CCR1999071COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTlON #7 1-99 APPROVAL OF PRACTICE/SHOW DATES ON LITTLE MUSKEG0 LAKE Water Bugs Ski Team WHEREAS, Representatives of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc., have requested permission of the Parks & Recreation Board and the Finance Committee to use the dock facilities at Idle Isle Beach as a take-off pier during specified dates and times; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee and the Parks & Recreation Board have recommended approval of the use of the dock at Idle Isle Beach as a take-off pier for practices and shows between the hours of 6:30 PM and dusk (May through August) on the dates outlined in the attached Agreement; and WHEREAS, It is necessary that a certificate of insurance naming the City of Muskego as co-insured be submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the Parks & Recreation Board, does hereby approve of the water ski practice and show use of the dock at Idle Isle Beach during the specified hours, subject to a certificate of insurance naming the City of Muskego as co-insured. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said team shall, as required by law andor ordinance, establish 0 and mark pickup and drop-off areas with regulatory markers, obey other applicable laws and ordinances and remove said markers immediately after each session and not replace them until just prior to the next session as stated in the Agreement. DATED THIS 27'h DAY OF APRlL , 1999. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mark A. Slocomb Ald. David J. Sanders Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #71-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 1999 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUSKEGO PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND WATER BUGS SKI TEAM. INC 1 DATES TO BE USED IN 1999: Ski Club Practice Dates (Mondays and Tuesdays) May 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 31; June 1. 7, 8, 14, 15, 17(Thursday), 21, 22, 24 (Thursday) 28, August 3, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 July 1 (Thursday), 6, 8 (Thursday), 12, 13, 20. 27; 29; Ski Club Show Dates (Wednesdays) June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July 3*, 7, 14, 21, 28 August 4, 11, 18, 25 September 1 *Saturday night (fireworks display) 2. TIMES FOR SHOWS/PRACTICES (The terms show and practice will be interchangeable throughout this agreement ): Show/practice times, 6 30 PM to dusk (June 2 through September 1) . 3. SET-UP TIMES FOR SHOW/PRACTICES (which includes moving the ski jump and take-over of pier) Show/practice time set up from 6 30 PM to 7:OO PM (move the equipment trailer into the area) 4. TAKE-DOWN TIMES AFTER SHOWS/PRACTICES: Auqus t ) Practice/show times take down by dusk (May through 5 SOUND SYSTEM WILL BE USED ONLY FOR SHOW DATES AS FOLLOWS: August 4, 11, 18, 25; September 1 June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; July 3, 7, 14, 21, 28; 6 ELECTRICAL ARRANGEMENTS can be worked out by obtaining a key from box. (A $25 refundable key deposit is required.) the Parks and Recreation Department for the exterior outlet lock 7 REMOVAL OF SKI JUMP AND RETURN OF BUOYS TO RECTANGULAR POSITION: a. Permits for ski jump and buoys must be secured from DNR the Board by their May meeting. (Dept of Natural Resources) and City and presented to 1999 Agreement between Muskego Parks & Recreation Department and Water Bugs Ski Club, Inc., 2 b, Buoys and ski jump must conform to all State regulations concerning piers and ski jumps C Ski jump muSt be put up and removed within the Parks and Recreation Board's designated set-up and take-down times See Sections 3 and 4; if the weather prevents takedown of ski jump, refer to Section 7 f. d, Buoys in swimming area must be returned to original rectangular position within Board's designated take-down time This also applies to when ski lessons are being given by the ski club for the Parks and Recreation Department on June 12, 19, 26, August 7. 14, 21; 8:OO a.m -11:30 a,,m. e. If threat or existing weather conditions would make it difficult to return the ski jump to off-use position (DeAngelis Island area), then the show/practice be cancelled. f. The ski jump is to be anchored where designated by the Common Council during times not delegated by the Board for use during scheduled show/practice times (or as designated by City of Muskego); and the ski jump is to be anchored, by 10 00 AM the following day, where designated by the Common Council if a storm comes up during the show/practice making it impossible to move at that time g. Swimming buoys will be the last thing removed before show/practice time; no more than 10 minutes prior to minutes after the completion of the show/practice time show/practice time; and returned within the first 10 h. In the event of hot weather (85 degrees+) when the beach will reserve the right to disallow the removal of the is extensively being used by the public, the Park Manager swimming buoys on scheduled practice/show dates. i Water Bug Ski Club will provide two attendants to assist the Park Manager in controlling the vehicle traffic flow and parking lots before, during and after all water The attendant assigned by the ski club will remain ski shows Times are approximately 6 00 p,,m.-9 00 p.m. consistent throughout the season and is subject to the approval of the Park Manager. If an attendant is not provided, the City reserves the right to assess the ski club a user fee to cover the expense of hiring an attendant ($6.50 per hour) 8. A $200.00 refundable security deuosit must be paid at the Parks and Recreation Department office, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego WI 53150 by May 11, 1999 The security deposit will be returned at the end of the season, if there were no problems. 