CCR2000027COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #27-2000 c RESOLUTION INDICATING SUPPORT FOR THE DIRECTION PROPOSED IN THE WAUKESHA COUNTY BOUNDARY RESTRUCTURING INITIATIVE WHEREAS, the present process of determining municipal boundaries in Wisconsin does not work efficiently and effectively and frequently leads to intergovernmental conflict and litigation; and WHEREAS, several chief elected officials in Waukesha County have proposed a municipal boundary restructuring process designed to bring about stable, permanent local government boundaries together with the efficient provision of appropriate municipal services; and WHEREAS, the proposal is set forth in a document entitled, "Local Government in Waukesha County: A Vision for the New Century," dated November 30, 1999; and WHEREAS, to achieve the vision outlined in the document will require new State legislation and the conduct of a boundary planning and determination process over a two-year period; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego concurs in the vision outlined in the document and desires to work with all parties concerned in achieving that vision in the years ahead. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: m: That the City of Muskego generally agrees with the vision statement relative to the municipal boundary restructuring process set forth in the aforereferenced document. SECOND: That the City of Muskego agrees to work together with its neighboring communities in Waukesha County to refine the proposed boundaryrestructuring process in anticipation of the development of a bill that would serve as the basis for the necessary enabling legislation. THIRD: That the City of Muskego understands that it will have an opportunity early in the year 2000 to review the subject bill and determine whether or not at that time to support the needed legislation. BE IT HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to provide certified copies of this resolution to all members of the Waukesha County legislative delegation, the Waukesha County Clerk, and the Executive Director of the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. e DATED 25TH DAY OF JANUARY ,2000. SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #27-2000 which was adopted by @the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Il2000jep .U