CCR1999130-1 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #130-99 RESOLUTION ADOPTING MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN (MEOP) WHEREAS, Chapter 6, Section 6.01 of the Municipal Code requires the adoption of a Municipal Emergency Operations Plan (MEOP) by Resolution of the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby adopt the Municipal Emergency Operations Plan (MEOP) as attached hereto and made of part hereof. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF JULY, 1999, SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis. Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #130-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/99jmb CITY OF MUSKEG0 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN A. PURPOSE 8 GOALS: This Municipal Emergency Operations Plan (MEOP) has been developed to provide procedures for the government of the City of Muskego to respond to various types of emergencies or disasters that affect the community. It provides a link to procedures that will be used by county government since the City of Muskego is part of the county emergency management program. This municipal plan is to be used in conjunction with the Waukesha County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The municipal plan will be maintained in accordance with current standards of the Waukesha County EOP and in accordance with the municipal government. Review of this municipal plan shall be accomplished concurrently with the county plan. B. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS: Several types of hazards pose a threat to the lives, property or environment in Waukesha County. These hazards are outlined in Waukesha County Hazard Analysis. A copy of this is located in the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Hazard analysis assists in the assessment process in determining the level of risk an emergency poses as well as the level and scope of response necessary. C. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS: Municipal officials have primary responsibility for disasters which take place in the municipality. They will activate the appropriate municipal agencies to deal with the disaster, The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the response of municipal officials and agencies and coordinating the response with county officials if county assistance is necessary. Activation of the MEOP will be the decision of the Police Chief or person in the line of succession if the Police Chief cannot be reached. Whenever necessary during a declared emergency the Mayor or designee may by proclamation promulgate orders, rules and regulations relating to the implementation of the MEOP. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 21,1999 Actions that the municipality and county should consider if this municipal plan is activated. 1 Municipal agencies assess the nature and scope of the emergency or disaster, 2. If the situation can be handled locally, do so using the procedures in this plan, as appropriate: a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. I. I. k. The Emergency Management Coordinator advises the Mayor and coordinates all emergency response actions. Mayor declares a local state of emergency and notifies Waukesha County Emergency Management Director, Forward the local state of emergency declaration to the Waukesha County Emergency Management Office. The Emergency Management Coordinator activates the municipal emergency operations center (MEOC). This facility is located at City Hall. Municipal emergency response officials and agencies respond according to the checklists outlined in the Attachments 1-13. Mayor directs departments and agencies to respond to the situation. Mayor issues directives as to travel restrictions on local roads and recommends protective actions if necessary. Mayor may call an emergency meeting of the Common Council when feasible to provide necessary resolutions for the operation of municipal government as well as implementation of the MEOP. Notify the public of the situation and appropriate actions to take. Keep county officials infotmed of the situation and actions taken. List any other procedures as may be appropriate for your municipality. 3. If municipal resources become exhausted or if special resources are required, request county assistance through the Waukesha County Emergency Management Director 4. If assistance is requested, the Waukesha County Emergency Management Director assesses the situation and makes recommendations. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 27. 1999 ! I 5. The county will do the following (to the extent appropriate): a. Activate the County EOC. b. Implement the County EOP C. Respond with county resources as requested d. Activate mutual aid agreements. e. Coordinate county resources with municipal resources. f. Notify Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government (DEG) Regional Director, g. Forward Uniform Damage Situation Report (UDSR) form. h. Assist municipality with prioritizing and allocating resources 6. If municipal and county resources are exhausted, the County Emergency Management Director can request state assistance through the State DEG. 7 If state assistance is requested, the DEG Administrator in conjunction with the Regional Director, county emergency management director and municipal emergency management coordinator assess the disaster or emergency situation and recommend that personnel, services and equipment be made available for response, mitigation or recovery. 8. After completing the assessment, the DEG Regional Director immediately notifies the State DEG Administrator, 9. The State Administrator of Emergency Government notifies the Governor and makes recommendations. 