11 12 1999 Agreement between Muskego Parks & Recreation Department and Water Bugs Ski Club, Inc , 3 If the whole deposit will not be returned, a written account will be submitted by the Parks and Recreation Board to Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. president listing reasons. 9. SIGNS (Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc would make the following signs, with prior approval of Parks & Recreation Director): a. Lifesuard Chair Siqn and Park Entrance Siqns. Indicate swimming area will be closed ten minutes prior to and of the chair tower The swimming area will be open to throughout the practice/show times as posted on the back public ten minutes after show or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice b. Pier Siqn and Park Entrance Siqns: Indicate pier will be closed to public one-half hour prior to and throughout the practice/show times posted at the pier. Pier will be open to public one-half hour aftershow or practice time unless in the case of a cancelled show or practice Signs should indicate that swimming and diving are prohibited at all times on or near the pier 10 PARKING: a. The Board will issue five (5) parkinq passes, free of charqe. to Water Buqs' desiqnated person. This person can issue these five (5) passes to members of the team, b, If the parking lot is full, special parking for five (5) vehicles will be allowed along the service drive leading to the building marked "Authorized Vehicles Only c. The Water Bugs' equipment trailer will be parked along the service drive fronting the beach marked "Authorized Vehicles Only." d. No Water Bugs' equipment will be left on the premises, with the exception of the pier, or other items as approved by the Parks & Recreation Director CONTACT PERSON/WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC.: Contact person from Water Bugs Ski Team will be Doug Aird, Team will be Tim Biro, The Team will designate their President An alternate contact person responsible from the will receive any correspondence (or summons if this becomes contact person who will be the Team's representative and who necessary) These names will be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Board by the May meeting of the Board, CONTACT PERSON/PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: The Parks and Recreation Board's contact person will be the Anderson, Parks and Recreation Director If circumstances Park Manager The alternate contact person will be Craig 1999 Agreement between Muskego Parks & Recreation Department and Water Bugs Ski Club, Inc , 4 would arise not covered by these rules, the Water Bugs must contact above person(s) for a decision. 13. INCLEMENT WEATHER: show/practice date, a make up date will be considered. The If weather conditions result in a cancellation of a scheduled make up date must be confirmed in writinq by Craig Anderson and must be rescheduled within two weeks of the cancelled date. If cancellation is determined other than at the park (earlier he may inform the Park Manager in the day for example), Craig Anderson will be contacted so 14 PIER OWNERSHIP: The Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc owns the pier They have the responsibility of repair, maintenance, and liability, and placement according to the Parks and Recreation Board's direction (refer to pier agreement). Craig Anderson is to be The City of Muskego and Parks and Recreation Department and contacted prior to the placement of the pier on Idle Isle policy of the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Board must be listed as additional insureds on the insurance 15 WATER BUGS SKI TEAM, INC. MEMBERSHIP: A membership list of the Water Bugs Ski Team must be designated person, with the membership updated monthly by submitted to the Parks and Recreation Board by Water Bugs Water Bugs contact person to Craig Anderson. 16 CONSEQUENCES FOR NOT COMPLYING WITH THESE RULES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS : a, A substantiated complaint by a citizen(s), an police department, Parks and Recreation Board alderman, Park Manager, water patrolman, lifeguard, member, Parks & Recreation Director b The Parks & Recreation Director will contact the Water Bugs' contact person concerning consequences by phone with a follow-up in writing whenever a complaint is substantiated. The date of the phone call will serve as the notification of denial of park use. (1) First Offense: Permission to use Idle Isle Park will be denied for the next two scheduled dates (practice and/or show dates). (2) Second Offense. Permission to use Idle Isle Park will be denied for the next four scheduled dates (practice and/or show dates) (3) Third Offense. Denial of remainder of year's schedule, and possible affect on next year's request. 1999 Agreement between Muskego Parks .& Recreation Department and Water Bugs Ski Club, Inc , 5 17. SKI PATTERNS: (See exhibit.) In regard to the ski pattern, a 100-foot clearance between skiers and the island to the south of the fishing pier must be maintained. The Parks and Recreation Board will review use of the park in regard to the rules established for the Water Bugs at the June meeting A checklist will be developed for the Park Manager by Craig Anderson. A contract of these rules, based on the Parks and Recreation Board's decision will be drawn up and signed by the contact person and prior to the May, 1999 meeting alternate contact for the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc and submitted them to the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc I have reviewed these rules and fully understand the implications of Signature of Contact Person Signature of Alternate Contact Person Date Date Parks and Recreation Board.) (Copies will be provided by the Jerald Hulbert, Board President Date / I I