CCR1999180COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #180-99 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY HALLLIBRARY UNIT OF LOCAL 2414 AFSCME AND THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 JANUARY 1,1999 -DECEMBER 31,2001 WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the City HallLibrary Unit of Local 2414 AFSCME. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Negotiating Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to execute the attached settlement agreement between the City HalllLibrary Unit of Local 2414 AFSCME and the City of Muskego for the period January 1, 1999 through December 3 1,2001. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute the 1999 - 2001 labor agreement. DATED THIS 26th DAY OF October , 1999. SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #180-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 10/99jmb SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MUSKEG0 and MUSKEG0 AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 2414 October 26,1999 The parties have agreed to amend the collective bargaining agreement as follows: 1, Section 3.01: Change to: "Newly hired employees are probationary employees for the first ninety (90) days that they work; job posting hires are probationary employees for the first sixty (60) calendar days that they work. An additional ninety (90) days extension of the probationary period may be allowed if requested by the City after conference with the Union. Holidays and days in which the employee actually works one-half (%) hidher regularly scheduled shift and continuous overtime worked that is equivalent of an eight (8) hour day shall count as days worked for the purpose of this clause." 2. Section 3.02: Change to: "Continued employment beyond the satisfactory completion of the probation period shall be evidence of satisfactory completion of probation and such employee at that time shall be eligible for all accrued benefits, retroactive to the date of employment except as provided in Section 3.04." 3. Section 3.04: Change to: "New employees shall be eligible for hospital and surgical and life insurance programs on the first day of the month following the start of employment if employment begins before the fifteenth (15th) of the month. If employment begins after the fifteenth (15th) of the month, eligibility will begin with the first day of the subsequent month. New employees shall be eligible for paid holidays after one (1) month of employment." 4. Section 5.01: Change to: "The wages and work rules are set forth in Appendix "A" and shall be effective as set forth herein." [See attached new rates (Exhibit "A").] 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10 11, Section 5.03: Delete this section Section 6.01: Change to: "Employees shall be paid bi-weekly and on an hourly basis for each bi-weekly pay period. The City shall pay each employee on Thursday for work performed through the previous Saturday." Section 6.04: Change to: "The City will make a payroll deduction to any employee's deferred compensation plan (457) when the employee elects to have the deduction made." Section 9.01: Add new spring holidays of 4/2/99,4/21/00, and 4/13/01. Change to: "The floating holiday shall be taken at a mutually agreed upon time provided, however, that the employee may elect to take eight (8) hours of pay at the regular straight-time rate in lieu of such holiday, to be paid with the last paycheck of the year The floating holiday may not be taken until after the completion of the probationary period." Section 9.04: Add: "If an above-named holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday." Section 9.05: Change to: "For AFSCME employees in the Clerk-Treasurer Department, Finance Department, and the two Floating Secretaries, delete New Year's Eve Day Holiday and add One Floating Holiday for the purpose of Tax Collection." Delete Letter of Understanding since it will be incorporated into the contract here Section 10.01: Change to: "Time and one-half (1 %) shall be paid for all hours worked over forty (40) hours per week or in excess of eight (8) hours per day. Unpaid time off is not counted as hours worked for the purposes of computation of overtime." 