10. If state assistance is granted, procedures will be followed as stated in the Wisconsin EOP and the County EOP City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 27.1999 D. ORGANIZATION: The City of Muskego’s Municipal Emergency Management Team (MEMT) is comprised of a Core Team as well as elected officials, facilities, essential services, and support services. Please refer to Attachment A as to the organization of the MEMT The Core Team is comprised of the Emergency Management Coordinator, the Mayor, as well as key officials and department heads. The Emergency Management Coordinator is appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council. The Public Information Officer and Communications Officer are appointed by the Mayor The rest of the Core Team is comprised of the Police Chief, Common Council President, City EngineerIBuilding Inspection Director, Fire Chiefs of both Muskego Volunteer Fire Company and Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Departments, Public Works Superintendent, and the Public Utilities Superintendent. The purpose of the Core team is to assess the disaster, organize, and then implement a response to the disaster Refer to Attachment B as to the organization of the Core Team. The Damage Assessment Team collects data for the purpose of assessing damage inflicted upon persons and property within the City. The Damage Assessment Team consists of the Finance Director, City Assessor, City Engineer, Public Works Superintendent, and the Public Utilities Superintendent. Please refer to Attachment C as to the organization of the Damage Assessment Team. Elected officials include members of the Common Council as well as the Waukesha County Supervisors that represent the City. Facilities include any public buildings which would be utilized as needed in response to the emergency. Essential services include all utilities and necessary services provided to the citizens Muskego that are not directly provided to them by the City. Secondary staff, support and services are county and state agencies as well as private sector organizations that are utilized as needed when the plan is implemented. Please refer to Attachment D as to those secondary services. Attachments E, F, G and H all refer to the various phone fan-out lists found in the back of the packet, noting the organizational chain of command that is normally implemented in emergency situations in Muskego. E. RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS: Attachments 1-13 to this plan list the emergency responsibilities of key officials in the City of Muskego. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 27, 1999 F. RESOURCEMANAGEMENT: Additional support from Waukesha County Agencies may include: a. Emergency Medical Services b. Public Health Center c. Human Services d. Medical Examiner Support from these agencies will be obtained by the MEMT with advice from the Waukesha County Emergency Management Coordinator, Mutual Aid Reciprocal Aqreements: Current mutual aid agreements will be fostered and maintained by the Muskego Police Department, the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company, and the Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department. Activation of those agreements will be at the discretion of the Police Chief or his designee as well as the chiefs of the Muskego and Tess Comers fire departments, or their designees. Support from Private AqenciesNolunteer Groups: Support and resources from private agencies and volunteer groups will be utilized as needed by the Emergency Management Core Team. Support from State and Federal Agencies: Information and assistance in securing state or federal support may be obtained by contacting the County Emergency Management Director, Requests for National Guard assistance should be channeled through the County Emergency Management Director to the DEG Regional Director to the DEG Administrator G. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE: The MEOP Development Team is composed of members of the Core Team. The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for soliciting input from members of the Core Team in the development and maintenance of this plan. This Team meets on an as needed basis or as determined by the Mayor, The Team reviews incidents, changes and new information and makes revisions in this plan. This Team also conducts after-action reviews of all exercises and major incidents. City of Muskego MuniciDal Emeweno Ouerations Plan MAYOR KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the responsibilities and tasks of the Mayor and provide a checklist of actions to consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Mayor is responsible for the overall management of the City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions that should be considered in an emergency or disaster situation. MAYOR SHOULD: 1. 2. 3. 04. 5. 6. 7. Ensure that the Police Chief or designated person has activatedlis activating the Emergency Operations Center (MEOC). Report to the MEOC. Ensure that the Emergency Management Coordinator or designated person provide an initial damage assessment and casualty report. Ensure that the Emergency Management Coordinator and city officials brief the MEOC staff as to the status of the disaster. Be ready to issue a declaration of emergency. Ensure the Public Information Officer (PIO) and Communications Officer are notified and reports to the MEOC. In consultation with the Emergency Management Coordinator, determine whether or not county, state or federal assistance should be requested. (Citylcounty resources must be fully committed before state or federal assistance will be available. If assistance is requested, specify the type and amount of assistance needed.) City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the responsibilities and tasks of the City Emergency Management Coordinator and provide a checklist of actions to consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Emergency Management Coordinator coordinates all components of the emergency management program in City of Muskego. This includes hazard analysis, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery activities for all natural and technological disasterlemergencies. