CCR1999168COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #168-99 AMENDMENT TO DEPOSIT AND FORFEITURE SCHEDULE BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego. in accordance with Chapter 1.06(3)(c) of the Municipal Code, and review by the Finance Committee and Municipal Judge, does hereby approve the following amendment to the Deposit and Forfeiture Schedule: Add : CHAPTER 9 ORDERLY CONDUCT 943.017(1) GRAFFITI CHAPTER 13 REGULATION OF ANIMALS 13.03 WILD ANIMALS PROHIBITED Amend: CHAPTER 7 TRAFFIC CODE 7.04(1) PARKING IN FIRE LANE $300 $200 $30 CHAPTER 9 ORDERLY CONDUCT 9.26(4) POSSESSION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS BY STUDENTS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY Over 17 $ 50 Under 17 $ 25 9.26(5) USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY Over 17 $ 50 Under 17 $ 25 Delete second and third offenses for the following sections as they cannot be prosecuted in municipal court: 9.961.573 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 9.961.574 MANUFACTURE OR DELIVERY OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 9.961.575 DELIVERY OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA Reso. #168-99 CHAPTER 12 LICENSES AND PERMITS Rescind all municipal fines for 12.01 and adopt State fines as follows: 12.125.07(4)(a) 12.125.07(4)(b) 12.125.085(3)(b) 12.125.09(2) UNDERAGE ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS Procures or Attempts to Procure under 17 years of age I*' violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3rd violation within 1 year Procures or Attempts to Procure 17-20 years of age 1" violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3rd violation within 1 year 4'h and subsequent violation within 1 year UNDERAGE ALCOHOL VIOLATION Possesses or Consumes under 17 years of age 1'' violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3rd and subsequent violation within 1 year Possesses or Consumes 17-20 years of age 1" violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3d violation within 1 year 4'h and subsequent violation within 1 year Identification Card Violation under 17 years of age 1" violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3rd and subsequent violation within 1 year Identification Card Violation 17 - 20 years of age 1 st violation 2 vlolation within 1 year 3rd violation within 1 year 4th and subsequent violation within 1 year nd . nd . nd . nd . nd . nd . School Related Possession of Alcoholic Beverages $250 $300 $500 $250 $300 $500 $750 $ 30 $ 60 $1 00 $1 00 $200 $300 $500 $ 30 $ 60 $1 00 $300 $300 $300 $300 Reso. #168-99 under 17 years of age I St violation $ 30 2 vlolation within 1 year $ 60 3rd and subsequent violation within 1 year $1 00 School Related Possession of Alcoholic Beverages 17 - 20 years of age 1'' violation $1 00 2 vlolation within 1 year $200 3rd violation within 1 year $300 4Ih and subsequent violation within 1 year $500 nd . nd , CHAPTER 24 SNOWMOBILE AND ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 24.350.12(1) OPERATE SNOWMOBILE WITHOUT VALID REGISTRATION $ 30 24.23.33(2) ATV REGISTRATION $ 30 DATED THIS 12th DAY OF October , 1999. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITEE Ald. Mark Slocomb Ald. David Sanders Ald. Nancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #168-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 10199jmb