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 Section 10.03: Add: "No overtime work shall be performed without the approval of the department head. Employees shall be required to work a reasonable amount of overtime when requested by their department head. Provided, however, that except as necessary to cover recording secretarial duties of the standing committees, mandated overtime will not exceed sixteen (16) hours per calendar year for each employee. This limitation shall not preclude the City from offering, and from an employee from accepting, overtime on a voluntary basis subject to Section 10.03." Section 11.02: Change to read: Immediate family is described as husband, wife, children, step-children, parents, grandparents, step-parents, grandchildren, brothers, step-brothers, sisters and step-sisters of the employee or hisiher spouse, as well as individuals for whom you are primary care- giver. Create Section 12.05: "Leave of absence requests made under the Family Medical Leave Act will be in accordance of all federal and state guidelines." Chanpe Section 13.01: Change to: Delete City Clerk and replace with Finance Director Change Section 14.02 to Section 14.03: Change to: "Any employee who is absent due to injury or illness caused during the course of hisher duties and is eligible for worker's compensation payments for temporary partial or temporary total disability, shall suffer no loss of compensation during such period of absence up to a maximum of one (1) year. The employee shall receive hisiher full regular pay from the Employer and shall endorse any worker's compensation checks for temporary partial or temporary total disability. The employee shall provide copies of the check stubs to the Finance Director The amount of the check will be deducted from the employee's next paycheck. For purposes of this Section only, employees shall be considered as eligible for worker's compensation payments for temporary partial or temporary total disability !?om the first day of any disability, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 102.43, Wis. Stats. During the period of such differential pay, there shall be no deductions from the employee's earned sick leave or vacation credit." Section 15.01: Change "1% days" to "ten (IO) hours." 3 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. Add: "Part-time employees earn and shall be granted sick leave at a rate proportional to the amount of time worked per pay period as compared to an eighty (80) hour schedule." Section 15.02: Add: A. "An employee must apply for a leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act if additional time needs to be taken." B. "Sick leave shall be granted to those employees who are unable to report to work due to personal illness or injury or exposure to contagious disease." "Up to three (3) sick days per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an injury or illness to a family member, Family member shall be as defined in Section 11.02." Section 15.08d: Add: " ,and permission to return to work. If there are any work restrictions imposed, they must be clearly specified at that time." Section 15.09: Change to: "At least once monthly the Finance Director shall advise all department heads of the amount of sick leave balance each of their employees have in their accounts. Employees will report sick time used on their bi-weekly timesheets." Section 15.10: Change "120 days" to "960 hours" and "90 days" to "720 hours." Section 16.1: "Vacations for full-time employees shall be accrued as set forth below; part-time employees shall receive vacation on a prorated basis. During first year of employment - two (2) weeks of paid vacation. No employee shall accrue any vacation until after six months of employment; provided, however, that once an employee shall accrue six months of seniority, he shall earn vacation as per Section 16.09. Beginning with fifth year of employment - accrual of three (3) weeks of paid vacation. Beginning with the sixth anniversary date of employment, accrual of one (1) additional day of vacation shall be earned per year up to a maximum of four (4) weeks. 