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR SHOULD: 1. 2. e. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0 Report to the City MEOC. Ensure that city officials and county emergency management director have been notified, key facilities warned, sirens activated, etc. Activate the City MEOC. Make sure that it is fully operational and that MEOC staff have reportedlare reporting to it. Obtain initial Uniform Disaster Situation Report (UDSR) and other relevant information. Relay this information to the Mayor and to the County Emergency Management Coordinator. Conduct regular briefings of MEOC staff as to the status of the situation. Evaluate available resources, including personnel, by checking with MEOC Staff. If deficiencies exist, take action to obtain the needed resources. Coordinate with the Communications Officer and Public Information Officer as to further alerting and communications to obtain additional resources. Ensure that all departmenffagency heads have begun to keep separate and accurate records of disaster-related expenditures. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan &;;::GENT 3 COMMON COUNCIL PRESIDENT KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the responsibilities and tasks of the Council President and provide a checklist of actions to consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Council President is responsible for providing support to the Mayor and serve as a liaison between the Common Council and the Mayor. The Council President serves the role of the Mayor if the Mayor is unavailable. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions that should be considered in an emergency or disaster situation. COMMON COUNCIL PRESIDENT SHOULD: 1. Ensure that the City Emergency Management Coordinator or designated person has activatedlis activating the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). 2. Report to the MEOC. 3. Assist in alerting other Common Council members as well as Waukesha County Supervisors. e. Serve as liaison between the Common Council and the Mayor. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 27,1999 @ATTACHMENT 4 PRIMARY WARNING: DISPATCH KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department in the municipality responsible for primary warning activities and provides a list of actions this department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The primary warning function is responsible for initial warning of city officials in City of Muskego. The Police Department, located at central dispatch, is responsible for primary warning activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. DISPATCHER SHOULD: 1. 0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0 Warn the following: a. Mayor b. Police Chief c. Emergency Management Coordinator d. County Emergency Management Coordinator Ensure all agencies represented in the MEOC have communications both to their staff at their department offices and their staff at the incident site. Activate public warning system. Develop assignment on how alerts, watches and warnings would be handled prior to a disaster or emergency situation. Establish communications with the county EOC if activated or the county emergency government office. Establish communications with Command Post (CP) if established. Coordinate with the Public Information Officer and Communications Officer for any further alerting, communications, or warnings. City of Muskego MuniciDal Emermncv Ouerations Plan COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department in the municipality responsible for warning and communications activities and provides a list of actions this department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The communications function is responsible for communications in City of Muskego. The Communications Officer is responsible for warning and communications activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER SHOULD: 1. Report to the MEOC when notified. 2. Establish communications with Command Post (CP) if established. a3' their way to the MEOC. Make certain that all members of the Core Team or their backups have been notified are on 4. Coordinate with the Emergency Management Coordinator and other Core Team memben for any further alerting, communications, or warnings. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan dg&lriENT 6 LAW ENFORCEMENT KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to provide a list of action the municipal police department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The municipal police department has mutual aid agreements with the Suburban Mutual Assistance Response Teams. The City of Muskego Police Department is responsible for law enforcement activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. 1. 2. I 3. C' 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. e Activate Emergency Management; notify Dispatcher to activate alerting list. Ensure that all Police Department staff have been notified and that they report as situation directs. Direct the designated law enforcement representative to report to the MEOC. Determine whether to activate SMART agreement. Secure the affected area and perform traffic and crowd control. Participate in warning the public as situation warrants. Determine scope of incident as to immediate casualtiesldestruction and whether the incident has the potential to expand and escalate. Direct officeds) to close off the damage site area and to stop all in-bound traffic. Set up an emergency pass system. Report above information to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Establish a staging area in the municipality; designate a CP; and establish initial command until relieved. If appropriate and if available, dispatch a communications vehicle to the scene of the disaster. