CCR1999131COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #131-99 RESOLUTION AS TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT TO TERMINATE THEIR INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 20,1990 BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the Agreement between the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ta Terminate Their Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Dated December 20, 1990, as attached and made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF JULY , 1999 SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #131-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. QuLVu K. wln,A- 7/99jmb AGREEMENT BETWEEN~THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND THE MJLWAUKEE METROPOLlTAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT TO TERMINATE THEIR INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 20,1990 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego and Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District entered into an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement on December 20, 1990, which provided for capital contributions by the City of Muskego for capacity in the sanitary sewerage system of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Seweragc District; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement was amended April 26, 1996 to provide more capacity for the City of Muskego in exchange for an increased capital contribution by the City of Muskego and a deposit of $930,000 with the District toward the utilization of increased storage capacity; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District have been engaged in negotiations over amounts the Disbict claims are due from the City of Muskego under the terms of Intergovemmental Cooperation Agreement and the amendment thereof and over additional capacity to which the City of Muskego claims it is entitled; and WHEREAS, the parties have reached an agreement on the amounts claimed by the District and the capacity needs of the City of Muskego, which agreement negates the need to continue the 1990 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement and the amendments thereto: NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Muskego and the Milwaukee Me&opolitaa Sewerage District hereby agree as follows: 1. The City of Muskego and the District mutually agree that the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement of December 20, 1990, and amendments thereto, is terminated and such agreements shall cease to govern their relationship. 2. The District agrees that the City of Muskego may avail itself of the capacity of the District sewerage system to provide sanitary sewerage service to those areas of the City of Muskego within the District’s sanitary sewerage service area on the same terms and subject to the same policies, practices, rules and regulations as other municipalities outside the District receive sanitary sewerage service fiom the District. The sanitary sewerage service area as of August Is, 1999, is =described in the metes and bounds legal description and man marked m Exhibits_ 1 ani?! resoectively, which i4 attached hereto and made a part hereof bv this reference. 3. The Diseict agrees that capital charges to the City of Muskego for the year 1999 and thereafter shall reflect capital charges for flood or watercourse work located within the District on the same basis as those capital charges are billed to other municipalities outside the District which receive sanitary sewerqe service from the District. 4. The tax rate applicable to 1999 capital charges wili be determined by the District based upon a District rate of $1.69927 per $1000 of equalized evaluation, reduced by a rate credit for capital charges for flood or watercourse work on the same basis as rate credits for capital charges are billed to other municipalities outside the District which receive sanitary sewerage service from the District. The amount of rate credit for capital charges for flood or watercourse work is based upon amounts budgeted for that work. The Dishict will issue an additional charge or credit on the capital charges for the year 2001 after the actual flood or watercourse expenditures for 1999 are determined. The District will use the same equalized values in calculating this additional charge or credit as were used in calculating the 1999 capital charges. 5. The City of Muskego agrees to the following payment principles to address the transition in capital charge methodologies between the 1990 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement and the present arrangement: A} The City of Muskego agrees that the payment made to the District on May 1,1999 in the amount of $927,576.61 is hereby acknowledged by the District and shall be applied to the City's obligation to the District in the. following manner: i)$716,126.19aspaymentinfullfortheExhibit lorefund calculation contained in the 1990 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement, with interest as calculated by the District in its invoice to the City dated March 29, 1999; ii) $13,240.42, to resolve any claim by the District for unpaid 1998 capital charges, including interest thereon; and iii) $198,2 10.00 as a deposit toward 1999 capital charges; .AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ClTY OF MUSKEG0 AND 'IHE MnWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICX AGReEMEPFT DATED DECEMBER 10,1990 TO TERMINATE TREIR INTBRGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATTON Pqe 2 of 4 B) The City of Muskego agrees to pay the remainder of the 1999 capital charges by no later than September 1, 1999, with interest calculated ifom May 1, 1999, at the simple interest rate of 4.630562 %, which is the interest rate earned for the month of April, 1999 on sums on deposit with the state Local Government Lnvestment Pool; and C) The City of Muskego agrees to pay capital charges for the year 2000 no later than April 1,2000, and shall make annual payments of the total capital charges due no later than every April 1 thereafter. 6. The City of Muskego agrees to pay 1999 Operations and Maintenance charges of the Dismct as previously calculated, without adjustment for operations and maintenance charges related to flood or watercourse work within the Distict to which the City of Muskego might have been eligible under the terms of the decision in Investigation of Complaint Concerning the Rates and Practices of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Public Service Commission Docket No. 9308-SR-102. 7. Commencing with Operations and Maintenance charges for the year 2000, the Disrrjct agrees that its charges to the City of Muskego will reflect adjustments for flood or watercourse work consistent with terms of the decision in Investigation of Complaint Concerning the Rates and Practices of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, S-. 8. The parties mutually agree that capital charges and operations and maintenance charges for the year 2000 and beyond are to be governed by applicable statutes, decisions of the Public Senice Commission, and Dishct Rules and Regulations. 9. The District shall keep as its own the $930,000 on deposit for increased storage capacity. 10. The City of Muskego has identified the presently planned expansion of the current Emerald Park Landfill as an areas the City desires to have added to Muskego’s sanitary sewerage service area at this time. The Dismct agrees to a one-time addition to Muskego’s sanitary sewerage senice area to accommodate Muskego’s desire to add this areas to the Muskego sanitary sewerage service area, it being the AGRERMENT BETWEEN THE ClTY OF MUSKEG0 AMI THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT AGREEMm DATED DECEMBER 20.1990 TO TERMINATE THEIR INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Page 3 of 4 parties understanding that the referenced landfill expansion area is to be added to the service area immediately as a whole, and not as the landfill is actually used. 0 11. The City of Muskego agrees to continue to administratively process and be responsible for collection of bills for the Operations and Maintenance charges and capital cost charges for the Lmie Lac Disbict of the City of New Berlin. Executed this - day of July 1999, Executed this - day of July 1999 pursuant to Resolution No. pursuant to Commission Resolution adopted on the - day of July 1999 dated the __ day of July 1999. by the City of Muskego Common Council. Title: Title: THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICI ACREEMENT BETWEEN T8E CITY OF MUSKEGO AND TO TRRMINATE THETRINTERG(IVeRNMENTALCO0PERlrTlON AQXERMENT DATED DECEMBER 20, i99n ~ Page 4 of 4