CCR2000012AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #I 2-2000 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL CODE FOR MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NONREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommended approval of an Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other Nonrepresented Employees of the City of Muskego effective January 1, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby adopt the attached Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other Nonrepresented Employees of the City of Muskego, as amended, effective January 1, 1999. DATEDTHIS 25~~~ DAY OF JANUARY , 2000. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 1/11/2000 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #12-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. llOOjmb , e "Corrected 1124i2000 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO NONREPRESENTED PERSONNEL CODE JANUARY 5.2000 ARTICLE 111 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD 3.4 - For new employees covered under 3.01 paid holidays shall be paid during probationary period or any extension thereof and health insurance shall be made available the first of the month following employment. New employees shall be eligible for Wisconsin Retirement Life Insurance six (6) months after the date of hire. New employees already in the Wisconsin Retirement program from a previous job will be eligible the first day of employment. ARTICLE IX - HOLIDAYS 9.1 - Spring Holiday to be celebrated on April 2, 1999, April 21,2000, and April 13,2001. 9.5 - (New) - If an above named holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday. If an above named holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday will be observed as a holiday. The floating holiday shall be taken at a mutually agreed upon time provided, however, that the employee may elect to take eight (8) hours of pay at the regular straight time rate in lieu of such holiday, to be paid with the last paycheck of the year. (Deleted as covered under 3.04 "The floating holiday may not be taken until after the completion of the probationary period"). ARTICLE X - OVERTIME 10.1 - Remove "Accountant" from exemptions for overtime and add Recreation Supervisors. Add: Time without pay is not counted as hours worked for the purpose of computation of overtime. 10.2 - If an hourly employee, or a non-exempt salaried employee desires to take compensatory time off in lieu of pay for overtime worked, such compensatory time off, on the same basis as pay, may be granted. Compensatory time may be earned and used during the same pay period contingent upon the balance not exceeding sixty (60) hours at the end of each pay period. "10.04 - Strike as Supervisor and Parks maintenance personnel are all non-exempt and are Daid hourlv. RTICLE XI1 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE 12.5 (Add) - Leave of absence requests made under the Family Medical Leave Act will be in accordance with all federal and state guidelines. ARTICLE Xlll - JURY DUTY AND WITNESS SERVICE AND MILITARY SUMMER CAMP 13.1 Delete City Clerk and replace with Finance Director ARTICLE XIV -WORKER'S COMPENSATION 14.02 -Any employee who is absent due to injury or illness caused during the course of hislher duties and is eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for temporary-partial or temporary- total disability, shall suffer no loss of compensation during such period of absence. Nonrepresented employees shall receive hislher full regular pay from the employer and shall endorse any Worker's Compensation checks for temporary partial or temporary total disability. The employee shall provide copies of check stubs to the Finance Director. The amount of the check will be deducted from the employee's next paycheck. SECTION XV - SICK LEAVE 15.8 - D. Submit a medical certificate for any absence of more than four (4) consecutive working days certifying as to inability to work to your Supervisor, as well as permission to return to work. If there are any work restrictions imposed, they must be clearly specified at that time. 15.10 (Second paragraph) - Change 120 days to 960 hours and 90 days to 720 hours. *'SECTION XVI - INSURANCE 17 1 - Add - Part-time employees working morelhan-twenty (20) hours or more per week I shall be offered insurance, and will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis to be deducted from the employee's paycheck. LONGEVITY - In addition to the base rates listed in Appendix A, the City agrees to provide the following longevity payment: After five (5) years of continuous service - $lO.OO/month After ten (10) years of continuous service - $15.00/month After fifteen (1 5) years of continuous service - $20.00/month After twenty (20) years of continuous service - $25.00/month MISCELLANEOUS The Superintendent of Public Works, Assistant Superintendent of ublic Works, *'Public Works Foremen, Superintendent of Utilities, and Utilities Foreman shall receive work clothing and Shoe Reimbursement up to $300.00 annually. I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #12-2000 /' APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL CODE FOR MANAGEMENT AND OTHER NONREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommended approval of an Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other Nonrepresented Employees of the City of Muskego effective January 1, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby adopt the attached Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other Nonrepresented Employees of the City of Muskego effective January 1, 1999. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2000. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMIlTEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine Deferred 1/11/2000 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #12-2000 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 1/00jmb PROPOSEDAMENDMENTSTONONREPRESENTED PERSONNEL CODE JANUARY 5.2000 I ARTICLE 111 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD 3.4 - For new employees covered under 3.01 paid holidays shall be paid during probationary period or any extension thereof and health insurance shall be made available the first of the month following employment. New employees shall be eligible for Wisconsin Retirement Life Insurance six (6) months after the date of hire. New employees already in the Wisconsin Retirement program from a previous job will be eligible the first day of employment. ARTICLE IX - HOLIDAYS 9.1 - Spring Holiday to be celebrated on April 2, 1999, April 21, 2000, and April 13, 2001. 9.5 - (New) - If an above named holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday. If an above named holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday will be observed as a holiday. The floating holiday shall be taken at a mutually agreed upon time provided, however, that the employee may elect to take eight (8) hours of pay at the regular straight time rate in lieu of such holiday, to be paid with the last paycheck of the year. The floating holiday may not be taken until after the completion of the probationary period. ARTICLE X - OVERTIME 10.1 - Remove "Accountant" from exemptions for overtime and add Recreation Supervisors. Add: Time without pay is not counted as hours worked for the purpose of I computation of overtime. I 10.2 - If an hourly employee, or a non-exempt salaried employee desires to take I compensatory time off in lieu of pay for overtime worked, such compensatory time off, on the same basis as pay, may be granted. Compensatory time may be earned and used during the same pay period contingent upon the balance not exceeding sixty (60) hours at the end of each pay period. ARTICLE XI1 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE I 12.5 (Add) - Leave of absence requests made under the Family Medical Leave Act will be in accordance with all federal and state guidelines. ARTICLE Xlll -JURY DUTY AND WITNESS SERVICE AND MILITARY SUMMER CAMP 13.1 Delete City Clerk and replace with Finance Director ARTICLE XIV -WORKER'S COMPENSATION 14.02 - Any employee who is absent due to injury or illness caused during the course of hislher duties and is eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for temporary-partial or temporary- total disability, shall suffer no loss of compensation during such period of absence. Nonrepresented employees shall receive hislher full regular pay from the employer and shall endorse any Worker's Compensation checks for temporary partial or temporary total disability. The employee shall provide copies of check stubs to the Finance Director. The amount of the check will be deducted from the employee's next paycheck. SECTION XV - SICK LEAVE 15.8 - D. Submit a medical certificate for any absence of more than four (4) consecutive working days certifying as to inability to work to your Supervisor, as well as permission to return to work. If there are any work restrictions imposed, they must be clearly specified at that time. 15.10 (Second paragraph) - Change 120 days to 960 hours and 90 days to 720 hours. SECTION XVI - INSURANCE 17 1 -Add - Part-time employees working more than twenty (20) hours per week shall be offered insurance, and will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis to be deducted from the employee's paycheck. LONGEVITY - In addition to the base rates listed in Appendix A, the City agrees to provide the following longevity payment: After five (5) years of continuous service - $IO.OO/month After ten (1 0) years of continuous service - $1 5.001month After fifteen (1 5) years of continuous service - $20.00/month After twenty (20) years of continuous service - $25.00/month MISCELLANEOUS The superintendent of Public Works, Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, Assistant Foremen, Superintendent of Utilities, and Utilities Foremen shall receive work clothing and Shoe Reimbursement up to $300.00 annually.