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 21, 1999 her responsibilities may include: Enforce curfew restrictions in the affected area. Coordinate the removal of vehicles blocking evacuation or other response activities. As necessary, shelter in-place or evacuate prisoners as may be appropriate from the affected area. Assist the medical examiner with mortuary services. Assist with search and rescue activities. If the County EOC is activated, establish and maintain contact with the person representing law enforcement. Try to anticipate your department's needs for manpower and equipment 24-hours in advance. If additional assistance is needed, utilize mutual aid agreements with other police departments. Municipal Emergency Operations Plan City of Muskego July 27, 1999 I WACHMENT ’ PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department or agency in the municipality responsible for public information activities and provides a list of actions this officer should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Public Information Officer is responsible for public information activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this officer should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO) will function as the sole point of contact for the news media and public officials. 2. Maintain liaison with the MEOC and CP in order to stay abreast of situation. 3. Establish news media briefing room and brief the media at periodic intervals. 4. If the situation escalates and the county EOC is activated, coordinate with the County PI0 to prepare news releases. @5 Conduct press tours of disaster areas within the municipality as the situation stabilizes. 6. Assist the county in establishing a Joint Public Information Center. 7. Assist the county with establishing a Rumor Control Center. 8. Issue protective action recommendations or public service advisories as directed by the Mayor or designee. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan Julv 21.1999 VACHMENT 8 FINANCE DIRECTOR KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the responsibilities and tasks of the Finance Director and provide a checklist of actions to consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Finance Director is responsible for financial activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. FINANCE DIRECTOR SHOULD: 1. 2. 3. 0 4. 5. Report to the City MEOC. Maintain records indicating city expenses incurred due to the disaster. Lead the Damage Assessment Team in their assessment duties including: a. Activate and organize the Damage Assessment Team b. Survey and assess damage with the team c. Provide information regarding the dollar value of property damaged as a result of the d. Provide information (name, telephone number, etc.) regarding the owners of property disaster. which has been damagedldestroyed as a result of the disaster. Delegate authority to department heads to permit acquisition of equipment and supplies needed following a disaster. Assign department heads account numbers to which emergency expenditures may be charged. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan .~~~~~ENT 9 PUBLIC WORKS KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department or agency in the municipality responsible for public works activities and provides a list of actions this department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. This department upon notification may respond directly to the EOC. The Superintendent of Public Works is responsible for public works activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6' 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ensure that all department personnel have been alerted and that they report as the situation directs. Report to the City MEOClCommand Post. Review the disaster situation with field personnel and report situation to the City Emergency Management Coordinator. Maintain transportation routes. If necessary, coordinate with Public Utilities Superintendent in coordinating all flood fighting activities, including sandbagging, emergency diking, and pumping operations. Coordinate with Law Enforcement travel restrictionslroad closures within the municipality. Provide emergency generators and lighting. Assist with traffic control and access to the affected area. Assist private utilities with the shutdown of gas and electric services. Assist with urban search and rescue activities as may be requested. As necessary, establish a staging area for public works. Assist in damage assessment activities as a member of the Damage Assessment Team. If the County EOC is activated, establish and maintain contact with the County Highway Commissioner and the Waukesha County Public Works Superintendent. City of Muskego July 27. 