4 Beginning with twenty (20) years of employment - accrual of five (5) weeks of paid vacation. On any anniversary date, this accrued vacation bank mot exceed that year's total accrual amount. 23. Section 17.02: Remove: "Employees who receive the annuity payment in lieu of insurance will have their payments reduced by an identical amount." 24. Section 17.03: Delete: "During the initial six (6) month waiting period, beginning on January 1, 1997, the City shall maintain the current life insurance program, at the level of coverage agreed upon in the 1993-95 Contract, so that there is no gap in coverage for employees hired on or before 12/31/96.'' Remove Letter of Understanding reference as it is incorporated into the Agreement 25. Section 17.07: Change "City Clerk" to Clerk-Treasurer.'' 26. Section 17.10: The City shall make available long-term disability insurance at the employee's expense 27 Section 18.04: Change to: "At the execution of the contract, the Employer shall provide each employee of the bargaining unit one copy of this Agreement. One copy shall also be given to the Union. A diskette of the Agreement shall also be given to the Union." 28. Section 19.01: Part B: Add "sexual orientation." Part C: Change "Sixty (60) days" to "Ninety (90) days." Part F: Correct the misspelled work "judgments." 29. Section 25.01: Add: 5 " upon successful completion of the course. Employees shall obtain approval of their department head before the beginning of the course." 30. Section 28.01: Add "sexual orientation" to the list 3 1. Salarv Schedule: Add: "Note: It is understood that red circled employees will receive those raises agreed upon by the parties during the term of this agreement. However, it is hrther agreed that thereafter red circled rates will remain frozen until such time as the contractual rate catches up." "m: For employees red circled in the current salary schedule, the terms "present salary" in 20.08A and "same step" in 20.08C shall be considered to be the employee's red circle rate." 32. LONGEVITY: In addition to the base rates agreed upon, the City agrees to provide the following longevity payment: After five (5) years of continuous service - $IO.OO/month After ten (IO) years of continuous service - $15.00/month After fifteen (15) years of continuous service - $20.00/month After twenty (20) years of continuous service - $25.00/month 6 LIB LIB LIB LIB UB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB ASSR CLK P&R FIN PLNG PUPW BLDG FIN FIN a E CLK BLDG FIN CLK BLDG CLR LC-, Charlmc Gcnzcl Jane Linda Brown Schmid. Donna Halle, Penny Eisenbergcr. Mqot Hallfeldcr. Judith Wojcicshowrlti Elaine House. Paula Wcbcr, Mary Danuwn, Sonia Lobe, Nancy Weis, Christine Schweimr, Cindy Lucll sally Asti. Sandi Dunahec, Stella Zaremba. Jean Kowalik. Renee Schroedcr, Susan Gulbins. Lyn Ball Christina Chavie. Kim Warhanek Camlym Puyl Judith Smck. Jcanne Zudogi Janis H" Jan Bukowki. Sally Wiedenkcller. Judith Librarian 111 Librarian 111 -Circulation Librarian II -Tech. Svcr. Librarian II - Tech. Svcs. Librarian I ~ Public Services Librarian I - Inlcr-Library Loan Library Clerk Library Clcrk Library Clerk Library Aidc Library Aide Library Pagc Library Pagc Assessment Technician Senior Fiscal Assistant Parks & Recreation Secretary II Sewer Utility Clerk Planning Secretary II PWNtilitics Secretary I Building Secretar). I Assistant Bmkkecper II UlilitylRefusc Recycling Clerk Floating Secretary Roating sosrclary Building Clerk Voter RcgirtratiodClcrk Data Enlry clerk Reccptionis~ypirl II Filing Clerk ckric.l& mce spc Arrirtanl Boakliceper I $14.88 468 