N JIPlSPdO d LIWIIS60 ,/. SK 32--9-20 L" VICINITY SKETCH SCALEI"=2aaa' !.!!LA ?TED L.A.?.?S