1999 Municipal Emergency Operations Plan PHMENT 10 PUBLIC UTILITIES KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department in the municipality responsible for public utilities and provides a list of actions this department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. This department upon notification may respond directly to the EOC. The Superintendent of Public Utilities is responsible for public utilities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0:: 7. Ensure that all department personnel have been alerted and that they report as the situation directs. Report to the City MEOClCommand Post. Review the disaster situation with field personnel and report situation to the Emergency Management Coordinator. If necessary, coordinate with Public Works Superintendent in coordinating all flood fighting activities, including sandbagging, emergency diking, and pumping operations. Assist with urban search and rescue activities as may be requested. Assist private utilities with the shutdown of gas and electric services. Assist in damage assessment activities as a member of the Damage Assessment Team. Cily of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan Julv 21. 1999 ~TTACHMENT 11 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the person in the municipality responsible for emergency medical services (EMS) activities and provides a list of actions this person should consider when this municipal plan is activated. Public health and emergency medical are usually coordinated at the county level through the county EOP. However, a liaison from the municipality should be appointed to assist with implementing tasks assigned in the county EOP. This person will work closely with the county public health officer and the county EMS officer so that municipallcounty resources can be prioritized and coordinated. Ambulance EMS districts are trained in triage and are involved in patient transportation. The public health liaison needs to be aware of the necessity of coordinating ambulance activities. The Chief of the Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department or his designee will serve as the Emergency Medical Services Liaison in City of Muskego and is responsible for emergency medical services activities in City of Muskego. The Chief or his designee will coordinate health services activities with a representative from the Waukesha County Public Health Department and the county Emergency Medical Services OPTcer. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this penon should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. . Coordinate with Law Enforcement in assisting in evacuating nursing homes, hospitals, and ' a other medical facilities as needed. I 2. Coordinate emergency medical care to victims (hospitals and ambulances). 3. Coordinate with county public health officials to assure that public health needs of disaster victims are met. 4. Assume primary operational control for health-related emergencies such as pollution, t contaminations, diseases and epidemics. I 5. Establish a triage area for victims. 6. Coordinate medical transportation for victims. ~ 7. Establish a staging area in the municipality. I Municipal Emergenq Operations Plan City of Muskego &?l%lrlENT 12 FIRE SERVICES KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to provide a list of actions each municipal fire department should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Muskego Volunteer Fire Company and Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department are responsible for fire services activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions each of these departments should consider in an emergency or disaster situation in their jurisdictions. 1. Establish andlor respond to designated staging area, CP or City MEOC as directed by on-scene personnel. 2. Assist Law Enforcement in warning the affected population. 3. Rescue injuredltrapped persons. 4. Protect critical facilities and resources. equipment. Designate a person to record the arrival and deployment of emergency personnel and 5. Assist Law Enforcement with evacuation, if needed. 6. Assist the municipal public works department and utilities department with shutting down gas and electric services, if necessary. Other responsibilities may include: Assist with traffic control. Assist with debris clearance. If the County EOC is activated, establish and maintain contact with the person representing fire services. If the Regional Hazardous Materials Team is needed for a Level A response, obtain assistance through the DEG Duty Officer. If additional assistance is necessary, utilize mutual aid agreements andlor contracts with other fire departments. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan &Ek'?LT 13 DAMAGEASSESSMENT KEY ACTION CHECKLISTS This attachment is designed to identify the department or agency in the municipality responsible for collecting damage assessment information and provides a list of actions this team should consider when this municipal plan is activated. The Damage Assessment Team is responsible for damage assessment activities in City of Muskego. The following tasks represent a checklist of actions this department should consider in an emergency or disaster situation. 1. 2. 3. 0 4. 0 5. Report to the City MEOC or Command Post. Record initial information from first responders such as law enforcement, public works, public utilities or fire services. Activate the Damage Assessment Team. The team consists of : a. Finance Director b. City Assessor c. City Engineer d. Public Works Superintendent e. Public Utilities Superintendent The team is responsible for public damage assessment and those responsible for individual damage assessment. Begin Damage Assessment duties: a. b. C. Within first 2-3 hours: Complete preliminary UDSR: 1. Number of fatalities. 2. Number of criticallminor injuries. 3. Number of homelbusinesses damagedldestroyed. 4. Number of powerhelephone lines, poles damaged. 5. Number of public facilities such as highways, roads, bridges, etc. damaged. 6. Number of people who are homeless or in shelters. Within 8 hours: 1. Recount items 1-6 above. 2. Complete another UDSR, estimating public and private damage. 3. Video tape andlor take photos of major damage. Within 24 hours: 1. Update items 1-6 above. 