CBT $13.93 468 CBT $12.34 431 CBT $12.34 431 CBT SI I .4l 353 C&T $10.71 301 CBT $8.67 226 CBT $8.67 226 CBT $1.48 226 CBT $5.93 171 CBT $5.93 171 CBT $6.85 122 CBT $5.33 122 CBT $13.27 310 UT S12.91 286 CAT $12.78 277 CBT SI I .82 277 CBT S12.34 277 CBT SI I .82 270 CBT $12.78 270 CBT $11.41 225 CAT $11.41 218 CBT $11.01 218 CBT SI101 218 CBT $11.41 215 CBT $10.71 200 CBrT 511.41 178 C&T $8.67 166 GQT 511.41 166 C&T $6.85 165 CBT I5 14 I5 14 12 II IO IO !O 8 6 8 6 15 I4 14 14 I4 13 13 II IO IO 10 IO 9 8 7 7 7 $15.94 $15.31 $13.83 $13.83 $12.46 $11.65 59.98 $9.98 $9.18 $7.58 $7.58 $7.71 $6.69 $14.87 $14.21 $14.12 513.48 $13.83 $13.09 S12.I2 $13.73 $1 I .80 $11.54 $11.54 $11.80 $11.04 511.64 S9. 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PAY IWNC START 6 MO. I1 MO. 18MO. 14MO. 36MO. LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB ASSR CLK P& R PLNG FM PUPW FM BLDG ADM FM CLK e EW BLDG CLK CLK PLNG Clerical & OlXce SPG Librarian 111 Libranan II Libranan I - Public Services Libranan I . Inter-Llbrary Loan Library Clerk Library Aide Libraly Page Assessment Technician Senior Fiscal Assistant Parks & Recreation Secrctary II Sewer Utility Clerk Plannmg Secretary I1 PWNlilities Secretary I Assistant Bookkeeper II Building Secretary I Utilityiaefuse Recycling Clerk Floating Secretary Voter RegislratiodClerk Building Clerk Assistant Bookkeeper I Data Entry clerk Receptionisflypis! II Filingclerk Draftsperson 468 CAT 431 CBT 353 C&T 301 C&T 226 C&T 171 C&T I22 C&T 286 C&T 310 C&T 277 C&T 277 C&T 277 C&T 270 C&T 270 C&T 225 C&T 218 C&T 218 C&T 200 C&T 215 C&T 166 C&T I78 C&T 166 C&T 165 CBT Ill C&T I5 14 12 II 10 6 8 I5 14 14 14 14 13 13 II IO IO IO 9 7 8 7 7 2 $1343 612.49 $10.81 $10.06 $9.36 68. 10 $7.01 613.43 $12.49 $12.49 612.49 612.49 611.62 61 1.62 61006 69.36 $9.36 S9.36 68.70 $8.10 $7.53 $7.53 $7.53 $5.25 Page 1 $14.27 $13.28 $I I .49 $10.69 $9.94 68.60 67.44 $14.27 613.28 613.28 613.28 613.28 612.35 $12 35 $10.69 69.94 $9.94 69.94 69.25 68.60 68.00 $8.00 $8.00 $5.57 SI5 II $14 Oh $12.lG SI1.31 610.53 69. 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MP Clrricnl Kc Ollice SPC LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB LIB ASSR CLK P&R PLNG FIN PUPW BLDG FIN FIN CLK ADM BLDG FIN CLK BLDG CLK Librarian 111 Librarian II Librarian I - Public Sewices Librarian I - Inter-Library Loan Library Clerk Library Page Library Aide Assesnmcnt Technician Senior Fiscal Assistant Planning Secretary II Parks & Recreation Secretary II Sewer Utility Clerk PWiUtilitier Secretary 1 Building Secretary I Assistant Bmkkccpcr II UlilitylRcfuse Recycling Clerk Floating Secretary Voter RegistratiodClcrk Building Clerk Assistant Bookkqxr I Data Entry clerk Filing Clerk Receptionisflypist II DdtSpcEO" 468 CBT 431 CBT 353 C&T 301 C&T 226 CBT 171 CBT 122 CdtT 310 CBT 286 C&T 277 CBT 277 C&T 277 C&T 270 CBT 270 C&T 225 C&T 218 C&T 21 8 C&T 215 C&T 200 C&T I78 C&T 166 C&T 166 CBT 165 CBT I I I C&T I5 14 12 II 10 8 6 15 14 14 14 13 14 13 I1 IO 10 10 9 8 7 7 7 2 $1377 $12.81 $1 I .08 $10.31 69.59 S8.30 $7.18 $13 77 612.81 $12.81 612.81 $12.81 S11.91 $11.91 $10.31 $9.59 69.59 69 59 68.92 $8.30 67.72 $7.72 $7.12 $5.38 $14.63 613.61 $11.77 $10.95 610.19 $7.63 68.82 $14.63 $13.61 $13.61 613.61 61361 $12.66 $10.95 612.66 $10.19 $10.19 $10.19 69.48 68.82 68.20 S8.20 68.20 $5.71 S15.49 $14.41 $12.47 611.60 $10.79 $9.34 $8.08 615.49 614.41 $14.41 Sl4.41 $14.41 $13.40 $13.40 61 I .60 $ 10.79 610.79 610.79 610.04 $9.34 $8.68 $8.68 $8.68 $6.05 $16.35 $15.21 613.16 $12.24 $1 I .39 $8.53 $9.85 $16.35 $15.21 $15.21 $15.21 615.21 614 I5 614 IS 612.24 $I 1.19 SI 1.39 $1 1.39 610.59 $9.85 $9.17 $9.17 69 17 66.39 $17.21 616.01 613.85 $12.89 611.99 S10.37 $8.98 $17.21 516.01 616.01 616.01 616.01 614.89 S14.89 $12.89 $I I .99 $I 1.99 $1 I .99 $11.15 $10.37 69.65 69.65 69.65 66.72 $ 18.07 614.55 $16.81 $13.53 $12.59 S 10.89 $9.42 $18.07 616.81 616.81 616.81 616.81 SI 5.64 $13.53 $15.64 $12.59 $12.59 $12.59 $11.71 $10.89 $lO.l3 610.13 610.13 67.06 Page 2