CCR1999009AMENDED RESOLUTION'#9-99 AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE A MEMORANDUM WASTE FACILITY SITING BOARD RELATIVE TO THE WITH THE STATE OF WISCONSIN SUPERIOR EMERALD PARK LANDFILL EXPANSION PETITION FOR ARBITRATION REGARDING COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, The City of Muskego commenced and prosecuted a Contested Case Hearing challenging the determination of completeness, entered by the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources relative to the proposed Superior Emerald Park Landfill Expansion; and WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego directed that negotiations be undertaken in an effort to determine whether satisfactory terms could be negotiated for resolution of the Contested Case Hearing: and WHEREAS, such negotiations have been undertaken by the representatives of the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, the representatives of the City of Muskego have discussed the substance of the City's Siting Committee in its efforts to finalize a Siting Agreement acceptable to all municipalities; and negotiations with the Superior Emerald Park Landfill Siting Committee and wishes to support the Landfill WHEREAS, on or about the 7'h day of January, 1999, Superior Emerald Park Landfill, Inc.. filed a Petition for Arbitration respecting the proposed expansion before the Waste Facility Siting Board; and WHEREAS, the petition falsely states the following allegations: 'In July, 1998, representatives of the City of Muskego contacted the petitioner to express their there were any ways in which the pace of negotiations could be increased"; and unhappiness with the speed at which the negotiations were proceeding and to see if the (sic) WHEREAS, City of Muskego is desirous of correcting this false factual allegation so as to advise the Waste Facility Siting Board that the sole purpose behind the negotiations was to determine whether or not the Contested Case Hearing could be resolved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Common Council of the City of Muskego. that the factual allegations aforementioned should be corrected and, to this end, the City Attorney is directed to prepare and forward a Memorandum setting forth the facts with regard to the rationale upon which the aforementioned negotiations were based and the City Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Waste Facility Siting Board. Dated this lZTH day of JANUARY , 1999 SPONSORED BY: David L. De Angelis. Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #9-99 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 0 d Yd’ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION # 9-97 WITH THE STATE OF WISCONSIN ARBITRATION REGARDING PARK LANDFILL EXPANSION WHEREAS, The City uskego commenced and prosecuted a Contested Case Hearing challengin negotiated for resolution of the Contested Case Hearing; and WHEREAS, such negotiations of the City of Muskego; and substance of the City’s negotia Landfill Siting Committee and w all municipalities; and WHEREAS, on or about the 7th day of y of Muskego contacted s witn the speed at to see if the (sic) Board that tb.e NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED the City Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this res rationale upon which the aforementioned negotiations wer Waste Facility Siting Board. ion to tie Dated this day of , i339