2. Complete updated UDSR. Provide damage assessment information to the appropriate city officials and county emergency management director to assist in the preparation of the UDSR. City of Muskego Municipal Emergency Operations Plan July 21,1999 If the situation warrants, assist the Mayor with the preparation of a local state of ." emergency declaration and forward to the County Emergency Management Coordinator. I 7. Plot damage assessment information on status boards in the MEOC and map damaged sites. 8. Record all expenditures for municipal personnel, equipment, supplies, services, etc., used. 9. Prepare reports for the municipal Public Information Officer. ! t 3” CD Y a L rrd CD Y W 1 U I i m 8 I I M I i 1 Core Team Department lCarl Wojnowski 1679-9550 Citv Enaineer/ I I I Building Inspection Director Public Works Superintendent 425-9245 Scott Kloskowski Public Utilities Superintendent 422-1049 Wayne Delikat ” Page 1 I Damage Assessment Team Page 2 Elected Officials County Supervisor- District 32 662-3830 Rodell Singer! County Supervisor- District 34 679-1 753 Frank De Angelis County Supervisor- District 33 422-9195 Kenneth Hahn Page 3 Essential Services . WEPCO- Customer Service IVolker Newmann l(414) 574-3051 I WEPCO- ER Line I I I Telephone Utility I Frnnmnncv SerVirss Gas Utility 1-8 Wisconsin Central Railroad IM~III UIIIC.~: I (f I J) 343-L4OL for Muni bldg outages ,\www, , IT-, , , , - . . . - . -. . - - -. . . - - - Invice (414) 535-5068 ..:- nu:,, IT"=\ .Y*c "IC" Page 4 Private Agencies Page 5 I Facilities . Page 6 Phone Fan Out Listing Coordinator Muskego Volunteer Fire Company John Ludwig 425-2521 679-4225 Tess Comers Volunteer Fire ............................. "........ "..... &&. '~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~ *%.v...v..v..<....,I ...... "nxi.*i...i.i ... i... ............... ~~:~: .. ~~?: .......... ~:..::~~~~~~~~:~~~~~:~.:~~:~~:~~:~~~~~~.:~:~ - ............................ .,jj .... ijjj,i .............................. ...... x?:.'? ..... x."::,.: ....... ........................................... .......... ?.........?..?. ....., I I I Emergency Management I Jim Maleug l(414) 548-7580 l(414) 941-1833 I I I Communications Coordinator WEPCO- System Control (414) 544-6954 System Control WEPCO- Customer Service Manager Customer Service Manager IVolker Newmann l(414) 574-3051 I WEPCO- ER Line 1 for Muni bldg outages (715) 345-2462 Main Office Wisconsin Central Railroad Office Gas Utility (414) 535-5068 Emergency Services Telephone Utility (800) 714-7777 (888) 779-6881 I Phone Fan Out Listing 114) 422-9195 ~ ~~~ County Supervisor- District 32 IKenneth Hahn I County Supervisor- District 33 (Frank De Angelis ~ . " . . - - ((414) 679-1753 /County Supervisor- District 34 I Rodell Singert I I National Response Center (800) 943-0003 Duty Officer Emergency Government Division of (800) 424-8802 Office State of Wisconsin Emergency Government Division Office (608) 266-3232 Wisconsin D.N.R. Office Wisconsin D.N.R.- Hazardous Spills Waukesha County- (414) 263-8544 Bruce Benning Wisconsin D.N.R.- Warden (800) 943-0003 (414) 263-8491 Office Emergency Medical Services Waukesha County Human Service ????? (41 4) 548-7684 Area Director: Elaine Reis Services-Area Director Waukesha County Human (414) 548-7212 Office Center Page 2 Phone Fan Out Listing Waukesha County Human Waukesha County Medical (414) 548-7725 Director: Peter Schuler Services-Director Waukesha County Human (414) 548-7676 Ernie Messenger Services-Deputy Director Deputy Director: (41 4) 548-7843 (41 4) 548-7740 Richard Bolte Public Works Dept Waukesha County: (414) 896-8430 Office Public Health Center Waukesha County (414) 548-7575 Dr. Lynda Biedrzycki Examinets Office American Red Cross (414) 547-7367 Major Tom Line Salvation Army (414)'679-1363 (414) 422-2020 James Tidball National Bus Company (800) 424-9300 Office ChemTrec (414) 342-8680 (414) 542-6672 Waukesha Region Manager (41 4) 569-991 9 West Allis Memorial Hospital (414) 544-2267 Waukesha Memorial Hospital Page 3 I Dispatcher Page 4 Mayor Page 5 Emergency Mgmt Coordinator Emergency Management Communications Coordinator (414) 941-1833 (414) 548-7580 Jim Maleug I I I 1- I I I WEPCO- System Control JSystem Control l(414) 544-6954 I WEPCO- Customer Service Manager Customer Service Manager WEPCO- ER Line (414) 574-3051 Volker Newmann for Muni bldg outages (414) 535-5068 Emergency Services Telephone Utility (800) 714-7777 (888) 779-6881 (715) 345-2462 Main Office Wisconsin Central Railroad Office Gas Utility Page 6 * Council President County Supervisor- District 32 Kenneth Hahn (414) 679-1753 Frank De Angelis County Supervisor- District 33 (414)~422-9195 (414) 662-3830 Rodell Singert County Supervisor- District 34 ~~ ~~~ ~ I I I I I I I Page 7 Finance Director Page 8 Communications Officer aller: Communications Officer I I I I Council President Federal Aaencies 529-1 705 Mark Slocomb Emergency Government (800) 943-0003 Duty Officer Government Division Office (608) 266-3232 Wisconsin D.N.R. Off ice Wisconsin D.N.R.- Hazardous Spills Wisconsin D.N.R.- Warden (800) 943-0003 (414) 263-8491 Office Waukesha County- (414) 263-8544 Bruce Benning Emergency Medical Services Waukesha County Human Service ????? Waukesha County Human (41 4) 548-7676 Ernie Messenger Services-Deputy Director Deputy Director: Waukesha County Human (414) 548-7684 Area Director: Elaine Reis Services-Area Director Waukesha County Human (414) 548-7212 Office Center Services-Director Waukesha County: (414) 896-8430 Off ice Public Health Center Waukesha County (41 4) 548-7575 Dr. Lynda Biedrzycki Examiner's Office Waukesha County Medical (414) 548-7725 Director: Peter Schuler Public Works Dept I Richard Bolte I(414) 548-7740 l(414) 548-7043 I I I Page 9 Communications Officer aller: Communications Officer I I I I i I I I I I I I Page 10